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Halloween: A Pussycat's Tail


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"Jennie..." he began, and my heart fluttered as I heard my girl name come from his lips for the first time.

Abruptly, the music stopped, and the crowd, muttering in anger, crumpled like a puppet with its strings cut.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please make some room for your beautiful contestants!" the DJ yelled through the sound system, rolling his R's dramatically.

Hands against Zach's chest, I desperately searched his face for a hint to what he had intended to say as the crowd thinned out around us. Soon, only a dozen couples were left in the middle of the dance floor, including us and the three I had noticed earlier.

"First, a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme, please welcome the Beauty and the Beast!"

Belle gracefully spun and curtsied, and her companion gave a respectable roar. The crowd applauded wildly.

"Next, he handled her at her worst, so now he deserves her at her best: JFK and the lovely Marilyn Monroe!"

A buxom blonde I hadn't seen before made a few pinup poses as the suited gentleman with her pretended to lift up her dress.

As I continued to stare into Zach's bottomless, brown eyes, the introductions of the remaining contestants faded into dull background noise. I wanted Zach to finish his sentence, but I didn't know if I was more terrified of his rejection or what the implications of the alternative were. Pressed against him, I could feel his heart pounding like a jackhammer, its cadence matching mine, but his expression remained inscrutable. Our eyes remained locked for what felt like an eternity.

"...and last, but not least: they're not furries—they're crime fighters! Please make some noise for Batman and Catwoman!"

I was brought back to reality by the audience's loud cheers. Reluctantly breaking my gaze to look around, my stomach turned a little when I saw that we now had the undivided attention of a few hundred people. Scattered throughout the crowd were the jealous gazes of girls as well as the raw, lustful stares of men. The audience waited expectantly for us to give a brief performance like the other contestants, but Zach and I hadn't discussed this beforehand at all, and I was at a complete loss as to what to do. I dismissed the idea of just standing there awkwardly—for some reason I felt like I needed to please Zach, and I knew he wanted to win.

It came to me in a flash of inspiration: what would Catwoman do?

As if possessed, my body moved with a will of its own as I confidently sashayed away from Zach with liquid, feline grace, deliberately crossing my legs with every step in a supermodel's catwalk. I could feel the eyes of the crowd drink in the sight of my curvy, leather-encased body, but it was Zach's burning gaze on my perky bubble butt that I was most acutely aware of. My heart raced as I basked in their intoxicating attention and naked desire. Reaching the edge of the crowd, I slowly and sensually licked the back of my hand like a cat, before flipping my hair and making a few flirtatious pawing motions at the air.

The crowd went wild with wolf-whistles, and I winked and blew a kiss before turning on my heels to strut back to where I started. Zach had stood in place the entire time, arms crossed, looming, and with an inscrutable expression on his face: a fairly accurate depiction of what Batman did most of the time, so I couldn't complain. I delicately placed both hands on his chiseled chest, and for the first time that night it was on purpose.

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" the crowd chanted. I apprehensively looked up at Zach, right as he leaned in to press his warm lips to my ruby ones.

I closed my eyes as our tongues entwined in desperate passion.

It now seemed ridiculous that I had only ever thought of Zach as "just a friend," and as his strong hands roamed down my waist to grab my butt, I knew he was also having more-than-platonic thoughts. I threw my arms around his neck and hung on for dear life as the cathartic release of emotions turned my knees to jelly.

I barely noticed the crowd erupting into whistles and applause. In that moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the entire world. Our first kiss, in front of a cheering audience like some sort of fairytale. Except in this fairytale, the princess was grateful that her costume prevented her from sporting an erection because she was the most aroused she had ever been in her entire life.

I had enjoyed the validation from strangers, but it was the realization that my kind, goofy, and—now that I could finally be honest with myself—incredibly fucking hot best friend returned my suppressed feelings for him that made me want to scream and laugh at the same time.

At some point the DJ announced that we had won, and Zach broke our kiss to flash those damn dimples, before he—to my utter surprise—literally swept me off my feet to carry me off the dance floor in his arms. The crowd aww-ed as music once again started blasting from the speakers, resuscitating the party.

Before I knew it, my best friend had taken me into the VIP section at the back of the club. I could hear peals of drunken laughter coming from behind the closed doors of several private party rooms. Only one was empty, a sign on the door reading "RESERVED -- ZACHARY & JESSICA." Ah, "our" reservations. He must not have wanted to come here earlier for that reason, but now Zach made a beeline for the room, slamming the door behind us.

Inside, we were greeted by a bucket of ice and champagne, the condensation underneath it forming a small puddle on the only table in the small room. Encircling the table was burgundy booth seating, which matched the red rose petals that were scattered on the floor. The walls were furnished with mirrors to give the illusion of more space.

Zach gently lowered me onto the soft, plushy seating, and I bit my lip, suddenly filled with doubt. Was he about to play it off like everything was just for the contest, or perhaps blame it on the alcohol?

He did neither. Instead, he caressed my cheek and finished the sentence he started a lifetime ago, "Jennie...you're beautiful."

I smiled at my best friend and nuzzled this hand, overwhelmed by gratitude, affection, and desire.

"Do these dumb jokes actually work?" I whispered softly. "Asking for a friend."

He responded by tearing off his mask and cupping my chin to deliver another sensual, electric kiss. Breathing in the earthy scent of Zach's sweat and cologne, I knew on some level that we should probably stop and have a serious discussion about what we were doing and how it would affect our relationship. But I was drowning in sexual energy, and with Zach's lips crushed against mine, such rational thoughts fled my head as feminine instinct took over.

As his hands glided over my catsuit, I tore the costume off his upper body like an animal, revealing his ripped, Herculean physique underneath. Fuck, he's hot, I thought, running my hands over his massive pectorals and washboard abs, nails leaving faint red marks on his tanned skin.

I grabbed his messy brown hair and directed his head towards my neck. He obliged, alternately licking and biting the sensitive flesh, causing me to break out in goosebumps. My body was aflame, every neuron firing with excitement and forbidden desire.

Zach sucked on my neck a little too aggressively, eliciting a small girlish gasp from me. "Hey, no hickeys," I moaned.

"Sorry," he mumbled, unzipping the neck of my costume slightly to he could nibble my collarbone instead. Everything he did to my body, every kiss and touch made me feel like such a girl, and I was losing what little self-control I had left. As amazing as making out with Zach felt, I wanted—no, needed—more.

I shoved him off of me, and, purring, fell to my knees. He looked a little surprised as I fumbled at the waistband of his pants. Maybe he didn't expect me to be the one to escalate, but in that moment I wanted more than anything to taste my best friend's cock in my mouth.

Zach's member sprang free from the elastic, almost slapping me in the face.

I stared in awe, involuntarily licking my painted lips.

I was generally aware that he was well-endowed, having seen him naked on a few occasions, but this was my first time witnessing him in his erect glory. Only half-engorged, it was already at a girthy eight inches with a bulbous, purple tip. Zach was most definitely both a grower and a shower.

One whiff of the musky, masculine scent emanating from his cock and my higher brain functions ground to a halt. I was on autopilot as, cat-like, I flicked my tongue over the spongy tip and admired how the prominent veins pulsed with virility. Zach's syrupy pre-cum was as sweet as candy.

I had never done anything even remotely sexual with another guy, but I knew how a blowjob worked and what felt good. It takes one to know one, I thought, as I wrapped my ruby lips around Zach's thick penis. One delicate hand began pumping his shaft as the other fondled his large balls. He groaned, placing one hand on top of my head, and I shyly raised my gaze until I locked eyes with him. Once I had a good, tight seal with my lips, I began moving my head back and forth across the girthy shaft, swirling my tongue around the head as it pumped in and out of my pretty face.

I could only imagine the thoughts that went through his head as I, his best friend, dolled up and wearing the costume intended for his ex-girlfriend, bobbed and slurped on his cock like it was an ice cream cone.

Still looking into Zach's eyes, I grabbed his muscular buttocks for leverage and shoved my face into his pelvis. I still couldn't take the entire thing down my throat, but I made a valiant effort. Fighting involuntary tears and the urge to gag as his cock pressed against my tonsils, I smiled up at him as spit ran unattractively down my chin.

"Fuck, Jennie. You're such a good little cocksucker," my best friend growled. The dirty talk shouldn't have surprised me, given that he had originally planned an evening of what amounted to an exhibitionist sex game with Jessica. Zach was clearly not a lights-off, missionary position kind of guy. But never in a million years did I imagine that I would personally hear the kinds of words that now spilled out of his mouth relentlessly. It appeared that I wasn't the only one who had been fighting their urges all night!

"Oh yeah, work my big cock with that pretty little mouth of yours, babe," he grunted, punctuating every word with a thrust of his hips. "You're daddy's good little girl, aren't you?"

Being called a "good little girl" by another guy—even if he was my best friend—should have been utterly demeaning, but in my mind it was the highest praise possible. I slid Zach's manhood out of my throat and wiped the spit off my chin with the back of my hand. I saw that I had left a red ring of lipstick about two-thirds of the way down his diamond-hard shaft, now a fully engorged twelve inches. I was so incredibly aroused by how turned on I obviously made him.

"Yes, daddy. Jennie's your good little slut." It felt right saying the words, which I suspected might have come from one of the many, many erotic stories I had read over the years.

"Good girl," Zach said again, as he grabbed my hair and gently, but firmly, guided my face back to his wet, glistening cock. Unlike before, where I had been the one in motion, it was clear that Zach was now in charge. Holding my head in place with both hands, he began fucking my face as I held still and tried to keep my teeth from scraping against his penis, a task easier said than done given his girth.

Under his forceful thrusts, I was proud to see that I had soon surpassed the red ring of lipstick from earlier, and it wasn't long before my nose was completely buried in his pubes. Tears and saliva ran down my face as Zach continued to mercilessly throat-fuck me.

My idle hands drifted towards my own pleasure spots. Unfortunately, there was no way for me to actually touch my own penis, which remained tightly confined between my legs where the constricting leather prevented it from becoming erect. Frustrated, I tried rubbing the tip of my limp dick through the leather of the catsuit, and to my complete surprise, it felt even better than it did when I jerked off. Whimpering, I tugged on my tail with my other hand, savoring the sensation of the heavy steel plug stretching out my hole.

Zach stiffened abruptly, fingers digging into the back of my head, and I knew he was about to cum. His cock pulsed and spasmed violently against my tongue before he groaned and filled my mouth with the salty, acrid taste of his semen. Zach had been telling the truth when he said that he hadn't had sex in a while, because even though I reflexively swallowed as much as I could, my best friend's seed almost immediately overflowed from my mouth.

In the mirrored walls, I caught a glimpse of a sexy, wanton girl—with cum and spit dripping down her face—furiously rubbing her crotch with one hand and playing with her ass with the other. The realization that the slut was me, and the dominant, powerful man she had just brought to climax was my best friend, caused my own body to tremble wildly as I also came. Hot, sticky fluid pooled inside the crotch of the waterproof leather catsuit. I couldn't decide what was more unbelievable: that my straight best friend had just cum buckets into my mouth, or that in doing so he had caused me to cum with him when I wasn't even hard!

With two shaking fingers, I pushed the semen that was dripping down my chin back into my mouth, then sucked on them to make sure I didn't waste a single drop. Looking up, I opened my mouth wide to show Zach that I had swallowed it all.

"Good girl," he panted. "Swallow all of daddy's cum. God, you look so fucking hot on your knees with my cock in your mouth."

I beamed at him with a silly smile, brain completely empty except for a warm, fuzzy glow. I'm a good girl. I'm daddy's good girl.

Zach slicked back his sweaty hair before bending over and picked me up by the waist like I weighed nothing. Setting me down on the table, he took a moment to catch his breath, then popped open the champagne and poured us each a glass.

I shyly clinked glasses with him and sipped on my drink, relishing the taste of my best friend semen mixed with the bubbly alcohol. Zach downed his glass in a single gulp before pouring himself another. I was happy and satisfied, but admittedly a little disappointed that the night would end with "only" a blowjob. The tail that had been wiggling inside my ass all evening had me aching for something bigger to replace it.

It was then I noticed that Zach's erection hadn't subsided at all. Rather, his impressive manhood was as stiff as a flagpole even as he poured himself a third glass of champagne. Catching me staring, Zach chuckled.

"You thought we were done?"

I nodded mutely.

"Babe, we're just getting started." Gesturing with his champagne glass to mine, he said, "I've wined—"

With one hand, Zach casually wiped a stray drop of cum from the corner of my mouth that I had missed.

"—and dined you—"

The same hand then wrapped around my throat, firmly but not enough to hurt me. "—so now I'm going to take this cat's pussy."

Just as I had been concealing a slutty, submissive girl inside of me, Zach had apparently been hiding a dominant streak.

Hand wrapped around my neck, Zach pushed me onto my back, where I noticed for the first time that there was also a giant mirror on the ceiling which reflected our every move. Entranced, I watched as an attractive, well-muscled man easily yanked the tail out of the tight little ass of a helpless Catwoman. She—I—gasped in pleasure as the warm metal left her puckered hole. I had grown accustomed to the sensation of the butt plug, and it felt strange to not have its reassuring weight inside of me.

But if Zach had his way, that would soon be fixed. I knew what he wanted from me. And since I was a good girl, I wanted nothing more than to give it to him.

Spreading my legs, I grabbed each stiletto heel with a hand to force my hips back, shyly presenting my red, swollen rosebud to Zach. In this position, the small pool of cum that had been trapped inside my costume earlier now seeped onto my anus and out of the hole in the back of my costume.

"Looks like someone's pussy is dripping wet," Zach said, smirking. "Did you want daddy's cock that badly?"

I nodded earnestly as he brandished his cock and began rubbing the head against the slick semen that now covered my backside. The tip of his throbbing member brushed up against my eager, aching hole, sending jolts of electricity up my spine, but I whined with frustration when he stopped moving.

"I want to hear you say it."

"Yes," I moaned softly.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I want daddy's cock in my pussy." Mad with desire, I barely even knew what I was saying. "Please take my virginity, daddy."

"That's a good girl." He began pressing forward with his hips as he simultaneously tightened his grip around my neck. "God, Jennie, you're so fucking tight."

Zach was big. Much bigger than even my biggest dildo, and as the pressure mounted against my sphincter, I worried that I wouldn't be able to take him inside me.

But the lubricating cum did its job, and with an audible pop, Zach's cock slipped inside of me for the first time.

I saw stars, and it wasn't only because he was choking me, though that certainly contributed. It was the catharsis after an entire night of seesawing between terror and arousal. It was the liberation of finally being able to express the sexual, feminine side of me that I had kept suppressed for so long. It was because my best friend had become my lover, fulfilling my deepest fantasy in the process.

With steady, practiced thrusts, Zach began working his cock deeper and deeper into me, grunting in tempo with my small girlish whimpers as he stretched my tight, sensitive hole. My dildos at home had not prepared me for the real thing. Even setting aside the massive size disparity, Zach's penis seethed with its own burning heat, and the uniform floppiness of silicone paled in comparison to the combination of soft skin and tissue over a rock-hard core. I hadn't known what to expect at all, but the difference was night and day.

I craned my neck forward and watched with fascination as my asshole greedily swallowed up the entire length of Zach's cock with a wet slurp. After a short pause, he would pull out until his coronal ridge caught against the inside of my sphincter, before slamming his weight forward again and bottoming out. I writhed and mewled as the raw and primal sensations of taking another man's throbbing cock inside of me burned out every other thought I had in my head.

My swollen prostate felt like it was going to burst every time Zach's huge member brushed against it as he pummeled my virgin hole. An unfamiliar but immensely pleasurable warmth started growing deep inside of my tummy. As the rhythmic clapping of my best friend's balls against my leather-clad butt cheeks picked up in tempo, the warmth intensified to a searing crescendo of mind-numbing bliss.

Once again, I found myself staring at the ceiling mirror. Seeing my legs tightly wrapped around Zach's naked waist as he choked and penetrated me was surreal; this was my straight best friend who I had known for almost my entire life. But all of that didn't matter now, he made me feel so good when he pounded my ass with his massive cock, so desirable, small, helpless, and feminine. I finally realized why all my sexual encounters with women had been so brief and unsatisfying: I was made to be fucked by Zach. I was his good little girl.

"Do you love it when I breed you?" he demanded.

"Yes," I screamed in ecstasy. "Yes! YES!"

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