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Happy Birthday Malcolm-San!

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Fivesome w/h Ram Kaichow/Sakisama/Sari/Tsukishiro Himari.
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the wrestlers, promotions, places, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own any of the wrestlers, singers, bands, trademarks, etc referenced in this story. All characters are 18 years or older in this story.

Starring: Ram Kaicho (Stardom, Japanese indies), Sakisama (aka Saki Akai, TJPW), Sari (singer, J-Pop Idol), Tsukishiro Himari (singer, J-Pop Idol).

Happy Birthday Malcolm-San!

An erotic celebrity fan-fiction story.

by DaxG2001

A Commissioned Story for [Anonymous].

Codes: Cons, MF, FF, MFF, MFFFF, oral, inter.

* * *

This story is set in the same universe as fics such as Necronomidol's Secret Reunion and Pleasing Lady Sakisama. Prior reading of those stories is recommended, but not required.

* * *

"Happy God-damn Birthday to me..." Malcolm Laurence said to himself as he relaxed back into the spacious, luxury bed of the hotel room suite of the Tokyo city hotel that he'd booked for himself for the night. The handsome, mature and toned African American man clad in only a pair of boxer shorts as he smiled. Having specifically splashed a bit of cash so he could have a birthday celebration to remember, and not just having some regular birthday cake either for the occasion. Specifically, given his secret history of having some relations with clients, he had invited not just one, but two women who stood out from his personal little black book of Japanese conquests. And being far away from the office here and with a locked door between here and the rest of the world he could easily have as much fun, and make as much noise, as he wanted to.

And hearing the door from the bathroom area open up, his grin remained as he saw his two specially invited guests walking out. Both of them not just slim and sexy J-Pop Idols, but one a current and the other a former member of the group Necronomidol. Sari, the singer with her act themed around aquatics and the ocean showing off a recent new attire of flashy, frilled orange and pink pants to resemble coral from a reef, matching the accessories in her short dark hair. Her black top short and sleeveless with long arm gloves resembling latex, matching the straps hanging down from her top. The look topped off with almost salmon pink lipstick and signature 'air bubbles' of tiny gemstones stuck to her cheek.

Next to her was Tsukishiro Himari. Clad in an Idol attire resembling a warrior princess with black top and sleeveless skirt along with long gloves to the elbows. All with 'armour' of dark silver across the chest, over her gloves and at the sides of her skirt. Long tights on reaching to the thighs, behind boots that went up to above the knee with the same warrior 'metal' in front of them. Even having a hairband through her long dark hair with handing strands to resemble chains, and sexy thick red lipstick on.

"It's been a while, hasn't it ladies?" He smiled, seeing their hungry looks, something that would stun their faithful fanbases if their saw these Idols acting like this. Especially since he'd asked them both to bring along the outfits, knowing how much fun they'd had being fucked in their stage attire previously. "And I don't just mean from how busy you've both been... These new outfits of your new projects are simply delicious!" He complimented to get smiles from them both as he saw them checking out his package. Now while he could have his pick of stunning women from pro wrestling and J-Pop, he knew that these two were very likely to be the most discreet to keep this encounter a secret. And, from the time before he'd had them together, he knew they weren't likely to make a scene out of this or cause a fuss. Perfect for a late night booty call! Plus, he remembered fondly how the two beauties seemed to be in a bit of denial about how much they were really enjoying being with one another as much as they were enjoying him and his big cock. He wondered if he'd be able to play off of that tonight as well.

"So, ladies... I think that we can..." He was about to say more, but suddenly the lights flickered in the room. "Did that..." He said, before the women let out surprised squeals when the lights in the room all snapped off. A shuffling of feet heard before they snapped back on.

"OI! Old man!!" Just as the lights came back on, almost impossibly so, a mysterious woman emerged and jumped onto the bed. "Why the Hell weren't you at your office today??" Ram Kaicho complained as she invited herself to mount over Malcolm's toned stomach to glare down. Her face painted in trademark ghostly white with dark shadow around the eyes to match the shade of lipstick she had on. Her outfit being one of her wrestling attires of black and white short maid dress mixed of a fetish attire with criss-cross string tying the front white corset and a 'boob window' showing off her nicely sized, rounded tits. A black shirt with frills and black shorts underneath down below with fishnet tights, black boots and wrist accessories while her hair, contrasting everything really, was bright pink and long.

"..." Malcolm just stared up at the intruder, before glancing to the side as he noticed that a wardrobe that he swore had been empty when he arrived at his room, was slightly ajar now. He tilted his head, looking at the two confused singers who had been startled by the pint sized wrestler's apprentice, in more ways than one. "Ram Kaicho, meet my friends Himari-Chan and Sari-Chan." He at least was polite to introduce as he motioned as Ram cast a look over her shoulder. "Ladies. This is Ram. Otherwise known as my Little Slut." He said with a smirk, seeing Ram snap her gaze back to him.

"I t-told you never to call me that again!" She yelled, before covering her mouth as she let slip the fact that they'd obviously hooked up before.

"So, another lover? Somehow, I'm not surprised." Sari remarked. Himari about to say something in regards to that but deciding not to. "But you didn't invite her, right Malcolm-San?"

"Not that it's not an unexpected surprise, but no I didn't." He said, looking up at Ram. "Care to explain?"

"Not that I owe you any explanation, old timer..." Ram scoffed, turning her face away to show off her bratty side. "But I heard that it was your, well, birthday today..." She admitted, looking down at him with her face still turned. "So I figured since you could drop dead at like any time? I figured that I'd give you a birthday treat to remember." She rudely said, but her tone making it clear she was hiding her true intentions -- just needing an excuse to get a piece of him and his big dick again.

"So you... Stalked me from my office to hear?" Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "Wait, how did you even know where I was? What hotel I was staying at?" He quite rightly questioned.

"W-Well when you're a woman with gifts like I do? Such things are easy..." Ram was deliberately vague, making Sari and Himari look at one another in confusion about this all. "Anyway, while I went to your office looking for you? There was this other woman there who maybe helped me out find out where you booked into." She claimed. "I let her come along since, well, I kind of felt sorry for her. Nothing to do with her having helped find out where you were or anything!"

"Wait, what other woman?" Malcolm cut through her lies and picked out something that sparked his interest.

As if one invading stunning female pro wrestler wasn't enough to deal with, the door into the hotel room suddenly opened up. Lady Sakisama, a face that hasn't been seen too much in her home promotion of Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling as of late but is a former three-time Princess Tag Team Champion there, strutting her tall, gorgeous frame into the room to close and lock the door behind her. Another of his past conquests coming in and already pointing a gloved finger at Ram, likely about to insult her for ditching her to race ahead. However she paused, stopping to look at the two other women in the room. "And what are these two supposed to be? Two peasants off the streets?" The long, brunette haired woman rudely said, showing off her arrogant, aristocrat nature. As if that wasn't clear from the large, wide-rimmed black hat she wore. Matching her gloves and the wresting outfit she had on of black and white top and tight shorts, with a similarly coloured bow across the frills over her chest and light pink lipstick on. Long black boots with pads on as well as clearly she thought the same as Ram -- coming in her grappling attire that she knows Malcolm would love to fuck her in.

"Excuse me?" Himari was offended by this unknown woman not just marching in too but levelling insults. "You are in no place to make remarks like that, dressed in such odd clothing!"

"How dare you! This is high fashion!" Sakisama scoffed. "You look like a reject from one of those low budget battle movies on television."

"There's no need to be rude, now!" Sari tried to play nice. "After all, we were actually invited here! You just had to be sneaky and storm in without permission." She pointed out, glancing over to Ram as well.

"T-That's not true! I would have been not just invited here, but been the only woman here if Malcolm... I mean, if this gentleman here had know I was free for the evening!" Sakisama defencelessly claimed.

"Oi! You're only here thanks to me as well! Idiot!" Ram finally moved off of the hunk they were all bickering over as she got to her feet off the bed.

"And you ran off to hog him all for yourself, you little freak!" Sakisama sneered as she stared down at Ram's angered glare.

"OK enough! Enough, ladies!" Malcolm spoke up as he rolled over, getting off from the bed. "Listen, OK! I uh, appreciate you all coming here for your own reasons, and methods it seems." He said, glancing to the door. "I swear I had locked that earlier..." He said before shaking his head, looking to the four women. "But listen, there's no need to fight. After all, and let's be honest here, you're all here just for one thing, right?" He said, and found a way to make them all get silent when he slid his boxers down. Showing off that thick, long black cock that their hungry stares all showed they craved. "So... Since I'd been planning on just taking on two of you? We might as well go all-out for this big Birthday night for me, right?" He said with a smile. "How about we turn this from two-on-one into a nice, big, group orgy? How does that sound."

"W-What? Malcolm-San! We don't even know who these two are!" Sari gasped, shocked by the suggestion.

"Can we even trust either of these two?" Himari chipped in as Lady Sakisama, musing over the offer, just stood with a hand on her hip and sized the other two up.

"Fuck it. I'm ready." Ram bluntly said with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked to the others. "You. You've got a look of... Something dark about you." Ram locked onto Himari, grabbing her by the arm. "You and me can get him fired up. An old timer like him needs the extra boost of more than one woman, you know?" She claimed.

"O-OK, I think..." Himari wasn't sure put didn't object to being pulled along as Ram pushed Malcolm back onto the bed before leading the singer up onto it as they homed in.

"I suppose that we'd better..." Sari was about to follow after them, put felt a hand on her shoulder bringing her back.

"No so fast there, oddly dressed, aquatic themed woman..." Sakisama said, looking over her. "How would you feel about joining my little collection... I mean, me and my friends of my group NEO Biishiki-gun?" She offered, and put on a far more sultry tone than the way she'd been mocking her moments before as she cast a long stare over the J-Pop star.

"I ummmm, don't even know what that is?" Sari said before gasping a bit as the other woman used a gloved finger to lift up her chin a little.

"Oh, then follow me, darling... Allow a Lady to show you how a woman with... Potential like you, deserves to be treated..." Sakisama said, but sounding like she was deciding for Sari as she led her over to the spacious couch in the hotel suite. About to use her infamous skills at corrupting others to try and work her magic on this singer much like she's done to many other wrestlers to make them join her stable.

Not seeing those two women pairing off, the grinning older man in this newfound orgy was more focused on the duo in front of him as his shaft was already getting hard. "Well, I mean, I did imagine seeing two beauties working over my cock at the same time... Didn't quite think it would be this particular combination!" He admitted. There was of course no objections from Malcolm as he kept his head propped up on a pillow to watch as as Ram knelt and leaned in from one side and Himari did the same from the other. Two pretty faces and contracting hair colours leaning into his long black cock before he moaned out as he got to enjoy not just one hungry tongue, but a pair of them at the same time. Both women groaning out from a long overdue taste of his shaft, working over their side of his vast length with the occasional glance given to the unexpected tag team partner. Putting aside the annoyance of not getting to have all this dick for themselves tonight as that familiar, addictive taste already got them worked up as they licked up and down.

"Mmmmm... Just didn't imagine this particular combination happening this evening..." He admitted with a moan. Ram casting a narrowed eyed look, made hotter with her signature mysterious makeup and the dark shadow around the eyes. Himari's stare a more clearly lustful one, meaning in to smooch against his cock with flicks of the tongue. Seeing this, Ram did the same like she was treating this as a sort of contest to see who was better at servicing him. Resulting in the two women from different areas of entertainment tracing their way up his thick shaft. Reaching the head to kiss at the sides and finally sharing a longer look at one another at the tip as their tongues stuck out to lick. Brushing against one another as they lightly fought over his cock, making the other groan from the touch of another woman as they made out. And tellingly, even at this early stage, neither of them recoiled from the sensation.

"Ahhhh... So, you've got a little darkness in you as well, huh?" Ram questioned like she sensed the Necronomidol member was more than meets the eye. "Then let's see what you can do for him!" She decided with a smirk, making Himari's eyes widen as she grabbed her by the back of the dark haired head. Pushing the other woman's mouth down onto that big black cock much to Himari's groaning approval. Her thickly painted in red lips sliding down smoothly as the older man she was blowing moaned out, enjoying the warmth and wetness of a J-Pop beauty's oral hole. Ram watching on as she used one hand to grip the hair, making Himari bob up and down to slurp and groan around that man-meat. "Not bad... But I think I can teach her a thing or two." Ram said as she leaned back in. Flicking her tongue against the base of his pole to stimulate the inches not yet inside Himari's mouth so the double teaming of his prick carried on.

"Mmmmmphh! Mmmmm! Hmmmphhh... Shhhhrrrlllpp..." Tsukishiro groaned out as she didn't protest to being moved at this firm pace along that big cock. Getting what she wanted, but just not at the slower rate she would have liked to be eased into this all in. Her saliva getting applied onto those meaty inches as she stared up with desire. Strands of her dark hair along with her shining silver hair accessories swaying as her head moved smoothly up and down. "Mmmmmphhh... Shhhlllkkk... Mmmmm! Mmmmmphhh..." And no issue either sharing this big dick, her eyes glancing to the pro wrestler who was still clutching her hair to make the two women lock gazes once again. Looking at the other for perhaps longer than two women who said they were only here for some dick should be. Malcolm remembering the last time he took Himari with another woman involved and how she had been enjoying lesbian fun a lot more than she let on.

He had the feeling this might be the case again even as Himari started leaving her sexy red lipstick stained onto his cock as rings of crimson started to get left on his shaft as she pumped up and down. Ram aiding the task with her tongue slapping at the side of his prick down underneath the slurping singer up above. Ram's hand still clutching the hair as she acted like she was in charge of this all, even though she was letting the other show off her oral talents. Perhaps sizing her up like a rival to battle over his dick? All he knew was this was some top notch head just from Himari alone, and adding in Ram to the mix just made it all the more pleasurable. Any normal man, be they a fan or wrestling or J-Pop, wouldn't last more than a minute against the both of them.

"Ahhhhh!! L-Lady Sakisama! This... Mmmmmm! Are you sure this is a-appropriate?" Across the room on the couch, Sari groaned out as she found out first hand, and literally so, why the pro wrestler from TJPW had managed to convince so many 'followers' to carry out her wicked dirty work for her. Sakisama's gloved hand down under the sparkling, pink frilled pants the pop star had on. Stroking back and forth over the folds of Sari under her clothing while Sakisama leaned her tall body alongside the moaning beauty. Teasing her with the free hand stroking up the side of Sari's face and flicking at the frills of the head accessories of the Idol attire she had on.

"I believe so, my dear..." Sakisama purred with a deliberately seductive tone, making sure to keep the solo artist's gaze onto hers while she worked her skilled fingers across the dampening snatch. "I do have quite the eye for 'talent'..." She claimed as she leaned her hat-wearing head down to make Sari further gasp with delicate, if not fuelled by wickedness, kisses on the cheek of the beauty she was pleasuring. Brushing her own face into the aquatic-styled frills Sari wore while making sure to not dislodge the 'air bubble' gems stuck to Sari's cheek as she smooched her. The effects working as Sari found her hips raising, working her now needy snatch up against those fingers sliding away at her.

"Oh. You wish to return the favour, darling? Be my guest..." The former three-time Princess Tag Team Champion smiled with a hint of arrogance to it as her free hand moved down. Taking a hold of one of Sari's latex-like gloved hands and moving up between the long, smooth legs of the woman 'evaluating' her. Pushing the fingers down under the waistband of the tight shorts Sakisama wore. Even keeping up this seductress act as she was, even Sakisama's eyes widened with pleasant surprise when Sari knew what to do. Brushing her own fingers against the other Japanese beauty's tight, shaved pussy. "Ahhhhh... You surprise me! You little devil! Mmmmm... And here I thought you were perhaps a virgin to this sort of thing..." Sakisama remarked, licking her lips as she began to work her fingers with a little quicker speed and force, now that she knew this wasn't as inexperienced a potential lover as she'd assumed.

"Mmmmm! I'm m-more of a mermaid, to be honest..." Sari was able to joke before moaning again as now she as this woman she's never met before were pleasuring one another underneath the clothes they still both had on. The former member of Necronomidol staring like she had been caught in a trance by the alluring presence of the aristocrat wrestler gazing down at her. The fact that she had Sakisama's clearly experienced fingers sliding away at her wet twat helping that effect become strong. Even as the other woman was moaning now herself, lightly working down against Sari's digits as the two explored one another. A sly smile on Sakisama's face, teasing the other beauty by being close enough to just be a breath away from kissing the other, but just staying there so one another's moans hit into the other.

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