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Hard Christmas

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Mother and son spend Christmas alone.
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--This is a Winter Holiday's contest submission--

This one is a little bit longer than my other stories, and has a longer build up. So, like, be aware of that. Like always, I appreciate any comments and feedback. Even if you don't have anything in particular to say, positive comments and feedback are a great motivators to keep writing, and I'd like to thank all the people who sent me such in the past. Happy reading.


The white snowflakes whirled against the darkness, caught in my headlights, and rushed up against the windshield of my car. I was perhaps driving a bit faster than I should have, considering the weather, but I was anxious to get home. The winter holidays were finally here. I had been looking forward to it, what with all the assignments and studying in college. It would feel good to get away from it all and spend some time with my mother, as well as my relatives.

Mom had been living alone since I moved out, so I made sure stay over on the weekends as often as I could. I still considered it my home. We lived in a suburb to a larger city, so it would have been an easy commute, but at 21 I still felt the need to have my own place. Luckily, my car, an old Nissa Altima, allowed me the option to visit often and still maintain a social life. The trip only took me about 40 minutes or so.

'Last Christmas' was playing on the radio as I turned into the streets of my childhood. Same songs every year, as far back as I could remember. I didn't mind. I liked the repetition, the tradition. Same streets, same people, same white snow I used to build my crappy snowmen from.

Same house. I parked the car on the driveway, in front of the garage. I walked up to the door through a thick layer of snow, creaking satisfyingly under my steps. I put down my bag and rang the bell.

Victoria, my mother, opened the door with a smile on her face. She was wearing jeans and a white top which hugged closely to her form, revealing the shape of her well sized breasts. Her chestnut colored hair lay over her shoulders in twirls. My mother, who was 42, looked great for her age. Hell, she looked great for any age.

"Hey there hot stuff!" Mom greeted. She used some inventive pet names for me at times.

"Hi Mom!" I answered, as she came over and hugged me tightly.

"Merry Christmas," she added as she held me in her embrace. I could feel her tits being mushed against me. Even through my jacket the feeling of her breasts against me made inappropriate thoughts flash through my mind.

I should probably add that older women had always been a huge turn on for me. Later, that preference had evolved into fantasies specifically about the sexiest older woman I knew of, which was my mother. Actually, scratch that. Sexiest woman I knew of, regardless of age.

I almost exclusively searched for porn with women who looked like her, and frequented sites with mother and son incest stories. That's all it was though. Stories and fantasies. I knew very well thatthat was never going to happened, and I was fine with it. I would never jeopardize the relationship with my mother for one of my dumb, depraved fantasies. At least, so I had always thought.

"Merry Christmas to you too Mom," I added, a bit late. "You look great!"

"Thanks sweetie!" She beamed at the attention. "I made myself look extra good today, since my only son is coming home for the holiday. You haven't seen him have you? A dark haired, handsome boy with an amused grin on his face?"

I couldn't help smiling at her.

"There he is," she said playfully and surprised me by leaning in and planting a kiss right on my lips.

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

"What? You're standing under the Mistletoe," she explained and pointed behind me, above the door. I turned to look.

"Like you didn't put that there on purpose," I commented. Not that I minded.

"Oh, relax. It's just a 'Christmas kiss'. I'm just so exited to have you home with me for this long."

"And the rest of our relatives?" I asked.

"Ah, yeah. Them too, of course," she answered, with less enthusiasm. "Which reminds me, I better take this down now so your uncle Tom doesn't get any ideas."

I chuckled as she reached around me and took the plant down. Tom would try almost anything he thought he could get away with when it came to Mom, especially with some eggnog in him. It never got him anything from her though, other than cold looks.

I took off my jacket and carried my bag into my room.

"Nick! You want some coffee?" Mom called from the kitchen.

"Sure," I called back and began unpacking.

The presents lay hidden under layers of clothes in my sports bag. A couple of toys for the younger relatives in the family and a bottle of perfume for Mom. Mom had handled bying the rest of our shared gifts for the others. "Shared", even though she insisted on not letting me help pay for them.

I took the gift wrapped box with the perfume and hid it under the pillow on my bed and let the rest sit on my desk.

Mom was waiting by the dinner table, two steaming cups of coffee in front of her.

"All set up?" she asked and handed me a cup.

"Yep, there's not a lot to unpack."

Mom was sitting with the steaming cup held in both hands, holding it up to her face and blowing on it to try and cool it down. She sat leaned forward with her elbows on the table, pushing her breasts together between her arms. She smiled at me, her mouth half hidden. I quickly tore my eyes away from her, to make my attraction less obvious.

Fuck, she's hot... I thought as I looked around for something else to focus on.

"Oh, is that this year's tree?" I asked, noticing the pine tree in the living room. The dining room was basically one with the living room, the majority of walls between the two knocked down to make a larger and more open area. I had noticed the tree before, but I needed something to talk about.

"You like it? I picked it up earlier today. I thought we could decorate it tomorrow evening together with everyone else."

"Sure, sounds good. So they're flying in tomorrow then?" I asked.

"Yeah, Jen and the rest of the gang are on the same flight tomorrow, and your aunt is driving over with her family and Tom," she explained. Jen being her sister and the rest of family coming from my late father's side of the family.

"It was snowing like crazy on the way here though, they might want to take it easy if they are going out on the roads," I suggested, even though I had been going a bit too fast myself.

"I'll make sure to tell them," Mom said, smiling. She fell silent for a moment, gazing at me and with a grin on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just can't believe how grown up you've become."

"Come on, Mom..." I said, a little embarrassed, even though I appreciated that she saw me as more of a man.

We sat in silence for a moment, sipping our coffee. The only sound that could be heard was the low ticking from a clock. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence though, like it could be with other people.

"How is Tammy, by the way?" Mom asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh. Um, she's fine. I was going to tell you. We kind of broke up."

Mom looked surprised at that. "Really? Why?"

"I don't know. It just didn't work out is all..." I said.

"That's too bad. I liked her." Mom sighed to herself. "I get that you don't want to be tied down, but you reallyshould try to stay in a relationship for longer than a month some time, Nick," she admonished.

"It just didn't feel right," I tried to explain.

"Well, whatwould feel right?" she asked. Looking genuinely curious.

"I don't know..." I answered, shrugging.A mature woman, I thought to myself.Someone like you, Mom. But I couldn't say that.

"Huh," She didn't look too happy with that answer, but seemed to accept it. "Oh well, you're still young. You'll figure it out. It's not like you're going to have any problems on that front," she murmured.

"What about you?" I asked, changing the subject.

"What about me what?" Mom asked, raising her eyebrow.

"You know. It's been a long time since you broke up with... um, George?" I tried.

"Jeff," Mom corrected me, looking less amused by the second.

"Yeah, Jeff. Haven't you hooked up with anyone new since then?"

"Hah, I'm not sure I should share that much. But no, there's not really anyone new," she answered.

"Why?" I asked, perhaps being a bit too pushy with my questioning. "I can't imagine you have any trouble attracting guys." Mom flashed me an appreciative smile at that.

"Well... It's more a question of attracting the rightkind of guys. At my age I can't be wasting my time with just anyone."

"I see," I said. I guess I understood that.

"Or maybe I'm just wasting too much time thinking about the one guy I can't have..." she whispered, but it came out louder than I think she had expected in the silence of the room.

Mom's cheeks flushed red and she coughed, then turned her attention to the coffee that remained in her mug. The atmosphere in the room changed, putting a stop to that conversation. I supposed she didn't like looking like some lovesick teenager in front of her son. I wondered who it could be though, but knew better than to ask.

After we put the coffee cups in the dishwasher we sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, breaking the silence with the sounds of commercials and sitcoms. It was getting pretty late in the evening but we still stayed up for a while, sitting close, enjoying each others company.


I woke up before Mom the day after. It was Christmas Eve. It wasn't snowing anymore but it was still overcast and thick layers of snow covered the ground. It must have snowed all night. I made myself some breakfast, most of which I ate while standing.

Mom had done a good job decorating the house. It looked like it always did on Christmas, decorated tastefully with mostly red, white and greens. A few decorative Santa Clauses and reindeers occupied their usual positions. It reminded me of all the previous Christmases in that house, all the way back to when my dad had still been alive.

I was still eating my sandwich from a plate, inspecting the pine tree when Mom walked in, wearing her bathrobe.

"Morning," she mumbled.

"Good morning," I replied.

Mom yawned and shambled over to the kitchen, sitting down on one of the stools in front of the free standing kitchen counter. I walked over and poured her some orange juice.

"Thanks honey," Mom said, smiling at me.

"So... What's the plan today? Everyone is coming over later right?" I asked.

"Well, I have to prepare some of the food," she said and looked outside," and I think someone needs to plow the driveway. We'll need space for one more car on the side of the road as well."

"I can do that. I'll plow the shit out of that snow," I answered, jokingly. Mom giggled at me.

"I'm so lucky I've got such a strong man here to help me," Mom retorted with an overly dramatic sigh.

"And don't you forget it," I said, winking at her.

We both fell into a bout of laughter at our silliness. That was what I liked most about my relationship with Mom, that we could joke and tease each other like that.

"Oh, and could you check the mailbox? I'm not dressed to be outside yet," Mom added.

"Sure thing."

I finished my breakfast and cleaned up after myself, glad to have access to a dishwasher again after staying at my small apartment in the city. I threw on my jacket and braved the thick layer of snow to get to the mailbox.

Strangely, someone had stuffed snow into the mailbox and I had to dig to get to its contents. I dug out the rest of the snow, wishing I had brought gloves, and tried to shake off the worst of it from the bundle of mail. I walked back inside, irritated at the dumb prank.

"Here," I said and handed Mom the slightly soggy mail. "Some kids must have stuffed the mailbox with snow."


"Yeah, it was full of it, and the mail was shoved into the middle of it."

"Probably that old crone again," Mom muttered.

"Margret? Are you guys still fighting?" Margret and her husband lived in the house next to ours. She was about Mom's age and frankly not bad looking, though Mom was easily the prettier of the two of them.

"Only because she keeps fucking with me." The subject always seemed to make Mom uncharacteristically angry.

"Right... well, I'll get started with the plowing in a moment then," I said, changing the subject.

I didn't know exactly when or why their "feud" had begun, but it had dragged on for quite some time now. It would probably be better to avoid the subject.

I was going to leave but caught myself stopping to look at her cleavage instead while she was busy looking through the mail. Her robe was surprisingly loosely tied, revealing much of her impressive bosom. I tore my eyes away just as she noticed me standing there and looked up at me. I walked into my room before she could ask if I wanted anything.

I checked my phone, sorted through some of the clothes I was planning on wearing the next day and set my laptop on the desk before I decided it was time to get to work.

It was around noon when I walked outside, wearing stuffy winter clothes and fake leather gloves. I grabbed the snow shovel from the garage and set about shoveling snow. The driveway itself was fairly easy to get done, even though quite a bit of snow had fallen during the night. I brushed the worst of it off the roof and front of my car.

Next I had to clear out a parking spot for the third car that would be arriving. The driveway was fairly short and narrow. My mother's car occupied the garage itself and the driveway probably couldn't fit another car. Certainly not aunt Jen's SUV. Unfortunately the side of the road was covered in mounds of snow, and it seemed that the snowplow had come by to add to that pile this morning. The result was a waist high pile of packed snow for me to move.

To make matters worse the sky had darkened since I came out. It snowed ever so lightly, but it looked like it might get worse. There was nothing I could do about the weather though and I began moving the pile one scoop at a time.

I paced myself, lifting only as much snow with each scoop as I could handle without tiring myself out too quickly. I kept up the pace though, and after only ten or so minutes I started feeling a faint burning sensation in my muscles. I slowed my pace and kept going, taking five minute breaks every now and then. I honestly didn't mind the work. I did pretty much the same thing at the gym a few times a week after all.

By the time I was starting to see the end to my work the snowing had intensified. At the rate it was going I might have to come back out in the evening to finish the improvised parking space.

I finally finished and stepped back to admire my accomplishment. They would still have to move their car if anyone wanted to back out of the driveway, but I was confident there was more than enough space to park there comfortably and easily.

I felt how sweaty I had gotten once I stepped inside. I hung my clothes on the rack in the hall and shuffled into the kitchen, exhausted. Mom was preparing some the food for the next day.

"That took a while, huh?" she said, sounding sympathetic.

"Uh, yeah. It's fine though, Mom. Happy to help."

She was wearing a red apron, with a white sleeveless blouse underneath. The way the apron was tied around her waist and strained around her breasts only accentuated her sexy figure.

"Need any help?" I asked, watching her switch between preparing stuffing and making some sort of pie.

"No, I've got this," she replied, turning from the food. "You've already done enough sweetie."

She walked over and wrapped her arms around me, putting both her breasts and the rest of her body close up against me, in one of those barely appropriate hugs she was so fond of. Honestly, it was no wonder I'd developed an attraction to her. Mom breathed in deeply, making her tits push against me even harder and sending a twitch through my half hard cock.

"Mmm... You've really been working hard, haven't you?" she asked in a deep, almost sultry, voice.

Her hand was tracing my arm and stroking my defined, but not really that big, muscles through the fabric. I wondered if she even thought about how inappropriate some people would find her behavior, her being my mother and all. That was just how she was though, and I didn't complain.

"Um, yeah." I lifted part of my sweater on the side she wasn't leaning her head on and breathed in through my nose. "I really do smell, don't I? I'll go take that shower."

"Don't trouble yourself on my account. I think you smell wonderful like this," Mom said, breathing in my scent once again, while rubbing her leg along mine.

"T-thanks," I stuttered, feeling a full on boner coming.

Mom separated herself from me suddenly, and turned back to the food as if nothing had happened. I supposed that in her mind, nothinghad happened, even though I would have figured any other woman that acted like that around me was looking to get laid.

"Go shower off anyway, we have guests coming in tonight after all..." she said, still turned away from me, her voice sounding a bit odd.


"Oh, and Nick?" she asked.


"Well, we have a lot of guests coming in tonight. I was thinking about sleeping arrangements, and it might be better if Jen and her son get your room. If that's okay?"

"Um, sure. But where am I sleeping?"

"I was thinking I could bring a mattress into my room for you, but I don't think we have enough with all the people coming. My bed is big enough for two people, so..." She turned to look at me. "If you don't mind sleeping with your mother?"

I tried hard to ignore the other possible interpretation of that question. "Sure, of course I don't mind," I said, careful not to give away my excitement. It was only sleeping after all, but I was pretty sure she usually slept naked.

"Thanks, dear. I'll make the bed for us while you shower," she said, smiling softly.

I forced a few perverted thoughts out of my head before I headed over to the bathroom, taking my time enjoying the warm water of the shower. It always felt good to shower off after some physical exercise.

I wrapped myself in my towel, and after making sure I wouldn't drip too much I made my way back to my room. I was only covered by the towel around my waist and the bundle of clothes in my hands as I passed through the kitchen. Mom turned around at my approach, getting a good look at my naked torso. I smiled nervously at her and picked up my pace as I walked by, feeling her eyes on me the entire way.

As soon as I closed my door I let out a relieved sigh. I put my clothes on the bed and started getting dressed. I picked out a shirt which I wore with the sleeves rolled up and gray dress pants. With and nice looking belt to go with it. My cock resisted as I tried to fit it comfortably below the fabric. That short moment of walking past Mom half naked had gotten me surprisingly excited. It was a good thing the wrapped towel had held up or she might have gotten more to look at than she'd bargained for.

When I felt confident the bulge in my pants had mostly disappeared I left my room, walking back to the kitchen once again. Mom was still there and it looked like she was pretty much done with the food.

She whistled as she saw me walk in. "Wow, you clean up nicely young man," she complimented.

"Right?" I answered. On a whim I spun around, to give her the full view.

Rather than laugh, as I had expected, Mom let out an agreeing "Mmm..." and took her time inspecting me. I laughed it off and walked over to the living room, turning on the TV.

"Aren't you going to change out of that apron soon, Mom?" I said loudly from the other room.

"I was going to take a shower right after I was done with this. You'd better not used up all the warm water!" she shouted back.


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