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Harry, Rita, and Kelly

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What a combination it turned out to be.
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Rita Slater was breathing deeply, gasping for breath, her body bouncing up and down under the onslaught of the man who was fucking her with what seemed like abandoned ferocity. Her mind and soul had defended her, but now her body was on the point of accepting this total rout, and her mind wasn't far behind.

He was attacking her with controlled venom, he hated her one moment, and wanted her the next, she, to him was an ultimate enigma. And his disdain for her had led him to grabbing her, yanking her upstairs to her bedroom, and ripping her clothes away. If Rita hadn't realised what he was about to do, she knew now.

She could see the utter determination in his eyes, he wasn't to be stopped, no words of warning, pleading, or begging, was going to alter his charge. Now she was being completely and interminably screwed, his endless beating her with his prick continued unabated. She knew he had cum once, she had felt him slacken, relax, but it was only momentarily. Now he was holding her helpless, up on his elbows, looking, leering down at her.

He was also seeing her face contort as he was forcing her to accept him, the climax was building. And Rita could do nothing now to resist its creeping takeover of her. He was fucking her with what seemed like endless stamina. His prick, now controlling her very life, was bigger than she had been used to; therefore it was doing what other pricks hadn't

His loins slapping and crashing into hers, Rita's knees were bent at the knee, and up at the hip. They were spread wide now, there was nothing left for them to do, her feet sideways on the bed, almost under his knees. Her arms lay out as if she had been nailed to a cross, palms up surrender complete.

The sawing log that was his prick, scraped, rubbed and caressed every bit of her pussy walls. She felt the head of it open her up when he rammed it in and out like the piston on a racing car. Then her fingers closed, her hands balled into fists, her toes even bent and twisted. Her feet shot downwards, her knees closed as much as they could over him. He lovely head left the pillow it was resting on, her body arched up under him.

She cried out as the biggest climax she had had in years, maybe even the biggest she had ever had, exploded with the force of a bomb going off in her. Her head threw back so hard it nearly broke her neck. Her voice escaping in a wailing defeated cry, her resistance broken. The climax took him to the pinnacle of her summit and Rita fell before him, the climax rumbled and crashed around her body. Her pussy convulsed and clamped to his cock, as he continued to fuck his now helpless fuck toy.

Then he himself went for his own finish line, he had got what he wanted, and that was to make her cum. He knew she didn't want to, she had resisted every inch of the way, but after his first initial ejaculation, and he had got his second breath. He had set about in a concentrated way, denying himself further pleasure until he had forced Rita to have all the pleasure all by herself, of being made to cum for him, and she had!

There would be no way back for her, as soon as he had demolished her walls of defiance, it would be over. He jettisoned another wad of his thick potent cum into her, causing her body to give in once more to another climax, it was like an aftershock of an earthquake, it hit her. Rita was broken, there was nothing left to resist with, she moaned without knowing she was moaning. Gasping and sucking in oxygen, her body rippling with the climax still rolling around her.

Then her body relaxed, she flopped under him, she needed rest, her mind relaxed her, letting it do just that. He lifted his head and looked at her lying still now, the fight she had put up was over, she had lost the battle, and then the war. He smiled down at her serene beauty, the arched eye brows, the long lashed lids of her beautiful dark brown eyes, eyes that killed him every time he looked into them.

The high cheek bones that accentuated them, the poised nose central to her lovely face, 'and those lips, oh those lips,' he thought. They were parted just now, slightly showing her small white even teeth. So he kissed them, it was the first time he had, and even though there was no response from her, it was the best kiss he had ever had.

His eyes roamed above her, her luscious deep brown, chestnut hair was spread like a huge fan, a halo even, around her head on the pillow, still lying where it had landed when her climax had almost decapitated her. He didn't remove his prick, it was snug and warm just where it was, but he knew he had slackened off. And although he wasn't a betting man, he would put his life on it springing back to life, if things went his way.

He bent his head and sucked on a nipple, bringing a quiet honey moan from Rita, he was surprised by the hardness of it, the size astonished him. It was big, very big, thick, wide and long, he peered at the other, it was just the same. He gloated, and floated with delight, he had not only made her cum, he had succeeded in turning her on, that was undeniable.

It had been an unintentional by product, 'nipples don't get like this by accident,' he told himself gleefully. All he had set out to do was fuck the living daylights out of her, and he had done just that. But now, knowing he had turned her on massively, filled him with the hope of the Promised Land, hers.

She lay there for what seemed like to him, an absolute age, then she stirred. Rita had been with the program for a while, she was mulling over her options now, she had expected him to get off her, but he hadn't, and more to the point, she could still feel the fleshy hammer he had beaten her with, still deep in her.

Her pussy twitched, a tiny grab at the weapon, she silently cursed herself for doing it. 'Do not do that again!' she berated herself. He looked at her expectantly, but Rita lay still. Harry twitched his cock back at her, no response! She stirred again, moved a little, Harry waited with bated breath to see what she was going to do, he knew whatever it was would be limited, because he was not only still on her, he was still in her.

Rita had more or less regained her composure, if not all of her strength, she put her hands on his hips, pushed, and said, "Get off me you bastard, get off me right now!" She tried to lever him off, she tried to roll him away, he never went anywhere, he was too heavy, and too strong.

He outweighed her by about 100lbs, stood over her by half a foot, he was about half her age, she quickly realised that physical removal was inconsequential as far as she was concerned, she would have to use diplomacy!

She opened her hypnotic eyes and they came to rest on his, "Please Harry, you've had your fun, please get off me?"

"Why, after the way you have been with me just of late, I don't see why I should, and anyway, you loved it, you came so many times it was untrue." He hit her below the belt, she was hoping he wouldn't go there, she hated herself for it, but she had cum lots of times, and she had lost count too.

"And," he said, "I think that if I do you again, you'll cum again, and you won't be able to say no to them either, am I right?" he was taunting her slightly.

"No, you are not right, you have just raped me, no matter what you say, and that you made me cum.' Arggggh, she screamed at herself, 'don't admit you came, don't!' But she just had hadn't she. "Please Harry, I won't say anything about this, I'll forget it, please let me go, please?"

Harry's prick decided the issue for them both, it grew right then, back to its former glory. He felt it, and Rita felt it, the thickening swell, the slow push upwards where it slid past its recent former hunting grounds to reclaim its rights. She saw him smile, 'he knows doesn't he, the smug bastard knows!'

The beautiful forty year old woman was a prisoner to her own body. She had denied herself sexual contact with men now for six years; she had tried sex and love with other women, two to be exact. But nothing, no matter how good, or how satisfying a sexy woman was, or had been, nothing could ever replace a man's cock and the bigger the better.

Well, now she had been found out in a big and spectacular way, she had left her husband three years ago; right after their daughter had gone to college. And she had been sexless in the three years before and after years since. She had moved into an apartment in a city centre block, within walking distance of her work, and life was good, or so she had thought.

But now Harry had taken her, and her life was upside down in thirty to forty five minutes, the thirty to forty five minutes being since he had dragged her kicking and screaming into her bedroom, and completely upended her sexual celibate life.

Rita, at 5ft7" was a woman of rare sensual beauty, she never flaunted her looks, she didn't have to. Nature had decided she was a woman among women. Why she had chosen this celibacy was still a bit of a mystery to her, she just thought that with her ex husbands philandering ways, she would go in the opposite direction. She had diverted every attempt by men to take her out and seduce her, she had gone out with them, but she had never gone home with them. And none, not one, had got past her front door.

That was until now, and Harry had succeeded where all others had failed, he had raped her yes, she knew that. But her response to it had amazed her, she had succeeded in not showing it, and no matter that she had fought against him, he had excited her beyond fever pitch, by his simple act of controlled sexual aggression. Harry didn't know he had done that, he had fought her, beat her, and taken her. His dominance was complete, not that he was looking for that. He had lusted for her, just as all other normal men did when laying eyes on her.

But she had always for some reason, treated him as if he wasn't there, with disdain, a complete inferior. Harry was just, in his opinion a normal guy, he had feelings, and fantasies, one of them had been to lay his boss. He was in reality her office junior, he was a college graduate, but unable to get the job yet that he wanted.

He always treated her with respect, and did what she told him to do, but gradually, although he had kept it inside he began to resent her treatment of him. People in the office would rib him because he never responded, or had a go back at her, he would tell them, " I think she is unhappy, so I'll let it go, okay?"

Then he met a girl in town, he had gone to a club one Friday night, they had danced. And he ended up taking the dark haired lovely home, they had kissed on the door step, and he asked if he could see her again, her answer was a upfront 'Yes!'

So he started dating her, she was home for the summer from college, but she disappointed him when she told him, that she had a very steady boyfriend in college, and that one day she would marry him. He had asked her why she was dating him too, and she had told him. "I'm not married yet Harry, I'm allowed some fun before I do, we have talked about this and we are sure of each other enough to trust one another."

Then one night, she called home and told her parents she would be out for the night, she was staying with a friend. She and Harry had gone back to his and had mad sex all night long. Harry never once mentioned 'the boyfriend,' But the following lunch time he had, asking.

"What will your boyfriend say about us now Kelly?"

"He'll never know Harry, what he doesn't know won't hurt him," was her concise reply. Harry wasn't happy about her deception in the first place, and he certainly didn't like this one. They met many times; she even took to calling him whilst in bed with Harry, sucking his cock sometimes in between words.

Harry, although he wasn't happy, went along with it, 'what man wouldn't?' he would ask himself, 'if it wasn't me, it would be someone else, so fuck it,' and fuck it he did! Then three weeks later Kelly took him home to meet her mom.

As they walked through the door, she called out, and both Rita and Harry nearly died with shock. Kelly had told her about 'Harry,' but Rita had never put the two together. And he knew Kelly as Kelly Moran, her birth name of her father; her mother had reverted to her maiden name.

Harry regained his composure first, stuck out his hand and said, "I'm so pleased to meet you Mrs Slater, I was hoping one day Kelly would do this, thank you Kelly," he beamed at her. This distracted Kelly's funny look at her mother. Rita managed to control herself and went along with the charade.

Soon they were chatting, and during the chat, Rita mentioned in a sideways way, "What about er, you know Kelly?"

"No problem mom, he knows what I'm up to, so don't worry okay?" Harry and Kelly, said, 'you liar,' in their heads at the same time. He didn't know Harry was fucking his girlfriend, and future wife rotten, and neither di her equally beautiful mother. Rita tried as hard as she could to be polite, but it was becoming more difficult, neither had told Kelly that Harry was her junior office boy, not that she would have cared.

Harry sensed the unease and said it was time to leave, when Kelly saw him off with massive kisses, and a lot of groping at the door, he left. Kelly told her mother off for being so rude, and went to bed in disgust. Rita was at a loss now, her inferior junior office boy was seeing her daughter, her beautiful daughter who was engaged to be married and into a well known, and extremely wealthy family.

'They had better not be having sex too,' her sudden thought made her gasp. In the morning she asked her daughter point blank if she was. She denied it completely, telling her mother. "No I am not, and don't you even dare tell me what to do, and whom with, I'll decide that, not you!" But in two weeks it wouldn't matter, she was going back to college and her boyfriend.

In the meantime Rita got more distant with Harry, giving him even more menial jobs, and Kelly annoyed her too by bringing him home regularly. Rita tried to dissuade her daughter from doing so. Harry could see her discomfort, and began to lightly tease her at work. Then things came to a head, Kelly went back, she was tearful, she liked Harry more than she should. But her aim was high, and Harry wasn't high enough, she would go back and rebuild her life with her boyfriend.

A week after she had gone, Rita told Harry she wanted to discuss a very private matter with him. She had guessed, rightly that her Kelly and Harry had been having sex, and wanted to know the truth. Kelly had been distant on the phone. She asked to meet him in a bar, he had said no, but I'll be at yours by seven tonight.

He had nothing to lose, he had just been offered a post with a company only a mile down the road from here he was now, life was on the up! He had just handed his notice in that afternoon to personnel.

At seven he rang Rita's bell, she opened it, she had changed from her work clothes, and was wearing a simple blouse and skirt, she was bare footed, her hair was hanging loose around her shoulders, parted down the centre, it was thick and glossy. And Rita looked utterly sexy, desirable and adorable; this was the first time he had seen Rita like this, the woman whom she was. Harry's prick jumped and said, "Well, hello there!"

"What do you think you are staring at? are you some sort of a perv as well as useless in the office! You like what you Hmmmm? Huh, you want to see me when I get dressed properly, now put your eyes back in the sockets, I want to talk to you!"

"Well, that's a good start," he told himself, his back was up, she was annoying him a lot. He took this at work, he didn't have to take here as well. "Right," he said, "before we get to talking, don't you!" he said, pointing his finger at her, "Speak to me like that, we're not at work, I don't like rudeness, not from you, not from anyone!"

She ignored him completely, "Are you, or have you been having sex with my daughter Kelly?"

Kelly's words came back to him, they had been talking about her mother, or rather Kelly had, whatever she told him stayed with him, nothing would ever get repeated. And one of the things she had said was, "I can't understand why she doesn't go out more, she's beautiful and...."

Harry interrupted her, "Yes," he agreed, "and I can see where you get your sexy beauty from!" he told her.

"Don't change the subject Harry," she added, "she's sexy, do you know, she's told me it's about six years since she's done it, since she left my dad. So she must be, in fact I know she is, dying for it! She needs a damn good 'seeing' to, the way you 'see' to me in fact! I know my mom, she needs it," she was nodding her head to no one, and Kelly had giggled uncontrollably.

Now Harry was looking at Rita, Kelly's mother, and his attitude was changing as he was speaking. "You need to mind your own business Rita!" he used her first name for the first time. "If Kelly and I had sex it has nothing what so ever to do with you, and you really need to speak to her about it, not me!"

"Where do you get off calling me Rita!" she demanded, "I'm Mrs Slater to you!" she bellowed, she seemed out of control to Harry. "I'll have you terminated on Monday!" she shouted at him.

"You can do what you like you jealous old witch," he sneered, "just because I might be screwing your daughter, you can't stand it can you, To know that there is someone out there is actually happy in their life, and certainly happier than you!"

Rita flew at him, "I'll teach you to speak like that about me and my daughter, you worthless son of a bitch!" Her actions were to seal her fate, as she tried to scratch him, he grabbed her arms, spun her around, and picked her up bodily. He briefly wondered what to do, then Kelly's words entered his mind again. "She needs a damn good seeing to!"

He got his arm around her trapping hers, and walked of with her under his arm like a man carrying a roll of carpet, she kicked and screamed at him, but he took not one bit of notice. 'I'm going to fuck you Mrs Rita Slater, you see if I don't!' he told himself. In the bedroom, she threw her down, got over her and raised a big hand, "one more word, one more word," he repeated, "And I'll slap you down hard!"

Rita clammed up, he burst her blouse open, and used it to tie her hands behind her back. Now Rita was fearful, she had lost her bravado completely. Harry threw his clothes of and Rita saw his fully engorged prick, it seemed to hypnotise her for a moment. But a moment was all Harry needed to yank her skirt, and knickers off. He untied her, yanked the remains of the blouse away followed by her bra, she was now silently naked before her daughters sometime boyfriend.

He forced her hands above her head and collected them in one hand, leaving the other free to do what it needed to do. She didn't know her pussy was getting wet, that her nipples were hardening for him, and because of the way he was treating her. He loomed above her, taking and pointing his prick at her he was in! He settled himself in her.

Suddenly Rita found her voice and started to scream, his answer was to pull out, and ram his dick back in so hard she lost her breath, and her voice was no more. Now Harry fucked Kelly's mother, he was where he, and probably hundreds of men would wish to be.

Now he was on a mission, and Rita would have no say in its outcome, his cock was throbbing, his balls were boiling, and Rita's pussy was now like a left on tap. He had let go of her wrists somewhere along the way, and now he was up on his elbows and fucking her so hard and long, her body caved in to the tumultuous divine sensations being caused by Harry's prick.

Her arms went around him, her legs held her to him, her eyes closed as she revelled in her total uneven seduction. She never even her herself speak. "Oh Harry, Harry, Harry, Oh yes, oh god Harry mmmmm." Another orgasm floated around her, all the ligaments in her body seemed to have dissolved, she just flopped where his rhythm left her.

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