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Haunted by the Past Ch. 14

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Diana's attacker makes his move.
5.5k words

Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 10/07/2022
Created 03/20/2009
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Tuesday morning, November 20, 1956, Tom Seldon picked up his FBI partner Charles Richards for work. The police officers assigned to watch the Richards' house that morning escorted his wife Diana to the movie studio where she worked. They informed her that the officers assigned to watch for the evening would meet her at the front gate of the studio at around five o'clock to escort her home.

Detective Jonathan North called her at lunchtime. There hadn't been any further sightings of the bastard who had attacked her four months before since the previous day. And none of the motels in town had identified him as having checked in at any time.

It seemed that Ed Hood was like a ghost—he could appear and disappear at will...

Charles and Tom had given the information on the vehicle they had spotted following them the previous day to the records investigators at their office. They were waiting to hear what turned up on it. In the meantime, they were continuing with their investigation on the import/export company. They also kept their eyes open for the vehicle with Oregon license plates.

Tuesday evening, Lynda Seldon came to help Diana with dinner. Tom and Charles weren't going to get home until after seven o'clock. Even though Diana knew the police patrol unit was parked out front, she still jumped at every little noise she didn't recognize. Lynda tried to keep her best friend calm.

They had dinner ready and were just setting the table when their husbands walked in the door.

Diana jumped and gasped when she heard the door open, nearly dropping a plate on the floor.

She yelled at Charles, "Why didn't you ring the bell or knock to let me know you were coming in? I nearly jumped out of my skin!"

Tom chuckled.

Charles said exasperatedly, "Why would I ring the doorbell or knock to enter my own house? Come on, Diana, you're getting just a little too jumpy. You need to calm down and realize that everything that can possibly be done to protect you is being done! Ed Hood would have to be crazy to try to get to you now that you're constantly surrounded by protection! He'll only end up dead if he tries it! And I'm hoping he does!"

During dinner, Charles and Tom discussed most of the mundane aspects of their arms smuggling investigation. They had finally spotted and photographed someone who resembled one of the known suspects coming out of one of the warehouses that evening. That warehouse would be the one to watch the next night.

They hoped to learn whether the investigation was turning up any concrete evidence or leading to a dead end. They mentioned to Diana and Lynda that they had spotted a vehicle following them the day before and were having the license plate and the vehicle checked into.

Diana managed to forget her fears regarding Ed Hood.

She watched Charles and Tom quietly discussing some specifics on the case after dinner as she and Lynda cleared and washed dishes. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but they had serious expressions on their faces.

They must be pretty sure that the tips they've received are legitimate...

Diana looked at Lynda. They both took deep breaths and exhaled raggedly. They tried to make themselves get used to the nervousness they felt at knowing their husbands could find themselves in danger at any time. They were both frightened.

Each time their husbands survived a dangerous situation, they would, most likely, be able to deal with their fears and nervousness a little better.

But how will we survive until then? How many times will it take for us not to be scared every time our husbands walk out the door to go to work...

Barbara lived with this for five years and now she's gone back to it...

Diana looked at Lynda and said quietly, "I think I need to have a chat with Barbara tomorrow evening. I hope she'll share her secret to staying calm! I've been frightened for myself enough recently, but when I think about anything happening to Charles, my fear is tenfold over what I fear for myself!"

Lynda looked at Diana and nodded her head in agreement. "But, no matter how scared or nervous I feel every time Tom walks out the door, I wouldn't trade even five minutes of the time I've spent with him in order not to be scared or nervous. Every minute with him is like a precious gift to me. And I can't afford to let my nerves get to me too badly...I have someone else's welfare to think about, too."

Lynda's eyes misted. She looked down and caressed her lower abdomen.

Diana looked at her and smiled softly.

What if Charles were to get killed before we have children? Would I be able to go on without him... without anything or anyone else to carry on his memory and his goodness...

She suddenly had a longing to know how it would feel to have his baby growing inside her. She had a feeling, like Lynda, that it would help to calm her to know that she had another life inside her that was depending on her for survival.

I'm going to talk to Charles about it tonight and, hopefully, he'll agree... Now would be as good a time as any to start...

She was close to the fertile period of her cycle. She'd have to make him understand why this was so important to her...

Charles had been feeling the same way. The recent potential dangers that both of them had been facing had made him think about his own mortality.We'd better not put off trying to have children or it might not happen at all...

They would always be able to come up with some excuse or another as to why it wouldn't be a good time to have a baby. But Diana made him realize they'd been overlooking the most important reason of all to have a child.We would forever be connected through that child... There's no better expression of our love...

They made love for hours that night. He came inside her three times. They finally fell asleep in each other's arms around two o'clock, both of them praying for his sperm to find a target.

They awoke Wednesday morning feeling more full of hope than they had in a while. They made love again that morning at his insistence. Diana was afraid of being late for work, but Charles made breakfast for her while she showered and dressed.

He didn't have to report for duty until after noon. He and Tom would be on surveillance duty until at least ten o'clock that night. He planned to go back to bed for a couple hours and catch up on the sleep he missed.

Diana had just enough time to eat her breakfast before she had to head out to work. Charles walked her to the front door wearing nothing but his pajama bottoms and kissed her goodbye. They forgot about the police patrol unit parked across the street. The officers got quite a show.

She ran her hands over his hairy chest as he pulled her against him and kissed her deeply. She slowly slid her hands around to his back and down to his ass.

He turned her sideways and crushed her against the front doorframe. He rubbed his, once again, hard cock against the front of her body as she kissed his neck and his upper chest. Charles was about to beg her to call her boss and tell him she'd be a little late getting in so he could take her back to bed.

They heard the sound of someone clearing their throat just several feet away from them. They broke apart, embarrassed, when they saw one of the police officers standing on their front walkway.

Charles moved Diana to stand in front of him so the officer couldn't see the obvious tent in the front of his pajama bottoms. He jerked slightly as she stroked her hand against his cock. She had nonchalantly clasped her arms behind her back as she asked the police officer if there was a problem.

"I'm sorry to disturb you folks but, Mrs. Richards, my partner and I need to see that you get to work soon so that we can get back to the rest of our duties. So, if you don't mind..."

Diana answered quickly, "Of course, officer. I'm so sorry for holding you up. But it's my husband's fault—he held me up so...I was just trying to get him back."

The officer smiled and chuckled. "Well, I certainly think you accomplished that, Ma'am. Now, can we get going, please?"

Diana chuckled with him. "Of course, officer. I think it's best that I leave I won't leave him hanging!"

Charles gave a frustrated growl.

Diana and the police officer burst out laughing.

Charles swatted her ass and pushed her out the door, saying, "I'll get you for this later!"

Diana turned and blew a quick kiss at him as he shut the door chuckling. She said loudly, "I love you, honey! See you later tonight...I'll be waiting for my punishment!"

As the two officers followed her to work, the one told his partner about their amusing exchange. They both chuckled.

What an interesting woman! Her husband is definitely a lucky man...

She was beautiful, sexy, smart and funny—not at all what they would have imagined seeing in a woman who had been through what she had. The officers admired her strength and her bravery. They genuinely hoped that her attacker would be found soon.

Diana arrived at her office and started tackling all the duties and errands she needed to get done before the end of the day. She would be out of the office through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Her boss was fond of reminding her that the movie industry didn't take holidays—schedules had to be maintained whether it was a holiday or not.

If there was anything her boss hated, it was going over budget on a production because schedules couldn't be maintained! Diana was relieved. According to the current production schedules, everything was running on time and, so far, under budget.

At least her job was one thing that wouldn't be worrying her during the holiday!


Tom arrived at Charles' house just after noon with lunch and the latest updates of information on the investigation from Bureau headquarters in Washington. The suspect they'd spotted at one of the warehouses the night before turned out to be one of the "persons of interest" they were looking for. If they were there again tonight, it would give them the concrete evidence they needed to push ahead with further investigation.

Tom also told Charles what they'd found out on the vehicle that had followed them. "The vehicle and the plates match but it hasn't been reported as stolen. The car is registered to a woman named Betsy Hightower in some little town in Oregon that nobody has ever heard of. They can't even find it on the maps! The woman has no criminal record that we've found, but someone in records is going to attempt to contact her and see if she can tell us what her vehicle is doing here in Los Angeles."

By one o'clock, Charles and Tom headed out to the FBI office to file their reports and get the items they needed for that evening's surveillance.

Charles called Diana at her office before they left.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm thinking of you. I hope you'll wait up for me tonight!"

"Oh, I'll be waiting up. You promised to get even with me for teasing you, remember? I'm hoping you'll come up with a suitable punishment!"

They both laughed sexily.

Charles smirked. "Don't you worry, pretty lady...I know exactly how I'm going to punish you! So, just be bad little girl!"

I'm going to torment you until you beg to feel my cock inside you...if I can hold back long enough! Why does tormenting you always turn into torture for me as well? My body betrays me every time...

He closed his eyes and groaned. They both craved each other so fiercely that they could never use sex as a weapon against each other...

Damn,'re a horny bastard! Just like me... Tom chuckled when Charles hung up the phone. "Come on, partner. Get your mind back on the job and off your wife's sexy body. You'll have time for her later. Right now, we need to see if we can find the bad guys and figure out what they're up to...let's go!"


At four o'clock, Ed Hood left his mother's house and drove to a secluded area about half a mile from the Richards' home. He'd already scouted around in the weeks before he attacked her. He'd found a narrow trail through the nearby woods that led directly to their backyard.

He'd thought about breaking into their house to attack her. But he knew she usually kept a gun and that she also knew how to use it very well. He'd followed her to a target range a few times over the years. Breaking into the house before she got home would allow him to search for and get rid of any potential weapons she might have.

He broke in through their master bedroom window by popping out a pane of glass just below the window lock. He reached his hand up and unlocked the window, raised it and climbed inside. He picked up the broken glass from the carpet, tossed it outside, shut the window again and lowered the shades. Then he went into their bathroom, grabbed a hand towel and stuffed it into the broken windowpane.

He looked all around their bedroom, especially in the nightstands and around the bed...there was no gun. Hood paused for a moment.Her gun isn't here...she must have it with her in her purse. I'll have to make sure she isn't anywhere near her purse when I surprise her...

It was getting close to five o'clock...she'd be leaving work soon.

He went into their walk-in closet and hid himself in one of the front corners behind their clothes. He growled quietly as he smelled her scent... He could feel himself losing his resolve to deliver his judgment and to punish her.

No woman has a right to smell that good! Maybe I should offer her one more chance at redemption... If you'll only let me show you that I'm supposed to be the one to save your soul...

Just like she was supposed to have saved him from a life of sin and wickedness...

You're MY soul mate... Her soul was as twisted and sinful as his. She didn't deserve her husband...

He's too good for you... Ed felt justified that what he was doing was saving her husband's soul as well.

Surely God will forgive me for giving in to such wickedness with this act of redemption...

He leaned his head back against the closet wall and closed his eyes.Please, God...give me the strength to do what I know I have to...

He tightly gripped the handle of the gun in his coat pocket...


At 5:15 Wednesday evening, Diana was entering the restaurant where she was meeting Lynda and their other two girlfriends, Barbara North and Dawn Estevez, for dinner. She was the first one there. Lynda arrived less than five minutes later and Barbara and Dawn came in just a couple minutes afterward.

After they ordered their meals, Diana told her girlfriends that she and Charles had decided to try to have a baby right away. Lynda and Barbara were excited. Dawn was a little more subdued in her enthusiasm.

Diana looked at her. "What's the matter... aren't you happy for me?"

Dawn smiled sadly. "Well, of course I'm happy for you! It's just that...well...all of you will probably end up pregnant soon and be able to share the experience together and I guess I'll feel sort of left out! And look...I'm the one who always ends up having to organize all our parties and things and I don't know if I can handle three back-to-back baby showers! You guys may have to settle for just one big shower for all of you!" she exclaimed.

They all laughed for a moment.

Then Diana sobered. "Part of my reason for wanting a child now is to help me stay calm in the face of my husband's dangerous job. Is that part of the reason why you decided not to put off having a child with Jon, Barbara? Because I remember you being so upset after Tony was killed in the line of duty that you hadn't been able to get pregnant before it happened. Do you really think having Jon's baby will ease the pain if you lose him because of his job, too?"

Barbara's eyes gazed off into the not so distant past. She recalled the painful feeling of emptiness that had engulfed her after the reality of Tony's death hit her. She was a police detective's widow with no children... The realization that she was utterly alone with nothing but her memories of him to fill the emptiness in her heart and soul had sent her into a black pit of despair from which she thought she'd never be able to ascend. Diana and Lynda's steadfast companionship had been her only lifeline.

The only thing that had made me want to pull myself out of that pit... If I'd had Tony's child to think of, I wouldn't have allowed myself to get so swallowed up by despair...

Barbara looked at Diana and answered clearly, "Yes, I do. If it hadn't been for you and Lynda...I shudder to think what I might've done because of the emptiness I felt from losing Tony. If I'd had his child to think about, it would've given me a reason to want to go on living. If I were to lose Jon before I could give him a child...I don't know if I'd be able to survive again."

Dawn spoke up.

" guys are making motherhood sound more and more appealing by the minute! Whatever happened to wanting to have a baby just for the sheer joy of giving life! Raising them to have good common sense and to be kind to everyone? Watching them grow into their own personalities and discovering who they are as a person? Being proud at seeing their accomplishments and having a sense of immortality that they'll carry on after you're gone? Shouldn't that be why you want to have children?"

Diana, Lynda and Barbara chuckled derisively.

Then Lynda said, "Well, yes, there's all that, too! We just want it to happen as soon as possible! So we'll have a part of the man we love that will live on in case..." Lynda didn't finish that statement.

She didn't want to... but also because their meals arrived.

The ladies switched their conversation during the meal to talk about what preparations they were going to make that evening for their Thanksgiving meal the next day.

They finished their dinners and paid for them, and left the restaurant to head for Diana's house.

They had no idea of the danger they were walking into...


Ed Hood kept waiting and wondering.

What the hell is keeping the evil bitch...she should've been home by now! She's supposed to walk in the front door and head to her bedroom to find me waiting for her! Then I'll offer her a choice...

Redemption of her soul by offering herself to him willingly...or suffer the condemnation of his judgment and his swift punishment...

He was about to leave his hiding place when he heard the sound of the front door opening...

"Good evening, officers! Let us know if there is anything we can get for you! We'll be making a pot of coffee, so if you need any more, just let us know!" Diana called to the patrol unit that had been parked across the street since she got off work as she and her friends entered the house.

Hood almost muttered a curse aloud.She's not alone! And it sounds like there are policemen sitting out in front of the house! Why are they here? What's going on? What do I do now...

He began to panic. He brought his hand out of his coat pocket, not even realizing he was still gripping the gun. He put it to his forehead, tapping it against him as he muttered quietly, "Think...think...what the hell do I do?"

He suddenly froze and went silent, lowering the gun beside him when he heard someone approaching.

It's her...

"I'll be out in a minute you guys...I just want to change out of my good dress before we get started in the kitchen!" Diana yelled as she headed down the hall into her bedroom.

She started to enter the walk-in closet but she paused for a moment. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as a chill went up her spine.

I've had this feeling my old office...months before that bastard attacked me...


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