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Haunted by the Past Ch. 15

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Charles realizes how connected he and Diana are.
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Part 15 of the 16 part series

Updated 10/07/2022
Created 03/20/2009
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Just before eight o'clock, Agents Charles Richards and Tom Seldon and Assistant Director Peter Woods were getting ready to leave the FBI office in Los Angeles to head to the Richards' residence.

Charles suddenly felt a wrenching twist in his gut and heard the sound of his wife Diana's voice screaming his name inside his head.

Almost at the exact same moment, the phone at the front desk of the office rang. One of the evening duty personnel answered it.

"Agent Richards, it's for you. Detective Jonathan North."

Charles took the phone...already knowing he wasn't going to like what Jon was going to tell him.

"Charles, I just had a call from the other precinct. The patrol unit assigned to your house just radioed in. Hood is there...inside the house. He must've broken in earlier today and was waiting inside. I'm headed there myself as soon as I have Rick's precinct radio him and let him know what's going on. We'll meet you there as soon as we can!"

"Right. Tom and I are on our way there now. We'll see you soon. Thanks. Bye, Jon." Charles hung up the phone and explained to Tom and Peter Woods.

Woods said, "I'll round up a couple more agents and head there as soon as we can!"

Charles drove like a bat out of hell, arriving at the road he lived on in Brentwood in half the time it normally took. But they couldn't get to the house. Police cars already had the road in front of his house blocked off. He parked and they got out of their car and started toward the house.

A couple police officers immediately moved toward them.

"Hold it right there, gentlemen. You can't go any further. We've got a situation going on right now and we can't let anyone past this point. Please return to your vehicle and vacate the area."

Charles shrugged the police officer's hand off his arm and gritted through his teeth, "That's my house officer! Both of our wives are inside with the bastard who attacked my wife months ago! We're not going anywhere! Who's the officer in charge here? I want to speak to him!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Richards. I didn't realize who you were. Detective Thompson is in charge until Captain Nelson arrives. He's right over there."

The officer indicated with a wave of his arm as he let Charles and Tom pass.

"Detective Thompson, I'm FBI Special Agent Richards and this is Agent Seldon. We've been notified that this is a hostage situation. The FBI will be taking over now. We'd appreciate it if you'd give us an update."

Charles and Tom flashed their badges at the man, hoping he had no idea who they really were.

Detective Thompson raised his eyebrows. "Well...your arrival is certainly faster than we've ever experienced before. Kind of like a miracle, I'd say, seeing as how we haven't even had a chance to phone it in to the FBI yet. Just who are you two and what business do you have being here?"

Charles took a deep breath and exhaled raggedly. "Look, this is my house. Our wives are inside along with the wives of two other L.A.P.D. officers. We're not going to just stand around and wait while a bunch of bureaucrats argue over the best way to handle the situation! The bastard has already proven that he's a dangerous man. I don't think he's going to listen to reason and just let our wives go...especially not my wife! He's already attacked her once and I'm not going to let him get the chance to do it again...or possibly worse!

"Now, if you'll cooperate with us and have your personnel act as backup, we'd appreciate you letting us handle it. Agent Seldon here has reconnaissance and combat training and he'd be more than capable of coming up with a rescue plan. Now, will you help us or not?"

"Officers Daniels and Douglas...would you come over here for a moment, please?" Detective Thompson paused as the two officers he'd summoned approached. "Would you please escort these gentlemen back behind the established perimeter and make sure that they don't try to interfere in the situation any further! And will someone find out where Captain Nelson is and how soon until he gets here?!"

"You bastard..." Charles muttered under his breath at Detective Thompson as Officer Douglas indicated for him to move.

Charles and Tom both threw daggered looks at the man as they walked away.

"So, what the fuck do we do now?" Charles quietly asked Tom.

"I'm thinking. I'm thinking. Just give me a few minutes. Maybe when Jon and Rick get here we'll have better luck since they're L.A.P.D. Maybe they'll give them a little more leeway and they can convince them to let us handle things!" Tom said quietly as he paced back and forth.

A few minutes later, Jon and Rick both arrived and were even more upset when they were told by Thompson to stay out of it because of their personal involvement.

All four men were stalking on the sidelines like caged tigers when Peter Woods and a couple other agents arrived.

In front of the other police officers, Woods did his best to try to make the men understand that it was policy not to let any officer or agent be involved in situations that affected them personally. It only made sense to let non-interested parties deal with the perpetrator so they wouldn't say anything to provoke him.

Then Woods took the four men aside for a moment. "Look...let me work with the police so they can play their little power game out here and get that bastard preoccupied with thinking that we'll negotiate. While they're doing that, you guys come up with some way to take the bastard out. I don't care how you do it...just come up with something! I'll keep things dragging out as long as I can! Now, go on! Just try to get a signal to me somehow when you're ready to move!"

Woods slapped Tom and Charles on the shoulders and headed back over to where Detective Thompson was briefing Captain Nelson, who had finally arrived.

Woods told Thompson, "You won't have to worry about my agents trying to interfere any longer. I've calmed Richards and Seldon, but it's up to you guys to make North and Estevez do the same."

Detective Thompson snorted shortly. "Don't worry. They've been warned to stay out of it."

Woods bit his tongue to keep from muttering what he thought of Thompson's attitude.

You self-righteous asshole...

Charles heard one of the patrol officers mention that the perp must've gained entry through the back of the house somehow.

The only way we're going to have any hope of getting to the bastard will be in the backyard. But how will we get into the backyard without alerting him to our presence? There must be a way...

Charles told the others his idea and they all started coming up with plans and options to make it work.


"Diana Maitland Richards, you will now state 'guilty' as I read off the list of your sexual offenses in front of these witnesses. Do you understand?"

Diana nodded numbly.

Ed Hood shouted, "Answer the court out loud! Do you understand?"

"Yes," she half whispered and half croaked through her dry mouth.

"Are you guilty or not guilty of engaging in a sexual act with a man in an alley outside of a bar in the Venice area at around ten o'clock on the night of June 11, 1950?"

Diana's eyes widened. That was the first time she'd picked up a man after Robert Clark had taken her virginity just over a year earlier.

You witnessed that? You've been following me ever since...

She licked her dry lips with her cottony tongue and swallowed even though there was no moisture in her mouth. "Guilty," she croaked quietly.

Her eyes went vacant as Hood rattled off every single place, time and date that she'd picked up a strange man for a one-time encounter. She numbly murmured "guilty" each time he paused to stare at her with anger and hatred.

Hood jerked in surprise when Lynda Seldon suddenly jumped up and screamed at him, "STOP IT!!! Why are you putting her through this? Why does it matter to you? What is she to you any way?"

Barbara North reached up and grabbed Lynda's arm to stop her and make her sit down again.

"SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP, BITCH!!! I'm not finished yet! As soon as I've finished, I'll explain why all this matters and what she means to me! Now, where was I? Oh, yes. I believe the last time was just a few months before you met me. March 12, 1955 at around 10:20 outside a bar in Santa Monica in the back seat of a '53 Caddy...nice car. How do you plead?"

"Guilty as charged...on all counts. I'll plead to whatever you want me to...just let my friends go! They haven't done anything to you. Please...just let them go!" Diana pleaded as tears welled in her eyes.

Hood stated plainly, "I'm not going to hurt your friends. They haven't done anything to deserve being punished for...other than being friends with you! I just want them to witness what it takes to truly redeem your own soul and that of another person...if you can make them see the error of their ways.

"You see I, too, have committed sins of a sexual nature. I let my own mother seduce me with her wicked ways. She lured me into her bed when I was only fourteen years old and I didn't have the strength to turn away from her and condemn her for the wicked woman that she is..."

He frowned sadly. "She's my mother...she's the only person I've ever had that loved me...

His frown turned angry. "As I got older, I finally understood how wicked my mother is. She was a loose woman... she seduced every man she ever came in contact with. Only one man was stupid enough to marry her and it didn't take him long to figure out his mistake. She could never get another man to marry her because they knew she wouldn't be faithful to them. They all left her because they'd come home and find her in bed with someone else!

"Then she'd come crying to me for comfort...

"I finally realized that the only way I could atone for my part in her sinful downfall was to find a woman like my mother and make her see the error of her ways! But you didn't even give me the chance to make you realize that by giving yourself to me and making a life with me, it would've redeemed both our souls! I could've made you love me and you would've saved me from my wicked mother!

"Don't you see? You were meant to be MY soul mate...not HIS...not your husband, I mean! You're only putting his soul at risk because you're not worthy of him! See? You do understand..." Ed Hood finished quietly when Diana burst into tears of remorse.

Suddenly, there was a loud voice from outside the front of the house. "Edward Hood...this is Captain Henry Nelson of the L.A.P.D. We have the house surrounded. We found your vehicle where you left have no means of escape! You need to release those women unharmed or come out with your hands up! We'll give you one minute to give us an answer!"

Hood laughed insanely.

"Oh, for crying out loud! How stupid do they think I am! They can't have the house surrounded...there's no access to the backyard from anywhere near here! And I would've seen them coming through the woods with flashlights, but I've kept my eyes on the backyard...there's no one out there! And I didn't really think I was going to get out of this at the end any way, so I don't need a means of escape!"

Hood moved to the front door, dragging Diana with him with his gun to her head again. He made her open the door and give the police his answer.

"He's not letting us go and he's not coming out. If you interrupt while court is in session again, he'll kill me and the witnesses. Just stay out of this until the trial is over and the verdict has been read. He'll come out once punishment has been rendered and the witnesses will be freed."

Diana shut the front door. Hood moved her to the picture window in the living room and made her close the Venetian blinds.


They could no longer see what was going on inside. Peter Woods was breathing raggedly after seeing Diana's tear-streaked face and hearing her shaking voice while she delivered the bastard's message with a gun pointed right at her temple. Woods tried to stay calm and remind himself that Diana was not actually his niece. But that didn't stop him from caring about her like she was...

That lunatic has appointed himself as judge, jury and executioner! The bastard fully intends to kill her...

He quietly walked over to where Charles and the other men were and told them what had just happened.

Charles' face was ashen.If we don't do something soon, she'll be dead...

They had come up with a plan to surround the back yard and lure the bastard out somehow. If they were all stationed at the edges of the yard, someone would be able to get a clean shot at him. It would be much better if they had at least six instead of four, though.

Who else could we possibly recruit to help? None of the other police officers could help without jeopardizing their jobs...not that they would volunteer in the first place...

Charles looked at his friends. "I'll be back in a few minutes. While I'm gone, see if you guys can round up any tools we can use to cut trails through the brush. Check the nearby houses; I'm sure my neighbors will be happy to lend us anything they have that will work! I'm going to see about finding us some extra help. I'll be back as soon as I can!"

Tom took off with Charles and asked, "Who are you going to call?"

"I'm not sure yet. I thought I'd see if I could reach any of the other agents at the office, but I think just about all of the others are out of town for the holiday."

Charles kept wrestling over and over in his mind on whether or not to call anyone else...

He kept remembering what John Wayne had said to him the day they met at the hospital after Diana was attacked.

If there's ever anything else we can do... Anything at all...

Did you emphasize that word on purpose?

Would the big man really do anything for her?

Would you chance risking your life to save her? What other choice do I have than to ask you...

He'd do anything to save his wife...

Charles picked up the neighbor's phone, dialed his friend Ward Bond's number and held his breath as he prayed to get an answer.

"Ward, it's Charles. That bastard Hood is back and he's broken into my house. He's holding Diana and all her girlfriends hostage. He's a lunatic and he's putting Diana on trial. He intends to punish her by killing her. The police can't do what needs to be done. Tom, Jon, Rick and I have come up with a plan to get to him, but this plan would work better if there were at least six of us instead of four. Do you happen to know a couple of men who'd be willing to risk their necks to help me save my wife?"


Tom gathered up a few tools at the neighbor's house and left Charles to make his phone calls. He returned to where they'd left their friends. Jon and Rick showed up a couple minutes later with some more tools and Charles joined them about a minute later.

Tom asked, "Any luck?"

Charles took a deep breath. "It'll take about twenty minutes for the cavalry to arrive. Let's start cutting paths through the damn jungle on either side of the house. Tom and I will sneak around to the other side and work over there. Jon and Rick, you two start over here. Start as far out as you have to so the police can't see what you're doing and then angle closer toward the house as you go—and try not to make too much noise! We'll meet back here in about twenty minutes and see if our backup has arrived. Let's go!"


Ed Hood paced agitatedly around the living room for several minutes.

Damn police...never doing their jobs when they should! Always interfering after it's too late... I shouldn't have to be taking care of this! The D.A. forced me to take matters into my own hands...

He dragged Diana back to the dining room table and sat her down again.

"Now where were we before court was interrupted?"

Dawn Estevez spoke up quietly. She couldn't sit by and say nothing any longer.

"You had just told Diana that she was supposed to be your soul mate and that she was only putting her husband's soul at risk because she wasn't worthy of him. But you're wrong! Diana is NOT unworthy! She's just a wounded you! You didn't deserve what your mother did to you! You were just a boy. Of course you would've been confused and not have known how to handle something that was so wrong."

Dawn's words seemed to soothe Ed Hood. He almost looked like a wounded boy as his eyes misted with pain.

Dawn kept talking to him, telling him that it wasn't his fault what had happened to him and that he was an innocent victim.

Hood sat and listened to her compassionate soothing for a while. She gradually worked her way toward making him see that what he was doing to Diana was wrong. When it looked like she'd won him over, Dawn pled Diana's case.

"You can't compare Diana to your mother. She's nothing like your mother! She would never seduce an innocent boy...she never seduced any of those men! She merely asked them. They made the choice of their own free will..."

"SHUT UP!!!" Hood screamed as he jumped up from his chair.

"That's not the point of this trial! The worst crime she committed was when I offered myself to her and she turned me down! She didn't even want to hear my explanation of why we belonged together! She just slapped me and told me to go to hell...which was exactly where she was condemning both our souls for not realizing that we were supposed to redeem each other!"

Hood walked over to stand beside Diana and looked down at her with lustful warning. "But I'm going to give you another chance. Offer yourself to me and let me show you how we belong together and that we were meant to redeem each other's souls."

Diana closed her eyes. A wave of nausea washed over her when she realized what Ed Hood wanted...



Charles and Tom had just finished making a passable path through the undergrowth that emerged at the corner of the garage into the backyard. They made their way back out and snuck around to where they met up with Jon and Rick.

A minute or so later, the cavalry arrived. Ward Bond and John Wayne walked up and joined them. They were both dressed in dark clothes and wearing dark caps.

Charles explained what he had in mind.

"We've cut paths through the woods to the back yard. With three of us on each side, we'll position ourselves behind trees at the edges of the yard. I'll see if I can get someone's attention and indicate to them to lure the bastard out into the backyard somehow. One of us is bound to get a clear shot at him. I don't care who. But if he's got a gun on anyone, don't try to shoot him unless and until he points it away from them. Is that clear?"

The other men nodded their heads.

Charles felt another twist in his gut and a wave of nausea as he heard the sound of her voice screaming his name inside his head again. He clenched his eyes shut and took a couple deep breaths.

"We've got to get moving. We don't have much more time. She's very frightened and she feels sick. I don't know what he's doing to her."

"What are you talking about?" Wayne asked Charles quietly.

Charles looked directly into the big man's narrowed eyes. "I can feel what she's feeling in my gut. She's called to me a couple times now...I've heard her voice in my head just like she was screaming right in my ear. She's scared to death and I don't know how to keep her calm."

Are you telling the can actually feel her fear? If you have that much of a connection with her...

Wayne frowned. "Have you tried sending anything her way? If you're receiving feelings from her, might she not be able to sense something from you? It couldn't hurt to try!"

The other men looked at The Duke with their eyebrows raised in skepticism.

"What? Why are you all looking at me likeI'M crazy? Richards is the one who's saying he can sense his wife's feelings!"


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