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Heartbreak Or Happiness?

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The Millionaire and the stripper.
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Chapter 1

Amanda Watson walked down the dark deserted street. She was shivering in the jean jacket, halter-top and mini skirt she was wearing. She knew she should stop somewhere and pull some warmer clothes out of the bag she was carrying but she just kept walking. The heels of her boots clicked on the pavement as the wind went right through her skirt and made her pussy feel like a furry Popsicle.

She didn't notice any of this though. She was lost in her own thoughts. This day had started out so well. Joshua had given her pussy a good ride before she left for work. She made some good tips and thought her life couldn't get any better. Then everything just went downhill from there.

Halfway through her shift the boss pulled her into his office. The fat slob had been hitting on her for six months but she kept turning him down. Today he gave her an ultimatum sleep with him or find another job. So she had left.

When she got home she was in tears and needed some comfort from her boyfriend. She didn't expect to find him fucking the next-door neighbor in her bed. He had apologized profusely but she had just filled a bag with some clothes and left not caring where she ended up.

Now here she was two states over in the middle of the night walking down a deserted street. Her car had run out of gas two miles down the road so she had started walking. She hadn't seen another car in over an hour and was looking for a place to strip down for the night when she saw the headlights come up behind her.

Marty Monroe wasn't the kind of guy to be driving down dark streets in the middle of the night and he definitely wasn't the type to pick up hitchhikers. His Mercedes had the radio blasting some rock song and the heat was on full blast. He was bouncing around to the music and almost missed the woman standing on the side of the road.

He had been driving for two days, trying to get home to Louisiana for his mothers birthday party this weekend. He had been to a sales meeting in Seattle; he had decided that instead of flying he would drive across the country. It would be prettier.

His designer jeans and high-class t-shirt cost more then what Amanda made in a month. Marty was what you could call a multimillionaire. He had started a software company in his basement five years ago and now had companies all over the world.

He had dumped his last girlfriend six months ago when she started pressuring him about marriage and hadn't had a decent fuck since. When Denise asked him for the 100th time why he wouldn't marry her, he had looked at her disgustingly. "Denise, I'm 29 years old. I'm too young to settle down. And I sure don't want a bunch of rug rats messing up my image." She had moved out the next day.

Marty didn't know what made him pull over to the side of the road. He was sure it wasn't the woman's looks. In face she was pretty plain, long brown hair and eyes. At least that's what he thought her eyes were. She wasn't fat but she wasn't model material either. She was kind of right in the middle. He liked his women skinny with big tits. He liked to bury his face in their tits while he pounded their pussy with his cock. This girl had a bit of a stomach on her and her tits didn't look that big. Something about her struck his eye though so he pulled the car over to the side of the road and stopped watching her in the rearview mirror.

Amanda stared at the car for a minute sure her eyes were deceiving her. When it looked like the car wasn't going to go anywhere, she slowly walked up to it. She stopped as the passenger window was rolled down then she leaned down leaning on the door. "Where ya going honey?" A deep southern voice asked in the darkness.

She could barely see the driver but the voice sent shivers through her body. "Anywhere I can get to pretty much." She replied in her soft voice. "My car broke down a couple miles back."

There was silence in the car for a minute then the voice spoke again. "You want me to take you to get gas?"

Amanda chuckled. "Wouldn't do me any good, no money."

Again there was silence then suddenly the door opened. "Get in honey. It's to cold to be outside."

Amanda hesitated for about two seconds then slipped into the car. She closed the door then turned to face the driver and was caught by a pair of startling blue eyes. The eyes seemed to bore into hers. When they moved down over her body, she tore hers from his. He had a nice face with a goatee and mustache. His long fingers held the steering wheel loosely. "I'm headed for Louisiana. You're welcome to come along for the ride." The deep voice said.

Amanda shrugged leaning closer to the heater. "What the hell. Ain't got anywhere else to be." She knew she was somewhere in Nevada and figured it would take them three days to get to Louisiana. Maybe she could find another job as a dancer down there and start over.

Marty watched her for another minute. He watched her lean close to the heater then curl up against the door and close her eyes. After a couple of minutes he heard her even breathing and knew she slept.

He tore his eyes from her as he pulled back onto the empty road. He knew he had at least a couple more hours before he needed to find a hotel and sleep for a while. He wondered who this girl was and what she was doing out here all alone. He also was trying to figure out why his cock jumped in his pants the minute she got into the car and hadn't gone back down.

He reached down adjusting his pants trying to relieve some of the pressure of his cock pressing against his jeans. Finally he just gave up and sighed. Somehow he had a feeling it was going to be a long night.


Amanda came awake with a start and looked around her. It took her a minute to remember what had happened. Joshua had cheated on her, she lost her job and now she was in the middle of nowhere with some guy she didn't know. She turned to look at him through sleep filled eyes.

Marty took his hand off her shoulder. He had shaken her to wake her up. "We're stopped for the night. You might be more comfortable in a real bed." He said nodding out the window.

Amanda looked out the window and saw a motel sign flashing in the darkness. She nodded, opened the car door, she climbed out making sure to grab her purse and bag off the floor.

Marty watched her for a minute then climbed out of the car and moved over to room number 3. "I got a room with two double beds." He said casually over his shoulder as he unlocked the door.

"That's fine." Amanda said yawning as she followed him into the room. The room consisted of two double beds, a dresser with a TV sitting on top of it and two end tables with lamps between the beds. She eyed the bed closest to the door, dropping her stuff on it. Then she turned around.

The driver came in behind her carrying a duffle bag and dropped it on the other bed. Then he turned to look at her. "I'm Marty. Marty Monroe."

She nodded. "Amanda." She didn't tell him her last name and he didn't ask.

Marty pulled off his t-shirt showing a well-developed chest that Amanda couldn't help admire. Her hands itched to reach out and touch him. She clenched her fists at her sides. She tore her eyes from his body as he sat down and started pulling off his boots. She turned towards her bed pulling a long silk nighty out of the bag.

"I'm gonna take a shower." She heard behind her. She nodded afraid to turn around and look at his body again. Her pussy had gone into overdrive just seeing his chest and her breathing had quickened. She forced herself to relax and succeeded a bit when she heard the bathroom door close and the shower turn on.

She stripped out of her clothes pulling on the nighty. She threw her clothes she had been wearing in the duffel bag, buried them under the blankets then climbed under and within minutes was asleep.

Amanda woke this time to a mouth kissing her and hands moving lovingly over her body. She moaned as she felt the strap of her nightgown slip down her shoulder, a warm mouth enclosing her nipple. She lifted her hands to the head running her fingers through the hair. Then she froze. Joshua's hair was rough. Almost like sand paper. The hair she was running her fingers through was baby fine. She pulled her hands back and screamed as she reached for the light.

She flipped the switch on and stared into Marty's eyes. He was naked from the waist up and had a sheepish look on his face. "Sorry. You looked so hot laying there and when you seemed to accept my kisses I couldn't help myself." He made no move to move away.

"It's...It's okay." She said as her breathing slowed down. "I...I..." She didn't know what to say so she didn't say anything.

Marty's eyes searched hers for a minute then he sighed. "I'm sorry." He said. He flicked her nipple once with his fingertip then went to move off the bed.

Amanda felt a flicker of desire run through her body when he flicked her nipple and gasped. She looked at him wondering at her body's reaction to this stranger. When he moved to leave the bed she panicked. "No wait." She said reaching out, wrapping her hand over his arm.

Marty turned back to look at her. He didn't move to shake her off but he didn't move closer either. He just looked into her eyes. "I...I...I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me tonight." She said as she shivered.

Marty looked at her tenderly. He knew he couldn't leave her. He couldn't leave her in the hotel alone and for some reason he couldn't leave her bed. He reached up running a fingertip over her cheek. "Do you want me to sleep here tonight?" He asked softly.

Amanda looked at him. "I... I..." She stuttered. She looked at her hand holding his arm and realized that she was afraid to be alone. 'Yes! Please."

Marty searched her eyes then nodded. She released his arm moving over on the bed as he stripped down to his underwear. He turned off the light then climbed into the bed beside her. He kept his body away from hers but could still taste her on his tongue. He felt his cock harden and groaned. "Are you okay?" Amanda asked laying beside him but with her back to him.

"Yea I'm fine." He said gruffly as he reached down repositioning his hard cock. He cleared his throat then resting his arm above his head closed his eyes.

They lay there for a couple of minutes. She was on her side facing away from him while he lay on his back. Neither touching but yet at the same time feeling the heat coming from the other's body. They each knew in themselves that they were attracted to each other but neither knew what to do about it. Marty didn't want to push her into something she didn't want and Amanda had never touched a man first before. It was always after they made the first move.

She moaned as she rolled over onto her back, her hair spilling out behind her. Marty glanced at her then went back to watching the ceiling. Amanda didn't know what to do. She wanted Marty to touch her but she was afraid she had somehow scared him away with her earlier outburst.

"What would a guy like him want with a girl like me?" She thought to herself as she reached down her body lifting the bottom of her nightgown. She ran her hand down over her sopping pussy and almost cried out in desire.

Marty could swear he could smell her pussy juices and suppressed a moan as his cock hardened even more. He knew he either had to touch her or get out of this bed soon or he would go crazy.

He heard Amanda roll over yet again and did his best to ignore her. It was made even harder when her hand rested tentatively on his chest and she said his name softly. "Marty?" She made it out to be like a question.

He took a deep breath, let it out then turned his head to look at her. Her eyes lit up in the moonlight and he could see the heat in them. He knew then that she needed him just as much as he needed her.

He let out a moan rolling over onto his side facing her. He slowly reached out putting his hand lightly on her waist. He held it there for a moment as he looked into her eyes. When she didn't pull away he wrapped his hand more firmly around her and pulled her slowly towards him.

Amanda wasn't sure which she was more of. Scared or excited. Scared because she had never done this kind of thing before or excited because he was touching her. When their bodies were no more then a hair's breadth away she slowly released the breath she had been holding. She reached up tentatively and placed her hand on his face. "Marty." She said almost breathlessly before she darted out her tongue and licked at her dry lips.

Marty watched that tongue dart out and moaned. "Amanda." He cried as he pulled her against him pressing his lips to hers.

Amanda moaned against his mouth wrapping her arms around his neck as she wrapped one leg around his waist. This lifted her gown up so it was bunched around her waist. He could feel her heat burning him through his underwear and groaned.

"Oh god, Amanda." He cried as he kissed her deeply. Pushing his tongue deep into her mouth and running his hands harshly over her body. He ran his hand down to where her skin met fabric and then moved lower. He deepened the kiss, kissing her hard as he let his hand brush down over her lower curls, which held the treasure inside. Amanda moaned in his mouth pressing herself even closer to him as she raised her leg even more.

"Touch me Marty." She whispered against his lips. "Please touch me."

Marty pushed her onto her back, kissing her hungrily as he slid his hand down past the curls until he touched the skin of her pussy. "So soft." He whispered brushing his lips down over her neck.

"Oh Yes." She purred as she spread her legs wide to give him access to her body. He looked down into her eyes as he spread her pussy lips open and softly touched her clit. "Is this what you want baby?" He asked huskily.

When his fingertip touched her clit, Amanda let out a soft cry. "Yes. Oh yes. Please. More." She begged clawing at him.

Marty chuckled and pressed harder on her clit as he kissed the skin above her breasts. "You're a hot one aren't you baby?" He murmured against her skin.

"Please." She begged lifting her hips against him.

He moved his finger off her clit. Moving lower he teased his finger against her slit. "Tell me what you want baby." He said as he took a nipple into his mouth suckling gently on it.

Amanda cried out and clung to him so hard her nails were digging into his skin. "I need you inside me. I need to feel you inside me." She begged.

He continued sucking at her nipple as he let his finger slip slowly inside her. He felt her sharp intake of breath and heard it come out as a long moan. He felt her pussy muscles clench at his finger. "God. You are hot." He whispered more to himself then to her.

"Please." She cried lifting her hips against him.

Suddenly Marty knew that just his finger wasn't going to be good enough. She needed more. Her pussy was on fire and he was the fire extinguisher. "Shhhh...Its okay baby." He cooed as he slipped her nightgown from her body then pushed his underwear down until he could slip out of them.

He moved over her resting his body against hers. His cock poised at her entrance. He looked down into her passion filled eyes. "I don't have a condom." He said giving her one last chance to stop before this went too far.

She wrapped her legs around him pulling him partially inside her and moaned. "I don't care." She cried. Her eyes were filled with passionate fire. "I need you inside me. I need you inside me now."

Marty let himself slide slowly inside her and felt her shiver. "Say it baby. Say you need me to fuck you." He said stopping when he was only halfway inside her.

"No...don't stop." She cried clawing at him, trying to pull him deeper inside her.

"Say it." He growled forcing himself to hold still.

"I...I can't." She whispered her cheeks blushing.

Marty growled again sliding more of himself into her hot pussy. "Say fuck me bitch." He growled, as he started moving fast inside her. He grasped her by the hair pulling her face back. "Tell me to fuck you or I won't let you cum.'

Amanda closed her eyes tightly lifting her body to meet his thrusts. Her orgasm was building quickly. She was so hot and needed to cum so bad. "I... I...Oh god...I need to cum." She cried unable to say the words he wanted to hear.

Marty fucked her hard and fast. His cock was slamming deeply into her pussy, their juices sloshing together. "Say it bitch." He cried as he pounded her pussy. "Tell me to fuck you." He reached between them and gently tugged at her clit. He knew it wouldn't be long but he was determined to keep her from cumming until she said the words he wanted to hear.

"Oh...Agh...Fuck...Yes...." She cried slamming her pussy up against his thrusting cock. "I need it baby. I need it now."

Marty suddenly stopped moving inside her holding himself deeply imbedded in her. "'t stop." She begged clawing at him. He held her hands with one hand above her head while he kissed her deeply. He could feel his cock pulsing inside her. He needed to move inside her so bad. He tore his lips from hers. "Say it sweetheart." He whispered against her ear as he slowly moved out of her. She shivered and groaned. "Tell me to fuck you." He whispered seductively against her ear.

She looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Please." She begged.

He smiled at her almost lovingly nipping gently at her lips. "Say it baby and I will give you what you want."

"I...Oh god..." She cried trying to fuck herself on his cock. He grasped her hips holding her still.

"Say it." He said it softly but determinedly.

She looked up into his eyes. "I... Oh...Please." She licked her lips. "Fuck me Marty." She finally got out. "Please fuck my hot pussy with your hard cock...Please make me cum on your cock."

Marty let out a strained breath as he released her hands and hips. He claimed her mouth hungrily with his as he started hammering her pussy with his cock. "Fuck...Cum bitch." He growled as he slammed into her repeatedly.

"Oh fuck...Agh...Ugh..." she cried digging her nails into his back. "Fuck Meeeeeee...." He felt her pussy muscles clench around him as she came and he let out a loud yell as he filled her with his seed.

Marty collapsed against her, his breath coming out in ragged gasps. "Oh God..." He looked at her suddenly ashamed at his actions. "I'm so sorry." He reached up and gasped as he felt her cheek wet with tears. He pulled out of her quickly then reached over turning on the lamp.

Amanda lay in the position he had left her. There were tears rolling down her cheeks but she had a huge smile on her face. She reached out cupping his face with her hand. "Don't apologize. I needed that. I really did." She sat up cringing as pain shot through her tired muscles.

Marty reached out and helped her sit up then pulled her gently into his arms. "I don't know what got into me." He said softly as he kissed the side of her head. "It's never been like that before."

Amanda looked at him in mock surprise. "You mean you don't usually fuck the shit out of strange women you pick up on the side of the road in the middle of the night?"

He chuckled brushing a lock of hair from her face. "Yea! Well that to. I meant I'm usually not that rough. I'm usually a pretty romantic lover." He touched her lips tenderly with his.

She moaned slightly then rested her head against his chest. He lay back on the bed but kept her held tenderly in his arms. "It's okay." She said softly trying to hide a yawn. "I liked it. I'm usually not into rough sex but for some reason with you tonight..." She lifted her head looking at him in the light coming from the lamp. "It seemed natural."

He nodded as he looked at her. "I know what you mean. I mean no offense." He looked down at her naked body. He ran his hand lovingly down over her stomach. "You're not actually my type. I've always gone with needle thin chicks."

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