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Heartbreak Pt. 01

Story Info
AJ's wife cheats he finds salvation with old flame.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/24/2022
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She stared at her phones screen. The last message words were burning into her brain. 'He slept with Rochelle.' She blinked and shook her head, hoping that she was seeing things, but no those were the words on the screen. 'Are you ok?' the next bubble read. Was she ok? NO! She wasn't ok. Her boyfriend was sleeping with a woman he had sworn to kill. He swore he hated her and everything about her. Tears began to fall down her face.

She typed the words 'No not okay, but I will be.' then added a smiley face. She curled up on her bed and hugged her pillow and cried. She felt ashamed then guilty. What was wrong with her? Was she not thin enough, or was she too thin? Was she not pretty enough? Obviously the sex wasn't good for him. What was it that didn't satisfy him? How could he sleep with that woman? She was married. How could she cheat on her husband?

Laura picked up her phone and googled images of AJ McLean. The first picture that appeared was him in a white sheet like wrap, that was around his hips, the only thing else it looked like he had on was a pair of socks and a hat. She was looking him over. He was fit, she sighed. He was about to be single again. Laura shook her head.

She closed the page then clicked her phone power button so the phone went to sleep. she just lay there numb. Her phone chimed with the Indiana Jones theme. She picked up the phone to see a message from the weird bunch group on her messenger. 'you okay Laura?' the message read. It was from Neo.

She gave a thumbs up to him. She took a jagged breath, 'Not really, but I will be.' she said.

'want me to kick his ass for you?' Neo asked.

The message made Laura smile. 'No, but thank you.' she texted back.

She looked at the screen the three dots at the bottom of the message board let her know someone was typing. 'Dude, it's nice of you to ask her but we're already grouping up so get over here!' the message read. 'We're going to beat some sense in to this dumb ass. God only knows what the hell he was thinking fucking that bitch.' Raz texted.

The messages stopped coming. she put her phone down. Lilo curled up on the bed next to her. Her cat always knew when she needed to cuddle. Her phone chimed again this time it wasn't her messenger but twitter. She looked over at her phone. It was a DM from someone. she picked it up and looked at the notifications. Her eyes opened wide at seeing the screen. The first one said AJ McLean's official twitter account was following her. the second one was a direct twitter message from HIM.

Laura sat up and swiped open the twitter app. She clicked on the DM button, then on AJ's message to her. 'I don't know if you know yet, but Danny and Ro have been sleeping together. I actually caught them in the act. I'm so sorry Laura. I just want you to know, that I am here for you. if you want to talk or need anything let me know, please. I know we haven't talked in over 10 years, but that doesn't mean I haven't thought about you.'

Laura blinked the tears back. 'I did hear. I'm sorry that you walked in on that, I'm sure you are heartbroken, and miserable. if you need to talk feel free to message me.' she typed back.

She looked down as a new message popped up 824-843-3221 was all that was there and it was blue. She pushed her finger on the blue numbers on the screen. The phone instantly dialed the number. "hello?" she heard him say.

"Hi." she said softly.

"Laura?" he asked with a tone of hope in his voice.

She took a deep breath, what was she doing. "yes." she answered.

"How are you doing, really?" she heard AJ asked. "Don't tell me you'll be fine. and that you're going to be ok. I want to know how you really are feeling right now."

She couldn't stop the tears. "Not well." was all she said,

Alex didn't need more then that, her crying told he everything he needed to know. "Tell me what I can do to make it a little better." he said in a kind tone.

Laura laughed a little. "I don't think there is anything that can make it a little better, not right now anyway." she said then wiped the tears from her face. "I know once my sister gets home she will be all over the how are you. What can I do to make you feel better. And I know there will be more messenger convos about how are you, what can we do, I'm sorry. You will be okay. He doesn't know what he is losing out on. And to be honest. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to feel pitied, I don't want someone feeling sorry for me. and I don't want to be heartbroken and dealing in front of everyone. I want to get somewhere and just do what I need to, to get over it." she said into the phone.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked. Truth be told he wanted to go somewhere remote and out of most peoples per-view. He knew his "Brothers", when they found out, would be all hovering over him to make sure he didn't drink or do drugs. His mom would be on the first flight to LA to sit with him and make sure he was ok.

"Honestly Alex, I want to go somewhere, where my cellphone wont pick up a signal, where no one knows who I am, where the only reason I would have to be around other people would be if I needed to pick up groceries. Somewhere if I needed to step out side and scream, no one would come running. Some place I could just go and do what I need and want without someone telling me it's wrong." Laura said into the phone.

"Like a cabin in the woods out side of some Podunk town where people smile and say hi, but don't ask your life story?" he asked. Cause lord knows he could get behind something like that. Just a cabin where if he wanted to fuck someone until he couldn't see the bitches face he could.

"Yes." she said.

Alex was sitting at the computer. He had been looking for a place just like she described before she even called. "What if I told you, that's what I wanted and that I was searching for just that kind of place before we started talking." he said.

"I would say great minds think alike." she laughed.

Alex clicked on a file that was locked on his computer and put in the pass code. It opened, he clicked on the single photo in the file. It opened. There on the screen was Laura, she was topless, her arm across the front of her breast, with a sweet innocent smile on her face. His cock jumped to full attention. The photo was ten years old, but it was something he had beaten off to millions of times over the coarse of 10 years. "Would you be willing to go with me?" he asked. He opened his pants, pulled his cock out and began to stroke it.

Laura had laid down on her bed. "Just you and me?" she asked, the thought of him and her alone in a cabin made her excited and nervous at the same time.

"Yes, you and me. No sister, no boys, no moms. Just us. I mean we are the ones who have to deal with this right. So we go and we do what WE need to do." he said slowly stroking. "No judgements. Just healing."

Laura lay there. "How long?"

Alex closed his eyes; she was really thinking about it. The thought of her being there with him, the potential of touching, kissing, fucking her was almost too much for his already hard cock. "As long as we need." he said. Alex's fist was moving faster up and down his cock. "We stay until we BOTH are good." he said then moved the receiver away from his mouth. He was breathing heavy as he was getting closer to cumming.

"Ok. When?" she asked. She needed to get away, and if that meant she had to be alone with him, she was okay with that. Maybe she would be able to get a quick glance at his naked body and would have something to fantasize about as she used her toys on herself to relieve the stress of the whole cheated on situation.

Alex stifled a grunt as his cock erupted spurting spunk every where. "Ugh, we can leave tomorrow. I'll pick you up and we can drive out to the cabin make it a little longer that way." he said hoping she would say yes.

Laura closed her eyes. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow." she said then hung up the phone. She got up and grabbed her suit case. She grabbed her clothes and started packing.

Her bedroom door opened. "Are you going somewhere?" she heard her sister ask.

Laura turned and looked at her. "I am. I need to go somewhere and just deal. I can't do that here, with all the I'm sorry, how are you. what can I do to help you feel better." she felt guilty. she looked at the floor then back at her sister. "I know every one is just trying to be helpful and a friend and I appreciate that. But I can't heal if I have to keep dealing with hearing about it."

Tricia looked at her with a hurt look. "I understand, as long as you know we just want you to know we care."

Laura walked over and hugged her. "I do know and I love you all for it. I just don't want to see it in writing and I don't want to hear how I shouldn't feel bad, because it isn't anything I did. It was all Danny." she said honestly.

Her phone went off. It was the messenger. She was expecting it to be Raz, or Neo or even her best friends husband, but it was Danny and that she hadn't expected. She caught her breath. Her chest ached. She opened it. 'I don't expect you to want to talk to me right now. I understand you are heartbroken and hurting. I just want you to know this isn't anything you did or didn't do that made me sleep with her. You are beautiful, and kind, and caring. I do love you. This was about raw, sexual attraction. we couldn't deny.' the message read. the next bubble appeared. 'I hope you can forgive me.'

Tears flowed like water over a fall into a lake or river. She was crumpled in a heap on the floor. How could he be so brazen? She just found out and he was like hey sorry I fucked you over and broke you, but I hope we can be friends soon. as if what he did wasn't a big deal. Tricia took the phone from her sister's hand. She read the message

"Fucking asshat. Really. Hey hope we can be friends." she screen shot the message and sent it to Kiz.

'Is this for real? he reactivated his Facebook just to message her?' Kiz messaged.

Tricia shook her head. Kiz called. "What the fuck?" Laura heard Kiz say over the speaker. "I'm going to kill him." Tricia sat on Laura's bed and looked down at her. "How is she doing?"

"She's a puddle on the floor." Tricia said.

"Do me a favor please and take her off speaker. Just talk with her." Laura said then got up and grabbed more clothes.

"She's packing." Tricia said into the phone. She was listening to Kiz speak on the other end. "I don't know. I came home and she was packing. She said she needs to get away to someplace to heal. Somewhere she doesn't have to hear the I'm sorry and how can I help. the I'm here for you." Tricia sat in her computer chair. She had grabbed Laura's bag and was repacking her things. "I don't know. She hasn't said."

Laura handed her sister the last of the clothes she wanted to take. Then opened a cupboard and began grabbing some notebooks. "She is taking several notebooks with her, so she will try to write so at least she will try to do something other then cry. Laura sat down then turned on her computer. She pulled up iTunes, plugged her phone in and put more music on her phone. she charged both sets of headphones.

10 pm came quickly, Laura wasn't even sure how she had managed to stay awake as long as she had. she was still debating about if she should take her computer or not, when she finally dozed off.


Laura woke at 10 am when her phone went off. She answered it. "Hello?" she said groggily into the receiver.

"Hey I will be at your place in 10 minutes. Are you ready to go?" Alex asked.

Laura sat up. "yeah I can be ready in ten." she said and hung up. She got up and dressed. She threw a few more things in to her bag. She eyed her computer, if they were gone longer then 2 weeks, she would need it to charge her head phones. She grabbed it put it and the cords for it in her messenger bag and left the room. "I'm heading out." she said to an empty living room. She took a breath. She then grabbed her phone and texted Tricia. 'I am leaving now. so there wont be anyone to watch the house.' she sent the message.

Her sister called her. "Ok we will be home shortly, so no worries. Are you sure you want to leave? Where are you going? when will you be back?"

Laura saw Alex pull up and she grabbed her things then headed out the door, "I am sure I need to do this. I don't know where I am going, and I don't know how long I will be gone. When I feel stable and healed enough, I will come home." she said. "I love you." she hung up the phone as she got into Alex's Hummer. "Hi." she said.

Alex smiled at her. He placed her things in the back seat and then began to drive back down the road he had just come up. "How are you this morning? Have you eaten, cause it sounded like I woke you when I called."

Laura looked at him. "You did. I didn't sleep all that great. And no I haven't had breakfast yet." she said putting the back of her seat down a little.

Alex looked at her. "What do you want to eat?" he asked. He looked over at her. She was wearing a blue shirt that had the Disney character stitch on it. It was a crop top from what he could tell. She had one short shorts. He was pretty sure they were pajamas.

Laura looked over at him. "what?" she asked.

He chuckled. "Are you still in your PJ's?" he asked.

She looked at him. "I wanted to be comfortable. Something tells me it's going to be a long drive." she said as he turned off the dirt road on to the paved road. "Is it a problem?" she asked.

"No," he said reaching out and caressing her cheek. She had changed a lot in 10 years. She had lost weight. her body was tight, her tits were smaller and perky, he was sure she wasn't wearing a bra at the moment. "So what do you want to eat?" he asked as he pulled his hand away from her face.

She arched her back as she stretched, yep he was right no bra. His cock twitched. It was going to be a long ride. "I don't know. Are we taking the 10 or the 40?" she asked.

He looked at the road. "neither for a while. we will be taking the 215 for a while." he said.

Laura looked at him. "So North on the 247 for at least a hour or so?" she said.

Alex looked over at her. "Yes." he said.

Laura bit her lower lip she couldn't go that long without food or water. "Ok when you get to the 247, make left there is a dollar store not far, we can get some supplies, what your gas situation?" she asked.

"Ugh, we have about half a tank." he said. "will be plenty for us to get to Lucerne Valley, before the 215 and we can fill up there." he said.

Alex made a left as they reached the end of the street they were on. He drove to the dollar store. He parked and was shocked to see Laura getting out of the vehicle the way she was dressed. He just followed her in. "You're paying right?" she asked looking back at him as he walked behind her with a cart.

"Absolutely." he said. Laura smiled at him. She grabbed a couple bags of chips and placed them in the cart. She led him to the water isle. She grabbed 10 bottles of Smart water.

"Is there anything you want?" she asked standing next to him. He reached past her and grabbed a couple coffees not only for himself but for her as well. His lips were so close to hers. "Anything else?"

"We should get a couple of packs of soda, a cooler and some ice." he said. He wanted to grab her pull her against him and kiss her, but he knew now was not the time.

"Ok you grab the cooler, I will grab a pack of coke and ginger ale." she said pointing him down the isle further. She then turned and headed back up toward the freezer. He was watching her walk away.

Alex grabbed the cooler then met up with her back toward the front of the store. She was grabbing some cakes by little Debbie, and then some hostess doughnuts. He looked at her. "Where is the beef Jerky?" he asked. She smiled. She leaned over the cart to put the things she was holding in the basket. Her shirt hung low enough he could see down the neck opening. He was right, she wasn't wearing a bra, and her tits were calling to him to suck them. She stood up and turned pulling the cart and him along with her. How he was keeping his cock under control he didn't know but he was thankful. She stopped in front of the jerky. Laura through in a few bags of the kind she liked, then some bags of pistachios.

Alex grabbed some more jerky and threw them in the cart. Laura turned to him. "Anything else you want or need?"

He smiled at her. 'oh god he wanted to find a secluded place and fuck her until she begged him to stop. "Just ice." he said. Laura led him down a side isle then up another isle, it was filled with candy. She grabbed a couple bags of starbursts. She then led him to the check out counter.

"Hey where's your sister?" the woman behind the counter asked.

"I don't know." she said. "I need a small bag of ice also please." she said helping AJ put the stuff on the counter.

"Two small ones actually." he corrected. He got two coolers one for soda and one for water and coffee. He moved behind Laura so he could run his card.

A young woman entered the store and made sure she got Alex's attention. The woman was flirting, for whatever reason Laura's blood pressure began to rise. How dare the woman flirt, how did she know Alex wasn't her boyfriend. Laura backed up against Alex possessively and shot the woman a dirty look. "Hey." he said in her ear. His hand was on the bare skin of her belly. "I'm not interested in her." He kissed her neck softly.

Laura closed her eyes then turned to face him. "I'm sorry." she said softly to him.

AJ wrapped his arms around her, he ran his hand through her purple hair and kissed her lips. "No reason for sorry." he said then kissed her again. He ran his card through the reader and placed the bags of stuff in the cart.

"I will be right out to get your ice." the woman behind the counter said.

AJ pulled the cart behind him as he walked to the Hummer with Laura next to him, his arm around her waist. He opened the back of the vehicle he placed the coolers on the tail gate, the placed Laura on it. AJ put the two 12 packs of soda in one cooler and then the coffee and water in the other. He moved so he stood between Laura's legs as they waited for the ice. "So what was that?" he asked his hands on her thighs.

Laura looked at him. "Hunger, a little anger, and hurt. I mean she didn't know that you and I aren't together." she said with a bit of an attitude.

Alex leaned in and kissed her neck, her shoulder as he pulled her shirt collar over, then her lips. He pushed a little further with the next kiss, making it an open mouthed. He felt her fingers tuck in the edge of his jeans and pull him closer to her. He was pleasantly surprised when SHE pushed her tongue into his mouth. She then placed her hand over his and moved it up her thigh. His thumb brushed her mound, there was no fabric, just her smooth bare lips. He pushed a little further parting them, his thumb rubbed against her clit. Laura kissed him a little more needily. His hand moved a little down between her legs and his thumb entered her hole. He almost came in his pants as she moaned softly into his mouth.

"getting your ice." the woman called as she walked out the doors of the store. Alex pulled his hand from her sweet, hot spot. Laura grabbed his hand and placed her mouth around his thumb, she licked and sucked it clean.

AJ smiled at her. The woman placed the two small bags of ice on the tail gate. Alex looked at her. "Thank you." he said and watched the woman walk away. He looked back at Laura. "What was that?" he asked her playfully before she smiled and kissed him again. "ugh baby, you have me all kinds of needy right now." he said wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her crotch to his to show her how hard he was.

"You want to fuck me." she said stating the hard truth. "We need to find a deserted road." she said and bit his lower lip. "I need to fuck." she said to him.


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