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He's Mine Ch. 01


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"You know what I see when I look at you now?"

"Um... I don't understand the question."

"I used to see my little sister," he said, ignoring my response. "Nothing more. Now it's... different. I know what your breasts look like, even though I really, really shouldn't. And this morning... well, that obviously changed things."

"In a good way?"

"I'm... I'm not sure, really. I dunno. I want to be able to look at you the same way I always have, but you've pretty much made that impossible. On the other hand, I kinda want to see your boobs again. I'm more than a little conflicted."

I smiled shyly at him. "You can see them if you want, you know. All you have to do is ask."

Riley shook his head and looked away. He seemed tense, on edge, and far less sure of himself than usual. I decided it was up to me to move things along, since both of us sitting there in awkward silence wasn't accomplishing anything. My brother may not have been sure what he wanted, but I knew what I wanted. I suspected I knew what he wanted too, deep down inside. He wouldn't have come to me if he was truly undecided.

I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and slowly pulled it up. He wasn't watching at first, but his gaze was drawn to the movement and was soon locked on my increasingly bare tummy. I drew the process out as much as I could to make sure I had his full attention. His eyes widened slightly as I showed off my breasts to him for the second time.

"Goddammit Anna," he said in a soft voice.

I grinned wider, knowing that his comment was directed as much at himself as at me. I loved that a part of my body was able to fascinate him the way it did. It was only fair, considering what his body did to me. I dropped my hands, leaving my shirt bunched up above my breasts with no intention of pulling it back down.

"You like 'em, huh?"

Riley groaned and lay back on my bed, draping an arm over his face. I got up and moved next to him, bouncing gently onto the mattress. He was blocking me from his line of sight, but he couldn't hold out forever.

"Is this what you felt? When you first figured out how you felt about me, was it like this? All confusing and guilt-ridden and... whatever else?"

My heart pounded harder in my chest. He was as good as saying that his feelings for me had changed. I had to struggle to play it cool.

"I'm not sure. It was just such a gradual thing for me, I think. It snuck up on me. I got most of the guilt and confusion in small doses."

"It's a terrible thing to inflict on me. You know that, don't you?"

"It's not that bad. At least you don't have to do it alone."

Riley moved his arm away from his eyes long enough to give me an unamused glance.

"It might be worse, actually. Much as I enjoy seeing your boobs, we can't let things get out of control. We're gonna have some tough choices to make."

"Maybe. Or maybe it's not that tough."

I took my brother's unresisting arm and pulled it toward me. I maneuvered his hand so that his palm was facing me as I pressed it against my breast. I bit my lip and squeezed my thighs together involuntarily at the contact.

"Goddammit Anna," Riley repeated.

He didn't try to pull away. His hand sat under mine, held against my chest. The faint twitches of his fingers on my sensitive skin sent shivers of pleasure through me. I waited for him to grab me, to caress me, even to pinch me, but he remained torn in indecision.

It was kind of unfair of me to put him in that situation. I'd just told him that we were in it together, and already I was forcing him to figure out his feelings. I should have given him time, talked with him, left him alone when he needed it. Instead I was pressing the advantage I'd been given. I felt a pang of guilt as those thoughts tumbled through my head. It was tempered by the feeling of my brother's hand at my breast, but it was still there.

"I'm kind of a brat, aren't I?"

The words spilled from my lips as I thought them. Riley shook his head, but wasn't very convincing in his denial. I knew it was true anyway, I'd just never wanted to think about it. I wanted what I wanted, and the hell with anyone else who got in my way. No wonder my parents had trouble with me. Here I was doing the same thing to my brother, putting my desires before his.

I dropped my hand, letting go of Riley's. I expected his to fall away too, but it didn't. I gasped as his fingers gave a gentle squeeze to my soft flesh.

"All little sisters are brats, as far as I can tell. You're far from the worst."

He sat up, briefly taking his hand away from my chest as he maneuvered his body. Soon enough my other breast felt the soft caress of his fingertips. I closed my eyes as he touched me, afraid that meeting his gaze would break the spell.

"So I'm a pain, but at least I'm not as bad as I could be?"

"Not a very romantic sentiment, I know. But it's something."

I couldn't have cared less how romantic his words were at that moment. The true conversation, his true statement of intent, was all physical. He was touching me in a very unbrotherly sort of way; the sort of way that promised more to come. He could have said just about anything he wanted and it wouldn't change the fact that he was playing with his little sister's breasts.

Riley's hot breath hit my nipple just before his tongue did. I squeaked in undignified surprise as his lips closed around the tip of my breast. My eyes flew open again and I was treated to the sight of my brother sucking gently at me like a hungry but unsure baby. I tangled my fingers in his hair and cradled the back of his head, savouring the feeling once I got past the initial shock. I'd imagined something like this happening many times, but it had never been anything more than a fantasy.

I moaned softly and stroked Riley's hair. My breasts may have been getting all the attention, but the rest of my body was sharing in the rewards. Tingles of pleasure traveled through me, moving outward from my nipples. I squeezed my thighs together and wished I had something between them. I stayed still, mostly, using all my reserves of patience to avoid startling my brother away from where I wanted him. I worried that even allowing my hand to stray down too far might be enough to dissuade him from continuing.

"That feels nice," I breathed.

Unfortunately, my words had exactly the effect I'd been trying to avoid. Riley pulled his mouth away from my nipple and looked up at me. I tried to gently guide him back, but knew that I couldn't force him.

Suddenly a wide grin spread across my brother's face. Without any warning he pushed me onto my back and rolled on top of me. I squealed and giggled as I let him physically overpower me. My disappointment at having my breasts abandoned faded as quickly as it had arrived. This was even better.

Riley's cock pressed against my leg as he straddled me. His arms were planted by my shoulders, and his face hung above mine; almost close enough that I could kiss him. Almost. I shifted my leg a little, letting it rub his erection. He moaned softly and gave a small thrust back.

"I'd say you don't know what you're doing to me right now, but I think you understand better than anyone." He shook his head. "My own sister..."

His mouth went back to my breasts and he continued grinding on my leg. I was happy to let him use my body that way, but I needed something too. My poor pussy was feeling so neglected. I tried to get him to reposition one of his legs where I needed it, but he seemed oblivious to my non-verbal hints. I finally had to grab one of his wrists and tug his hand down below my waist, leaving him supported on one arm. He pulled back a little, an amused expression on his face.

"I need some help," I said, flushing from the way he looked at me.

"I'm not sure there's any help for you."

"I neeeed it."

He pushed himself to his knees and looked down to my crotch. I realized too late that he might assume I was asking him to fuck me. I wouldn't have said no to it, but I knew he wasn't ready for that yet. I tried to find the words to explain what I meant.

"You're a horny little thing, aren't you?"

Before I could get more than a few mumbled syllables out, Riley's hands were on me again. This time he flipped me over so I was face down. Being manhandled by my brother was only putting me in a worse state than before. It did things to my body that soft, careful touches couldn't have emulated.

Riley's fingers wiggled under my waistband, between my shorts and my panties. He pulled my bottoms down without waiting for my permission. I pulled my pillow over and buried my face in it as my butt was exposed. I wished I'd known ahead of time that my brother was going to be seeing my panties; I would have worn a sexier pair.

My pussy felt wet enough to drown in. I could feel Riley's gaze on me without looking. He'd see the damp spot on my underwear; there was no way he wouldn't. The thought embarrassed me, but it also turned me on even more.

"This is what you want, isn't it?" he said.

He traced the skin of my inner thighs with soft fingertips, traveling across the small amount of material between them as he willed. I pressed my hips down each time I felt his touch on my pussy.

"Mm-hm. Feels good."

"It must. You're awfully wet, little sis."

I shook my head and buried my face deeper into my pillow. I knew he was right, and I wanted him to know what he was doing to me, but my sense of embarrassment still had to chime in. I was finally getting what I wanted from my brother, yet I felt like I had to hide from him.

I moaned as his fingers focused more and more on my pussy. He had located my slit through my panties and rubbed it up and down, pressing the material into me. I waited for him to get rid of the barrier, to feel him caress my bare flesh, but he seemed intent on toying with me.

After a few minutes his hand went away. I whimpered in disappointment and wiggled my butt at him. He ignored me, but I heard the sounds of clothing being removed and they set my imagination running wild.

"What ya doin', Ri?"

I peeked over my shoulder at him. He was down his shirt and boxers; the latter of which displaying a fair-sized tent. I bit my lip and met his eyes for a second, then went back to my pillow. I lifted myself to my knees, propping my ass up into the air in invitation.

"I should be asking myself the same question."

His hand came down sharply on my butt, making me yelp. He swatted me again and I dropped my hips back to the mattress, covering my ass with my hands to prevent another unprovoked assault.


Riley laughed and crawled on top of me. He nuzzled at my neck, letting his warm breath wash over my skin. I forgot all about my temporary sense of indignation.

Something poked my pussy. I held my breath, not daring to breathe as my brother's erection slid across my panties. It felt like he still had his boxers on, leaving two layers of material to separate us, but even so it was better than I could have hoped. Riley's cock between my legs, grinding on my pussy... it was almost enough to make me cum immediately. I wouldn't last long if he kept it up.

He fell into a steady rhythm, stroking his cock on my panties in a way that maintained as much contact as possible. He held his weight off of me for the most part, but his chest brushed my back repeatedly as he moved. His hands were planted on the bed by my shoulders. I rocked back against him, using the limited space I was allowed. My body was on fire and I desperately needed release.

"This is so bad," Riley breathed.

I shook my head. "So good."

He nipped lightly at my shoulder. I yelped, but the small pain it caused only added to the sensory overload I was experiencing. I was so close, so very close. His shaft just kept rubbing me, hitting the right spots often enough to push me ever higher.

I muffled myself with my pillow as I came. An explosion of pleasure emanated from between my legs and engulfed me to the point where I couldn't trust myself to be quiet. I was consumed by my orgasm, helpless against it and unable to control my own body. Riley kept grinding away on me the whole time, sending aftershocks through me. I was in a temporary lust-fueled state of bliss.

I slowly came down from my high, descending back to reality so softly that it took me a moment to realize Riley was still working on his own release. His thrusting slowed as I went limp. I noted idly that his cock felt slightly different from before. I glanced over my shoulder just as he pulled away from me for a second. His erection was poking through the hole in his boxers instead of being covered by them. I grinned lazily at him, then lay my head back down to let him finish.

When he thrust toward me again, it was at my butt rather than my pussy. His cock slid easily against my panty-covered ass and pushed my underwear into my crack a little. He pressed harder the second time, then harder. He forced his shaft, and my panties, between my ass cheeks, using them to get himself off. Now that I'd gotten off, he no doubt wanted to get a little more pleasure for himself. He could get better contact with my butt than my pussy.

I lay under my brother like a sex toy as he worked on his climax. I was sufficiently sated to just relax and enjoy the moment without trying to turn the focus back to my needs. It shouldn't take Riley too long to get off, and I loved that he was using my body to do it. It was going to be a memory to cherish.

Riley's thrusting was getting faster and less controlled. His movements pointed to a desperation, a need for release much like the one I'd felt. He had to be getting close.

"Fuuuck," Riley moaned.

A splash of hot liquid hit my lower back. I shivered in excitement as another shot of cum landed on me, then another. He kept grinding on me through his orgasm, painting my skin and panties with his essence. It was enough to get me turned on all over again, even though we were nearly finished.

Finally Riley pulled away, leaving a sexy mess all over my backside. I curled up on my side, careful not to roll over far enough to get my sheets all full of his cum. I smiled up at him as he stood staring down at his nearly-naked baby sis.

"Thanks," I said. "That was kinda awesome,"

He shook his head, but couldn't keep a reciprocal smile off of his lips.

"You're a bad influence. I don't know what I'm going to do with you."

"I have a few ideas."

Riley shook his head again and started putting his clothes back on. I watched, feeling no great urge to emulate him. I felt so dirty, so wicked, and happier than I could ever remember. I wanted to savour the feeling as long as possible.

"I suppose it'd be pointless to tell you this can't happen again."

"You don't even believe that, do you really expect me to?"

He chuckled softly. "Not really, no."

He bent down and kissed the side of my head. He seemed about to say something else, then thought better of it. He slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I waited a moment to make sure he wasn't coming back, then reached around to my back. I scooped up some of my brother's cum and brought it to my mouth. I sucked on my finger, letting the taste fill my mouth as my other hand snuck down into my panties. The satiation of my previous orgasm had abandoned me. Luckily I had all evening to get back to my homework.

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kaotic2kaotic27 months ago

I love this so much.


The whole of this first chapter is nothing if not WONDERFUL...sister and brother...sister more aware of him from the start, yet Riley can 'sense' something going 😞 n with Anna, and confronts her...even if in a round-about way.

The slow build to contact was a pleasure to behold; caring for each other, that Riley understands where she is coming from, her difference in response to parents' nagging, the teen rebellion...we can ALL identify with that...

Mom is really a piece of work; discipline is one thing, but the overbearing attitude is really unappealing as a whole. Dad may be a bit less so, but still...I understand backing your spouse, but this HAS to be tempered...

Now, on to Chapter Two, and where these two go!


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Definitely heating up. I assume full-blown sex comes in the next part; otherwise I would be disappointed. I liked the more realistic portrayal of Riley as someone that only thinks of their sibling in a "normal" way, but slowly his views change as Anna steps up her game. I think he changed his mind a bit too fast still, but then again, was it really worth a few more pages to drag it out? Probably not.

As for Anna, I liked how the story is from her perspective. She seems like a decent woman but just gets the short end of the stick a lot. And her mom seems to have it in for her a bit. Did she have any sexual experience before this I wonder? I'm finding these details are often left out in your stories sadly.

vanyevanyeover 1 year ago

I don't get why Mom is such a bitch about homework on a Saturday night....and Anna needs friends.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hate myself

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