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His Angel

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To him, she was an angel; no, HIS Angel.
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Douglas pulled off the main highway and found a cozy place to park his eighteen-wheeler. It had been another long boring day, and he was not ready to turn in and say goodnight yet. After getting every thing ready, he sat at his computer and logged on, checked his e-mail, then went surfing.

Douglas is around the age of 50. He works as a truck driver. He doesn't have a happy marriage, nor, does he have the typical male type job. He is not contented with a routine 9 to 5 job. He loves driving a rig, except for the long, lonely nights. His life resembles a roller coaster. No matter what he does to make things better, it feels like someone is out to make sure his life is a living hell, twenty-four seven.

He closed his eyes, letting his mind travel twenty years back in time. He was so happy then. As the image of Pamela came into view, she was the first woman he had ever loved totally, unconditionally. They had made plans to spend eternity together, until someone took her away from him forever. Somehow, he could never recapture that essence.

With tears in his eyes, he brought down his fist against the dashboard, "Oh-god, why?"

Unable to sleep, he just sat there, clicking through his favorite sites. His eyes seemed drawn to an erotic story site. After scanning the list of new stories, he found one by a new author her name was Kandie. He began reading. "Hot-dam she's good!"

Her words pulled him into the story, as if he was one of the characters. He grinned then readjusted his pants. Not only did his mind love it, his cock was rock hard!

He left her an e-mail feedback, giving her a few hints. He also hoped that she was the kind of writer, who took constructive criticism. He did not expect to hear back from her, because less than two percent of those he writes, reply. The next morning, he was amazed to find a thank-you note from her, in his e-mail box. She stated that her real name was Amanda. The message went on to say, that she would be very interested in his opinion. She was a novice writer and had lost her editor. She also attached a hot sexy picture of herself.

He sent her a sexy response. Soon their relationship went from editor, to friend, and then to online lover. He is still not sure what really happened, but here they were having an online relationship. It was better then most real ones. When she sent him that provocative picture wow, he fell in love, head over heels. She was not only talented, but also gorgeous! One catch, she was married. When asked if she was happy, she always replied, yes. Then she informed him she loved to cyber and chat online.

"Bummer, adding that he was not into breaking up homes, or stealing lonely housewives. But if she would allow them to cyber, the online love affair would be satisfactory. Well, maybe, because his mind was screaming at him," That's what you think!"

Through their many chats, he learned that her heart was breaking. Her so-called happy marriage was not stable. Many nights, he listened as she let go of all the pain. It was then that Douglas told her, he wanted to be more then just a friend. He was falling in love with her.

Spring was just around the corner. The cold winds of winter were blowing across the plains, holding it within its snowy grasp, one last time.

Douglas happened to get the run that he wanted, right close to her place. In addition, he had the whole weekend off. Man, what a lucky break this was. Maybe, she will even meet me. "OH GOD, I hope she will." He sent her an e-mail about the details. He wanted to be able to hold her, for real, instead of just in his dreams.

He just could not wait for her email reply, so he picked up the phone and called her. "Hey doll, what do you have in mind to do for Valentine's Day?"

"Not much, just watch television, surf the net and just relax. I really do not have any reason to be celebrating Valentine's Day. Why?"

"Well I am coming down your way and I thought we could meet."

There was a long pause, "Now that is the best thing I have heard all week. Sis has been bugging me to get out of this house, so now's my chance."

"Great, where can we meet?"

"Well there is a mall close to the house, and Sis can drop me off there. The stores are open all night, so it will be safe for us to meet there." She then told him the name of the mall and gave him directions.

"Ok well, I know where that is. I should be there around 7 pm. Friday."

"Ok, see you Friday."

The day arrived, and he felt like a teen again, on his first date. How will I act? What will I say? Will she be as sweet and sexy as she sounds? Oh God here she is. What do I do now?

She came into his arms like one who had always been there. They kissed for the first time, he felt an electric shock run from his lips, straight to his cock. He was speechless. He mumbled something to her sister, who had brought her to the meeting place, then whisked her off into his truck.

He then went around the back of the building, looking for a place to turn around. However, then she came close, and touched him. He could not take anymore. He had to have her right then and there. To hell with anyone that might see them. He parked the truck. He took her into his arms. They kissed over and over again, ending up in the sleeper.

His mind was reeling. "How did I get undressed? How did she get naked? Oh My God, she's a raving beauty. Is she really here? Will I really be able to hold her? Will she really allow me to make love to her?

Can she possibly know that I wasn't just spouting words when I said, I love you?"

Her kisses, burning with desire and passion went clear to his soul. Her body looked like a Goddess lying there. She was waiting for him to come to her, wanting him to make love to her. Where are all the plans, he made for this meeting go? What happened to all the things, I wanted to do before we made love?

He had to feel her arms around him. To feel her soft velvet vise of her womanhood as he thrust deep into her. He had to have her now. He could not wait another second, to make her his. Slowly, almost hesitantly, she came into his arms. He still wanted to make this union of their bodies' special for her. He wanted to hold back, to prolong their lovemaking on that first time. However, there was no way he could hold anything back from her. Not even this. "Amanda, I Love you," he cried as he shot his load deep inside her pussy.

"Now what have I done? I guess I have just ruined the whole damn weekend for her. Now she's gonna think, that all I wanted was her body. Why do I always have to be so freaking impatient. I just could not wait could I? I just had to fuck this wonderful, beautiful creature. What's wrong with me? I can't even follow a simple plan to make her feel good without fucking it all up. Now, what's she going to think? Will she want to leave and go home? Will she just go on, and slap the shit out of me, like I deserve?"

Then, he heard the most beautiful words in the world. "Douglas, I love you". His heart came into his throat. He wanted to jump for joy, to do handsprings. Mostly, though, he just wanted to hold her close, and never, ever let her go. Three more times, they made sweet passionate love that night. Three more trips to Heaven.

When he awoke on Saturday, he just couldn't believe that she was there. Holding him, loving him, and wanting him. Again, before breakfast, they pleasured each other. When she took his cock deep into her throat, he thought he would just die right there. This was like nothing he had ever experienced before. With pleasure so intense, it was almost like pain.

He knew that he couldn't live without her. He wanted her to be with him as he traveled the highways. With him, when he stopped at night in some lonely rest area, on an even lonelier interstate highway. He wanted to have her next to him, when he went into a truck stop for his dinner. He looked into her soft green eyes. "Amanda, I love you!" He drew her into his arms and kissed her again. This time with all the passion, he had within him. In the back of his mind, he wondered how he could have found someone so beautiful. To him, she was an angel—no—"His Angel" more precious, then priceless gemstones or the purest gold. She fit within his arms like a tailored leather glove.

He did not care what tomorrow would bring, because she was his until the end of time. He ran his finger down her spine and felt a tingle of electricity, going from his fingertips straight to his cock. He softly laid her down, and with wet butterfly, kisses followed the trail left by his fingers.

"Oh Douglas, I love you," as she felt his hands caressing her. She thought back to the first time they met online. When she asked for a picture of him, at first he hesitated. She told him, that she just wanted to match the face with a name. He sent her one with the caption; "Beware the following maybe hazardous to your health!"

When she looked into those blue eyes, she felt drawn to him like metal to a magnet. In the back of her head, she wondered how a picture could do all that. At first dismissed it, saying she was just horny, as usual. However, when he called her, his voice, went straight through her to the center of her womanhood. She wondered if he could heart the beating of her heart. She wanted to follow the phone line to him and scream, "Take me I am yours!" Was she just her usual hot and horny self-playing online to meet the hunger between her legs? On the other hand, was she beginning to feel the affects of a neglected wife after five years of marriage? She did not care. All she wanted to do was snuggle deep within his arms.

When she was reading his e-mail the next day, he asked her a question. "Amanda, was that a dream I had last night, or was it real!"

"If I am dreaming, then I don't ever want to wake up. Whoever wakes me up better wish they had not," she replied.

She was not even sure what brought the two of them together. Now, this was a weekend in paradise. Douglas was all she wanted!

Part two:

That night she lay there watching him sleeping. Damn-it girl, what's wrong with you? You're acting like a teenager, who was throwing caution to the wind. This was not like her at all. She always took her time to find out about a man, before letting them come near her. "Oh-my-god, you went after Douglas as if you have not been fucked in ages. Oh-god what did he think of her now?" "I bet he is thinking wow-oh-boy is she easy! How, could such well thought out plans, go amuck?

She let the tears flow. "How, can I be so selfish? I have ruined everything!" She fell asleep nested within his strong arms.

When she awoke, he was holding her close. "Well hello doll, did you sleep well?" He kissed her. Then he told her, she would not be allowed to think about any of her problems that whole weekend. She was to let her hair down, and have some fun for a change. Her problems would still be there on Monday. "I don't know why, but I love you!" He went on to say he was not quite certain what that really meant. No matter what happened he would love her and always be her friend.

He pulled his angel closer. Then, he raised her chin, and began kissing her tear stained checks, her sweet button nose, and her irresistible lips. She wrapped her arms about his neck, pulling him closer. God, it felt like heaven being in her arms.

"Douglas, this is where I belong, right here in your arms. See, here's my name right here on your chest." With her fingers, she spelled out her name and it tingled clear down to his toes.

"I know doll. This is where I want you. I just don't want you to hurt Bryan. He is a good man."

"Yeah, you're right. Bryan is a good man. He just does not know anything about women. He wants to be mothered. I refuse to raise another child. My kids are grown and I want to have fun now."

"I know, Amanda. If Bryan is not careful he is going to loose a great woman and a sexy lover."

He drew her close and kissed her deeply. Then he sucked in one of her nipples, feeling it swell under his lips. Then he bit it, gently at first then harder, giving both nipples equal attention. He felt her arch her back, as she pulled his head closer to her bosom.

Her sexy voiced urged him on. He slid his finger between the wet folds of her pussy. He knew he was one touch from heaven. His fingers found her swollen clit and he encircled it with his thumb. His two fingers slid in and out of her vagina. She began moaning and moving her hips wildly. Slowly he drove her over the edge, into another earth-shattering climax.

He felt her fingers caressing his cock. Oh god, she could play with his cock all day if she wanted to. Damn, it felt so good! He was about to ask her to suck his cock again, when she sat up and placed her lips around his member and deep throated him. He yelled, "Oh Fuck, Amanda what are you doing to me? I think I'm loosing my mind, don't stop now, suck me off!"

She continued sucking him deep as her other hand squeezed and massaged his balls. One thing Amanda loved was sucking cock. In her mind, it was no fun unless you swallowed! She continued until she had drained every drop from him. She lay back licking her lips as she snuggled up in his arms.

"I can't take anymore, woman! I'm all fucked out!"

"For today you are! But we still have Sunday!"

He smirked and said, "Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?" In the back of his head, Douglas told himself that Bryan must be a crazy fool for not loving and treating Amanda like the one she deserved.

He pulled her close and said, "Doll, it is time, we get some sleep. That's if this damn back will let me!"

She felt him tossing and turning, reached over, and placed her arms around him. When she ran her fingers down his back, he trembled and winced. She knew his back was hurting. She kissed his shoulder. "Ok, roll over on your stomach. It's time you received one of my famous massages. Your back feels tighter than a rubber band."

He rolled over. When he felt her fingers caressing him, mumbled, "Oh god, don't stop! Let your fingers do the walking they feel wonderful!"

She gently rubbed his neck, then she worked her way down to his ass and slowly back up several times. God, he was so tense you could bounce a quarter of his back and get change. She worked her way downward once more this times her fingers firmly working each muscle and pressure point. Soon she felt his muscles relax and watched him drift off to sleep

Douglas was asleep, or at least he thought he was. He was standing in this beautiful peaceful meadow. It looked as if God sprinkled the ground with every color of the rainbow. As if, God made it just for his eyes. The sky was the brightest blue he'd ever seen, scattered with white clouds. One could not ask, for a more gorgeous day. He wondered for a moment. "Why am I here?"

The angel flew so close to the ground. He felt the essence of angel dust brushing over his cheeks.

When he looked up, he wondered how that beautiful creature could find him, in the midst of all the thousands of people on the earth. Was she observing the wonderful creations of God, or helping little children find their way? Or was she searching for love in this hate-filled world of ours?

He had never seen the same angel before. She had been watching over him, as he drove his eighteen-wheeler down the road, one stormy winter day. The snow packed icy pathway made driving hard, he could have very well lost his way. When it seemed he could not tell where the road should be, she whispered, "I shall guide you."

She then guided him through the winding turns and along slippery surfaces, until the storm had passed and he saw the sunrise of another day.

The angel also held his hand, when he went to see his sick dad one day. When he looked into his dad's face, he wondered if he would be with him for another day. He trembled at the thought of loosing him. He felt the angel's presence surround him.

"I have been with you this far, doesn't let your faith waver. When you could not go on, I carried you the rest of the way."

This same angel was with him, the night he cried in loneliness and despair. She wiped the tears from his eyes. It made him wonder, if true love would again come his way. With her soft touch, she reached within his heart and calmed his fears. "Your love is out there, she's just a breath away."

When tomorrow came, the angel guided his footsteps. Then she introduced him to someone who astounded him. She took Amanda's hand and placed it in his. When they touched and his fingers enclosed hers, he felt his heart skip a beat, as it passionately intertwined with hers. He tilted his head, so he could look into her soft green eyes. The angel pulled each of them closer. He placed his lips on hers and kissed her softly.

The angel whispered, "Douglas, this Angel before you, is here to stay!"

Her tears awoke him when they fell against his chest. He looked into her face, pulled her chin up to his. "OH Angel, what's wrong?"

"I don't want to go home, Douglas, ever! I am for the first time in my life in love. I cannot bear to leave you!"

Part Three:

Amanda curled up again in Douglas's arms. She wanted to push the world away and began to cry once more. He raised her chin, kissed her softly on the lips. "Honey, you and I both know there is Bryan to consider. You two have five years together and there is something between you, or you would not of been together this long. You need to talk to him, seriously now, you owe him that much."

"You're right! Oh god, how can life be so complicated!" As she methodically went through the motions of getting dressed, she again wondered what in the hell just happened to her. Was the feeling she having just lust of a sex starved homemaker? Or was it love? The more she thought about it, the more she realized that her feelings for him were more then just lust. Lust does not make you want to cuddle and talk for hours on end.

He pulled into the parking area of the mall. She thought the dam would burst and she would float out of the truck on a blanket of tears. However, she had known in her heart that she had to be sensible.

She looked into his eyes, "Hell, why does this have to be goodbye? I know in my heart that we'll meet again."

He held her close and kissed her hard, then pinched her ass. "That's a big 10-4 doll. I love you!"

She watched his rig drive out of sight. Wishing she was still with him. Then she walked toward the store to look for her sister, who was picking her up. She found her near the vending machines, drinking a soda and reading the newspaper. "Hi Sis, how long have you been sitting here? "

Her sister saw that Amanda was beaming from ear to ear. "Oh not long, did you have a good time honey?"

"I will tell you all about it on the drive home."

As her sister drove to her home, Amanda chattered as if a love struck teen. When she stopped talking and glanced at her sister, she had that, girl you have gone loco look in her eyes.

When they got home, her sister brewed some coffee. Then Amanda began to give her all the juicy details of her sexual encounter with Douglas. She was sure that she loved him.

Her sister looked at her sternly. "Amanda, how can you know that? You've just met the guy. Honey, stop and think things through will you. You have not even taken the time to get over Bryan. Here you go, plunging off the cliff once more. I think you need to steer completely free of men for at least a month. If this is love, what's the hurry?"

She thought of her sister's works all night. Damn-it, has she done it once more? You ran from one crappy situation into the arms of a man, without seeing what lay ahead. You also did not take care of your broken heart. She wondered if it was really lust. "Oh no," she concluded. No man had ever touched her like that and made a spark go clear to her soul. No--one--it was love!

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