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Holiday with My Son

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A hotel error leaves with the wrong sleeping arrangements.
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Thank you for reading my story, I hope that you get some pleasure. Love Mica xx

Jack and I were off on a holiday, the first for a few years, in fact the first since his dad, Paul, passed away. I had saved and saved and managed to get a holiday booked at an Adults only resort in the Dominican. It's a long flight, and I couldn't afford a flight upgrade, so we were flying economy. To make things worse, they didn't even seat us together, but then we are adults, so I guess it is not the end of the world.

Arrivals at Punta Cana airport were, to put it mildly, chaotic. It was hot, we queued in the open air for about an hour before we got into passport control. Eventually we got our luggage and went to the arrivals hall to find our transport to the hotel. Luckily we were able to sit next to each other on the coach. We were the third drop off, and then we had a very long walk from the drop off at the resort to our actual hotel.

Thankfully everything there was good. They offered us a rum punch cocktail whilst we waited and then after copies of passports, issuing room keys, eventually, they took us to our room.

Oh well, as you might expect, that wasn't right. I had specifically ordered twin beds, but they gave us a double. Admittedly it was a huge double, but, still one bed not two. I hadn't planned on sleeping in the same bed as my son for two weeks. I phoned reception who apologised by said that the hotel was full and that no other rooms were available.

Such is life.

"Right then Jake," I said. "There will be some awkward moments this week, we will no doubt accidentally catch sight of each other in a less than ideally clothed situation, let's be grown up about it, ok? I usually sleep naked, but this holiday I shall wear panties, I would be grateful if you would do the same."

As I was talking there was a knock at the door. "Room Service."

I went and answered.

"Madam, hotel sends its apologies and would like to offer you this bowl of beautiful fruit and this bottle of wine. Again, we do apologise, and, Madam, this room is actually a higher grade than the room that you booked. Thank you Madam."

I smiled and thanked the lad, stuff happens, I know that, at least we had a room, I had heard holiday hotel stories where people turn up and the hotel seem to have no sign of their booking.

"Right then Jack. Let's get unpacked, cossies on and go and find the pool."

"Okay mum, but I was going to leave my stuff in the suitcase."

"You can, but you would be better off emptying the case and then putting your dirty clothes, pants and what not in the case. Sort of keep smells away from clean clothes."

He shrugged and started putting clothes in drawers. I hung up my dresses, put bikinis in one drawer, undies in another, sarongs in another and so on. Toiletries went in the bathroom. I saw that there were two robes in the bathroom and some slide on slippers. Perhaps that is what we got in the upgrade, I wasn't sure, but the room did look bigger than I expected.

"I'll change in the bathroom; you get your trunks on in here. Back in a couple of minutes."

In the bathroom I quickly stripped off and put my yellow two piece on, it really was quite small, in fact delightfully small, so a pretty much all over tan should be achieved, apart from three little triangles.

"I'm coming out, be decent," I called as I opened the bathroom door.

"Right, we need to put lotion on each other's backs, I'll do you first and then you can do me, and then we can get to the pool."

He stood in front of me and I sprayed his back, using an all day SPF 30 lotion and then rubbed it in.

"Right you do my back, don't worry about the straps, just move them out of the way." I supposed, as I was wearing a revealing bikini, then I shouldn't have any issues with Jack and his tight budgie smugglers. Crumbs, he is certainly packing some meat.

I took the spray off him and did the rest of my body, put my flip flops on, grabbed a sarong and a pool towel from the bathroom, and waited by the door for Jack to be ready. It took him longer, probably because he was a slow applicator, but eventually we were ready.

We headed poolside, so nice not having screaming children around and in the pool. A pool guard asked me what room we were in, and I answered 115.

"Madam, your cabana is over here." He led us to one of those huge tents that they have at the side of the pool. It had our room number on it. There were also two sun loungers for sunbathing in front. I guess this was part of the upgraded room. Cool. He explained the flag system, there was a flag on the table. You put it up when you wanted a drink, and down if you did not. Excellent, I put the flag up.

"I'm going in the pool mum," Jack said, dropped his things in the cabana and dived into the pool. I sat on a sun lounger grabbing some tanning rays. A waitress came over, small blouse and tinier apron; I ordered 2 rum and cokes, and lay back.

I felt a drop of water, rain? I opened my eyes, Jack was standing next to me, dripping, my eyes had focussed on his bulge, oh.

"Goodness Jack, you are dripping on me."

"Sorry mum, I am just drip drying before I get on my towel."

"Well, you know, there are other places to drip dry rather than on me."

I sat up, if I am going to get dripped on, I may as well go into the pool. I put my phone and towel in the cabana out of sight and out of the sun. The pool felt cool, although I guessed it wasn't, it was just that I had been baking in the sun.

I walked down the steps, the pool getting deeper and then it reached my crotch, oh my goodness, that woke things up. I plunged fully in and swam to a depth I could stand and my head was above water. I faced back to look at our cabana. Jack was still standing, drip drying, and forgive me for noticing, but his bulge was still pronounced.

I mused for a while, and then I supposed it was no different for men and boys with a girls boobs, they stick out, are prominent, but I always thought they got more aroused at our boobs, than we ever did looking at their bulges. There were a few men around, most had Bermudas, only a few had speedos and the truth is, none had as pronounced a bulge as my son.

I shook my head and tried to get the image out of my head, I swam around the pool, I may have had a little wee, and then went back to the cabana, standing just to one side to let the water drip. I used my hand as a squeegee to remove as much water as I could and then lay in the sun once more to dry off. Jack had his sunglasses on so I had no idea if he was asleep or awake or even what he was looking at if he was awake.

I had the flag up and the girl with the too small blouse and very short skirt with an apron came across, I ordered two rum and cokes, and she asked if we wanted lunch service. I said yes and she passed me a poolside food menu.

"Jack. Food. What do you want?"

I guessed he was awake all the time after all.

"What is there?" He asked as he sat up.

"Burritos, Nachos, Burger. I am having a burrito."

"Fine mum, same here please."

I told the girl that we would have two burritos and a bottle of water, and she went off towards the pool bar. Jack didn't follow her with his head. Interesting, short of wearing a bikini, she couldn't have had any more of herself on display and Jack seemed uninterested. I noticed a fair number of the other males around the pool seemed to follow her every move.

The five hour time difference was beginning to catch up with me, I expected I would snooze in the cabana after lunch, but for now I just had my playlist in my buds and the sun on my front. It was good to get away. I wondered if we would get fed up of the sun and pool and rum before the two weeks was up.

The burritos were rather spicier than I was used to and the bottle of water was soon gone, I put the flag up and when she came I ordered four rum and cokes, two each. She cleared away the food wrappers and bustled off to get our drinks, again many male eyes followed her every step, but not all.

I snoozed away the afternoon in the shade of the cabana, we had several rum and cokes, and I was feeling them by the time came to go and get ready for dinner. The rule was no swimwear in the restaurant, and that was okay by me.

"I'll shower first, then come out here and get dressed whilst you go in the shower, okay?"

"Yes mum."

I went into the bathroom and shut the door, turning on the shower. I stripped off my bikini and rinsed it in the shower, then dropped it in the hand basin whilst I showered. Cleaned and rinsed of chlorine I wrapped a towel around and opened the bathroom door.

"Okay baby, all yours."

I stepped out and let him go into the bathroom and do whatever he needed to do. I put on a small pair of panties and a wireless bra. I sat in front of the vanity and brushed my hair and put it into a pony. I rubbed some after sun on everywhere I could reach, I would get Jack to do my back after he had showered, then I would slip my dress on and think about dinner.

Jack came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "I forgot my clothes mum."

"Okay, no worries, before you go back and get dressed, will you rub some after sun onto my back? I will then do your before you go back into the bathroom.

I stood and passed him the after sun and turned away. I watched him in the mirror as he rubbed the lotion across my back.

"Right, swap places and I will do yours, you'll have to hold the towel in front of you so I can get to your back."

If he hadn't held the towel in front of him, I would have had a full frontal view in the mirror. I rubbed his back and then playfully slapped his bum, "right, get your clothes and go and get dressed."

I purposefully didn't watch him as he moved around the room grabbing clothes and then going back into the bathroom. I slipped into a blue with yellow edging sundress and then a pair of canvas slip-ons and I was ready, just waiting for Jack. My head was a little muffled, either the jet lag or the rum. I think, for me, dinner and then straight to bed.

Dinner was a buffet. There were a number of A La Carte restaurants that you could book for no extra cost, and I thought that tomorrow we would see what there was and perhaps book, today I just wanted some food and my bed. The buffet seemed varied, a lot that I liked the look of, some that I had no idea what it was, but would probably try whilst we were here. I just went for a selection of fish dishes and some chips. I rarely eat salad away from home, I had read that is a sure fire way to get an upset stomach.

Back in the room I took my sun dress off and sat in my bra and pants on my side of the bed. I said goodnight to Jack and took my bra off before sliding under the sheet in just my panties. I think I went off pretty quickly, but then woke need the loo. I slipped out of bed and padded to the bathroom and sat my panties around my ankles. I was about to start when Jack rushed in.

"Gotta go." he gasped.

"We you can't I'm already here, you'll have to wait."

"I can't wait, I'll go in the gap," and he pulled his penis out, aimed, and peed between my legs into the toilet.

I did not, even in the poor light of the night, want to see my sons penis just in front of my eyes in full flow. Nor, and even more so, did I want to experience his stream straight on my clitoris.

My bladder released and I had the weird sensation of watching a penis emptying, whilst I was emptying, whilst my clitoris was been massaged by a stream of hot liquid. I felt my pressures building, God no, no, I didn't need that, but my body didn't care, the electricity was building and wouldn't go away, and Jack kept streaming.

I gasped, that little sigh, the one you release at those intimate moments, only this wasn't supposed to be an intimate moment, and those little bolts of electricity shot from my crotch, exploding through my body. I squeezed my thighs desperately trying not to audibly gasp as my orgasm flooded my body. Jack slowly slowed and stopped, then I had the sight of him pulling his foreskin back to get rid of the last few drops.

"Just go back to bed Jack, I need to have a wash now."

"Sorry mum, but I was bursting."

"Just go."

I finished and stood before the sink and ran the warm water, and washed my crotch as best as I could. It would do till the morning when I could have a shower. I went back to bed and pulled the covers over me, realising I hadn't put my panties back on as I dozed off to sleep.

When I woke up Jack was lying next to me, an arm over me. I slipped from under him and went to the bathroom and put the shower on. I picked my panties off the floor and rinsed them, they would soon dry, and I had only worn them a short time.

Jack walked in and stood in front of the toilet and let go.

"Jack, really, I am in the shower," I said in as stern a voice as I could.

"Well yes, I know, not using the loo so that means I can."

"Didn't stop you last night."

"I had to go mum."

I turned away presenting only my back to him and carried on washing. He really seemed to be taking liberties. When I had finished I turned to see that he left the bathroom. I turned off the shower, squeegeed my self as dry as I could and then finished off with a towel. I put my bikini back on and then went out to the main room, Jack was in his budgies already.

"Do each other's backs mum?" He asked and I nodded.

I took the spray off him and did his back then passed it to him to do mine. All done I put a sarong on, Jack a loose shirt, we grabbed our things and headed off for breakfast before going to the pool again.

I put our things in the cabana and grabbed the sun lounger. It was a little surprising how hot the sun was so early in the morning, we would definitely burn without our sun screen. The morning passed slowly, and lunch was burgers today, and then we alternated between the shade of the cabana, the cool of the pool and the heat of the sun lounger until it was time to go in and get ready for dinner.

There was the dance of the bathroom as we alternated getting showered and dressed. Eventually with no mishaps we went and dined. Jack was on Pizza, I had some kind of meat stew, surprisingly spicy, but still tasty.

We had drunk a lot of rums during the day and had several glasses of hotel red over dinner, so we were a little on the tipsy side as we went back to our room, with Jack's arm around me I managed no to fall over, although I may have stumbled a few times.

In the room, door locked with Do Not Disturb on the door, I pulled my dress off and hung it over a chair. I sat on the bed and realised I need the loo and pulling my panties off I went and sat. And again Jack stumbled in, dropped his trousers and aimed for the gap.

I took a closer look at his penis this time, the bathroom wasn't as dark as last night. His penis was quite meaty and looked a good handful. When he pulled his skin back to get all the drips, his head was a purple red colour, and the rim around the edge seemed much larger than the rest of his penis.

I couldn't look any longer as he had, again aimed his stream at my clitoris and it had responded, as it believed it should, by issuing another orgasm, this time I couldn't keep it quiet and I gasped very loudly as my moment struck.

Jack looked at me in astonishment.


"Nothing to see here," I said, my face probably a beetroot red.

"But you," he continued.

"Nothing to hear either, now if you've finished."

As he stood in front of me I could see his penis visibly growing and stiffening, I guessed the sounds of my orgasm was music to his penis. And he was quite the grower, his penis easily well over two palms in length and a good aubergine around.

He leant forward and, I do not know what came over me, I opened my mouth and sucked him in. Why? I didn't know. I had not expected this to happen, had not planned for it to happen, I had no intentions of having sexual relations with my son, and yet, here I was performing oral sex on my son whilst I was sat on the toilet.

"Oh God mum," he gasped, I could feel the pulse in his penis as I grasped it in my hand, pulling his foreskin back and revealing his head. I was on autopilot, I knew what to do, just not why I was doing it. I ran my tongue around the rim of his cock head, across the little fold of skin that connects the head to the shaft, and into the little hole at the end, Jack gulped, his knees sagged. I moved my mouth up and down his penis, shagging him with my mouth.

"God mum," he said, his voice stilted.

I pulled his penis from my mouth, "Bed. Now" I muttered and pushed him away. I know we had consumed a lot of alcohol, but that did not excuse my behaviour, I was just like a bitch in heat, I needed shagging and Jack was my only available option.

I left my panties on the bathroom floor and headed out of the bathroom to the bed, lying down watching Jack as his hard penis headed towards me. This was no time for soft tender fore play, I pulled him on top of me.

"You know what to do," I said as I guided his penis to my opening. It felt like he was ramming a rolling pin inside, he was bigger than I am used to and he wasn't slow or gentle as he entered me. He pushed and his skin rolled back and then he had reached my depth, pushing my inside as far in me as he could, and then pulling back and then a steady shagging. I could feel his rim slide up and down my inside, opening my insides, stretching me for him.

My clitoris, primed from the bathroom, was ready, pressures building, electricity starting to buzz from my groin. I heard myself gasping as he reached my depth, the slap of his stomach on mine as he had me, and the noises were overwhelmingly erotic, I knew I would not last long.

His balls slapped against my thighs, just below my fanny, his stomach hitting my mons, no doubt leaving red marks, the sounds of sex, the gasps from me, the slaps on my skin, echoing around the room. I felt my vagina tighten, felt myself squeeze his cock inside me.

"Oh shit mum," he gasped, "I am going to cum."

At that moment my orgasm exploded and my body planked, my fanny squeezing him tight as electrics blasted through my body. I was vaguely aware of his spurts inside me, his rocking within me as he ejaculated and then I slumped back.

I awoke sometime later, the room lights on, Jack laying half off me, his softened penis laying on my thigh, a trail of silver leading from it. My head was thrumming, not from our actions but from the alcohol consumed. I slipped from under Jack and headed to the bathroom. I peed and then washed. What was done, was done. It happened, there was no good ruing our actions, we are both adults, we know what is what, and what it was, was certainly unexpected and unplanned by me.

I went quietly back into the bedroom and lay on the bed, pulling the sheet over us. Jack mumbled and then his arm came around me, pulling me to him and his hardening penis.

I gently rolled him onto his back and covered him, my face at his penis, my crotch over his face. I opened my mouth and sucked him inside, the taste of our sex strong on his penis. I pulled his skin back as far as I could and wiped my lips around the end of his cock, it jerked, jerked again and was once more hard like a rolling pin, hard in my mouth.

"Mum," he gasped.

"Shush baby, go to sleep baby," I said softly as I sucked my son to completion.

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