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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 103

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Mike inherits a home full of fuckable monster girls - Part 7.
15.3k words

Part 103 of the 116 part series

Updated 05/10/2024
Created 08/31/2017
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Hi all!

Annabelle Hawthorne has returned with the next chapter of "Seriously, how did you get away with 103 chapters of this drivel?" I'll be your host for this afternoon as we dive right in!

For the new readers, we started with a blowjob in the bathtub, met the grim reaper, and are now on Hawaii hiking up a mountain. I probably forgot to mention a few things, but fuck it. You're either going to stream roll ahead, give up, or decide to pop back to chapter 1 to see what made this blowjob so great. I suppose the secret fourth option is to print the whole story out, roll it into a massively thick cylinder, then ease your orifice of choice down onto it in the hopes of absorbing the story through your mucus membrane, but that's incredibly niche, and I would like to remind you to flare the base. Nobody at the ER will believe that you slipped in the shower and fell on an erotic novel and now its stuck.

For my returning readers (who now have a very interesting visual in their heads), welcome back! I'm in pretty high spirits these days, but that's due to the enormous amounts of caffeine I've been running on. I couldn't afford actual drugs like Stephen King, so the coke I've been doing comes in a bottle. Other than that little face, we're practically the same person!

Book 7 has been a bit harder for me to write in recent days because I am seriously beach deficient as a result. I actually started listening to a youtube playlist where the music was supposed to make you think you're sitting in a Hawaiian cafe. I've also had some semi-mild personal drama, but writing is kind of my therapy, so I've been digging deep to keep my words up.

I am hoping to go full time with my writing gig later this year, so things should stabilize for me pretty soon, I just have some life stuff that needs shuffling around. The main reason I even bring this up is that the support of readers here on Lit are directly responsible for making that huge leap to living my dream as a full time author. I don't have sufficient words to describe how this feels for me, but I'll give it a go.

Thank you. Thank you for your comments, for your letters, for remembering to leave me stars so that others could find me, for binge reading until all hours of the night, for saying kind things when I was full of doubt, for reminding me that I am a capable storyteller when the words simply wouldn't come. These are all things you have done for me, and I'm going to keep working hard to put out the very best story I can.

Don't forget to check my release schedule in the bio to see when I'm planning chapters, I really do aim for that nebulous Friday release so you can kick up your heels over the weekend. But for now, it's time to sit back, relax, and get ready for a scene that most of you would say is

Sudden But Inevitable

Beth stood on the dock, watching as the boats carrying Mike and the others vanished around the edge of the island. She held a mimosa in one hand and clutched her hat against her head with the other to keep the wind from carrying it away. She was a little frustrated that she couldn't go with them, but it did come with certain perks.

Nearby, a figure surfaced from the water. It was a merman with a smooth, glistening torso and well defined pecs. He had dark skin and raven-colored hair that had been decorated with glass beads. Thick tribal bands had been tattooed along his chest and shoulders, creating shadows that somehow gave him more definition.

"Will you be joining us today, Lady Radley?" His smile was genuine, and he extended a hand toward her. "I was informed you may enjoy a tour of one of our local reefs. It's off limits to all but our most distinguished guests."

Beth grinned and drank the rest of her mimosa in one go. "I would be happy to join you," she said. "What is your name?"

"I am Ano." The merman used his tail to propel himself out of the water enough that he performed a bow. "You will be in my care today."

"Lovely." Beth took off her hat and pulled her sundress over her head. She was wearing a purple one-piece swimsuit with white stripes along the edges. "I'll be with you in just a moment."

She walked toward the beach where a young woman, an Order attendant, was waiting. Beth handed over the hat, empty glass, and sundress.

"Can you make sure those don't blow away?" she asked. "Looks like I'm going swimming."

The woman nodded, then took the bundle up to where breakfast had been served. Aurora stood there, her eyes on the horizon as if she was deep in thought. Beth wasn't certain what the woman might be distracted by, but figured it probably had to do with Lily refusing to leave her room again.

Thinking of the succubus, Beth turned her gaze upward. Lily was watching from above, and took a moment to give Beth the finger.

"Never change, Lily." Beth smirked and turned her attention back toward the dock. Ano was bobbing up and down with the waves, patiently watching her. She tried to act casual, her hips swaying as she walked to the end of the dock.

"Are you ready?" asked Ano with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Did you want to bring your snorkel gear?"

"I don't need it." Beth leapt from the dock, summoning her magic. The water embraced her when she broke the surface, helping her sink to the sand fifteen feet below. Her magic helped her to maintain a thin bubble of air around her eyes, allowing her to see as if she was using goggles. Ano was ten feet back, hovering above the sand as he watched her.

Pinching her nose, Beth blew outward in an attempt to equalize the pressure in her ears. This was something she hadn't quite figured out how to do using her magic, but she would get there eventually. She swam toward the merman, who held out his hand.

"Let me know when you need air," he said, his voice soft against her ears. His lips hadn't moved, which meant there was likely magic involved. Beth vowed to pay close attention and see if it was something she could learn. She took Ano's hand and allowed him to pull her as they headed away from the shoreline.

They swam for several minutes before she tapped Ano's arm and he took her to the surface. While she could hold her breath for a really long time, she couldn't do it consecutively, so they swam along the top of the waves for a while, with Ano's tail propelling them forward at high speed. The occasional merperson was sometimes spotted below, interacting with animals or collecting trash.

"Picking up after humans is a full time job," Ano noted when Beth stopped for a minute to watch some merchildren gather up plastic bags into a ball that they tucked into woven seaweed tote bags. She nodded sadly at him and then they continued outward. Almost half an hour after leaving the shore, the azure depths around them vanished as a small hill made of sand and coral emerged from the darkness.

The tapestry of life painted across the raised ocean floor was far more elaborate than anything Beth had ever seen before. Vibrant colors and an abundance of wildlife held her attention for so long that the burning in her lungs was the only indication that she was out of breath. Ano assisted her to the surface, where she bobbed up and down in the waves, gasping for air.

"There's no need to rush," he reassured her. "We've got plenty of time."

Beth smiled at the merman, then allowed her body to float along the surface. He was right, there would be ample time for exploration. She was all nerves and excitement right now, and her magic wasn't helping. It was forming new connections in the sea, acting like sonar as it swept across the coral below and explored the depths of every nook and cranny. If she closed her eyes, she could see everything in her mind's eye. The ocean was a place of power, and she was officially plugged into it.

"I'm ready," she said, then took a few deep breaths before commanding the water to pull her beneath. Ano followed, diving upside down and hovering nearby as Beth descended nearly thirty feet to the aquatic world below. She pinched her nose and blew the air out of her ears.

The marine life swirled around her, inquisitive about this new interloper. Local fish formed a circle, eyeing her curiously as her feet reached the bottom. She closed her eyes for a moment to take in the distant song of some whales off the coast, the meaning of their words almost intelligible to her. Kneeling in the sand, she sank her fingers deep into the grains. Tiny creatures emerged from nearby holes to come visit, and a thin stream of bubbles squeezed between Beth's lips as she giggled with joy.

Ano watched her in awe, still hovering inverted nearby. Beth could see that his nostrils had actually folded shut on their own, and a thin line of gills had opened along his neck and jawline. Holding out her hands, she stifled a laugh when a brave parrot fish swam close and attempted to nibble at her fingernails. Though she had been born above the waves, this place truly felt like home.

She lost track of time as she navigated the reef, greeting creatures who came out to meet her every time she descended back into their world. Some of the smaller fish swam in her shadow, as if she had become their guardian from predators. A sea turtle came in from the depths of the ocean and swam around her, breaking away only to chase down some delicious seagrass.

As the early hours passed, she couldn't help but cast her gaze in Ano's direction. The merman had remained largely silent, his own eyes eager on her. On a couple of occasions, his semi-erect cock emerged from a sheath underneath his scales, dancing around like a fishing lure before going back into hiding.

Years of sexual fantasies about the merfolk were now culminating into a single moment, and Beth was absolutely determined to explore this whole new world to its fullest. During a particularly deep dive, she made long eye contact with Ano and pulled the top of her swimsuit down to reveal her breasts. She squeezed them a few times, then made a come hither gesture in his direction.

Ano sank into the depths with her, his cock sliding free of its sheath and twitching in anticipation. Unable to speak to the merman, Beth communicated with her body, pressing herself tight against him. She ran her hands across his powerful chest and shoulders before placing her lips against his. As their tongues intertwined, Ano's hands found her hips and he pressed himself against her as their bodies spiraled beneath the waves. His fins were soft to the touch, and Beth squeezed his ass, or whatever it actually was. Now wasn't the time to ask.

The merman was kissing his way down her neck when she grabbed his cock and was more than a little surprised when it grabbed back. Excited to explore Ano's body, Beth teased the head of his shaft with her thumb and started jerking him off. The merman tensed up, then let out a groan of pleasure as he blew his load in the water.

Frowning, Beth watched as the prismatic spray of mer-cum drifted away from them to be eagerly gobbled up by the fish. The cock in her hand was already softening, and Ano had started to drift away.

Wait, what? Stunned, she swam to the surface, pulling the straps of her suit back up and over her shoulders. When she broke through the waves, she waited for Ano to appear. The merman was all smiles when he did.

"Sorry about that," he said with a grin. "I find the idea of you very exciting is all."

"That's okay," she replied. "Do you think you could get it up again?"

"Oh, certainly," he said. "Though if you want a proper floundering, you'll want to get the bottom of your suit off so that I can get all the way in before I come."

She chewed on those words for a moment, a frown forming on her face. "You don't think you can get it in before you come?"

Ano's delight faded from his face, and he shrugged his shoulders. "I may get in a few thrusts if I try really hard. Actually, that lotion you're wearing will probably help. I might even last a whole minute!"

"My lotion? Do you mean my sunscreen?" She was puzzled now. "How would that help you last longer?"

"It smells pretty bad," he admitted. "But that can be a good thing!"

Horrified, Beth held up her arm and took a sniff. All she got was the scent of salt and water.

"I stink?"

Ano nodded. "It's why nobody else is around," he said. "They can all smell you from a mile away. It's pretty bad."

"'re still here."

The merman nodded. "Of course I am. It's my job to escort you, after all."

Mortified that she had essentially given a handjob to her security detail, Beth scrunched up her face and turned her back on Ano. "I need to go back to my room for a bit," she said, trying to keep the misery out of her voice. Her enchanted morning had just turned into a miserable afternoon.

"Of course." He started swimming toward the shore and Beth used her magic to follow, no longer bothering to hold Ano's hand. Cursing inwardly at herself, she made the return trip in silence. Once the dock was in sight, she bid Ano a proper farewell and swam the remaining twenty feet to the structure.

Beth dangled her body in the water for a moment, then sighed and pulled herself up and onto the dock, sliding forward on her belly. She rolled over and contemplated the cotton-candy clouds above for a few minutes, her hair drying in the sun.

What a fucking waste. Not only had Zel's sunblock made her a pariah among the merfolk, but her attempted hookup with Ano had ended prematurely.

"Never fuck your heroes, I guess," she muttered, then flopped onto her stomach and got to her feet. Tomorrow she would forgo Zel's sunscreen in favor of something better that wouldn't drive the other merfolk away; maybe Aurora could recommend something. She definitely wouldn't bother with merman dick. Her lovers at home had spoiled her, and she wasn't about to settle just to check another monster off her list.

After a quick rinse in a shower by the dock, Beth used her magic to dispel the water and then retrieved her dress and hat from where they had been stowed away. She noticed that the Order's personnel lingered along the periphery of the property, clearly monitoring her but not engaging. She took the stairs up to the Radley suite, then used her bracelet to buzz in and found Lily sprawled on the couch with Tink. On a nearby table, used plates had been stacked high enough that some had started to topple.

"I thought you were going swimming all day." Lily picked up the remote to pause their show, but Tink slapped it out of her hand before she could press anything.

"Tink not finished," the goblin declared, then made a show of turning up the volume. Curious, Beth moved to see what they were watching and laughed when she realized it was a cheesy rom-com.

"That's absolutely not what I pictured you two watching," Beth said on her way to the bedroom to get changed.

"Yeah,'s very different from the lives we live." Lily strolled into Beth's room and tossed herself onto the bed. "So, girl talk! You fucked a merman, didn't you?"

Beth sighed and shook her head, hooking her fingers through the straps of her swimsuit and pulling it down. "It was pretty much over as soon as it began."

Lily laughed, grabbing Beth's pillow and clutching it to her chest. "I've heard rumors that they can't handle pussy, but didn't imagine it could be so bad! Did you at least--"

"Nope!" Beth was naked now, hopping on one foot to slide into a pair of white panties. "Not even close. Got my engine revved, but didn't go anywhere. I'm the physical manifestation of hot and bothered." Once her underwear was on, she put on the matching bra. Maybe she'd wear something nice to dinner and have an extra glass of wine to take her mind off of things.

"You don't say?" Lily's eyebrows lifted and a grin crossed her face. She sauntered over to the bed and sat down on the edge, her clothes briefly blurring until she was in a black and red bra. "How hot and bothered, exactly?"

"Uh..." Beth stared into Lily's eager eyes. "If I'm being honest, I'm pretty horny, but it's a fairly specific itch."

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" The succubus licked her lips, then held up her fingers to reveal long fingernails. "Keep in mind I'm very good at scratching things."

"It's not important." Beth knelt down to pick up her suit and then took it to the bathroom to hang over the shower door. When she returned, Lily was sitting up in bed, her back to the headboard and stroking a blue cock between her legs.

"I've been thinking," Lily said. "We don't spend enough time together."

Beth paused, lost in contemplation. Lily slid toward the edge of the bed and stood, her cock bobbing up and down to an unheard beat. It had thick ridges all down the side, and looked vaguely familiar.

"Is that my Delightful Dragon?" Beth asked, realization dawning on her.

"Nope!" Lily knelt down and pulled a box out from under the bed. "This is your Delightful Dragon!"

She opened the box to reveal the familiar purple dildo. Lily held it next to her own cock to show they were identical in shape and size.

"Why do you have one of my sex toys?" Beth asked.

"Your Delightful Dragon is essentially a collectible now," Lily declared. "It also happens to be among the items I claimed the Order lost in my luggage. Eulalie sold it to them using one of her dark web accounts, which allowed her to see what crypto accounts they were using. Beautiful little act of duplicity, they paid almost three hundred bucks to get it here by this morning."

"I don't appreciate anybody going through my stuff," Beth said, snatching the dildo away.

"Then consider this a peace offering." Lily pouted and stroked her cock. "I borrowed your dildo for nefarious purposes, so now I'll fuck you with a proper copy. It'll be like hooking up with an old fling, only he's much better in bed now."

"And has fantastic tits."

"I can become more manly for you if you'd like." Lily's body started shifting, but Beth held out a hand to stop her.

"No, not necessary." She stared at Lily's cock, then allowed her eyes to wander up the rest of her body until she was staring into the succubus' eyes. "The dichotomy is kind of hot."

"Oh?" Lily squished her breasts together with her hands, then blew a kiss. "I take requests, in case you want something special."

"No, I'm..." Beth's eyes traveled down Lily's body to her massive cock. The Delightful Dragon had been good to her over the years, but in the end, it was still just a dildo. Sure, some creative placement had heightened the experience, such as mounting it to the side of her bed, or even just sticking it on the floor. But never had the opportunity arisen to actually be fucked by it. She vaguely remembered asking a former boyfriend if he'd consider wearing a massive cock-sleeve to bed, but he hadn't taken the request very well.

"What do you think?" Lily stroked her dragon dick, causing a large bead of precum to form on the head. "Wanna be a bad dragon with me?"

"You make a compelling case." Beth licked her lips in anticipation. "Out of curiosity, is it?"

Lily pondered the question for a moment, then grinned. "Why don't you come taste it and find out?"

Beth pulled her hair back as she knelt on the bed and took it in her hands. Lily's cock was warm, almost hot. "Is this technically your tail?" she asked.

"Yep. Fun little trick of mine." Lily gasped when Beth licked the head of her cock. "Oh, you don't waste any time."

"When it comes to massive monster dicks, I try not to." Beth licked the head of Lily's cock again, then tried to take it in her mouth. It was wide enough that she couldn't get the first ridge past her lips, so she focused on using her tongue. Lily groaned and ran her fingers through Beth's hair.

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