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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 072

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Mike inherits a home full of fuckable monster girls - Part 5.
13.6k words

Part 72 of the 116 part series

Updated 05/10/2024
Created 08/31/2017
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Hi all! Annabelle Hawthorne back at it again with a little story about a man and his monster girls.

New to the scene? This is an urban fantasy about a guy who inherits a house full of monster girls and then has sex with a bunch of them between life-threatening adventures. I also wrote a couple of side novels that tie into this book, so you may want to start at chapter one and play catch up. Don't worry, I'll wait.

As for my returning readers, welcome back! It feels like the year is passing me by, but I promise I am using as much free time as possible to bring you a story that I hope continues to inspire. I continue to enjoy your enthusiasm and support as this tale continues to grow.

Before we begin, I still get emails/comments/whatever asking about when the next chapter will come out. I put that stuff in my bio as soon as I know, so please look there. If there's an unforeseen delay, I update it as soon as possible so that you aren't left in the dark. You can also follow me to get notifications when stuff posts!

Okay, enough of that red tape nonsense. It's time to cue the music and get involved in some

Risky Business

The walk back to the cabin took less than an hour, and Mike let out a sigh of relief when he saw it in the distance. Bigfoot had them utilizing tree portals to shorten their journey, with the owl always hopping through at the last second. The ominous creatures of the woods had watched them when they left the cave, and many followed them toward their destination, but a few were left behind with each jump. He assumed it was part of the treaty they had established with the owl, who had acted as both an interpreter and mediator.

It was a fairly simple agreement. If the Nirumbi and the other creatures agreed to peace with the occupants of the cabin, as well as each other, then they could stay. The owl would act as their leader instead of the current Caretaker, whoever that may be.

However, this agreement hinged largely on getting rid of Leeds. The owl had assured them that her magic was more than capable of trapping him, and that it would be a simple matter of pushing him past his own boundary. Mike doubted it would be that easy. If history was any indicator, he was in for a rough night.

He took the morning to sleep. Between sex with Dana and his near-death experience, he had been fairly energized all night. Upon seeing the cabin, his feet had started to drag through the snow and he stumbled. Quetzalli and Yuki had held his arms until they walked inside, and he had promptly gone to his room and fallen into a deep slumber.

At first, he dreamed in images. Instead of landing in the Dreamscape, he saw the events of the last few days as they flitted through his mind like photographs in a flipbook. Darkness came and then went, and when he finally awoke, he was alone.

Puzzled by the silence, he moved to get out of bed and nearly fell when his foot caught on something heavy under the covers.

"Ow!" The lump in his bed shifted and Kisa appeared, rubbing at her face. "That really fucking hurt!"

"What are you doing here?" he asked, then looked around. He was still in the cabin. "Is this a dream?"

"Maybe." Kisa slapped her cheeks and winced. "I must have fallen asleep in the sitting room. This feels pretty real, though. Hey, listen! You need to get home right away! The Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse trapped us in another dimension, and Beth is—"

"Wait, what? The Apocalypse?"

Kisa scowled at him and grabbed his face with her hands. The pads on her fingertips were soft, but her grip was borderline menacing. "Shut up for a second and just listen!"

She explained it all. An angel had spirited them away and locked them up in a world made of mist. Apparently, Beth was acting as Death's lawyer, and now was playing board games in the front yard against War, Famine and Pestilence for the fate of all mankind.

He wasn't certain yet that this wasn't a dream.

"Oh, and something in the house has been attacking us," she finished. "Knocking us out, one by one. Tink was put to sleep a couple days back, and she still hasn't woken up. Cecilia got knocked out, and so did one of the fairies. Oh, and Beth got cloned by primordial ooze, so now there's two of her, kind of. It's time you wrap up your vacation and come home!"

Mike took a deep breath through his nose, doing his best to lower his blood pressure. If everything Kisa had said was true, they were all in danger and there was nothing he could do. He wasn't even sure what to do with the knowledge that there were now two of Beth.

"It's hardly been a vacation, here. C'mon." He slid out of bed and noticed that he was still fully dressed from last night. At least he wouldn't be walking through this dream in his underwear. Those were the worst! "Let's try and figure out what our current situation is while I tell you what's going on in Oregon."

He explained the situation with Leeds as he put on his shoes, and then they walked into the main room of the cabin. He had just finished telling her about the new truce when he noticed that the building had changed.

The television and entertainment center was gone. Instead, a massive fireplace with a roaring fire greeted them, casting long shadows into the eaves of the cabin. When he looked in the kitchen, it was much bigger and had an assortment of drying meats hanging by the window.

Kisa whistled. "This place is impressive."

He frowned, then looked upstairs. The shadows parted, revealing that the walls of the cabin were covered in various animal trophies.

"This isn't what it looks like in the real world," he told her. "Stick close to me."

She pressed herself into him and sighed. "Damn, you feel good," she muttered. "Just having you close makes me feel better. And safe."

He put his arm around her and squeezed. His magic responded to her presence, filling him with warmth and calm.

There was a thump from upstairs. They looked at each other, and then Mike looked at the front door.

"Don't suppose it would make sense for us to run, do you?" he asked.

The thump repeated itself. Mike pushed Kisa behind him and moved toward the stairs, his palms suddenly sweaty. Kisa shoved past him before they got to the top of the stairs, and he tried to grab her and pull her back, but he was too slow.

"What the hell?" Kisa looked over her shoulder at him. "I don't get it."

He climbed the last three stairs and saw what she was looking at. Instead of the upper floor, they now stood in a thicket of pines. Between a pair of gnarled trees, a massive stag stopped to regard them.

Kisa moved toward the nearest wall and ran her hands along it. "It turns into this tree," she told him while peeking through its branches. "It's almost like the cabin—"

"Is the forest," he finished, then knelt to touch the soil. When he buried his finger in it deep enough, he could just scratch the wooden floor beneath it. "But that doesn't tell us where we are."

The trees around them rustled, but there was no wind. He tried to track the invisible breeze using his hands, then jumped when he watched a nearby tree pop out of existence, leaving behind a stump with a woman sitting on it.

"Greetings, Caretaker." She winked at him, a playful smile on her lips. Her dark hair was wavy and hung loosly around her ears in a bob cut. She wore a leather tunic with matching pants, and her boots looked to be made of deerskin. "I see you brought your familiar with you. She's cute."

Mike tried hard to relax, but was worried. He was already up shit creek without a paddle, he didn't need any further complications. Kisa growled a warning from the back of her throat.

"You seem to know who I am, but I have no idea who you are," he told her.

When she laughed, the sound triggered memories of a summer rain.

"That's intentional," she told him. "In fact, when I summoned you here, I was very surprised I could take this form at all. It's been a very long time since I've spoken to a mortal, and when I do, it's usually as a disembodied voice. Having a body is something I haven't done in a few centuries."

"That still doesn't tell us who you are." Kisa moved in front of Mike protectively. "So let's try again. Who the fuck are you?"

The woman answered. The moment the words left her mouth, Mike felt like his soul temporarily left his body, and the forest shook. Kisa actually lost her balance and fell. When he knelt to help her up, he realized that he couldn't remember the woman's answer. His mind was full of static instead of sound, and even the movement of her lips had been blotted away like a stain on a rug.

"I imagine the experience was unpleasant, but I knew you wouldn't have believed me if I told you the truth. Suffice to say, sharing my name is against the rules." She stood and moved closer to them. "I must say I'm surprised to see that our new champion is a man. That's quite out of character for my sister."

"Your sister?" Mike helped Kisa up. "Who is your sister?"

The woman smirked. "Not so much who anymore, but what. She's the house you live in."

"Which makes you the cabin, right?" Kisa pawed at her ears. "I feel fucking nauseous, what did you do to us?"

"I did nothing. That would be magic that was created for the sole purpose of protecting the sanctity of the game. If I had told you anything more, your head may have exploded." She moved next to Kisa, the scent of pine needles and campfire surrounding her like a cloak. She lifted her hands and touched Kisa's temples with glowing fingertips. "Better?" she asked.

"Much. Thank you." Kisa rubbed her eyes. "So where is this place?"

"That's a good question. Some of us think it's inside the champion's head, while others think it's inside ours." She turned to walk away, then looked over her shoulder at them. "You coming? Time is short."

Mike followed behind her. They walked into the forest, and it came alive with birdsong. The longer they were in the woods, the more surreal the environment became. It was as though they had stepped into a painting, and the colors were just a little too bright.

They came to a clearing with a table made of stone and two wooden chairs on one side woven from tree roots; he immediately recognized one of the gameboards and the pieces that had been set on it. However, now there were a couple of boards. One looked like his house while the other was clearly the cabin and surrounding forest. Mike and Kisa sat down.

"I assume you've seen this before," she said, then sat opposite of them. Roots sprang up from the ground and wove themselves into an intricately decorated seat that looked more throne than dinner party.

"I have," he admitted. "But it's never been properly explained to me."

"Nor could it be. That's part of the challenge." She picked up a piece that had been on the table between the game boards and scrutinized it. It was a tiny version of Kisa, which she handed to the catgirl. "The fact that you're here is very intriguing. Familiars are usually animals, or maybe a golem, but never an actual human."

Kisa's tail swished behind her. "Lucky me," she muttered, then handed the piece back. "Are those all of us?"

Mike looked at the board and frowned. He saw Bigfoot and the others, all carved in meticulous detail, inside the cabin. "I didn't think they were part of the geas," he said. "They were outside it."

"Oh, honey, the great game isn't location-specific." She pushed the cabin board closer to him. "These pieces were on my board. The geas is for my sister's board only. As for you, Caretaker, I wouldn't have even noticed your presence if not for that sudden burst of magic inside my walls. Woke me right out of my slumber."

Kisa snorted. "Who did you fuck?" she asked.

"It's more like who hasn't he fucked?" The woman winked at him. "The forest has told me stories."

"Is Bigfoot a good kisser?" asked Kisa. "Cause you know Beth is gonna ask."

Though he hadn't kissed Bigfoot himself, he did have Emily's memories of the time she had had sex with him. "I'm not the kind of guy to kiss and tell," he replied.

"Psshh. You never kiss and tell, but everyone in the house has seen your bare ass, usually plowing someone from behind." Kisa looked at the house's board. "Why is this piece so fuzzy?" she asked, pointing at one he didn't recognize. It was in the office.

"He can tell you." The woman moved next to Kisa and put an arm on the catgirl's shoulder. "I like you. If you ever tire of him, you can always come live with me. You're fun."

"It means someone hasn't been discovered yet," he explained, then frowned. The piece, though blurred, was also blackened as if it had been burned. He tried to touch it, but it was so hot that he yanked his hand away. "Why is this one so different?' he asked.

"Because it isn't your piece." The woman scowled as the piece shifted into the living room. "And you are definitely not the one moving it."

Mike felt the world around him go still. Was it Amir? Or had the shadow returned? His list of enemies was frustratingly long.

"Speaking of, you have a similar issue here." She waved her hand and revealed that another gnarled piece sat on the table. He immediately recognized Leeds. "This little shit stain wants to be king of the forest. Besides fucking up the flow of my woods, he is also the reason you cannot get home and fix your problem there. Even if he tries to bargain with you, you cannot let him have this place."

"Because he's an asshole?"

She nodded. "That, too. He thinks he can become a Caretaker, but it's not that simple. He wasn't chosen, and he isn't part of the game. All he can do is disrupt it. Putting him in charge would be like swallowing poison. If you can push him beyond my boundaries, I will see to it that he never crosses again. I've tasted the blood he has spilled already on my land, and I am not impressed."

"Who chooses who becomes part of the game?" Mike felt his heart pounding in his chest. He had so many questions right now, and he didn't know which ones to ask. He also didn't want his head to explode.

"It's different for all of us. You see, I call you Caretaker because that is the role you have taken on. Others like me will call their champions something else, like Curator, Captain, and even Conqueror. Each of us, in the beginning, was bonded to an entity who helped us choose. In your case, it's a simple nymph. As the guardian of the home, she chooses."

"Who is your guardian?"

She frowned. "There used to be a dryad who lived by the cabin, but she was killed some time ago when the cabin was captured by a competitor. It was taken again by a former Caretaker from your home, which is also why my board is part of your game now. I can never again choose my own champion. It's a bit of a failsafe, it keeps people like me from backstabbing you."

"Why would you backstab me?"

She grinned. "All sorts of reasons. Maybe I don't like you. Or maybe I'm mad at my sister. However, my fate is now tied with hers, so if she dies, so do I. That reminds me." She held out her hand and leaves swirled around it, forming into a tiny replica of Mike. He was screaming in agony, an arrow stuck in his back. "You almost died out there."

"I know," he said, suddenly solemn.

"No, I don't think you do. By all rights, you should have died. I actually felt you cross over hundreds of times during that night, like the ticking of a terrible metronome. But every time, you found your way back. It was almost like something kept you here."

He thought of the women of the Dreamscape, struggling to keep the island from being consumed. "I have some ideas," he began.

"Don't share them." She held a finger to her lips. "Even though this is a sacred place, we can never be sure that someone isn't listening in. It may even be someone sifting through your memories years from now, or your familiar's. You've found yourself on a dangerous path, Caretaker, and I suspect the others will take notice of you very soon, if they haven't already."

"The others?" he asked, his voice cracking. He wasn't in the mood to fight with a Conqueror.

"The other champions. But none quite like you." He didn't see her move, yet she was suddenly in front of him. She brushed a lock of hair away from his eyes, then traced his cheekbones with a finger. "My sister was never much of a fighter, and she doesn't attract them. I always thought a fighter would be best, but it turns out that succeeding at the hunt doesn't mean you can properly skin a deer."

"Uh..." He looked at Kisa, who just shrugged. The metaphor eluded him.

"It's your heart. The thing that makes you a good Caretaker." She tapped on his chest. "Your compassion and kindness have brought you some very powerful allies."

"And his dick." Kisa sniggered behind him.

"That, too." The woman smiled. "I always thought a nymph was an odd choice for a guardian. My sister's methods are unique in that regard. The others choose their champions through trials of strength and wits. I, too, used to do the same, but no longer."

"So the others are fighters." He sighed. "Okay. Having my ass kicked is nothing new."

"Your greatest strength is also your weakness. A heart that lends itself so easily to others is easily broken." She reached her hand up, and a nearby tree bowed down until its branches touched her hand. With a sharp yank, she snapped off a long branch about an inch across. She turned it over in her hand and pulled a field knife from a belt on her waist. "Do you know how you make a spear, Caretaker? You first trim away the branches. Once they're all gone, you sharpen the tip. And sometimes, when the situation calls for it, you throw it and hope to hit what you're aiming for."

"I suspect this is a metaphor for something?" He watched as her knife blurred over the branch, turning it into a wicked-looking spike.

She nodded. "I speak of the previous Caretaker. She cut ties with everyone who ever loved her, sharpened her resolve, and then threw her life away, hoping it would stick. She was never meant to be a fighter, and the shade of a former champion caused her to throw her spear into the darkness and lose everything."

"Not bad for a metaphor," Kisa muttered. "Sums up what I remember, anyway."

"There are those who would see you become a spear, Mike Radley." She turned the spear over in her hands, then handed it to him. The wood was oddly smooth in his hands, and felt heavier than steel. "They will try to prune your branches, to sharpen you into a weapon. I wonder what will become of you then?"

He didn't like the implication of what pruning branches meant. With a quick snap of his wrist, he pressed the butt of the spear into the ground and put his free hand on Kisa's shoulders.

"Think of it as a walking stick with attitude," he told her.

"If nothing else, you will be a fun one to watch." She was in his face again, her breath cool against his cheeks. "I shall share one more thing with you this night. I am not just a structure in the forest. I am also the ground beneath your feet and the trees around you. Your true power isn't something that grows from within, it is also your connection with me and with others. Throw not spears in a dark wood, Mike Radley."

She surprised him with a kiss on the lips, and then gave him a hard shove backward. While falling, he grabbed onto Kisa, who let out a cry followed by a hiss. Instead of toppling onto the hard forest floor, he landed on something soft.

Opening his eyes, he saw that Quetzalli was clutching his right arm and Yuki was asleep by his feet in fox form. Puzzled at the strange dream, he rubbed at his eyes and felt something tickle his face. In the dim light of dawn, he saw that his fingers were full of black cat hair.


There was a loud chime, followed by a pop. Beth opened her eyes and saw that she was looking at the Earth as it spun in space. Other than the moon and the sun, there were no other objects to be seen in the infinite void. Twinkling lights appeared on the planet as it rotated from day to night, and she watched in awe as mankind did its best to chase away the darkness.

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