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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 076

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Mike inherits a home full of fuckable monster girls - Part 5.
13.3k words

Part 76 of the 116 part series

Updated 05/10/2024
Created 08/31/2017
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Hi all! I'm here once again to share this tail of love, loss, and monstergirl sauce!

New reader? Yeah, don't start here. Unless confusion is your kink, cause there are a lot of words between Ch. 01 and here. The good news is that you can jump straight to the first chapter and binge all the way up to here! The bad news is that when you catch up, you can join the anxiety of waiting for my next post.

Returning readers, welcome back! I hope the holiday season is treating you well already, I have been busy as fuck. I've officially reached "carrying my laptop around and writing in my car when I have time" levels of business. Car engineers definitely didn't consider computer screen glare when designing their cars, but you can't plan for everything.

Thanks again to my beta readers for helping me keep my work relatively clean. Special shout outs to the Mikes (there are two of them), Eduardo, and Dannan. They carried me through these last few chapters like those New Yorkers did in Spider-Man 2 with Toby McGuire. And thanks to all of you who remember to vote and keep this story discoverable. I'll keep working hard to impress you.

Don't forget you can follow me for notifications or just check my bio for posting dates. I work real hard to stick to them, but will update if necessary (life happens and all that).

Now on with the show!

A Pruned Branch

The world was quiet, save for the occasional thump of melting snow. Abella trudged along what may have been a trail. She had some sense of where Mike was, but dreaded meeting up with him. The dog rosa-blanca.ru around her neck were far heavier than anything she had ever carried, and she would often pause and touch them for strength. How would she break the news to him?

She wished she could fly, but that was out of the question. Her wing throbbed painfully as she pushed her way through the deeper drifts and there was no way it would support her weight.

A few of the forest children were scattered through the woods. They were animals and hybrids she was unfamiliar with, but some Nirumbi children came out of hiding to greet her. She was surprised when they hooted to get her attention, but even more so when they took her by the hand and led her away from the trail.

Minutes later, she found herself looking at a small camp of Nirumbi. They were huddled around a couple of fires for warmth. The children led her through the refugee camp to a large makeshift tent made of animal hides.

Abella pushed the flaps aside and walked in. Blankets had been placed on the ground, and each one was occupied by a Nirumbi. Upon closer inspection, she realized that they were all injured.

"Why have you brought me here?" she asked, only to realize that the children were gone.

"Because I told them to." Bigfoot rose from the corner, his eyes tired. The dim light of the tent made him look like a hairy shadow, and he stepped toward her. "I tracked Vee to the mountain, but lost the trail. The mountain imploded sometime last night. This whole area is a mess. The Nirumbi needed my help, so..." He let out a heavy sigh. "Leeds had formed a cult, using the young warriors of the tribe. They slaughtered each other in the caves, and these were the ones who were lucky enough to get away. I told everyone to keep an eye out for anyone from the cabin and to bring them here."

"Where is the owl-woman? Shouldn't she be here?"

"Gone. Leeds had her killed." Bigfoot knelt down to help one of the Nirumbi sip water from a ceramic bowl. "Did you ever catch up to Velvet?"

Abella didn't know what to say. The moment of indecision was not missed by Bigfoot, who stood slowly with his fists at his side.

"Well?" he asked, an edge to his voice that she didn't like.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, then let go of the dog rosa-blanca.ru she had unconsciously been holding. They jingled against her chest and then went still. "Leeds destroyed the cave while we were inside. Velvet saved my life, but lost hers in the process."

Bigfoot let out a groan as if struck, then stomped past her and outside of the tent. She followed. The forest children gave him plenty of room as he stormed out of the camp, his breaths accompanied by a growl. Once safely away from the camp, he let out a roar and kicked down a tree.

"NO!" He grabbed onto his hair and pulled, ripping out giant clumps of fur before letting out a howl that scared the birds out of nearby trees. With a strangled cry, he fell to his knees and sobbed.

"I'm sorry, Darren, I'm so sorry." As he wept, Abella moved to his side and put a hand on his shoulder. His fur was surprisingly soft in her hands, and she wrapped her arms around his mighty neck and hugged him.

"I need you to help me get to Mike," she told him. "When he finds out... he's going to need us."

Bigfoot snarled, his body expanding with every breath he took until he was enormous. He cracked his knuckles and let out a growl.

"You point, I'll get us there."

Abella obeyed, and Bigfoot walked to a nearby clump of trees,opening a portal between them. Abella felt the distance between her and Mike shrink considerably and let out a sigh of relief.

Soon, they would be together again.


The air was so cold that every breath inward felt like daggers, tearing away at Mike's lungs as he ran through the forest. He had been hunting Leeds for a few hours now, the Jersey Devil bouncing around the woods seemingly at random. Leeds would often stop for a bit, which made him think that the demon was meeting with his followers.

The chill of the night had long ago permeated his boots and his coat, but his magic sustained him, warming him from within. With every step he took, he was that much closer to catching Leeds, to ripping the demon apart with his bare hands.

A tiny voice inside fought to gain his attention, but he was so consumed with rage that he ignored it. Behind him, Yuki and Dana struggled to keep up, the kitsune's labored breaths filling the silence of the woods. They had given up trying to speak with him, for he was a man possessed and could not be reached.

His magic had formed a tiny storm around him as he ran, sending ice and snow billowing outward as tendrils of light connected with the trees and animals around. He could sense the forest waking up as it eased his passage and guided him to wherever Leeds had gone next.

In those brief moments of clarity, thoughts of Velvet bubbled to the surface. They were brief, yet intense, and he was fairly certain that frozen tears clung to his cheeks.

He caught movement in his peripheral vision and saw a white stag bound ahead of him and then vanish. It had been doing this for the last hour, and would be waiting up ahead just to watch him. Sure enough, the stag stood on a rock that Mike was forced to go around, but he couldn't help but notice that the beast stared him directly in the eyes.

Succeeding at a hunt doesn't mean you can skin a deer. The voice was faint, but very persistent.

He ignored it and kept running. The stag outpaced him again, and waited for him on top of a fallen tree.

A heart that lends itself so easily to others is easily broken. The stag grunted, sending a cloud of vapor into the air. You've only had one branch pruned, Caretaker. Do you think you're ready to be a spear?

He bared his teeth and hissed. Yelling would only alert Leeds that he was coming, and he didn't want the demon to have any time to prepare. Leeds was always one step ahead of them, and Mike needed every advantage he could get.

Throw not spears in a dark wood, Mike Radley! The stag stepped off of the log and vanished.

"Fuck your metaphors," he spat between breaths in a low tone. He didn't need a lecture, an explanation, or even advice. What he needed was revenge, plain and simple. To hear Leeds beg, to squeeze whatever color blood could be spilled from his body.

The trees rustled around him, and he could see it in his mind. Up ahead there was a clearing where several creatures stood in a circle. At its center was a darkness that felt like poison, a stain on the landscape yearning for removal.

A guttural growl snuck free of his lips, and flickering motes of blue light formed in the air around him. They crackled in the crisp air, shifting colors until they turned red. Now transformed, they flew toward him and disappeared, hidden just below the surface of his skin.

His fingers trembled, but he couldn't tell if it was from anger or the cold. Yuki, in fox form, jumped onto a nearby rock and did a quick turn, her tails twirling widely as she shifted into human form. She opened her mouth to scold him, but he held a finger to his lips.

"Leeds is nearby." He pointed off towards where he sensed the darkness. "There are others. Nirumbi, I assume. Won't be easy."

"And then what? An ambush?" He could hear the anger in her whispering voice. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Revenge." Dana had caught up to them, her blade still folded up in her right hand. "Don't tell me you can't sense it. Something happened back at the cabin, and now we're out here to fuck up his day, right?"

Mike nodded.

"What happened, Mike?" Yuki crossed her arms. "We have a few seconds. Tell us."

"Velvet's dead." There were no tears to be shed, not right now. The words only served to fuel the fire that raged inside him.

Yuki gasped. "How?" she asked.

"Don't know. Felt her being ripped away in the Dreamscape." He looked over at Dana and was surprised to see that her bloodshot eyes were now brimming with tears. "Dana?"

"What?" She looked at the two of them in puzzlement, then wiped a tear from her face and examined it. "That's weird. It's like I feel it, but I don't."

"We can worry about it later. I'm going in. Anyone with Leeds is fair game." He turned to go, but a wall of snow blocked his departure.

"Not good enough." Yuki hopped over him and stood on the snow pile with her arms out. "You're mad, and that's fine. But you're also being stupid about this."

The red lights briefly appeared, swirling around Yuki like angry bees, but he pulled them back inside his body.

"You don't understand, Yuki. He has to pay." The trees around him groaned in agreement, and he could feel the ground rumble in anticipation. The forest was silent as a tomb, and had been for most of his hunt. The wildlife had recognized that he was the top predator and was doing its best to stay out of his way.

"And he will, but we have a plan. Capture him, yes, but tear him apart? He can't be killed. If you go in there looking for murder, all you are doing is costing us time."

Mike growled. "And so what if I am? Let's tear him apart, devote every day to a unique brand of torture! Drown him, stab him, set him on fire, rip off--"

Sharp icicles appeared in a circle around him, trapping him in the center. Their sharpened points were at neck level, and even the act of turning his head pressed one into the soft flesh beneath his ear.

"We made each other a promise, do you remember?" Her ears twitched as she glared at him. "I would be your weapon, remember? And in return, if you should ever lose yourself like Emily did..."

"You would stop me." He glowered at her through the ice. "But this isn't about learning dark magic or trying to gain power. This is about justice, Yuki!" The swirling lights shifted around him, passing through the ice and melting it.

"Don't." Dana got in between them. "Take it from someone who gets it. You aren't being logical, Mike. Not only are your emotions out of control, but so is your magic."

"Why are you stopping me?" He pushed forward against the nearest icicle, his magic circling the conical shape and turning it to ice crystals. "You both understand how this feels!"

"And that's exactly why we're stopping you." Yuki shook her head. "We came to help you, but you need to do this the right way."

He took a deep breath, focusing on her words. Of all people, Yuki would know best how this had felt. Emily had been the love of her life, and that same woman would abandon her on another world and steal her eye.

The eye. Mike put his hand in his pocket and caressed the glassy orb. The owl had hastened her own death just to hand over a way to contain Leeds. Was he really willing to risk everything just to feed his own desires?

Yes, you are. A band of darkness stole through the forest, seizing both Yuki and Dana around the waist. They both cried out in surprise as they were ripped away from him. Dana dropped her sword, the blade pinging off of a nearby rock. Come for me, Caretaker! Show me how strong you are without your allies!

His magic ignited, destroying his icy prison and scattering the snow around his feet. He paused just long enough to pick up Dana's sword and then sprinted through the woods.

Hesitation had cost him. He had decided to hear out his friends rather than act, and he was about to lose someone else, he could feel it. One by one, the branches would be pruned until all that was left of him was a weapon.

Yes, that's right. Come for me, mortal. Take your revenge.

The red motes were now spreading out into the forest, each one hissing with sinister energy as it disappeared into the woods. His footfalls were so fast that he almost didn't feel the ground. It was almost like flying.

You're worthless, you little pervert. His mother's voice was harsh, grating against his very soul. You only care about them because you can stick your dick in them.

"No!" He screamed in response, desperate to stay focused on Leeds' location.

They represent power. Amir's voice was smug. You fear losing access to the power they provide. And you will fail.

"Not true!" Trees were now bending out of his way, their branches moving up to allow him safe passage. "They're important to me because of who they are, not what they can give!"

You'll make a mistake. Sarah laughed in his mind. It won't be the first time, or the last. So who's gonna die this time?

They were all laughing now, his mind filled with their echoes.

When he burst into the clearing, he saw that in the middle Leeds had constructed an altar out of wood and stone. At its center was an upside down cross, and a group of Nirumbi were frantically trying to strap Yuki onto it. The kitsune was fighting them, but the shadow bands kept grabbing at her hands and feet. Standing above the altar, Leeds was doing a little dance as the Nirumbi worshipping him from below turned to face Mike. There were maybe a hundred of them, each one with a fanatical glint in their eyes.

Behind the altar, a bonfire had been lit. Dana was being dragged toward it, a panicked look on her face.

Your world is going to burn, Mike Radley! The shadow cackled with glee. Your world is going to--

Mike let out a horrifying screech, forcing his magic free of his lips, willing death on his enemies. The banshee's scream was accompanied by a wave of force and light that scattered the Nirumbi lurking nearby and blasted Leeds from his perch. The demon fell backwards into his own bonfire, and the shadows pinning Yuki in place vanished.

"Mike!" She screamed his name, her fur turning white as she grabbed the Nirumbi nearest to her and flash froze him. Spinning around, she used the Nirumbi as a projectile and sent it flying toward Dana's captors. "He's in your head, don't listen to him!"

Clenching his hands, Mike sprinted toward Dana, his own magic forming bands of light that scattered his enemies. His whole body tingled as he casually dodged arrows, clubs, and even rocks that were thrown at him. Some of the Nirumbi, each marked with a bloody handprint, panicked and ran, but his magic grabbed them and pulled them back into the fray.

"Mike, stop!" Yuki's words were lost when he howled again. Those closest to him were blown away, their bodies smashing into trees and rocks. The clearing was already red with blood, and he licked his lips in anticipation.

Dana was wrestling with one of the Nirumbi, so he tossed her the sword. She snatched it out of the air and killed her foe with a bloody thrust.

"LEEDS!" Mike sent his magic into the fire, tearing it apart and scattering ashes to the sky. "I CAN FEEL YOU IN THERE!"

The Jersey Devil burst into the sky, his wings pumping as he tried to get away. Desperate, Mike reached into his pocket and pulled out the orb. Pointing the pupil at the devil, he willed it to work.

Intent. It may not be the first rule of magic, but it was going to be his. "No escape, you shadowy fuck!" Magic crackled along his forearm and sank into the orb before turning into a crimson beam of energy that roped itself around Leeds' legs. The devil, now caught, looked back at Mike in dismay.

He waved the orb toward the ground, causing Leeds to slam into the ice and snow. Satisfied, he swung it from side to side, smashing the Jersey Devil against the trees as he crossed the distance between them. His precognition triggered, and he threw himself backwards to avoid a cluster of arrows that littered the ground around him.

Yuki pincushioned his attackers, then raised clawed hands and created a barrier of ice around the clearing. She collapsed to one knee, panting from the exertion.

"You may have won the battle, Caretaker, but this is a war of attrition!" Leeds tried to crawl, his hands digging in the snow. Mike leapt on his back and fought to roll him over. The crimson light disappeared as the orb fell to the side, forgotten.

"You killed her!" He smashed a fist into Leeds face. The devil brayed like a donkey in pain as red light flashed from Mike's knuckles. "You killed her, you killed her!"

I did, Leeds replied in his mind. And I killed the gargoyle, too!

Mike screamed in the devil's face, his magic shredding the flesh from along his muzzle. Leeds flinched, then tried to kick Mike off of him.

"Not going to happen!" He smashed his fists into Leeds over and over. Leeds retaliated by pushing images of Velvet begging into his mind.

Something popped in Mike's hand, and he could no longer hold his fist shut. Howling in desperation, Mike picked up the owl's eye and used it to bash Leeds' skull in.

After the third hit, his magic flowed into the orb and sent a shockwave through his body. His muscles tensed as images flitted through his mind, thousands of them.

Memories flooded his mind, centuries worth of magical lore, of exploring the limits of enchantment and spell casting. He could see them now, the owl and her sisters, feel the possibilities that had been open to them. They had hunted, they had killed. They had survived on knowledge and power alone, and he craved that for himself.

His magic curled around him, forming into crimson bands of light that hovered over his body like a spider trapping its prey. Panic crossed Leeds' features as those limbs descended and sank into his flesh. Black blood flowed from open wounds that no longer healed. Shadows tried to rip Mike free, but his magic would not allow it.

He could see it now, the intricate process that had put Leeds together. A human soul bonded to demonic flesh, incapable of transformation. That was his weakness, his inability to be anything other than the monster that he was. The magic was like lines of code now, and code was something Mike understood.

It was suddenly simple. He could see the flow of magic, understood what it would take to disrupt it. Leeds was now bared before him as a being before a god, and Mike was ready to pass judgment.

Around him, Yuki and Dana were screaming his name as the magic swirled overhead, forming into a crimson tempest of energy. Chunks of the Jersey Devil were being ripped free and sucked up into the maelstrom. If he wanted to, he could destroy Leeds. Not just his body, but his soul as well. There would be no resurrections, no coming back to taunt him.

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