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Home Repairs

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Storm changes the family sleeping arrangements.
7.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/04/2023
Created 02/06/2020
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Great Bend Kansas isn't a big city; just your normal Midwestern town. About an hour outside Wichita it's surrounded by wheat fields and farms. MY folks had moved here when Dad took a job with a law firm in Whatcha. They said they didn't want to raise a family in the big city; if you consider a single daughter to be a family.

I didn't mind being an only child, but I knew mom and Dad had always wanted more kids. Unfortunately Mother Nature had more to say about it when mom was diagnosed with uterine fibroids during the pregnancy. Because I was occupying her womb for nine months, there wasn't much they could do until after the birth; and by then the safest thing was a hysterectomy.

Mother Nature can be rather cruel at times; and others a blessing. She took mom's uterus, and gave me 36E boobs; what can I say. MY current boyfriend Rick loved to smother his face in them while he shoved his six inch dick into me.

Let's be real, Mother Nature can be generous; but on the whole most guys out there range around five to six inches. By the time I was twenty I had my share of boyfriends; and no I hadn't been a virgin since I was sixteen. Only once had I been with a guy who was over seven inches; so settling for six wasn't too bad in my view.

Great Bend sits in what we call tornado alley; and once again Mother Nature reared her ugly head. All three of us were just happy to be alive but standing in our driveway the morning after an F3 barreled through, wasn't a pretty sight.

One whole wall was missing on the side of the house, and part of the roof just hung over the gaping hole. The yard was littered with stuff; some of it was ours and some of probably our neighbors. I wandered across the grass and retrieved the stuffed bear my parents had given me at ten.

"Could have been worse" my father muttered.

"No shit" I said as I gazed into the gaping hole to what was left of my bedroom.

"The insurance will cover it" dad sighed. "The contractor says it will be at least a month for repairs." He added.

"So it's a hotel until then?" I asked as I stepped back over to the driveway.

"I guess" Dad said sadly.

"What?" I asked looking at them.

"The insurance company and the contractor say the rest of the house is loveable" Dad grunted. "They won't pay for a hotel."

Like I said, Dad is a lawyer; he makes good money, let's be real damned good money. But, my folks had struggled early on and made where they were by not pissing away money. I had inherited that same sense of frugalness.

"Then it's the couch for me" I said simply.

"Honey no..." Mom started to say.

"I'm not having you blow five grand on a hotel when the couch works fine" I said flatly. "I would be at the house all day anyway, it's just for sleeping."

Dad turned and looked at me; there was a strange look in his eyes; almost like fear.

"Your mother had a suggestion." He said slowly.

"Oh?" I looked over at mom.

"I work nights at the hospital, and your dad is in the office during the day." Mom told me. "At any given time half of that queen bed is empty." She smiled.

I looked at dad and a queasy feeling hit my belly. A twenty year old female in bed with her forty-five year old father; God help me, I thought.

"Let's try the couch first" I said. "We'll go from there."

"It's your call honey" Mom said. "It just seemed like an awful waste of bed space."

I saw a look of relief wash over dad's face, and then it was gone. But I didn't miss the quick glance down at the mound that hung from the front of my slight frame. Did he just check me out? I shuddered.

We spent the rest of the day starting to pick up. First it was the yard, and then the rest of the house. It stretched into two then three and then four days as we tried to return the house to as much as normal as possible. The contractors couldn't work on a bedroom full of debris, so a lot of my time was spent boxing my things and moving them to the garage.

By the fifth day the contractors came through and evaluated the actual damage and gave Dad an estimate. Mother Nature took a strange twist as two pimply faced boys followed their father around the house. Fuck, I couldn't even get carpenter hunks to fix my room.

By the end of the week my back ached and my tits hurt. Not just from the cleaning. Let's face it, a lot of women will tell you sex is just part of normal life; while at twenty, I LIKE sex. I like spreading my legs and having Rick pound away at me as I squirt all over him. Yep, I'm a squirter; what can I say Mother Nature gifted me.

Mom could tell my back was hurting; and while part of it was my hormones, she had her mind set. As she prepared for work that evening, she cornered me in the living room.

"You'll be sleeping in the bed tonight." She said calmly.

"I'm fine mom" I tried to dissuade her.

"Nonsense" she cut me off. "Your back is killing you and I won't have it affect your school." She stared at me.

"But dad..." I tried to say.

"I've already discussed it with your father." There was a tone of finality in her voice.

I sighed in surrender; but had to admit a soft bed would feel good for a change. I hugged mom good night and headed back for the living room. The rest of the evening neither Dad nor I spoke about the new sleeping arrangement, it was as if it was a taboo subject. At his usual ten Dad headed off to bed. He had to be in the office at eight in the morning; my classes at Uni didn't start until nine-thirty so I usually stayed up later.

When my movie ended at eleven I headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I stood staring into the mirror trying to decide what my next move was. Some people sleep in flannel jammies, others in their underwear. Me, I'm what you would call a buffer; I love the silky feel of sheets against my naked body. I was also about to slide into bed with my father so nudity was out.

I pulled an outsize t-shirt over my body and kept my panties on and padded into the dark bedroom. I could hear Dad's soft snoring on his side of the bed as I slid under the sheets. As I settled onto the soft mattress almost sighing in relief, I realized my second problem. Usually this was when I would jill off my needy pussy; I mean come on a week without sex; only a eunuch would do that.

The problem was I was only a foot or two from my sleeping father. I sighed with frustration; dammit I should have done it in the bathroom before I came to bed. I tried to clear the thoughts from my head, and honestly between the soft mattress and the soothing sound of my father behind me; I was asleep before I knew it.

I woke about three in the morning; I could feel the pressure on my bladder; and it took me a moment to orient myself. I started to shift to slide out of bed and head to the bathroom, but I couldn't move.

With horror I realized sometime during the night, Dad had turned over to his other side and closed the gap between us. He had one arm draped over my side, which didn't bother me; it was the fact there was a large paw holding my right breast. Now don't get me wrong, it was NOT intentional; but my tits are very sensitive, and when Rick plays with those puppies, my body can go haywire.

I reached down and gently tried to pry his hand from my now aching tit. I felt him shift, I thought his hand would withdraw, instead he readjusted his grip and this time kneaded my soft breast.

"Oh God" I softly gasped.

I shivered as an electric current shot from my breast to my gut. Be real; twenty years old, horny as hell, and a guy gropes your tit. I don't give a shit if he is your dad; tell me you wouldn't get wet.

I did, and more than just wet. I felt a swamp ooze out of my pussy and coat my clenched thighs. Fuck, I was wearing panties; it had never occurred to me and the damp cloth clung to my lips.

"Mmmm Anna" I heard dad softly moan behind me.

I froze on the spot. Who the hell was Anna? My mother's name was Diane; was my dad fucking another woman? I was so shocked I didn't fight when he pulled my body back.

Two things hit at once; one was Anna was ME; that was my name. The second was the fat sausage that suddenly pressed into the crack of my ass from behind.

All thoughts of the bathroom vanished as I felt Dad press into me. He was fucking HUGE, I realized. The thick shaft of his cock pressed the fabric of my panties into the crease of my ass literally filling the gap to overflowing he was so thick.

I shivered as I felt the swollen bulb of his cockhead press into the warm skin of my lower back. My eyes popped fully open in the dark as it hit me. His bare cock, Jesus Christ my dad was nude.

Then a second thought rattled through my still sleep hazed brain. Oh my God, if his shaft was in my ass crack...and his head was above the elastic band of my panties. I almost groaned thinking how fucking big he had to be to accomplish that.

God I envy you mom, I thought softly. Suddenly my belly ached again as my bladder reminded me what my original goal had been. I gently slid forward, feeling his arm now slip from around me; I rose from the bed and padded into the bathroom.

Sitting on the toilet, listening to the soft trickle, I looked down at myself. Dear God my nipples were rock hard, and I could see the glisten between my thighs. As I wiped, I reached down to pull my panties back up, then hesitated. Would I dare?

I pulled the cloth free and dropped them into the laundry basket. After all, he had moaned my name, I reasoned. I slid under the covers to find Dad now stretched out on his back, and I could hear his even breathing.

Have you ever had that war in your brain; where the stupidest logic is the one that seems to make the most sense? That was me at that moment. I figured since he had groped me first, fair was only fair.

I slid my hand under the duvet, feeling the warm skin of his side against my fingers. I traced along his body slowly, until the crested at his hip. I held my breath as I gently slid my hand up and over his hip, my fingers teasing along his pubic hair. It didn't take long to find that monster, shit he was so big a blind woman could have found it.

I shuddered as I realized I couldn't even wrap my fingers around it, and the fact that I had a grip on my father's cock. My hand gripped his shaft as I was stunned to find I couldn't feel either his balls or the head. How fucking big IS he? My numbed mind wondered.

Hearing him moan, I pulled my hand away and rolled over. God what was I doing? I was just fondling my father is what I was doing; and swamping my pussy in the process. After a few moments I finally drifted back to a fit full sleep, my dreams filled with image of this huge dick just ravaging me.

For three nights I was tortured, and yet I eagerly came back for more. When I awoke to him gently kneading my thigh, only inches from my soaked pussy, I almost lost it. I couldn't take it anymore.

Saturday I called Rick and told him I was coming to his dorm room, I didn't give a damn if his roomie was there or not. I wasn't in the room more than thirty seconds and clothes started flying everywhere. I lunged at him, shoving him back on the bed.

"Fuck me" growled at him.

What should have been an hour or more of gut wrenching, rutting sex; turned into less than twenty minutes of 'uh uh, I'm done'. I wanted to scream out my frustration. When I got home that afternoon, I sat and sulked on the couch, dammit I didn't even have a room I could hide in.

"Everything all right sweetie?" my mom asked from her easy chair.

God, I had been so wrapped in myself I hadn't even seen her sitting there. What was wrong with me?

"Yeah" I grunted back.

"I thought you were with Rick" she set down the television remote.

"I was." God I sounded like a bitch.

"Not quite the session you wanted?" Mom gave a soft chuckle.

"Mom" I almost shouted. "And nowhere near" I grumbled.

"Do you need to use the bedroom?" I could see a faint smile on her face.

"Jesus mom" I couldn't believe her.

"Honey, we are both adults. If you need some...relaxation...I understand." Mom seemed so damned calm.

The bad part was that Rick's little twenty minute jaunt had only managed to stir the fire between my thighs all the more. Where I had once felt fortunate to have a boyfriend with a six inch dick, there was no way it could compare with... I shook my head, trying to clear that thought.

"Should I ask what's got you so worked up?" Mom's voice was softer.

"I wouldn't" I muttered back.

I know it may sound silly, but my parents had always prided themselves that we were always open and honest about everything. Just the thought of lying to my mother tore at me; but how do you tell her that your father, her husband, and his enormous cock were driving you insane.

"He is rather large" her voice broke through my thoughts.

"What?" I looked up at her, and saw her just sitting there staring at me.

"I said" she spoke in a calm clear voice. "He is rather large."

"Mom" I tried not to moan.

"Was he against your ass?" her voice pushed into me.

"Oh Jesus" I whispered as I shuddered.

"Did he squeeze your tits baby?" Mom leaned forward, her eyes never leaving me. "He loves big tits you know." She told me.

"Oh God mom" I couldn't stop my moan this time.

Mom rose from her chair and came over to sit by me on the couch. God, I couldn't stop trembling. She reached out and took my hand, holding it gently in hers.

"There is two things I want you to do." Mom said softly.

I just stared at her. She seemed to know everything; yet there wasn't an ounce of anger or venom in her.

"First I want you to go up to the bedroom and relieve yourself." Mom smiled at me. "In fact use my friend in my night stand; it's for when your father isn't...available." I almost choked.

"Second, after dinner; come upstairs." She gently squeezed my hand. "I think there is something you might want to hear...or maybe see."

I sat stunned as she returned to her seat and calmly picked up the television remote. She looked up at me.

"Go on" she smiled again.

I wandered up the stairs and into the master bedroom. I knew in my heart that mom knew everything. God, how could you be so calm about another woman lusting for your husband.

With shaking hands, I opened the small drawer on her nightstand. In awe I pulled out what had to be the biggest dildo I had ever seen. Jesus, this thing had to be nine or ten inches long; and it was so realistic, with veins running down the shaft.

Curious where mom had gotten such a toy, I turned it over and looked at the base. Clone-a-willy; what the hell was that, I wondered; then it hit me like a load of bricks. I was standing there, holding a replica of my father's cock.

I stared at it in wonder; fuck was he really that big? Was this the monster that kept poking into my ass every night? A sudden gush of hot fluids filled my panties as I realized mom had just given me permission to use this thing. God, I couldn't get my jeans and panties off fast enough.

I stretched out on the bed and gripped the thick base with both hands. Spreading my legs wide, I placed the engorged head at my entrance; and then did what I had been dreaming of for three days. I rammed that fake dick straight up my cunt.

"Ohhhhh fuckkkkk" I groaned as my walls stretched around the rubber.

I looked down between my thighs panting; Christ barely half of it was inside me and I already felt stuffed. Pulling it back, seeing my juices glisten on the silicone; I jammed it in again.

"All of it" I groaned. "Give it to me daddy" I moaned as I began to work my dripping pussy.

"Oh fuck...oh shit" I grunted as the thing sank deeper and deeper.

Wet squishing sounds filled the bedroom as I pounded myself raw trying to shove that whole thing up inside me. I wasn't going to stop until every inch was buried in me.

"Fuck me daddy...fuck me..." I moaned as I went still deeper.

Fuck I had never had a dick this deep before. It was hitting nerve endings I never knew I had. My hips hunched up and down as I pumped harder; I felt possessed as I fucked myself on my father's cock.

"So close...oh fuck..." I groaned as I shoved harder still.

Then it hit, and it hit HARD. Just as I felt those cool rubber balls slap against my up turned ass, I felt the most amazing thing as the head of that thing pressed against my cervix. The two sensations collided deep inside my gut.

"Dadddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" I screamed as my body exploded.

I watched as a fountain of cream spewed out of me in an arc and splattered to the bed. You would have thought I was emptying my bladder right then, but the spasms along the walls of my pussy told me what was happening.

In a fog I dropped back onto the soaked bed. Fake cock or not, that had been the most intense orgasm on my young life; God what would having the real thing do to me; I thought in a haze.

It took less than ten minutes to unleash what three days had built; and then it took twenty minutes just to clean the mess. I had changed the sheets and slipped on my panties and jeans before I wandered down the stairs.

I eased down onto the couch as mom looked over at me. She had a strange twinkle in her eyes as she watched me closely.

"Feel better?" she asked.

"Yes" I barely whispered.

"It's not the same though...is it?" she asked me.

"What" I jerked my head up and looked at her.

Mom rose from the couch and handed me the remote. There was this strange smile on her face.

"It's still not the real thing" she whispered.

I could only shudder as mom walked away and into the kitchen. I listened to her starting dinner, and reached for the remote; time to get my mind to other things, I figured.

It didn't help after dad got home either. Every time he walked by my eyes gravitated to his crotch; and I thought of the size of that toy. Jesus, to hold that thing; to feel it plowing into you; I was growing in anxiety again.

By the time we were in the living room, I swear my panties had never been more drenched. I didn't know what mom was up to; but after that fun workout earlier; I didn't want to miss it.

I helped clear the table, and washed the dishes. By the time I was done and headed back to the living room, I was surprised to find myself alone. Mom had mentioned coming upstairs, but where was dad?

When I reached the top of the stairs, I could hear voices coming from the master bedroom. Thinking mom wanted to talk with me, I walked down the hallway. Then I heard her voice come through the half open door.

I got halfway down the hall when the voices became clear enough to understand. I froze rooted to the spot.

"That's it...fuck me." I heard mom's guttural moan.

"Oh shit...baby" I heard dad.

God they couldn't be, not right now. Is this what mom wanted, for me to hear or see them fucking. I turned to head back downstairs, when mom's next words froze me again.

"Come on baby...fuck your little girl." I heard her whine.

"Diane..." I heard dad gasp.

"I know you want it" mom's voice dripped with lust. "You want to shove that fat daddy dick up your daughter's tight pussy."

I heard a low growl from dad and then mom again.

"That's it...come on daddy...fuck me daddy..." he voice was hoarse as she tried to mime me.

"Oh God...Anna" I heard Dad moan

Suddenly there wasn't enough cloth in my panties to contain the tidal wave that pulsed out of me. I slipped closer to their door, leaning against the wall as I listened.

"Yes, that's it; fuck me harder daddy" I heard mom whimper.

God her voice was so close to mine it was uncanny. My jeans were unsnapped before I even realized it, and one hand dove straight down to my swollen lips. Even the hot masturbation session earlier couldn't relieve the heat building inside me.

"Oh baby...I can't..." I heard dad give this obscene groan.

"Fill your daughter's tight little pussy" mom moaned. "Give me that daddy seed" I heard her beg.


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