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Honey, What are You Doing...

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Michael find his wife in bed with someone MUCH bigger...
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Michael glanced at his car's clock as he neared the block of his two story suburban home. Daydreams played along in his head as they did each day on his drive home from work. Some days he would think back over the work day, other days he would consider how his favorite sport's team was performing this season. Sometimes he would dream of what it would be like to have pursued one of his dream jobs and what that might look compared to his current normal day to day. Oftentimes, he dreams about his wife who always greets him with a cheerful, "Welcome home honey," as he returns at the close of the work day.

Most times he would daydream of loving innocent memories such as the two of them enjoying a walk in their old hometown's local park. There was that one time when they got their first dog together and how happy Trish was that day. What a good dog she had turned out to be, Michael thought to himself. Occasionally, mostly after an extended period of time without sex, Michael would think of Trish's naked body. He would briefly close his eyes at red lights and such while picturing her large breasts swaying back and forth in front of him. He could feel her round thick ass pressed against his crotch.

An abrupt horn sounded behind Michael, insisting that he move forward through the green light. Putting foot to pedal, he proceeded accordingly and focused back on the road. It had been especially long since he and Trish had had sex. They have the occasional innocent groping of each other's sex in the hallway or the sexually intimate kisses, but it had been about a month now that they hadn't had sex. He began thinking back to their last sexual encounter and how it was pretty good like usual but what was with that comment she had made to him, he wondered. After he had cum inside her as usual, they laid still for awhile together. The standard trade of loving compliments were exchanged but then she had asked him about that weird request.

"Would you ever be into wearing a cock cage if I wanted you to," she asked him. He was a bit apprehensive in his response, "Uhm, well, I'm not sure. You would actually want me to wear a... what, a cock cage?" That look of expected disappointment fell over her face and looked away as she began to rise from their position. "I don't know, Mike. I guess I just thought it would be hot. It's something I've been fantasizing about for a while. Just don't worry about it if you aren't into it though." He sat where he was quietly and then responded, " I just don't know what you find sexy about me being locked in a cage. That seems a bit over the top in my opinion."

She looked at him and forced a half smile. "Okay, honey, I get it," she said while standing from the bed and moving to the bathroom. He had thought about her request for the last four weeks often and wondered what she wanted from him. Did she mean that she wanted him to be a submissive or like a cuck or something? Is that the way she fantasized about him? Submitting to her like a weak boy, is that what she desired? He pondered as he approached his street, there was that really weird part of him that he didn't understand. That odd part of his brain that made his cock perk up just a tad when he thought of the whole situation.

He could feel that rush of blood filling in his cock as the scenes flashed through his head. The thought of his wife putting some locking mechanism over his cock and balls and clasping it shut, watching her put a little key in the latch and twisting it locked. The pressure in his work pants crotch began to get uncomfortable. And then that really really uncomfortable thought began inevitably creeping into his head. He had no idea why this scenario would ever even cross his imagination, let alone make his cock rock solid.

With no specific face or identity, that third body enters the room. Another man comes close and caresses his arms around Trish's chest and grasps her perked up tits in his hands. He's watching up at the two of them from a seated position on the bedroom floor. His cock, that's small enough to fit into this tiny contraption, is throbbing wildly in his cage. He sees his wife turn into this man's caress and begin sucking on each other's tongues. She's grabbing hold of his massive cock in one hand and rubbing over his body with the other.

Michael's front two tires crossed the threshold of his driveway and he pulled up behind the familiar SUV that displays his wife's custom license plate. He took a moment to clear his mind and give his misunderstood erection some time to settle down. He began feeling guilty and kind of mad at himself for thinking about such a ridiculous fantasy. How could he ever consider the thought of his wife being with another man. He wondered to himself if Trish ever fantasized about him being with another woman.

He pushed his car door out and stepped out onto the asphalt driveway. He hoped that Trish would be happy to see him home a few hours early today as his boss cut the work day short for a personal celebration. He meant to call ahead and warn her of his early return, but he had forgotten his phone charger at home that day. It didn't matter much, it would be a pleasant surprise and he would stop on the way home and pick her up some lunch and some flowers. He gathered up her gifts and made his way to the front door.

Michael noticed a neighbor in the next yard over and looked to greet them. The middle aged woman that lived next door waved at him but almost appeared worried somehow. Something felt odd as he stepped inside his home and shut the door. The house felt strangely still and quiet on the bottom level. He'd been sure Trish would still be working with their in-home fitness trainer downstairs in their home gym. After a moment, he heard some noise from the second level of the house and believed he heard his wife's voice. He actually could swear he heard what sounded like her distinctive moaning but that would be unusual. Why would she cancel one of her training sessions just to stay in and masturbate?

But then, did he hear another voice upstairs too? It absolutely sounded like another man's voice joined with his wife's. He froze in his tracks for a moment and sat the gifts he brought to the side. Another moan rang out in her voice, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Holy fucking shit, Michael thought. He considered what to do for a moment and then approached the stairs and began moving up to the second story. The very distinctive sounds of Trish being fucked became evidently clear but somehow different. She was really really moaning out in pleasure. Michael could almost feel the pleasure she was exhibiting in his own body.

Rounding the top of the staircase, he could see their bedroom door standing half ajar and screams of ecstasy were barrelling out from the inside. Without a single thought processing in his head, he grabbed hold of the door handle and brought the door to a fully opened position, revealing the explicit scene unfolding before him. His wife's backside was too him from the bed top and her fully nude body mounted another body, her pussy lips wrapped around an absolutely massive cock. He could see his wife taking this absurdly large cock deep in her swollen pussy and was screaming out in delight, leaving him standing in a complete state of shock, unable to move an inch.

The scene before Michael continued to play out in front of him, his wife and lover clearly not having realized his presence. He wanted to scream out in rage, call his wife a bitch and a cunt and a slut, but continued to stand there in an intensely frustrated silence. Was he just speechless, he thought to himself, or is he actually unable to muster the words needed to bring an end to this? Trish's hips came down harder on the man's massive body harder with every single recurring motion. This stranger was in no way was having his way with Michael's wife, she was in complete control here and man was she fucking him.

Anger danced through Michael's soul as his wife's lover slid his muscular hands and arms up across Trish's backside and grabbed hold of her. In a single smooth and fluent motion, the man stood straight up from the bed, lifting Trish in his arms as if she were light as a feather. His wife's throbbing pussy never let go of the man's enormous cock through the whole transition, truly showcasing the impressive size of this guy's gift.

The stranger almost missed Michael completely as he went to start thrusting inside Trish's pussy, but the two of them locked eyes at the last second. The man's eyes grew three sizes and Trish twisted around in a panic to lock eyes with her husband. The room fell entirely silent as if time itself halted but for a moment; Michael could see his wife searching desperately for an answer in her head, stuttering for something to say. "Honey," Michael spoke after finally finding his voice, "what are you doing?"

Michael could sense the attempt of a clever lie brewing between Trish's lips as the desperation she wore on her face screamed out as louis as her moans had been. She began to speak, hesitated, tried again, and then sighed out in frustration. "Michael," she said to him, "I need this so fucking bad and I need you to understand that." The man, still inserted all the way inside his wife, finally placed her on her feet and she walked up to Michael with stars in her eyes.

He felt her warm hand come to rest on his cheek, as it does when his wife is consoling him during tough times. "Honey, " she said softly, "I love you more than anything and you own all of my love and compassion, but baby we both know your cock isn't enough to satisfy me." As Michael's heart dropped into his stomach, his below average cock was throbbing painfully against the inside of his shorts. He wanted to cry and scream but his cock wanted him so badly to take hold and beat the shit out of it.

"This is such an immense ask, and I know that," she continued, "but truly I want you to stay here and be here for me through this. I really really need you to support me through this right now, Michael." He looked into his wife's eyes, saw the desperation in them, and then looked past her to the man still standing behind her. He knew now, as he noticed for the first time who the man stuffing his wife full was. The owner of the monster was Trish's personal trainer, Noah. They had never formally met before but had previously exchanged pleasantries as Michael would thank him for working with his wife and "making her so much happier."

Noah stood behind his wife, holding his massive gift in hand and looking toward the two of them as if waiting for an answer. Suddenly, his wife grabbed hold of his belt and began unbuckling it and sliding it out from his belt loops. Michael hesitated and asked, "Trish, why did you take my belt from me?" As she unbuttoned his pants and began loosening them, she responded to her husband, "Honey, I don't ask for a lot but I can't budge on this. I should have confessed to you about what we've been doing with each other but I swear I had the intentions to."

She pulled his pants down around his ankles and he almost stumbled from the lack of balance. "Trish," he began before she interrupted him before he could speak. "Michael, I want you to take a seat here in the corner, and I want you to sit here and support me as your partner and as your wife. I need your support on this, and I know that you aren't completely upset by this. I mean," she grabbed hold of Michael's erection and squeezed it hard in her hand. His body grew tense with sexual pleasure and without a word in response, Michael sat down in the seat and faced his wife.

"There's also this one more stipulation I need for you to abide by, Michael. I need you to not only offer me your support, Michael, but I need to see your support for myself." Michael nervously asked his wife, "What else could you possibly ask of me right now, Trish?"

He watched his wife step over to a nearby dresser and slide the top drawer open, where she typically keeps her panties. She pulled out from it, a silver cage that was small in size and was shaped to accommodate a very small penis. Again, Michael felt his heart begin beating painfully in his stomach.

"Trish," he began to protest before, again, he was interrupted by his wife."

"Michael, please be quiet right now and do what I tell you. I need you to show me that you truly support me right now by allowing me to put this cage around your little cock. I don't want you here for your own pleasure by any means. Therefore, I need you to have this cage around your cock so that every single ounce of your attention is directed to being here for me as my partner. I need you to be there face first and ready to help us at every single command, Michael."

"You mean, you want me to listen to what the two of you tell me like I'm a servant?"

"If you truly support me then you must show me by completely submitting to me and doing everything in your power to help me have the best fucking fuck I could possibly get from the massive cock throbbing behind me." Michael's eyes, again, focused on Noah's throbbing cock that waited for his wife's desperate pussy in pure anticipation.

Michael took a deep breath in and out and then presented his useless cock to his wife to be locked away until she decides she's ready to release him. He felt her soft comforting hands caress his pre-cum covered cock before feeling the cold metal constrain his cock and balls. It was painful and really hurt when his little cock throbbed inside of it. He almost groaned in discomfort but was taken aback as she twisted a tiny key into its slot, locking him inside.

"Now, I'm going to go back over here, Michael, and I want your full focus and attention on making sure I'm being pleasured to my full potential. Do I make myself clear on that?" Michael thought for the very last time if he should protest but he could not bring himself to do it. He nodded his head and she smiled wide back at him before turning her back to her husband and meeting Noah back near the bed. She took the man's cock in her tiny hand and began stroking it; it appeared almost as big as her entire arm itself as he watched her massage it.

Michael's penis begged to be released through the gaps in his cage as pain rang throughout his body. He watched intently as he had been instructed to do, and observed as Noah lifted his wife back off her feet and into their marital bed. He watched in pure ecstasy as he could see his wife's pussy lovingly accept her lover's giant cock. He saw how perfectly Noah's cock slid inside and out of Trish's welcoming pussy. She began screaming out again in pleasure, this time calling out to her husband. "Fuck honey," she called to him, "this is so fucking good, I can't fucking tell you how much I need this!"

Her whole body trembled beneath Noah's massively muscular body as she took damn near every bit of his eleven inch cock, time and time again. "Come here, Michael," she ordered from across the room. Michael stood from his chair and locked eyes with his wife from where he stood. She motioned him to come to her as she sang out with pleasure. He obeyed her command and joined her at the bedside where she ran her fingers over the openings of his cock cage. "Wait, Noah," she ordered, "let him service me." Her massive lover obeyed and slowly took his cock out from inside her. It seemed to take ages for the whole thing to finally find its way out.

"Michael, I need you to kneel in front of me and service my clit so my pussy's wet enough to take that giant fucking cock he's got." With zero protest, Michael positioned himself in front of his wife's throbbing pussy and began servicing her clit until she was wet enough to continue taking her lover's cock. "Now, I want you to take Noah's cock in your hand," she ordered, "and I want you to put it back inside your wife's pussy." Michael did as his wife said and positioned the other man's cock back in place to take his wife for another round.

For yet another round, his wife's soaking wet pussy welcomed the cock back in ecstacy. "Baby," she said to Michael who met her eyes. "I'm going to have Noah here fill my pussy with a full fucking load and it's going to be your job as my partner and servant to clean up for me when he does." She could see the hesitancy brewing in his eyes and spoke out again, "Michael, this is not optional for you. After your wife is finished being pleasured, it is your role in support of your wife to clean my fucking pussy with your submissive mouth."

Michael watched as his wife's lover began preparing for an intense orgasm. She begged her lover to fill her full of his cum. Noah thrusted his hips hard against hers and began moaning out in pleasure as he fulfilled Trish's request of having her pussy filled full of cum. Michael saw the massive load begin dripping out of his wife as Noah pulled his giant cock out of her. As ordered, Michael knelt before the bed where his wife lay, and brought his tongue to her cum covered lips. The taste was salty and slightly bitter and despite how much he couldn't believe this was happening, he continued to clean his wife's pussy until every ounce of the man's cum was cleaned up.

As Noah was excusing himself to the restroom, Trish ordered Michael to join her on the bed. He did as he was told and lied down next to his panting wife on top of the bed comforter. They looked into one another's eyes with pure love and excitement and Michael had never felt such an intense feeling of connection.

"Trish," he whispered to her.

"Yes, Michael?

"I love you and I want you to know that I truly support you if this is what you need."

She smiled lovingly, "I love you Michael, so much. Thank you for supporting me."

"Do you think that you could get me out of this cage now, though? I need to have a fucking orgasm right fucking now."

She smiled lovingly and responded to her husband, "Honey, I will let you out of that cage, the day you convince me that I Should."

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Legionolms1Legionolms13 months ago

Lovely story, so sexy and we'll written.

I just don't like the idea of chastity, it's always a turn off.

Overall, it's a great story, keep it up, write more, incorporating other characters.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I would open my mouth for the big cock any day

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I loved the dialogue between husband and wife.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Stupid story

AishoAisho6 months ago

That's very fucking erotic , thank you for sharing this with us

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