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Honored by Her Kick

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A shy boy taken by a confident Goddess.
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So, this story was a collaboration, and instigated by the lovely and amazing, goddessofglee who was muse, director, editor, and, well, a Goddess to a rudderless puppy such as me.

All work of fiction, all participants are of age, D/s themes, peeing, feminization, and the like.


Honored by her Kick

I still find it hard to believe how it happened or that she even wanted to go out with me, but, it happened.

Maybe I should backtrack a bit to make this make a little more sense. From the time I entered high school, I was somewhat shy, ok, really shy. I'm sure there are a lot of psychological reasons for it, but, suffice it to say, I was a bit withdrawn. I can't blame it on my looks, I'm 6'1", light brown hair trimmed fairly short, green eyes, tanned and fit from surfing, playing soccer and the exercise routines I go through to be able to play sports. I've filled out some since high school, so, I've added muscle and the weight that goes with it. I'm about 185 lbs now. When girls saw me back then, and even now I suppose, they figured me for the stereotypical jock who would take charge, make plans, ask them out, sort of run the show. But it's not how I saw, or for that matter see myself.

Confidence wasn't my strong suit then, and it hasn't gotten much better over time. I've dated, and I do love going out and having a good time, but, it doesn't happen that often, because, as I said, I'm not one to make the first move. And, what makes the situation even worse is that I don't always recognize if a girl is hitting on me. This has led to my dating life not being all that I might hope that it could have been.

It has been almost a year since I broke up with my last girlfriend, well, being honest, she broke up with me. She said she needed someone who could be more manly, take charge more, make her feel more like like a "traditional" woman.

Again, full disclosure, that has made me even more shy and less outgoing.

This makes what happened in the last 24 hours even more unbelievable to me. I am a man that follows routine. In the mornings I stop by a coffee truck to grab a coffee and breakfast. Banana muffin, croissant, whatever was looking good that day. From there, off to work, gym or soccer after work, and then home.

The past few weeks, I had begun noticing this one girl showing up. Usually it was right as I was leaving. The last few days, she'd been arriving about the same time I did. I didn't mind it, she was extremely pretty. She was a little above average height, maybe 5'6" or so, a brunette with wavy hair that fell below her shoulders. She was athletically built, a bit busty and curves in all the right places. She carried herself with a quiet confidence, head held high, shoulders back. I looked forward to seeing her. Coming or going, she was always something to see.

I can't help it, I admit, I'd stare sometimes, then I'd become afraid she'd look over at me from her table and I'd freak. I'd get the feeling that she knew I was staring, so I would quickly gather my things and leave the area for work. Once or twice, I almost bumped into her because she wasn't paying attention - or maybe I wasn't - as I was afraid of getting caught by her. She'd walk right in front of me and I'd mumble apologies and being honest, run away. It had gotten so bad for me, unable not to stare, but being afraid of getting caught staring that I had decided that I would change my morning food truck to the one outside my office.

I arrived this morning to the usual. "Hey, Jerry, give me a large coffee, extra cre..."

"Yeah, Jake, I know...extra cream, extra sugar," Jerry laughed. I do have my routines. "And before you ask, today I'd get the blueberry muffin if I were you, they are fresh. Wife made 'em early this morning."

"yeah, I guess I am kind of boring like that, I'll take the blueberry muffin too then. Um, I wanted to ask you something. You see..." I trailed off as I saw her approaching the truck. I was going to ask Jerry if he knew who she was, any info about her. But, with her walking up, no way I'd do that now.

"Yeah, what, Jake?" He asked as he set the coffee and the muffin on the metal counter that stuck out from the truck.

I was trying to think, she was standing behind me in line and my mind went blank. "Uhhh...nothing, never mind, I forgot what I was going to ask. I'm sure it'll come to me tomorrow."

I took my coffee, keeping my back to her and quickly moved to one of the little tables I told myself tomorrow was going to be the change day. She moved in front of me. We did the dance that everyone has done, I'd move right, she'd move with me, then back and she'd move again. I was feeling guilty about staring, afraid she might be about to say something about it, so, with head down, I tried to move past her; we collided.

"You're pretty fast and nimble for a big guy." She said.

"Umm," I stuttered, "Sorry, I guess not fast enough to get out of your way. I'm sorry."

She had a lovely round face, about 5'6", so her face was at my chest, and these intoxicating dark brown eyes that looked up at me, brunette hair flowing down over her shoulders.

"That's not what I meant." She stated flatly. "I've been trying to bump into you for days and you keep just dogging out of the way and running off."

She struck a little pose, looking at me, breasts standing proudly in her pout, pulling against her tight sweatshirt, and the rest of her body clinging to yoga pants that looked more part of her than actual clothing. She might be a goddess, I thought.

"Umm.. sorry?" I replied dumbly.

"You'll need work, but will do. I've been noticing you and have been trying to get your attention because I need a date to a party tonight and want you to accompany me."

'Accompany me?' I thought. Who even says that? It took a little while for my brain to start moving, and she shifted her weight, making all sorts of things jiggle, which further distracted me.

"But, um, you don't even know me.." I started to say.

"Your name is Jake." She said, then reading my expression, followed with "Because the guy in the truck calls your name for your order, silly. Anyway, I've seen you around and you seem like a nice guy, though obviously couldn't read my signals for you to talk to me for weeks now. All that wasted time. So, we'll get to know each other the normal way - go out and have some drinks and hang out."

"Ummm," I waffled.

"Say yes." She said.

"Yes," I replied.

"Great!" She actually beamed, smiling. "Here. Meet me at this address at 8:30 tonight. It's a friend's party. We'll talk more then."

I took the paper from her and she sauntered - actually sauntered - away, ass swinging and leaving me getting hard.

So, now it's half a day later and I'm knocking on a door of some place I know no one. The door swings open, and she actually answers it.

"Right on time. I like that." she says, hands me a drink and turns to walk away, looking back over her shoulder. I follow.

It's a great party, actually. In between some introductions to people, we chat about what we do for work, and fun. She grills me a bit on why I don't have a girlfriend, and also my last couple of breakups - which is awkward for me, but she seems to just take it in stride.

After an hour or so, I've had a couple and figure I'll get a quick break, but she stops me and says she wants to dance, and the song that came on is one of her favorites. So we dance. The party's a little crowded, but everyone is pretty chill. On the next break, I start to excuse myself but she pulls me over to introduce me to someone else, and another drink pops into my hand.

Throughout the night, things started friendly, and I was feeling more comfortable like I was just hanging out with a buddy. But through the night, things were shifting. A hand on my arm staying a bit longer. Her arm going around my waist when introducing me to people. She kept me off balance, body pressing close for a moment, then spinning away. She actually told me to "stay" once while she went off to get something, and I did. When she came back, she patted my ass with a "MMmmm hmmm.. good boy."

Between drinking and her teasing I was getting pretty worked up, and for some reason, more and more entranced. When suddenly, it occurred to me I had to pee.

"Hey, where's the bathroom, anyway?" I asked.

"Oh, right.. they had a problem with the bathroom. "

That just made me need to go more.

"Hey, it's getting late anyway.. how about you escort me home. I'll grab an Uber for us.. and you don't live far from me."

We had found out during the night that I was just two apartment buildings down from each other, which is why we used the same food truck.

"Umm, sure, sure." I replied.

We stepped out of the party and headed downstairs, her hand around my waist and hand in my back pocket. While we waited for the Uber, I turned and looked at her, and was about to lean down to kiss her when the car pulled up.

Damn, I thought as she turned to wave down the Uber. Missed my chance.

She opened the door for me, and I waited for her to get in, but she waved me in first. Before I was even halfway in, though, her hands were on the cheeks of my butt and my hips, half guiding, half caressing, directing me into the car's back seat.

Between the drinks and attention, I was flushed and excited, and tried to stifle a little moan. I let her direct me, hearing her chuckle a bit as I responded to her unsaid direction, and we settled into our seats.

"Thank you for asking me out," I blurted as the car started moving. "I mean, you're amazing, and I saw you all those mornings and wanted to ask you out but I didn't know how and I was a little scared, and" I was rambling. In my head, I was saying, shut up, shut up, but I kept talking and rambling. An was getting flustered more because she just looked at me as I was blabbering and had this coy smile on her red lips, the edge just curling up a bit.

The image of a tiger popped into my head and I suddenly stopped talking. Now I've gone and scared her off and ruined everything, I thought. Was sure of it. But I just stared, my eyes locked on her lips. Lips that suddenly opened slightly, tongue wetting them, then began to speak.

"Baby... relax," she cooed, one hand resting on my shoulder closest to her as she turned her face to look at me. "Did you have a nice time?" She asked softly, looking into my eyes as I stared dumbly back at her. She slowly nodded her head up and down, and I followed the movement, nodding my head with her.

"Y-y-yes..." I stumbled out.

"Well, then, " she said, her other hand, reaching across her body and coming down on my thigh, "relax!" She smiled, and squeezed my thigh at the same time. My skin under my jeans was on fire, and I was holding my breath. She slid closer to me, fingers tracing along my shoulders and neck, arm wrapping around, and the hand on my thigh began to slowly slide back and forth.

She sort of pulled me more towards her, head to her shoulder so I was leaning down against her instead of her cuddling into me. I'm sure it looked very awkward, but somehow I just shifted my big body so it fit against her smaller frame as she directed.

"See? Isn't this nice?" She continued, fingers beginning to play with my hair, my head resting against her shoulder.

"Yes," I immediately replied. "But are you comfortable?" I began to shift up and she pulled my hair slightly, stopping me.

"Stay." She commanded. I stopped. "I'm very comfortable.. don't you worry. Now, tonight was fun."

"Yes," I replied, settling back in my place. "Your friends were all very welcoming and cool. And you're pretty amazing."

"Well, my friends did say they liked you. Funny, smart." She kept running her fingers through my hair, and my eyes kept closing.

"I'm glad I didn't embarrass you."

"Oh far from it! I had a very nice time.."

Her caresses were relaxing me, and that was just fine for me, except now my bladder also decided to make itself more aware. Being so relaxed, I suddenly had to stiffen up as I felt a little pee leak.

"What's wrong, Jake?" She asked..

"Ummm.." I looked out the window and began to recognize the buildings "I think I should have gone before we left.."

"Oh? We're almost to my place.. relax, you can hold it, and I'll let you up to my apartment real quick before you go home."

I shifted in my seat, crossing my legs. "That'd be great, thanks. Sorry.. not a great impression, or else it's the worst line to try to get into your apartment. Ha ha."

I looked up at her, and she looked down at me smiling, then leaned in further and gave the briefest, softest of kisses on my lips. "Yes, it really is the worst line to get into my apartment." There was a smile behind those eyes, though.. like it was her line, not mine.

The kiss almost made me loose it, catching me so by surprise. It was soft, the taste of her drink mixed with lipstick and perfume on my lips. A firecracker going off in my head, leaving my mind blank and a little hazy.

The car stopped.

"We're here!" She exclaimed, opening the door. I almost fell over as she slid out, but caught myself and half stumbled out of the back seat. I had to stay a little hunched over, almost desperate to go. Funny how when you know you are so close to the bathroom, it doesn't provide relief, just a stronger urge.

She took my hand as we exited the car and slowly sauntered towards her apartment building, completely unconcerned about my increasingly desperate situation. I was partly shuffling, on one hand wanting to move faster, but on the other, aware that striding too fast might actually cause me to lose control.

She pressed the button for the lift, and I could hear the clunking of the mechanisms getting to work.

"You're very quiet." She said, breaking my concentration, and looked at me with a slight pout.

"Oh, sorry!" I grimaced a bit. "You know, trying not to embarrass myself in front of you. Ha ha. Great first impression, and all."

"Oh, poor baby." She replied. "Really that bad, huh?"

Did she smirk? I wondered.

"I thought my little dance back and forth here was giving it away." I replied. Where was that elevator, damn it? "Maybe they have a bathroom down here in the lobby?" I asked hopefully.

"No, they locked it years ago. You know, trouble with people off the street that really had to go."

She definitely smirked there. She was enjoying me being this desperate it seemed.

I was about to reply, but the elevator light provided a relieving 'ding!' and I looked hopefully at the doors. Those doors that opened very, very, very slowly. My hands were over my crotch and knees bending as I tried to keep control.

"C'mon," she said, interrupting my increasingly occupied brain focused purely on keeping myself from peeing myself. "I thought you were in such a rush?"

"Y-y-yes.." I half hobbled my way onto the elevator, and leaned against the back wall. I groaned as she pressed 16, toward the top of the floors.

"You're kind of adorable," she noted.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow. "Maybe I should lock down a second date now hen before you change your opinion." I replied, half joking.

Floor 3 flashed about the door.

"Now, why would I change my opinion? Peeing is very natural -- well have to do it, right?"

Great, now we are talking about peeing, which was another sledgehammer against the very fractured damn holding me back.

She leaned back by the doors. I looked up, seeing Floor 5 turn to Floor 6.

I looked back down. She was looking expectantly at me. Wait. Did she just agree to a second date?

"Did you just agree to second date?" I asked.

"I revise my original statement. You are not kind of adorable, you are adorable."

Floor 10. I actually might make it. What I didn't see is her hand behind her back hitting the stop button, and just as the numbers rolled to 12, the elevator came to a shuddering stop.

"Shit." I exclaimed. "What the hell?" I was already half doubled over. Legs crossed tightly, hands between my thighs. Forget looking silly. This was last waves of desperation.

She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, not again. This happens sometimes." she said nonchalantly, in the tone of someone who has gone through multiple elevator stops before. "It usually starts up in a few seconds. Longest it took was a couple minutes, I think."

A couple minutes? I didn't have a couple minutes. This was a final blow. The world telling me, no, you aren't going to make it Jake, and you're going to pee yourself in front of this incredibly sexy woman and she is going to laugh at you, and never speak to you again. But then go and tell everyone about it. All her friends. The people at the food truck. Send a singing telegram to where you worked. OK, the pressure was also making me paranoid a little.

I looked at her, and her smile was brightening as my will began to break.

"You look so desperate, Jake." She said. "So adorably desperate.."

I closed my eyes, groaning. This was it.

"Sorry," I groaned out, softly.

The damn broke. I felt a spurt of warm liquid inside my jeans against my thigh, felt wetness against my hand trying to cover myself, trying and failing to keep myself from letting go. My face flushed red, and I squeezed my eyes tight, still thinking I could stop the inevitable.

"Look at me." The command snapped through my thoughts and I opened my eyes, looking right into hers, and all my resistance fell from the sudden distraction, and the look she gave me.

How many beers had I had? Six? Funny thought to pop into me head just then.

But now they were leaving me. Wetness blossomed across my crotch, the material of my jeans slowly filling with liquid out from the source. A more pronounced stream ran down my right leg, a slower one forming down my left.

She stepped towards me, her hands rubbing the outsides on my arms, comforting. Eyes still holding mine.

"Let it go baby. I know how badly you had to go. That's a good boy."

Her words washed over me. I didn't really listen to the content, just the soothing nature. I kept peeing myself. I could feel the warm liquid at my socks, in my shoes now. My god, so much pee.

"I'm sorry.." I repeated again, and I could feel the burn of red on my face.

She just kept smiling at me. Then, even as I continued to pee, went on her tip toes and kissed me. Hard, full.

I realized then that I had still be trying to stop peeing, someone holding back. The kiss broke me. I could feel the wetness blossom across the cheeks of my ass, and both legs were warm and wet.

At some point, she had stopped kissing me, and step back slightly. The elevator suddenly jumped to life and started moving again.

"See? I told you it would start again, silly. And you were sooo close to making it!" Her eyes sparkled as she admonished me for not being able to hold on.

Floor 16 dinged and the doors opened.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." She said, reaching out her hand.

I looked at my hand briefly. It was wet. I went to wipe it with the bottom of my shirt to only realize that was soaked as well. I dried it across my chest while she waited patiently, hand still out.

Taking her hand, I sloshed my way next to her as she led me to her apartment. Opening it, she ushered me in.

"Bathroom on the left, through my bedroom" she said, pointing. "Everything off, and put it in a pile outside the door and I'll take care of it. You can jump in the shower and clean up."

I shuffled forward, trying to not drip anywhere. Her bedroom.. clothes were strewn about, as you might expect from someone trying to decide what to wear out. But otherwise was orderly, bed made, not too cluttered.

In the bathroom, I started to feel the cold as my pee lost its warmth. I quickly shed all my clothes, wincing. Realization falling over me.

"Clothes!" She yelled, just on the other side of the door, startling me.

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