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Hooray for Hollywood Ch. 01

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A file sent in error reveals my wet and messy fetish...
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My day job is writing, I am a copywriter which sounds like fun, and with the opportunity to work from home and control my own hours is pretty good, however it can be a lonely life writing rather tedious copy for websites and search engines, therefore, to keep me from going insane I write stories, usually messy ones, you are reading one right now.

I look to keep my two types of writing separate, my clients generally know me as a professional writer and the exploits of horse women, explorers and other ladies who get extremely messy is not what I get paid for or what would choose to share with them. Of course, it is all too easy to make a mistake, to do something wrong and truly screw things up... So, here is my tale.


She was one of my long term clients, She worked for a marketing company and often asked me to write content for their own clients. Her name was Holly, Holly Wood. I joked in my first telephone call, "Holly... Wood...." There was a pause. "Just like the place in Northern Ireland!" She laughed, a delightful laugh.

"I thought you were going to say 'oh like that place in LA' and I would have to politely laugh like it was unexpected!"

"Oh, I don't like to do the expected!" And it sort of started from there, Holly and I, we mostly chatted by email but sometimes had phone calls. It was always a bit flirty, it was just my style, nothing in it, but just a friendly approach.

It was a boring Wednesday, I was sending files over for her to review. I clicked on the titles, click, click, click - send. Done! I yawned, this had been a long job so I padded off for a coffee and a break.

Five minutes later I came back and there was a Skype message window open, I had not used Skype before to speak with Holly, but clicked it open.

Hol: Are these all the right files?

I paused.

Rich: Yes, they are all there...

Hol: Okay...

And she went offline. I thought no more about it, she was checking the files were right. I closed the chat window and went on to the next job, create a product review for some new IT thing...


It was some hours later, I hadn't noticed the passing of time but it was six o'clock. There was a ping and an email popped into my mailbox. - I didn't recognise the email address but opened the email.

Hi there Rich,

It is Holly here from MarCat, but I wanted to use my personal email.

I think you may have made a mistake, there was another file with those you sent today. I am a bit confused by it...

Perhaps we could chat?


Another file? I opened my computer and looked at the upload record, in the middle of the client files was 'Messy Riding Lessons' a wet and messy story of epic proportions packed with messy play, bondage and lesbians. Shit! I suddenly realised what I had done, in my haste I had sorted files and picked up one of my messy stories and sent it to a client.

I stood up pacing, what the hell could I do? There was a ping and I saw Skype had started ringing, I would have to explain myself as I saw Holly's picture as the icon. I clicked answer.

"Hello Holly..." I stuttered, fumbling to align my camera.

"Hi Rich." She spoke coldly, looking stern on screen.

"Look... I am so sorry, it was a mistake."

"I looked at the website."

My blood ran cold, she had looked at my personal website, the one which was supposedly ring fenced, it didn't have my name on it, but a raw file from me with the site name on the first page...

"What is it all about?"

"Look Holly, I am so sorry... This was a mistake. I am sorry if I have upset you. I am sure you won't want to use my services any more..."

"Look Rich... " She paused looking up. "Err..." There was a long pause, she giggled nervously. "I sort of..." She gulped. "I sort of liked the story."

"Oh...!" I paused. "What did you enjoy..." What was I saying! I watched the screen a smile played on Holly's lips.

"What is it with the mess?"

"Well. Some people find it sexy."

"Some people..." She smiled. "Do you find it sexy Rich?" She spoke teasingly.

"Err..." I slumped my shoulders. "Yes. I am ashamed to say."

"Why should you be ashamed!" She snorted. "I think it sounded quite fun... " She laughed. "Nothing to be ashamed about...." The words fell away and we stared at each other in silence.

"Thank you Holly... I am sorry I sent you the file." I smiled. "I'll chat to you tomorrow."

I closed the window and sighed, it was time for a large whisky.


From: To: Time: 0300 am Subject: Messy

Hi Rich,

I can't sleep, I need to talk to you about your stories.

I don't know why, but I am finding them ... exciting.

Hol xxx

I woke to this email, I was unsure what to think. I sipped my morning coffee while working on a long white paper about IP address management, I looked up from my notes as a Skype chat window pinged open.

Hol: Hi Rich Rich: Hi Holly, how are you? Hol: Exhausted... ;) Look I can't be on here for long, I'm at work, but can we talk later? Rich: of course... Hol: I'll ring you after work. xxx

And as soon as that she was gone again. I smiled, I think young Holly was about to learn something new.


"Tell me again... How do you get messy like this?"

"It's easy, you can use pies, mud, custard... Anything, whatever turns you on..." I paused as I heard a moan from Holly as I listed sloppy foodstuffs.

"Sorry Rich, I am just intrigued." She was still being very formal, I could understand, I was struggling to speak openly about my secrets.

"Of course." I sipped my whiskey. "I could help you if you wanted..." That was the key, she would either laugh and tell me not to be silly, or...

"Oh... Help me?" Holly gasped. "Do you mean...?"

"Hol... If you want to try getting messy..."

She giggled like a schoolgirl. "Oh it would be so silly. I think it could be fun. But..." Ah, there was the but... I waited, sipping the single malt, letting the warm liquid roll around my mouth. "It's a bit naughty!"

I laughed. "Well, I guess it is a bit naughty." I think she meant as much that this was forbidden, don't play with your food as much as 'sexy' naughty. However, if we wanted education...

We chatted for a bit longer, I changed the subject and she chatted about general stuff. I could tell she was intrigued, maybe much more. I rang off and smiled.


From: To: Time: 0400 am Subject: Messy


Would you help me? , you aren't teasing me? Hol xxx

I smiled, I see someone couldn't sleep again. I typed out an email, assuring her that, if she wanted to discover what it was like to get messy I could be more than happy to help her, as a friend.

I heard nothing for a while and then a thumbs up icon popped up on Skype.


That was how it started, that evening we chatted, we spoke for hours as she wanted to know everything, I directed her to various websites where she saw people covered in everything from a couple of pies to gallons and gallons of oozing molasses. At that point she mentioned that she knew what that was.

I suggested that we met up, we could go shopping and select some suitable materials and then it was up to her what she tried. She had paused and told me she wanted to try everything. I laughed and told her let's walk before we run!

But she was a girl who just wanted to run, when could we meet in real life? I told her I was free this weekend so could see her on Saturday. She told me to come down on Friday after work. 'Keen?' I said. 'Hell yes!' Was her response.


I suggested that Saturday morning may be better and that we met somewhere neutral, she had argued but I said, look we don't know each other, you may want to run away! So, I sat waiting in a coffee shop at a motorway service station one junction before the village she lived in.

I sipped my coffee when I suddenly felt hands over my eyes. "Guess who?"

"Well I hope that is you Hol or I am in trouble!" She giggled and stepped in front of me. "Fuck me!" I stared at her, she was a pretty thirty something year old but from her head and shoulders Skype image I had not guessed at the perfect body currently dressed in a pair of the tightest jodhpurs and muddy Hunter boots and a t-shirt which left little to the imagination. She laughed.

"Sorry, I had to do my horses this morning." She stopped and then chewed her lip. "Oh, I am dressed like the girls in your story..." She giggled. "Do you like?"

I gulped, I just hoped I didn't have to stand up too soon, this was a total vision of beauty. "Oh..." I blushed deeply. Holly laughed, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.

"Let's go shopping!"


"So what do we buy?" Holly's eyes were as wide as saucers as we walked around the cash and carry, I had written copy for the group's websites so I had been sent a trade card as a thank you, it was more useful that they ever imagined. She was certainly turning heads in her outfit. I smiled.

"Okay, well..." I pushed the trolley. "Pies are a good start, let's grab some pie cases and pudding mix." I dropped them on the flat bed. "Custard is lovely and sloppy." I grabbed a case of litre cartons. "What would you like?"

I would have had better luck controlling a child in a sweet shop as she dashed off returning with a bucket of jam, gallon jugs of syrup and a sack of flour. "Whoa! Are you sure?" She winked before grabbing a selection of ice cream toppings and chocolate sauce. "You know what they say don't you?" She shook her head. "Shopping, it's the sploshers foreplay!"

I winced at the price as we went through the till, I joked I had better get some more freelance work! We loaded the goodies into the back of my car. I was to follow her to her home.


A short drive into the countryside brought us to a small farmhouse, she pulled up, opening the gate and driving inside, I followed and closed the gate. "Wow..." I looked around the house had a small stable yard attached and there were horses in the paddock beyond.

"My parents old place, they have retired to Spain, I am looking after the place , but it suits me well. I can be near my horses." She smiled and hugged me. "Thank you!"

"I haven't done anything!"

"You have introduced me to this, I am so excited..."


We decided that the best thing to do would be to set up the messy play in the stables, it was a warm summer's day and the horses were out in the paddock, we could enjoy the relative cool of the stable courtyard and not have to worry about cleaning up as it could all be washed down the yard drains.

We had set out paste tables and I was engaged making pies and opening cartons. Holly was sitting on a white plastic chair practically fizzing with excitement. "Is it ready yet?"


"Oh I want it..." She giggled. "Oh this is so wrong!" She had stayed dressed in her casual clothes, from reading my stories I think she realised that the sight of an equestrian was a turn-on and she told me she was too excited to get changed.

I walked in front of her, holding before me a huge pie case filled with thick cream pudding and topped with a layer of confectioner's cream, I had even plopped a cherry in the middle. I showed it to her, she fell silent, her mouth dropping open, suddenly this had become real. "Do you want this?"

"Yes... "

"Yes, what?"

"Yes please..." She quivered.

"I don't think you do?" I took the pie away.

"Please let me have it!"

As she uttered the words I slammed the pie into her face with just enough force to catch her by surprise and leave the case sitting on her face. She sat still for a moment, the broken pie case fell from her face leaving her covered with her mouth open. I watched as she reached up and cleared her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Pie me..." Her voice was a guttural growl. I took another pie and pushed it more slowly into her face, twisting the tin to ensure she was well covered. Before she could move I took two more and sandwiched her head blocking her hearing as well as her sight. I took the moment of silence to splatter two more pies onto her chest, her nipples standing proud as the pie cases slipped off.

I stood back, giving Holly a moment to compose herself. She opened her eyes wide, suddenly leaping up and hugging me. I laughed as she coated me in cream. "Oh god this is so good..." She laughed. "Oh it is so hot... What else can we do?"

I smiled, grabbing a catering sized black forest gateaux and placed it on the chair. "Would madam like to take a seat?" I helped her sit down, she squealed as she sunk into the creamy cake, slithering from side to side as the sloppy mess seeped through her jodhpurs. She watched in awe as I picked up a gallon jug of golden syrup, I unscrewed the cap slowly and lifted the jug. "Any last words before I christen you a proper wammer?" The syrup flowed slowly engulfing her head, she sat, open mouthed as the heavy liquid embraced her, flowing off her chin and onto her chest. I took a pair of scissors from my pocket and snipped up her t-shirt leaving her sports bra exposed. Grasping a can of chilled squirty cream I filled first her left and then her right bra cup. The cream overflowed and Holly moaned, her hands running down her sticky chest and towards her groin. "Naughty, naughty!" I picked up a bucket of cake batter and tipped it over her head, it joined the syrup, covering her sticky blond locks in heavy batter, I didn't give her a chance before snipping her bra off leaving her exposed.

She gasped as I poured melted ice cream over her chest, it was obvious it was still pretty cold, I took my opportunity and started to suck her engorged nipples, her hand slid into her slimy panties and soon she was moaning and writhing, her body stiffened and she slumped in the mess. I held her embracing her as she came down from her orgasm. I started to speak but she grabbed me and kissed me deeply.


We took a moment for Holly to gather her thoughts and for me to regroup. I laid her down in one of the stables, I had placed a plastic sheet over a clean wood chip bed. I had stripped her ruined jodhpurs from her and slid off her boots. Her breathing was deep and her eyes followed my every movement as I picked up a bucket of warm melted chocolate. I slowly poured the warm, sweet mess down her body from neck to her toes, kneeling above her, gently running my hands over her body ensuring every inch was covered. I pulled her hands from her crotch. "If you can't leave yourself alone I will have to tie you up young lady!" She smiled. "Soon... Okay... You can have everything you desire..."

I had numerous bottles of ice cream topping, taking two at a time I started to coat her body, she was soon a sweet dessert, glistening with various flavours, there was only one thing I could do and that was to open a bucket of sprinkles and cover her. She cooed as she looked down at her colourful body.

After we had arrived Holly had given me a vibrator and told me to use it when I needed to. I felt the time was right, I knelt beside the chocolate covered girl and started to tease her, first touching her sensitive nipples before approaching her lips and then finally homing in on her clit. She shook, moaning as the crescendo approached, I knelt down, kissing her deeply as I teased her, it was not long before she stiffened moaning in joy before blacking out.

I believe that I had changed Holly's life, she was certainly a wammer... The time was right to show her all that her new release could give her.

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