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Hot Sex Instead of Dancing Ch. 20

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A surprise celebrity steals Walter from Beyonce's thighs.
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Part 20 of the 20 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 11/29/2014
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A surprise celebrity steals Walter from between Beyoncé's shapely thighs.

The realistic version and the erotic vision of Walter's sexual fantasy come true, Jay Z waved over his wife. Walter couldn't believe his eyes. She was even more stunningly beautiful and sexier in person than she was on TV.

Beyoncé emerged from across the crowded room as if Walter was having another one of his sexual fantasies. As if watching Tiffany cleaning her kitchen nearly naked while wearing one of her short, low cut, sexy nightgowns, he watched Beyoncé walked closer as if she neared him in slow motion. In the way he masturbated himself while watching Tiffany and before falling asleep to have fantasy sex with her, his sexual fascination was now transferred from Tiffany to Beyoncé. Yet, even though he was star struck by seeing Beyoncé walking towards him, without a doubt, Tiffany was even more beautiful than her. If only Tiffany could sing, she could have been a star too.

It was then, when now in a room with more black women than white women, that he realized that he was more sexually attracted to black women than he was sexually attracted to white women. Something he didn't know when being married to a white woman for twenty years, how would he know he was so sexually attracted to black women? When he attended an all-white school, lived in an all-white neighborhood, and worked in a factory that didn't employ any minorities, he never had the opportunity to socialize with black people before he befriended Tiffany. Sexually attracted to her as soon as he saw her, it wasn't until he had sex with her that his sexual preference for black women blossomed, grew, and exploded to the way that it was now.

There was something so extraordinarily fine about a tall, shapely, sexy, beautiful, black woman that got his motor running overtime. Now more sexually attracted to black women than he was to white women, he never knew he had a sexual preference for black women until he met Tiffany six years ago. Ever since then, especially when Tiffany started giving him a nightly show of her beautiful, black body while cleaning her kitchen in her sexy nightgowns, Walter has a sexual thing for black women. Ever since then, especially after they had sex, Walter wants to have sex again with Tiffany and/or with several other black, celebrity women that's he's seen today. Ever since then, when he licked and fingered Tiffany's pussy, Walter craves not only Tiffany's black pussy but several of the black pussies of women who are in attendance at this very party.

As if magically overnight, perhaps because he's so sexually attracted to black women, he's turned into an expert pussy licker and worthy of his top tier, sexual five sex status. Unlike him to buck the system and/or to go against the norms, as if he was giving the finger to society for being racists, there was something so exotically forbidden about a white man having sex with a black woman. Other than watching them on TV, even though he didn't know very many black people, he's always liked and enjoyed black people, sometimes even preferring the few black friends that he has to his many white friends. Yet having sex with a black woman was something entirely new. Having sex with a black woman was more than sex but a sexual adventure.

There was something so very special about having sex with a black woman. Perhaps reincarnated, he may have been a black man in another life. He never understood the violent racism that goes on even today, after Lincoln freed the slaves more one hundred and fifty years ago. What's wrong with people being so mean to others just because of their skin color? There before God go I, with all of us human, we all have the same feelings and emotions no matter what skin color we are. How dare someone white think that they're better than someone just because they're black?

Impossible to surpass the sexual excitement he felt, never did Walter think that he'd be more sexually aroused than he was when he saw Tiffany cleaning her kitchen naked. More than seeing a woman naked, he saw a black woman naked, something he's never seen other than the black, naked women he's seen on TV and in the movies. What a sexy sight that was the first time he saw her naked breasts, her naked pussy, and her naked ass. Only, proving him wrong, he was mistaken that anyone could surpass the sexual excitement he felt when seeing Tiffany naked.

Truth be told, as unbelievably as it may sound but he was even more sexually excited watching Beyoncé walking towards him fully clothe than he was when seeing Tiffany naked. Something that he never would have imagined possible, he was even more sexually aroused now when in the presence of Beyoncé than he was when having sex with Tiffany. Never the sexual player with Linda that he's become with Tiffany, as he overheard some of the whispers in the club, he's a top tier man, a sexual level five man. Who knew there was even such a thing as a top tier, sexual level five man?

Now, privy to their not so private conversations, possibly, if he was hearing and reading Jay Z correctly in him offering his wife sexually to him, he may have the opportunity of becoming a top tier man, a sexual level five man with Beyoncé too. Only, star struck in just seeing her and overwhelmed with just standing next to her, he couldn't even imagine seeing her naked. He couldn't imagine having sex with her naked body. He couldn't imagine being in bed with Beyoncé while kissing her, feeling her, and making love to her. He couldn't imagine feeling her tits, fingering her nipples, and rubbing her clit while fingering and licking her pussy. He couldn't imagine her sucking his cock before fucking her, really pounding her special, celebrity, black pussy.

Besides, why was Tiffany willingly and unselfishly sharing him with Beyoncé when she could have him all for herself? As if he was a sideshow attraction and a sexual freak of nature for being a top tier, sexual level five man, maybe he was Tiffany's ticket back in to be welcomed among the rich and famous. Maybe this was her way of thanking him for the sexual pleasure he's given her with his mouth, fingers, and tongue. Maybe with him lacking confidence, especially when dressed as a woman, she wanted to show him that he could be accepted for who he was when not dressed like a man.

* * * * *

"Bey," said Jay Z. "You know Tiffany."

Beyoncé gave Jay Z an icy stare before giving Tiffany a warm smile. If he thought Tiffany was beautiful when she smiled, Beyoncé was beyond beautiful when she smiled. Yet, now seeing the two women standing together, the absolute radiance of Beyoncé's light dimmed when in Tiffany's shadow. If he had the choice of one over the other, even though he was excited about experiencing Beyoncé sexually, he'd chose Tiffany. It was then and there that he knew he was in love with Tiffany. Forget about having sex with Beyoncé or any other woman, black or white, even his wife; Bill could have Linda. All Walter wanted for the rest of his life was Tiffany.

Yet, if only by her generous smile, he had a sense that Beyoncé was a nice person, a good woman, and a kind human being with a big heart. Just as he had envied Bill for having a woman like Tiffany in his life, he envied Jay Z for having someone like Beyoncé in his life. No doubt, there were men, definitely Jim, Henry, and Tom, perhaps even Bill, who envied him for having Linda in his life. Seemingly the nipples were always harder, the pussy wetter, and the women more sexually exciting when lusting over someone else's wife and/or girlfriend.

He only wished he met Tiffany fifteen years ago when he was 33-years-old and she was 18-years-old. He only wished he was born 15 years later and was the same age as Tiffany. Wishing that he was her sexual match, he got his wish when he was licking her pussy to discover that he was a top tier man, a sexual level five man.

"Hi Tiffany," said Beyoncé eying Walter more than she was paying attention to Tiffany. "How are you?"

Jay turned his attention to Walter and when he did, Walter felt special. As if there were imaginary sunlight shining over him and Beyoncé with a bright, colorful rainbow overhead too, he didn't know if he should bow or curtsy in front of the anointed queen of rhythm and blues.

"Beyoncé, may I present Walter who's also known as Wendy," said Tiffany.

Perhaps it was just his imagination and his sexual wishful thinking but Beyoncé gave him more than just a polite smile. If only flattering himself into believing that, he imagined that she just gave him the eye. Beyoncé gave him the eye. Wow! Recognizing the same sexual look on her face, the same sexual look that Tiffany had when she invited him in her bedroom, well before he was licking her pussy, he'd think that Jay Z's wife was sexually aroused by just meeting him.

"How do you do?"

Encouraged by her lustful leer and aroused by her sexual stare, Walter wasn't as careful as he should have been when choosing his words.

"It's my pleasure," said Walter. "I'm such a big fan. Your talent is only exceeded by your rare beauty and exotic sexuality," he said.

Tiffany shot Walter a look of jealousy while Beyoncé leaned to her husband to whisper in his ear. Oh, oh. When he saw the look that Tiffany gave him, he wondered if he went too far in complimenting Beyoncé for her exotic sexuality. With him already having hot sex with Tiffany, if any woman had exotic sexuality, especially with her being an ex-stripper, it was Tiffany. Having sex with Tiffany was beyond compare. He couldn't imagine having sex with anyone better than Tiffany. If he was a top tier, sexual level five man then she was a top tier, sexual level five woman too.

Nonetheless Tiffany's inherent sexuality, and with him a guest in this exclusive, private, celebrity sex club, unfamiliar territory with him on unsteady ground, Walter needed to watch himself. Not only is Beyoncé the wife of another man, a rich and powerful man, but she's a mother. With him just meeting the woman for the first time, how dare he bring sex so early into the conversation? If he were to meet Michelle Obama, the wife of President of the United States, the most power man in the world, would he dare call her sexy? Yet, if not for sex, why else was he there? He only wanted to soothe the soul of one woman while hoping not to ruffle the feathers of the other woman.

* * * * *

"Is this the man in SusanJillParker's How To story, How to Get Level Five, Top Tier Sex?"

Beyonce looked at her husband with as much sexual arousal as she looked at Walter with confusion. Jay Z looked at his wife and smiled as if he was the cat who just ate the canary.

"He sure is. Here he is in the flesh albeit in a dress," said Jay Z with pride and with a little snicker while doing a mini rap at Walter's expense.

"He doesn't look like much," said Beyoncé to her husband.

Not minding the slight in the least, Walter accepted the insult at face value. Taking it for what it was, he was lucky to be there in their presence in the first place. Yet, even more humiliating than Beyoncé's rudeness, as if she was buying him in a store, she looked at him up and down. As if he was nothing more than a piece of meat hanging in a meat market, suddenly, he felt so exposed.

As if she had already undressed him with her eyes in the way that he had already undressed her with his eyes, suddenly, he felt so naked. More than feeling so exposed, he felt so vulnerable. With him not even dressed as a man but as a woman, he felt that she'd certainly reject him as a sexual partner, indeed, if this was what this was all about. This wasn't just any woman, white or black, this was Beyoncé.

Beyoncé, of all people, was checking him out to see if he'd be a satisfactory sexual partner. Walter couldn't believe it? Was Beyonce the reason why Tiffany brought him here? Or was Jay Z the reason why she brought him here? Now it was Jay Z's turn to whisper in his wife's ear.

"Neither does Hugh Hefner," said Jay Z with a knowing nod. "Other than just his fortune and fame, there's a reason why 88-year-old Hugh Hefner has a 28-year-old, beautiful, sexy wife and has had sex with more than 1,000 women."

She rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"I understand," said Beyoncé. "Let's just hope that it's not quantity over quality."

Jay Z gave his wife a knowing look while she gave him a skeptical one.

"The late, great Wilt Chamberlin claimed to have had sex with more than 20,000 women. Russell Brand claims to sleep with 80 women a month. Yet, the biggest difference between the three men is that even after having sex with women for seventy years of his 88-year life, for women to return for more, Hef gives women what they want, top tier sex."

Seemingly after Tiffany convinced Jay Z that Walter was the chosen one, it was up to Jay Z to convince his wife that Walter was the real, sexual deal. Beyoncé gave Walter the smile that she gave to Tiffany and that she reserved for her best, front row fans. The whole thing hinged on Beyoncé. With her never having sex with any man other than Jay Z, a virgin when she married him, would she even want to have extramarital sex? And if she did want to have extramarital sex, would she want to have extramarital sex with Walter? Would she want to have extramarital sex with a man wearing a dress?

"I'm pleased to meet you, Walter," said Beyoncé offering him her hand before melting him with her big, brown, expressive eyes.

Jay Z whispered in his wife's ear again.

"Take him to the private suite while I visit with Tiffany," said Jay Z giving her permission for her to have sex with Walter with his nod.

Giving him a heated stare, Beyoncé looked from him to Tiffany and to Walter before looking back at her husband. Seemingly the issue wasn't about her having sex with Walter. If judging Beyoncé correctly by the heated stare she gave her husband, the issue was Jay Z having sex with Tiffany. With her having sex with Walter no doubt meaningless to her, the sex that Jay Z may have with Tiffany may not be as meaningless. With Tiffany breaking his heart by ending their engagement six years ago, he was once engaged to Tiffany. Already jealous, obviously Beyoncé was familiar with the torrid romantic past that Tiffany had with her husband before they were married.

"You're not going to have sex with her, are you?"

In the way that Bey accented the word 'her', there was obviously some history of bad feelings between the two women. As if sticking a knife in his gut in the way that Brutus stuck a knife in Julius Caesar's back, Beyoncé smiled her awareness of her husband's roving eye and not so secret sexual escapades. One can only imagine what goes on in their bedroom behind closed doors.

"Been there and done that. We're just friends," said Jay Z raising his hands as if he was surrendering to the police while being arrested. "I promise that I won't be having sex with Tiffany," he said raising his right hand as if he was swearing on a Bible in a court of law.

Other than asking him if he was going to have sex with Tiffany, if only Beyoncé had the forethought to ask him if he had plans on having sex with anyone else, specifically Rihanna, Jay Z would have had to lie to his wife.

"Okay," she said. "Then I trust you not to have sex with her while I'm having sex with Walter."

As if Walter was peeping on them during a private moment, he watched Jay Z lean in to give his wife a kiss on the lips. Watching Jay Z kiss Beyoncé made him want to kiss Beyoncé. He couldn't believe that Beyoncé had agreed to have sex with him.

"You do your thing with Walter. He's my gift to you for my making a tragic mistake with Kim Kardashian, something that will never happen with anyone ever again," said Jay Z already lying to his wife and breaking his promise while giving her another kiss, a loving kiss this time.

Beyoncé stood staring at her husband while obviously giving him one last chance to change his mind of allowing her to have sex with Tiffany's boyfriend. Walter couldn't imagine anyone cheating on Beyoncé, especially with the lowly, skanky likes of Kim Kardashian. At least, in his case, Walter was upping his game by cheating on Tiffany with Beyoncé. Albeit with Tiffany arranging all of this, he wasn't cheating on her at all. He was just going along with her and going with the flow.

With Tiffany so extraordinarily beautiful and possessing a much better body than Beyoncé and with much bigger breasts, why he even considered having sex with Beyoncé was beyond him. Perhaps, mesmerized and hypnotized, he was star struck by Beyoncé's celebrity and nothing more than that. Yet, in the way that Jay Z was aware of Beyoncé having sex with Walter and with him giving her his blessings, so wasn't Tiffany aware of Walter having sex with Beyoncé with her giving him her blessings. Still, even though he was about to have consensual sex with Beyoncé, there was an undercurrent of tension that could be cut with a knife. Was it because Walter would be only the second man that Beyoncé would experience sexually?

"Are you sure it's okay for Walter or Wendy, whatever his name is, to go down on me?"

Talk about an uncomfortably, awkward moment, Walter no longer felt guilty for complimenting Beyoncé's obvious sexuality when she so brazenly blurted out him going down on her. As if Walter wasn't even standing there, Jay Z and Beyoncé rudely talked to one another about him without even allowing him to speak and/or even acknowledging him. Only, not about to show that he felt insulted, hurt even, a memory that he'd have for the rest of his life, the flipside of the coin was that he was about to have hot sex with Beyoncé. If it wasn't enough that he had met Beyoncé and was in the same room with her, he couldn't believe that he was about to have sex with her. In the way that he couldn't believe he was about to have sex with Tiffany when she invited him in her house, he was suddenly feeling the same level of sexual excitement with Beyoncé.

Before she even knew he was a cross dresser, with Tiffany sexually attracted to him because she knew he was watching her, she was even more sexually attracted to him when she discovered that he enjoyed wearing women's clothes. Now with Beyoncé knowing that he's a top tier, sexual level five man, he wondered if that was the only reason while she was sexually interested in him. Perhaps, as in the case of Tiffany, whatever floats her boat, Beyoncé was sexually attracted to him because he was a cross dresser too. Quite the phenomenon, if only he knew that women enjoyed having sex with men dressed as women as much as he enjoyed having sex with a woman while dressed as a woman, he would have ventured out his door dressed as a woman years ago.

"Yes, I'm sure. He's my gift to you. Have fun," said Jay Z giving his wife a long, wet kiss.

With the sexual deal sealed with Jay Z's French kiss, Beyoncé turned to Walter again to give him that million dollar smile. Suddenly by the look of sexual arousal on Beyoncé's face, Walter felt like a male escort. He felt cheap. He felt used and abused. Only his state of mind of feeling cheap, used, and abused didn't last but for a moment when he imagined himself between Beyoncé's shapely thighs. In the way that many male escorts and gigolos are chosen for sex by older and not as attractive women, instead of being taken by an older and an unattractive woman for sex, he was chosen by Beyoncé for him to eat her pussy.

"Come with me," said Beyoncé getting right down to business and taking Walter by his hand. She turned to look at him while walking. "I'm already wet with the sexual anticipation in what I imagine you're about to do to me and my pussy," she said.

She leaned to whisper her naughty words in the way she leaned to whisper her concern to her husband. Then, she stuck her tongue in his ear. Oh, my God, in the way he imagined her licking his cock, Beyoncé just licked his ear. He'll never wash his ear again. Walter was flying high with sexual pheromones that Beyoncé gave off to him.


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