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How Chloe Got Some

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What does a girl have to do to get some loving?
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Jesus Cats, Chloe thought to herself as she slowly walked home on Saturday night, it shouldn't be this hard to get laid. At twenty four you would think she would have enough experience to be able to pick up a guy. It certainly wasn't from lack of trying.

She was a reasonably good looking gal. An old boyfriend had once said she was 'girl next door cute'. Her blue eyes and natural blond hair in a pixie cut looked good on her thin face. She always thought her legs and firm little butt were her best features. One of her work perks was a gym membership, she took full advantage and kept in good shape.

She had a good job as an IT troubleshooter. Which meant she was called in when the regular IT techs couldn't figure something out, mostly on servers. She made enough money to have her own small apartment in a brownstone in the nice part of town.

She had good fashion sense and could dress up or down for any occasion. For example, last night she had gone a little slutty as she was going pub trawling, as she called it, for a cock. It was Friday night and she was ready for some action. It had been over a month since she had gotten laid.

That's all she was looking for really. She liked being single, coming and going as she pleased, spending her money how she wanted, not having some guy demanding to know where she was and what she was doing every second.

She was happy with her body and herself. She was as she thought of it, in her twenties horny. She masturbated almost every night and had a nice collection of toys to help her out. She enjoyed watching porn. Not entire movies, but compilations of people having sex. But every month or so she needed a real cock in her, to feel a guy fill a condom while he was inside her.

Chloe had gone home Friday after work and had a bite to eat. She put on a short black skirt paired with black lace top thigh highs and no panties. A black top that she tied up to show a little of her flat stomach with a red bra peeking out the top. A pair of come fuck me black pumps completed the outfit. After a last look in the mirror she nodded in approval at what she saw. She was a little short at 5' 2" but had some nice small C cup tits, or large B's, it depended on who made the bra. She grabbed her black leather jacket and set out to find a cock to satisfy her itch.

She walked four blocks to an area that had many bars, restaurants, shops and boutiques. She picked an Irish pub and went in. It was fairly busy but she found a two person high top table and sat down. She ordered a black and tan and scanned the room. There were a few possibles in the crowd and she settled down to wait. After half an hour she noticed one guy in a group of four was giving her the eye. About eleven they all got up to leave. As they made their way out the guy who had been checking her out was last in line. Chloe made eye contact with him as he reached her table, then she glanced at the empty chair across from her then looked back at him and raised an eyebrow.

He took the hint and told the other guys he would catch them later. They sized up the situation and gave them both a smile and continued out the door. He took his overcoat off and draped it over the back of his chair and held out his hand saying, "John, and the pleasure is all mine."

"Chloe, John, have a seat." the waitress came by and John signaled her for a round of drinks.

He turned to Chloe and stated "So you're looking for a hookup tonight."

Chloe smiled and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Because you came in here alone and have been checking out all the guys. You don't seem annoyed, that means that no one stood you up. You don't look, or act like a working girl. You haven't been checking out the ladies so I don't think you run that way. What else does that leave?"

The waitress set their drinks down and John handed her cash telling her to keep the change.

Chloe said, "You're pretty good. You forgot that I looked horny sitting here."

"And you certainly do, the question is, what are we going to do about it?"

"Not my place, no offense, but I don't like people I've just met knowing where I live. It sometimes complicates things."

"I understand completely. My place is out tonight. I have two roommates that use our place for band practice sometimes. That's why I'm out tonight. I can't believe they are almost thirty and still believe in death metal."

"Wow, you must have understanding, or deaf, neighbors," she said laughing.

"It's a row house over in Cracktown," he explained, "I inherited it from an aunt. No one will buy it, but until some druggie slits my throat, it's a cheap place to live."

"Yeah well, even with no band practice I'm not going to that neighborhood at night, hell, not even during the day. So what do you suggest?"

"I drive a Town Car during the day. I was going to turn it in now and head home. It's in the alley behind here and it has a huge backseat."

"I got fucked in a lot of cars in high school, I always thought it was fun. Drink up and let's go," she ordered him.

They went out the door and he led the way to the alley. Chloe noticed that it had rained while she was in the bar. The streets were wet and the air smelled a little fresher. As soon as they turned into the alley John stopped her and pulled her into an embrace. There was nothing gentle about their first kiss. Their tongues fought for dominance, each trying to outdo the other. As they continued kissing their hands roamed around, both were satisfied with what they found in their groping. John was especially pleased to find Chloe had no panties. He finally broke loose and pointed down the dark alley toward the car. He was walking backward and holding her hand. Suddenly he tripped over something and over he went. He landed hard and cried out in pain. Chloe was laughing as she got to him and bent over to help him up. She stopped laughing when she saw him holding an obviously broken wrist.

She helped him to his feet and called 911. They moved out of the alley and back to the bar. The waitress saw him holding his wrist and called to the bartender for some ice and a towel. They got the ice and towel on him and got him settled in a booth by the door. The ambulance arrived and they loaded him up. Chloe asked if he wanted her to go to the hospital and he said no, but thanks. She stood on the sidewalk as the ambulance pulled away. She realized she had not gotten his number. Then she shrugged, these meetings were meant to be one offs anyway. The waitress stuck her head out the door and told her to come in for a shot, on the house. She had a couple of shots and walked home.

Well that had been her Friday night. Now here it was Saturday night and she was walking home alone again. Amazingly she had tried three times to get laid that day.

Work had called at 9:00am that morning with an emergency server problem at a client out in the suburbs. She was a little hungover but a cold shower woke her up. The place was not anywhere near a subway line so she had used a ride share service to get out there.

The problem was unusual but she had figured it out fairly quickly and the client was ecstatic to get up and running so fast. She walked outside to call for a ride and realized there was a Walmart right next door. She didn't get to shop at the huge retailer very often and decided to take advantage of the situation. She had a cart about half full of things when she rounded a corner and smacked into another cart. It was a good looking, but very nervous, young man. He kept apologizing like it had been all his fault. After reassuring him ten times that she was OK he finally relaxed a little.

He really was cute and while they talked Chloe got to thinking a little afternoon delight would be fun. After last nights fiasco she was hornier than ever. She led him over to the fitting rooms. She checked to make sure no one was looking and pulled him into an empty one. She asked him if he wanted to fool around with her and pulled him in for a hot kiss. He was enthusiastic and started getting into it when a passing clerk asked if he needed any assistance. The young man was so nervous he couldn't even answer. He pulled open the curtain and almost ran to his cart and started down an aisle. She retrieved her cart, and practically running, caught up with him. She got him calmed down and told him what a good kisser he was. She told him she was horny and just wanted to get fucked. She asked the guy if he had driven there and he told her he had.

"Great," she said, "we can go to your place."

He replied nervously, "W-we can't do that, I live with my folks. They are at home now."

"Jesus Christ," she muttered under her breath. "Well how about we go out to your car. We can find a quiet place and do it in the car."

"Um, well OK, I've never done it in a car in broad daylight but, um, yeah sure, I guess."

"Fine," she said abandoning her cart. "pay for your stuff and let's go."

She followed him out to an SUV. He started to put his bags in the back. Chloe stopped him saying "Put your stuff on the front seat. We can fold the seats down and have more room in the back. I'll ride in the back until we find a place." She looked around then and noticed that the parking lot was huge. Out close to the road, over in the corner, there were no cars at all.

"Get in and drive down there," she said, pointing.

He parked the car and hopped in the back with her.

She said, "This isn't exactly private so we probably shouldn't take off any more clothes that we need to, just in case." This brought his nerves back into play again. She started kissing him aggressively and put her hand down his pants to get him in the proper state of mind. He had pushed her bra up and was nibbling her tits and rubbing her pussy through her pants when it happened.

The store sat on a small hill and the parking lot sloped down to where they were parked. A careless customer had emptied their cart, left it beside their car and took off. The cart obeyed the law of gravity and started to very slowly roll down the slope of the blacktop. It slowly picked up speed and made a beeline for the back of the SUV.

Chloe and the guy, she never did get his name, were so engrossed in what they were doing they didn't see or hear the cart. It crashed into the car with a sound like a bomb going off. The guy started screaming and reaching over Chloe, opened the door and pushed her out of the car. She landed on her ass with a thud. She looked up as the guy was climbing into the driver's seat. He fired it up and burned rubber taking off. The force of the takeoff slammed the rear door closed and Chloe was left on her butt with her shirt and bra up to her neck and her bare tits on display.

Son of a bitch, she thought. She slowly got up and brushed her hands over her butt to get the dirt off. She got her bra back over her boobs and everything situated then pulled her shirt down. She looked around and started swearing, her purse was still in the guy's SUV, probably half way to Canada by now. Then she heard a car coming at high speed. She heard the squeal of brakes and turned. It was the SUV slowing down next to her, the window was open and as it passed close her purse was thrown at her. It accelerated and was soon out of sight.

She saw a C store on the corner and figured that would be a good place to wait for a driver to pick her up. She went in the store and asked the clerk where the rest room was. He pointed in the back corner and returned to his conversation with a man standing at the end of the counter. She turned and headed to the back. She heard the man say to the clerk he wouldn't mind helping her get the dirt off that cute ass.

She stopped and looked over her shoulder and wiggled her ass saying, "I wouldn't mind a bit of help myself." They just stared at her until she entered the rest room.

She took off her pants and used a wad of wet paper towels to clean as much of the dirt off as she could. The door rattled two different times from people trying to get in. She hurried, finally deciding they were as good as she was going to get them. When she exited there were three people waiting. One of them was the man that had been talking to the clerk when she came in. As she walked by him he reached out and grabbed her ass.

"Need any more help cleaning up honey," he smirked.

"You are a pig," she told him, "but are you a fuck pig?"

"Why, what are you talking about?" he asked confused.

"I asked if you were a fuck pig. In other words, if I asked you to walk out that back door, bend me over and fuck me, what would you do?" she challenged him.

He stared at her for a second and said, "If you want to get a cock up your cunt why are we standing here talking about it? Move your slut ass," he told her pointing to the back door.

Oh damn, she thought to herself, this crude SOB was just what she needed right now. She smiled and walked down the short hallway and banged the back door open. She found herself in a space bounded by the building and tall cement block walls. One end was open to the side street. There were two dumpsters and two smaller recycle bins in the space. The smaller bins were just the right height to lean over and take a cock from behind.

She pulled the man over by his jacket collar and said, "I don't want romance, I don't want a kiss, I don't even want to know your name, I just want your cock. With that she reached in her purse, pulled out a condom and handed it to him.

She turned and pulled down her pants and panties and leaned her elbows on the bin. She felt one hand on her hip and the other guiding his hard on toward her pussy then-

"Back away from the woman and get on your knees, now!" barked an amplified voice.

They both looked toward the side street and saw a squad car with the doors open and two officers with their guns out.

Oh shit! What do I do now? The guy had backed away from her and was trying to get his pants up. That seemed like a good idea so she pulled hers up also.

The cops repeated the order to get on their knees. She was about to sink down when she realized the officers were both pointing their guns at the guy and not her. They told him for the third time to get on his knees.

This time he yelled at them, "Fuck you assholes, I ain't getting on my knees, it's all muddy here."

One of the cops kept his weapon on him and the other circled around and used his nightstick on his leg. Instead of being on his knees he was face down with an officer putting cuffs on him. When the officer finished with the cuffs he approached Chloe, and very concerned, asked if she were all right.

She told them she was fine, that nothing had happened. The guy by this time was on his feet screaming at the officers. About the nicest thing he called them was cock sucker. They got him in the back of the squad car and ran his DL.

They asked her if she wanted to file a complaint. She said no, she had just met the guy and they had come outside to talk and maybe fool around a little. "

"So, this was all consensual?" one of them asked.

"Yes, of course," she said, "why are you asking that?"

Apparently there had been three rapes in the last two weeks in the neighborhood and the police were on alert.

They took her name and told her she was free to go but please, be more discreet in the future. She asked if they were going to let the guy go and they said no. They had run his license and he had two outstanding warrants and was going to jail. As the police car pulled away she gave him a little wave.

She called for a ride, they told her 20 minutes so she went inside to get a soda and wait. Her ride showed up and they were halfway to her place when she realized she had not finished her shopping.

It was nearly 5:00 pm when she got home. She took off her clothes and threw them in the washer then grabbed the hamper from the bathroom and tossed those clothes in too. She pulled on her fluffy robe, poured herself a glass of wine and picked up her book, intending to read while she washed and dried her clothes. When she woke up it was dark in the room. She fumbled around and found her phone. It was almost ten. She had decided on Italian food for supper and had to get going if she was going to get to the restaurant before they quit serving.

That had been a disaster too. She had sat do-

"Excuse me ma'am," the man said, rising from the stoop where he had been hidden.

She nearly jumped out of her skin and let out a small, "Eek." The man took a step toward her and she held out her purse, "Take it, just don't hurt me."

The man stepped back and held up his hands exclaiming, "Jesus lady, it's OK. I didn't mean to startle you, I'm not a mugger."

"You scared the wits out of me. What's the matter with you. What do you want?"

Still keeping his hands at shoulder height he chuckled and said, "I was going to ask you if I could borrow your phone for one call."

"Why," she asked suspiciously, "where's your phone?"

He pointed with a finger of one of his still upraised arms at the stoop where he had been sitting. Just then there was a flash of lightning and soon after the boom of thunder. The brief flash revealed a guy about her age with a kind face.

"Oh put your arms down or someone will think I'm the one mugging you."

"Thank you," he said gratfully, "my girlfriend, or I suppose I should say ex girlfriend, lives in that building. We were sitting on her couch when my phone went off. She picked it up and saw the caller ID said 'Rebecca'. She started screaming things like; who is this slut, are you fucking her too, how long have you been cheating on me. Then she threw my phone against the wall and started hitting me with a beer bottle until I made it out the door. So I would like to borrow your phone and call for an Uber. Please."

"Well, I can see why she was upset but that seems a little harsh." Chloe said.

"You mean bat shit crazy don't you?" he laughed.

Chloe giggled and said, "Yeah that sounds a little closer to the truth. So who is Rebecca?"

"Would you believe my sister?"

She burst out laughing then tried to apologize.

"I know," he laughed, "it's funny, but it's not funny. So how about it, can I use your phone? I'm David by the way."

"Sure," she said just as it started raining, "shit, come on, my place it just a block down around the corner."

They made it into the foyer of her building before getting completely drenched and she handed him her phone saying, "Chloe, nice to meet you."

While he was calling she returned to her musing about what had happened earlier at the restaurant.

She had sat down at a table by herself. She ordered the linguini with clam sauce and a bottle of wine. The uncle of the owner made it himself and you could buy a bottle cheaper than getting two glasses. It was 10:30 and not many people remained. There was a man at the next table that appeared to be alone. A server came from the kitchen and tried to put a plate of antipasto on her table.

Just as she said, "I didn't order that," the man at the next table said, "I believe that's mine."

They both laughed and the waiter went to place it on the man's table when the man boldly asked, "Unless you would like to share it with me?"

She smiled and said, "That would be lovely, please join me."

He moved to her table and the waiter brought his things over.

"Thank you, this is much nicer than eating alone, especially with someone as lovely as you."

"No, thank you," she replied, "both for joining me and for the compliment."

They enjoyed the appetizer and their meals and were finishing the wine when Chloe asked, "So where is your wife tonight?"

He looked startled for a moment then shyly raised his hand with the wedding ring on it.

"My wife is at home. I have a hall pass tonight." He saw the look she gave him and continued, "No it's true, she is eight months pregnant. It has not been easy for her. We have not had sex in six months and she feels bad about it. She wanted me to go out and have some no strings sex because she says she loves me. So this is how I am spending my hall pass."

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