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How do You "Bake" a Creampie?

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Creamy dessert is made in the hot sun.
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Last Saturday, I played in a golf tournament with a few of my buddies. As I was leaving, I kissed my wife of 20 years goodbye, and she sighed and said that she was going to miss spending the day with me. I felt a little guilty about being gone all day, so I asked her if she wanted me to stay home so we could do something together. She said that I was sweet, but that it wasn't a problem. She said that she had a bunch of things she wanted to get done, but that next Saturday we were going to spend all day together. I promised her that we could do anything she wanted next Saturday, and she grinned and said, "Anything? I'll have to think of something that you normally wouldn't do with me."

I kissed her again and headed for the door.

So today, I found myself on the way to a Renaissance type festival, which I was dreading. It's not that I dislike festivals, it's just that I get really bored. But I promised that I would do anything that she wanted, so I was determined to be a good sport about it. We arrived at the festival sight, which was a small local college, and I could tell that she was excited about the day. We parked in a field that held overflow parking and held hands as we walked the half mile to the entrance to the festival. It was already almost 90 degrees and I could tell the heat was going to be grueling.

After we entered the festival, we spent an hour and a half walking around and looking at the various booths that were set up, with people selling arts and crafts related to the times. She looked smoking hot in a thin sundress that came down to just above her knees. I could tell that she was wearing a thong, because I could not detect any panty lines (I always check). The temperature had climbed a good 5 degrees during our browsing, and we were both sweating.

We decided to go inside the theatre, where there was some sort of period performance being performed by the college's drama department. Upon entering the theatre, we walked around and looked at the different displays that were set up, showing different aspects of life during those times. The exhibit that interested me the most was the area displaying the different types of corporal punishment that were used during the times.

It was set up in a side hall, around the corner from the main lobby of the theatre. There were many different devices including a pillory, a rack, and gallows to name a few. The area was pretty crowded, so we could not get very close to any of the devices. I get frustrated by large crowds, so I put my hand on the small of her back and steered her back toward the lobby. Her back was very damp from sweating so much while walking around outside in the heat for so long.

We milled around for another 15 minutes or so, when they announced that the performance was about to begin. She asked me if I wanted to watch, and I guess she could tell from the look on my face, that it was not my idea of fun. She said that she wasn't that keen on watching either, so we just continued to wander around the lobby as everybody else made their way into the auditorium. As they closed the doors, we noticed that the lobby was virtually empty, so we started making our way back to the front door.

As we were walking across the lobby, I noticed that the small hallway where the public punishment devices were located looked empty. The lights had been dimmed down the hall, and there were velvet ropes stretched across the entrance. I grabbed her hand and dragged her toward the hall. She asked where we were going, but quickly realized my destination by the direction we were walking. As we slipped around the ropes, she asked if I thought that we were allowed to be in there while it was roped off.

I told her that nobody would know that we were there, and that I just wanted to see everything now that there weren't a thousand other people crowded in. We first saw the gallows and were amazed by how menacing it looked. We looked at several other devices and then turned a corner to see the rack. It was basically a long table with shackles on each end for the person's hands and feet. These shackles were attached to straps that were attached to pullies, which were then cranked to stretch the person's body. They would be stretched so much, that their joints would dislocate and eventually separate, which obviously seemed barbaric to us.

I started to walk to the next device, when I noticed that she was not following me. I turned and looked, and she was just staring at the rack with an odd look on her face. She was softly biting her bottom lip, which she often does when deep in thought, and I asked her what was up. She snapped out of her reverie, shook her head, and started following me to the last device. It was the pillory.

The pillory consisted of hinged wooden boards forming holes through which the head and hands were inserted. The boards were then locked together to secure the person. The pillories were set up in the marketplace or other prominent public places, and a placard was set below them, detailing the crime they were being punished for. The placard under this pillory said, "Adultery". The person would be bent over in a very uncomfortable position, which increased their embarrassment.

"Why don't you get in them so I can take a picture?" my wife said on a giggle.

I walked behind the pillory and put my head and hands through the holes, but when my wife tried to lower the upper board, my neck was too thick to close it all the way.

"It looks like this was for a woman or a smaller looks like I get to take a picture of you," I said.

She lifted the board and I got out, and she took her place in the pillory. I was able to lower the board all the way down and throw the latch, and suddenly she was secured. She squirmed a little, shuffling her feet, trying to get more comfortable. I walked around to the front to get a picture, and she could barely lift her face to look at the camera. I took several pictures, making sure to get the "Adultery" placard in several of them.

I walked back to her and walked behind her. She obviously could not see me and asked where I was going. She told me to unlatch her so she could get out, as her legs were getting tired. But, an evil idea had come into my brain, and I knew that I could not let this opportunity pass. I got behind her and firmly smacked her on her firm ass.

She jumped and squealed a bit and then hissed, "What the hell was that?!"

"That was for your adulterous ways you little slut," I said, and I grabbed the hem of her dress and started pulling it up.

"Come on, let me out! Somebody is going to hear us and come back here," she whispered, but I was ignoring her.

I pulled her dress up over her hips and set it on her back, exposing her near naked ass. She was wearing a pale-yellow thong (I was right), and the cheeks of her ass were glistening with a light layer of sweat. I dropped to my knees, pushed my face right into her full cheeks, and inhaled audibly. I was flooded with the musky scent of her ass, and I felt my cock start to stiffen in my shorts. I heard her gasp, and I grabbed her hips and pulled her hard against my face.

"Ok, stop! And let me out of here!" she hissed, and I reluctantly pulled my face from her fragrant crevice.

I whispered back, "Nobody will hear us if you keep your voice down," as I unbuckled my belt and slid my shorts down.

My dick was at full attention, and I duck-walked back around to the front of the pillory and we made eye contact. I could tell by the heat in her eyes, that she was just as turned on as I was, and her next protest was for show.

"You wouldn't take advantage of me in public like this, would you? Everybody already knows that I'm a cheating slut, please don't make it worse!" she pretended to plead.

I grabbed a small stool that was against the near wall and set it down directly in front of her. I stepped up onto the stool, and suddenly my groin was at her eye level. She looked up at me the best she could, with fire in her eyes, and opened her mouth for my raging hard on. I slipped the swollen head between her lips, and she let out a choked moan. I proceeded to fuck her mouth for half a minute or so but knew that I would not last long today.

I pulled my cock from her throat and it made a soft popping noise as it exited her sucking lips, which seemed to echo in the empty hall. She made the sweetest little protest as I stepped off the stool and waddled back around the pillory with my shorts at my ankles. When I arrived back at her rear end, I hooked my fingers into the waist band of her thong and dragged the flimsy garment down her flexed thighs. I saw a slight shiver run up her back as I again got on my knees behind her, this time starting at both her holes.

I again pushed my face into the deep valley between her cheeks, and this time the smell was even stronger with no fabric trapping her aroma. I ran my tongue between her dew-covered lips all the way up to her tight knot. I tasted her tanginess as I dragged my tongue back and forth across her dark hole. She did her best to push back against my face, but the pillory was not letting her get much leverage. I could have stayed on my knees and licked her to two or three orgasms, but I knew that we did not have that kind of time.

So, I flicked my tongue one last time across her crinkled asshole, and then purposefully stood up. She must have sensed what was coming next because she started a low humming sound as I lined up my engorged member with her slippery love nest. I did not ease into her gently like I usually do, but instead sank my dick deep into her with one firm thrust. She bucked slightly and grunted faintly as my head burrowed deep within her.

I knew that I would have a hair trigger, so I did not take the time to build her to an orgasm. I just started sawing in and out of her at a frantic pace, grabbing her hips and pulling her to me rather than slamming into her and jolting her against the frame of the pillory. After no more than two dozen or so thrusts, I felt my balls start to tighten and my head start to swell even larger than it already was.

She felt it too, because she purred, "Oh god baby, fill me up!"

And fill her up is exactly what I did. I buried myself one last time, deep within her love canal, and shot several thick ropes of cum deep inside her. She groaned something about it being so hot, but I was lost in orgasmic bliss. As the last of my torrents cascaded into her, and a tremor ran through my body, I was suddenly aware of noise outside in the lobby.

I quickly pulled out of her and she murmured disappointedly as I stuffed my still semi-hard cock back into my shorts. I buckled up and then quickly moved to the side of the pillory and unfastened the latch to lift the top board up. She stood up quickly and wobbled a little, probably stiff from being bent over for so long. I grabbed her hand, reached down to scoop up her panties, and led her back to the lobby. The show was about 45 minutes long, according to the program, so we were able to slip around the ropes and into the lobby unnoticed just as the first patrons were exiting the theatre.

She grabbed her panties from my hand and walked to the bathroom to put them back on. When she came out, she told me that the bathroom was so crowded because the show had just let out, that she was not able to clean up and just put her thong back on. With her hand in mine, I lead her on shaky legs to the front door and out into the bright sunlight. We walked across the large courtyard and were almost to the refreshment stand before she said anything.

"I just felt some of your cum leak into my panties. That was so fucking hot! But I should be pissed at you! Somebody could have seen us!" she whispered.

"Relax babe," I said in her ear, "Nobody did, and we just had some awesome sex! I think I came a full pint I was so turned on."

She huffed a little and said under her breath, "It would have been awesome for me too if you would have let me cum before you blew your load in me."

She was smiling, but I still felt a little guilty. This was supposed to be her day, and I just totally used her for my own enjoyment.

"Sorry," I said, "if we would have gotten to the pillory right away, I would have had time to make you come three times."

"Well then, I guess you owe me three orgasms!" she said. "We are going back in there during the next show, and I get to put you on public display and get mine."

I turned and looked at her and said, "But the board wouldn't latch on me, we tried. Remember?"

"We'll make it work," she said with a sly grin and led me by the hand to another booth.

My mind was racing. How was she going to "get hers" with me bent over in the pillory? Even if we pretended that it was latched? Was she going to stand on the stool in front of me and grind her sloppy pussy in my face to three orgasms? Was she going to play with my balls and ass from behind while she frigged herself to get off? We have experimented with her playing with my ass before, but I still did not see how she was going to get off that way.

I was left wondering for the next thirty minutes as we walked around in silence, sweating again from the sweltering sun. We came to a set of steps, and I looked up and we were in front of the theatre again. I really was lost in my own world. She said that the next show started in 20 minutes, and we needed to be in position to sneak back into the hall when the doors to the auditorium closed. So, we loitered around the atrium until the people started filing in and waited until the velvet ropes were placed in front of the entrance to the hall.

She made a bee-line for the hall, dragging me by the hand. When we reached the corner, she took a quick look around to make sure nobody was watching us, and then slipped around the ropes and into the dim hall. I walked straight to the pillory, still wondering what she had in mind, when I turned to her to ask how she wanted me. But she wasn't next to me. She had stopped next to the rack. I walked back to her and raised one eyebrow in question.

"I want you on here big boy," she said in almost a sing song voice, so I started to unbuckle my belt. "You can leave those on, I just need that neglectful tongue of yours. Climb on up. And I'm not going to lock you in just in case we have to leave quickly. Just hold onto the shackles...and do not let go until I tell you! Got it??"

"Yes ma'am," I said as I climbed onto the table.

I stretched out on the table and grabbed the shackles at the head, as she reached under her dress and pulled down that messy thong. She climbed up onto the table and actually stood over top of me, with a foot on either side of my ribs.

"Time to get mine," she said as she shuffled up my torso to my neck. "I've been baking this creampie in my hot little oven for the last 45 minutes, so it should be nice and tasty. I hope you're ready, you slut."

She giggled and then squatted down until her pussy was hovering inches above my face. By squatting, her pussy opened up, and her lips were swollen from the pounding they received earlier. She brushed her lips over my mouth and nose, before settling down with my nose nestled in her molten tunnel.

"Do we smell good lover?" she cooed.

We did. I smelled her arousal, sweaty pussy, and sex. Our earlier sex. The smell was intoxicating. I felt my dick straining against the waist band of my shorts, but she had made it clear that this was going to be all for her, so I was ready to bathe her kitty with my tongue. She dragged her lips back down to my mouth, bumping her clit on my nose in the process. She settled her gaping hole on my mouth and wiggled her hips a little to ensure a firm seal.

"Suck my pussy, and make it good, you owe me three," she purred.

I opened my mouth and sucked her bulging lips into my mouth and received a mouthful of her creamy essence. It was a mixture of her and me, and it was delicious. Before I realized it, my mouth was full of our cream, and I opened my eyes to find her staring directly into mine. Her eyes were liquid with lust and she lifted off an inch and told me to swallow. I did. And my cock throbbed its approval.

"Now stick out your tongue. I'm going to ride it like I'm riding your fat cock," she whispered, and I obliged.

She lowered back onto my face, and my tongue invaded her velvety folds. She sighed her approval, and then started to raise up and lower herself, fucking herself with my tongue. After bouncing on my tongue several times, she settled herself with my tongue buried to the hilt in her and started rocking her hips back and forth.

"This is not going to take long," she said on a breath, as my tongue explored her soft swollen pussy walls.

She started fucking my face faster, trying to get my tongue as deep inside her as possible. The whole time she was staring into my eyes, riding my tongue like a little dick. She was definitely turned on as her eyes got wide as if to say, "here it comes" and eased over the edge, filling my mouth with cream again. This time was mostly her. She stopped rocking and took a second to catch her breath, and then quickly slid back until her clit was on my lips.

"Now it's time for the gusher," she said, "start sucking my little clitty."

I wrapped my lips around her love button and started to suck. Her eyes rolled back, and I knew that she would not ease over the edge this time. This time she was going to barrel over the edge at full force. As I sucked her nub into my mouth, forming steady suction, I also flicked my tongue back and forth across her nerve center. Her eyes were closed, her head was back, and she was pinching her nipples through her thin dress.

I concentrated on giving her clit as much stimulation as I possibly could, sucking and flicking in a steady rhythm. She was in sexual overdrive, and after less than a minute of stimulation, her eyes shot open and she grabbed the back of my head with both hands. She pulled my face so hard into her steaming pussy, that I could not suck any longer and just painted her clit with my flat tongue. She growled as her orgasm hit, mashing her wide-open pussy on my mouth, and she came. She got her gusher.

She filled my mouth with her nectar and I had to swallow fast so that I wouldn't drown. The walls of her pussy contracted, and she filled my mouth not once but three times with her love juice. She was biting her lip to keep from screeching as her orgasm ripped through her! When her cream finally stopped flowing into my mouth, and she released her grip on my head, her head rolled to the side and I thought she might pass out. As her head lolled to the side, I hoarsely asked if she was alright.

Her eyes opened, and her lids were heavy. She had a very serene look on her face, and I knew that she was spent. But I was wrong. She abruptly stood from her squatting position and moved her right foot so that both feet were on the same side of my body. She then moved her left foot back over, and suddenly I was looking at her sexy ass.

She looked over her shoulder at me and grinned, "One more, can you do it?"

I couldn't believe she still wanted more. I didn't have time to answer, because she quickly lowered herself onto her knees and leaned her upper body toward my crotch. I thought that she changed her mind and was going to give my little buddy some attention. But she just backed her ass toward my face and told me it was time to lick her asshole. I was shocked. As her ass neared my face, I was slapped by the overwhelming aroma. An hour and a half in the hot sun, followed by a rigorous pounding from behind, followed by another forty-five minutes in the sun, and her undercarriage was very ripe.

It was not an unpleasant aroma, but it was very powerful. She scooted back the last couple of inches until her slick pussy was sitting on my chin. Her cute little butthole was slick with sweat and our combined juices and she pushed back until it was pressed against my lips. I was dizzy from the smell, but I was as turned on as I have ever been. I stuck out my tongue and ran it over her slippery ring.

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