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How I Became the Office Slut Ch. 01

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How it all started.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 02/25/2014
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In hindsight, my slow slide into being the office slut all started on my first day as an accounting consultant. I had graduated from school just two months earlier, and had moved to Chicago for this opportunity (as an consultant, not a slut). The firm put me and ten others through a training program that lasted three weeks and now it was time to earn some pay.

The consultancy's model was to send a group on young workers on site to the client's office. We'd do the hard work, late hours and research while being supervised by a Partner who would present back to the client and get the glory.

There were four of us on this assignment and we were going to spend many weeks on site, buried in a room far from where the regular workers were. This small room was where we'd be spending long days for weeks to come.

One member of the team was as new as I was. Josh had actually been in my training class. He was tall and skinny with reddish hair and freckles. I was pretty sure that he had a crush on me.

Mike had more of a football physique with thick, messy brown hair and brown eyes. He was much more extroverted and had been with the consultancy for 6 months.

Finally Phil was our 'day to day supervisor'. He had been with the consultancy all 2 years, so was the clear veteran of our group. Phil was British, and a handsome, preppy type, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He seemed rather ambitious.

I was the only girl in the group. I'm kind of the girl next door type, the easy going cute girl that everybody likes. I was brought up in Topeka where my dad's family is from. My mom's family is from Ecuador, but she became very American after moving to the US as a young woman. I am 22 years old with have short black hair, brown eyes. I'm petite at 5'4''. I weight 105 pounds, with (I've been told) a nice body. Most men notice my tits which were a perky 34C but at work I tried not to showcase them.

We were all gathered in the little conference room waiting for Steve, our managing partner to arrive. He was to spend a few minutes with us to officially 'launch' the project. We had arrived at 8am as we were told, but Phil had received a text few minutes after 8 saying that Steve wouldn't make for another 30 minutes. Since we had time to kill we made small talk.

Phil suggested we go around and tell each other a bit about ourselves. Josh went first. He didn't say a lot, just where he grew up, went to school, his family.

Mike was next and he talked at length. He was sure to brag about being a natural leader...captain of the football team, editor of the school paper. He said he was used to being in charge so it would be a big change to have to be a member of the team taking orders.

I was up next and talked about growing up in Topeka, then being head of my class at state college. I mentioned I had a boyfriend I left behind who was also a lacrosse player.

The next moment set things in motion I would never have expected. Mike interrupted me and asked if my boyfriend also liked to be in charge. My boyfriend had in fact been very bossy with me. He used to spank me if I flirted with another boy and sometimes made me beg to suck his cock. I had these images in my head when I hear Mike laughing loudly..."look...he did! Stephanie's boyfriend did like to take charge with her!".

I realized that while thinking of my boyfriend bossing me my face had become red and Mike was calling me out. In hearing with the other guys join Mike in laughing at me I felt the heat radiate from my face and knew I must be beet red.

"So I guess you enjoy taking orders Steph...this will work out very well!"

I wanted to melt into the floor. My first day out of training and I was being humiliated in front of my co-workers and new supervisor. I tried to say something but I was dizzy from embarrassment and drowned out by their laughter.

Finally Phil stepped in and told the guys to cool it. He then patronizingly noted "everyone is different, that's what will make us a good team."

Phil told us a little about himself. He was married and had just bought a nice new house in the suburbs. Phil made it clear that he was the senior guy and he counted on us to do whatever was needed to have the client gives us an 'exceeds' rating at the end of our time there. He warned that there would be long hours and at times menial work.

At that moment the senior partner came in. While we were all well dressed, Steve was immaculate with a blue suit and white shirt. Everyone became quiet when he walked in which made it all the more intense when he spoke in his loud baritone tone. He looked us each in the eye, and told us how important this project was, how he was counting on us to make it a success and would be watching to see how each us us contributed. Nobody said a word while he spoke, and while I listened intently, I found myself distracted by how polished and powerful Steve looked. He wasn't that old, perhaps still in his late 30's, but he was clearly a man who had grabbed on to everything life had to offer and taken it for himself. I wanted to make sure I worked hard and did what it took to make it to partner one day myself.

Steve finally sat down and told us he wanted to see us get to work and kick off the project. Phil started to say something but Mike jumped in suddenly, looked at me and said "Well, I think we'd all enjoy a coffee as we start off the say. Steph, would you be a dear and fetch it for us?"

I figured the others would laugh or even chastise Mike, but Phil and Josh looked up at me, clearly wondering what I would do. Steve was reading emails on his phone. I felt my face redden a little and for some reason became anxious that Mike would tell Steve I like to take orders. I decided it was better that I went willingly, and got up to leave the room. As I stood Steve mumbled without looking up at me "Black with one sugar."

I walked down the hall looking for a coffee machine filled with shame. Why was I the one getting coffee when I should be in the room talking about the project? Why did I let Michael control me like that?

I walked back with the coffees determined to get my dignity back. I had expected snickers when I came in but the men did not even look up from the discussion they were having about the project. I was going to just put the coffees on the table for everyone to get for themselves but wanted to make sure Steve got the right one so I brought it to him. He grunted what I assume was a thanks, and I decided I may as well give the others theirs as well. I walked carefully over to Mike to give him the double cream he asked for and while I walked away was shocked to feel his hand reach over and gently squeeze on my bottom. I almost reflectively reached back to shoo his hand away but carrying three coffees I was in no position to do so. I moved away quickly towards Phil, then realized I should have said something. I felt it would be a little silly since I was now well out of his reach.

I brought Phil his, then, anxious to get back to my seat and join the discussion I stretched across the table to give Josh his coffee. As I did so I realized I was giving Josh and Steve a nice view of my cleavage and Phil an up close look at my skirt stretching against my ass. I felt relieved my supervisor did not take advantage with a grope of his own, but did note Josh and Steve made no pretense of not looking down my blouse to see the ample exposure of my tits I presented to them.

Steve didn't even stay long enough to finish his coffee. He smiled at us all as he wished us well in our work. I was pleased when he gave me a wink before he left, figuring it had to be good to be noticed, even if it were for being a good sport about bringing coffee.

Nothing much of note happened for the rest of the day, which went until 7pm. I felt reassured that there was no more humiliation for me, but there was a small part of me that missed the attention a little.

The next day I was actually last to arrive, even though it was still a few minutes to 8. The guys were all in our reserved room chatting and when I walked in everyone smiled and Phil spoke up "Stephanie, good timing. Would you be a dear and fetch us all some coffee?"

I hadn't even put my purse down, and was put off by the request, but figured I shouldn't argue with my supervisor on my second day. I walked down the hall and brought back four coffees. I dropped off Phil's and was conscious of the need to not linger beside Michael as I approached with his coffee. I had not even placed the coffee on the table when I felt a light slap on my ass and realized that it was indeed Michael taking advantage again. The slap was subtle enough that I didn't want to make a scene, but I did whisper to to a grinning Michael to cut it out before I gave him and Josh their coffees and scrambled back to my seat.

The work we were doing all morning was clearly a grind, pouring through research and summarizing details. It was only our second day and we were already a little punchy from being locked up in this room on our own with an intimidating number of documents to analyze.

Phil suggested he could take us out to lunch and of course the rest of us eagerly agreed. It was nice to get out of the office. Phil even suggested we each have one margarita with our fajitas. We talked about what a long summer it would be with this work and Mike piped in that they were lucky to have such a pretty girl in the group. Josh agreed enthusiastically, saying that it really helped the day go by quicker and Phil nodded and smiled. I blushed a little but was actually flattered that the men found me so attractive. Mike of course couldn't resist pushing it a little further remarking that he had passed time this morning wondering what color bra I had on under my tight blouse. I decided to ignore the comment but was surprised when Phil quickly said he bet it was blue and threw $5 on the table. Mike said he had imagined it was black and fished $5 of his own and placed it with Phil's. Josh thought carefully as he looked in his wallet, then guessed white as he also place $5 on the table.

The three of them looked at me expectantly with Mike pushing me to show us all who the winner was. I laughed when I saw Josh looking at me with his puppy dog eyes and finally decided it wouldn't hurt to play along. I released one button on my blouse and slowly slide the blouse along one side until my bare shoulder and purple bra strap was exposed. I felt a tingle feeling the intensity of focus the three men had on the little bit of bare skin I was showing and tried to shake it off by laughing and gathering the $15 for myself.

I slide the blouse back up as the waiter came with the cheque and Phil implored, "Ah, love, you have to show Pedro here that beautiful shoulder, save us a little on tip."

I laughed and peeled it back again as the perplexed waiter watched. Phil was delighted and as we walked out of the restaurant he put his arm around me and thanked me for being such a good sport. I felt happy he was so pleased and in such good spirits, and wasn't really concerned when his hand lowered to my bottom as he opened the door for me.

When we got back to the office we re-focused on our work, but there was a new sexually charged energy in the room. It was clear that both Josh was staring at my tits when they thought I wasn't looking, and Phil, who was sitting beside me, was stealing glances at my legs as I crossed and re-crossed them in my skirt. Mike didn't try to hide that he was looking, giving me sly grins when I saw him doing so. I found it distracting, and a little arousing to have so much attention on me.

A little after 7, Phil suggested we wrap up. He packed up quickly then surprised me with a hug goodbye and a kiss on the cheek. How European I thought as I felt my tits push against his chest. As I watched Phil leave I saw Josh also come in for a hug. He hugged me clumsily and kissed me cheek. Josh hung on a moment too long making it even more awkward. When he finally released me I figured Mike would take his turn and sure enough I saw him grinning at me. He motioned for me to come in for a hug and I shrugged a little and did. He pulled me close, kissed my ear and gave my ass a full grope. I gave him a slap, but i came across as more playful than angry. I turned and saw Josh staring at my bum as if he were taking notes.

Walking home that night I reminded myself it was going to be a long summer and couldn't let things get out of hand, but I couldn't deny all that attention had turned me on. I masturbated almost as soon as I got home.

The next morning I wanted to make sure I cooled things down a little. I wore pants instead of a skirt and buttoned my blouse high to make sure I was not showing any cleavage. I was first to arrive at the office and I had coffee for the others when they arrived, allowing me to outsmart Mike and his ass grabbing. They all thanked me but if felt a little anticlimactic after the previous mornings.

It was another grind of a day. We worked though lunch in our little room. Mike had to leave early which made it even quieter than normal. I knew Josh and Phil were still checking me out when I'd get up or just when they needed a break, but it was nothing like the day before. Finally at one point late in the afternoon I succumbed to boredom, and perhaps even a little insecurity. I unbuttoned two buttons on my blouse very discretely then got up to review something with Josh, looking over his shoulder. When he turned around I knew he could see right down my top and he immediately start to stammer and even redden a little. I felt the tingle of excitement of being just a little slutty and it helped the rest of the day go a little faster.

Finally when it was time to leave, I wondered if Phil would give me a hug again. Perhaps that was just a one time thing after a day of bonding? I watched him pack up his bag and felt a surprising amount of satisfaction when I saw he did indeed want a hug. I fell into his arms a bit too needily, and did not mind when he took advantage and gave my ass cheek a generous squeeze.

When Phil left, Josh of course wanted his turn and although I kept a bit more distance for the hug he reached greedily to grope both ass cheeks. I pushed his hands away and told him to behave. He apologized but I could see from the tent in his pants that he was excited to have had the chance to cop a feel.

The next morning I spent a little extra time choosing the right outfit. I did not want to be too sexy, but I had decided the work was more fun when I could turn heads a little. I chose a beige skirt that cleared my knees by a good amount and a bright red top that was an attention-getter. I left three buttons undone, showing just enough to get imaginations running.

I could feel the eyes on me as I climbed the stairs on the subway on the way to work and still felt the excitement when I got to the room. The guys were all there and their eyes all widened when I arrived. Mike let out a whistle and Josh's mouth literally dropped. I laughed and without being asked said I would 'fetch' them all coffee.

When I returned there was a palpable tension in the air. As I brought Phil his coffee he openly enjoyed looking at my tits while my other two colleagues both checked out my legs. When I walked around between Mike and Josh to drop off their coffees I had expected Mike to grab my ass but I was taken aback when Josh and Mike both reached over to grope the nearest ass cheek. I looked down at Mike who was grinning like the cat who ate the canary. I couldn't help but smile back, then simply laughed and wiggled away, telling them not to get too worked up because it was going to be a long day.

And it was a long day as we all got to or charts and analysis. I was having a hard time completing focusing on my work because I realized my skirt was shorter than I thought. When I was sitting I was exposing a LOT of leg, and this in turn clearly distracted Phil sitting beside me. Across the table, whether it was the bright red blouse or the recent memory of feeling me up, Josh and Mike seemed to be staring even more than usual. Josh and Phil stayed well behaved, but Mike twice brought up his need to know what color my panties were. I made it clear he had no chance of finding out but that didn't seem to dissuade him.

At the end of the day it was clear we were all pretty burnt out. Except for small breaks we had been sitting in the room all day, all of us with our heads down crunching numbers. I was hoping Phil might soon speak up and say it was time to call it a day, but instead Mike again said he really wanted to know what color panties I had on under my skirt. I laughed at his persistence then said that if he were really serious about wanting to know they would have make bets like they did last time.

Josh quickly threw $5 on the table on chose black, while Mike started to look through his wallet. I told them this was for panties, so the bet needed to be much higher. I reminded them if none of them guessed correctly I would get the cash. I felt my heart beat faster with the realization I might actually show my colleagues my panties.

Mike looked me in the eye and placed $20 on the table, which was quickly matched by Josh and Phil. Phil chose red, Mike chose beige. I realized that Mike must have seen down my top and noticed my bra was beige. I certainly didn't want to see the smug look on his face when he was proven right, so I thought I could get away with showing just a little of the frills on the side that were white.

I stood up, and noticed my hands were actually shaking a little. I pulled the skirt up exposing all of my leg on the side Phil was closest to until a little of the sides my panties were exposed. "White!" I said, then let the skirt drop as I gathered up the bills.

"Wait, wait!" said Mike. "I couldn't even see from this angle. And you have to show the panties, not just the frills."

I rolled my eyes and protested but could see the other boys nodding in agreement.

"Show us Stephanie." Mike said firmly.

I shook a little but realized I couldn't very well refuse to show them now so I reluctantly turned so my ass faced Josh and Mike.

As I lifted the skirt slowly and felt six eyes burning into my backside, I realized the panties I was wearing were actually quite small. I was about to expose most of my ass to the three men I would be working with for weeks to come. Why was I even doing this?

I slowly lifted it more, and hearing soft gasps knew some of my bottom was now showing. I have a pert bottom and I knew they would all enjoy getting a good look. Finally I had it hiked up enough so they could all see my beige panties covering half of my left ass cheek. Mike cheered and bent in for a closer look but I dropped it and spoiled his fun. I threw the money back towards him and he mocked me by saying I could keep it if I would just give him the panties. I laughed and told him it would cost a lot more than that. Josh then surprised everyone by saying he'd pay $200 and tossing the money on the table. I started to protest but Mike followed up by saying I could also keep the $60.

Although it was expensive in Chicago and it certainly wouldn't hurt, I didn't really need the money. Somehow, however, I found the offer to be very exciting. I was being offered $260 just to hand over my old panties. I shook my head and started to protest. I felt my face redden as I felt how inappropriate this was and the three men stared at me hungrily. When Josh pleaded I bit my lower lip and Mike pushed harder telling me he'd throw in another $40 to make it $300 just for my panties.

I squirmed as I realized I was seriously considering their pleas. I looked at Mike who firmly told I had to step up and do it for them. I turned to Phil who simply nodded, looking down at my skirt.


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