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How Life Changes So Swiftly

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Falling in love can alter you.
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I never wanted or even thought that I could get near a black man until he decided to get near to me.

Hi, my name is Karen, Karen Meek and I guess I am meek by nature too, although not many people know it, my two best friends do, and they've protected me all my life from people who have tried to take advantage of me.

But they weren't around when the time came for me to stand on my own two feet when it mattered, and the person who tried to take advantage of me did! But in the end it has worked out quite well, and I am still being taken advantage of. This all happened when my husband left me at the mercy of my 'aggressor.'

Let me tell you about myself and Larry, my husband. I am 22 years old, he is 24, We have been married for only two months, hardly enough time to settle down into married life. I've known him for 3 years. He got my virginity; he's the only man I have ever been with, though my friends rib me for not experimenting more.

I'm about 5ft 0" short black hair that I wear 'bob' style, slightly shorter at the back than the front, and I have two pointy curls that meet on each cheek at the edges of my full lips, its parted in the centre, and I have a fringe that catches my long lashes. My eyes are a deep blue, black eye brows arch over them, high cheek bones that suit my hairstyle terrifically.

My body, even though I do say so myself, is in perfect synchronisation with my height, if I was a foot taller I would be the worlds top model! I love the way I look, and am, overall happy with my tiny stature because it has made people want to protect me from life's dragons.

I am by nature a quiet sort of person; I've always shied away from confrontations, taken a back seat. I hate getting involved in arguments and would rather defer to a possible opponent. I work in a large departmental store as an assistant; I do like it even though it can be boring sometimes.

I discovered sex simply through being kissed passionately and surprisingly by a boy in my class, he got hold of me, kissed me and I was so stunned I couldn't stop myself from kissing him back. We did all sorts of things in the three months we were together except have full sex, I didn't want to do that, much to his chagrin.

Then I met Larry, we did everything together, we were never apart, and having sex and making love, finding out all about it proper was totally amazing. We ended up getting married, I do love him, or I did, I must be honest and say I'm not sure if I do anymore, even though our marriage is only two months old.

I am one of life's lover's of sexual cohabitation, I can never get enough, I'm at him all the time, and thank the good Lord, he is good at it, it has been stunning sometimes, it leaves me completely spent when he is on top form. And being the meek type of person that I am, when he gets going, I follow his lead.

I do what he tells me, he has me jumping though hoops I can tell you, and when we lie back I'm done for, literally. But I'm always the first up for the next session, and this, I think is what led him to do what he did to me.

He works for a major computer software company, and he tells me that if he keeps doing what he's doing then he can go higher and higher. This prospect keeps him going, and me doing all I can to support him. Which has led me to where I am now, and it's all his very own doing.

He came home one day and told me they were getting a new manager, he was American, being brought over to sharpen the UK arm of the company up. Larry was uptight about it, he worried about being pushed to one side etc.

The new guy arrived, and Larry was quite happy, the new man seemed impressed with him among others too, including of course his rivals. I knew nothing of him except that his name was Morgan Hedley. Larry suggested inviting him to dinner at our house. I nearly emptied my bowels; the thought of entertaining someone of such importance to him was daunting to say the least.

But after much persuasion I agreed, the weather was cool at this time of year, and I do a pretty mean pot roast, so I told Larry I would do that, he was American wasn't he? All Americans love pot roast don't they? A week later Larry told me Mr Hedley would be arriving at 7pm on the Friday night, which gave me time to get all the ingredients I needed without rushing about.

Friday arrived, I had taken the afternoon off to prepare things, Larry had told me that tonight was the most important of his life, our future could depend on it Karen, he told me. My future he said was in your hands, you have to impress him Karen, you have to be on top form.

"Just how important is this Larry?" I asked, "it sounds like more than just a dinner."

"Well," he said, "new broom sweeps clean and all that," was his answer. Now I'm not daft, so I asked.

"Does that mean redundancies, or shuffles are in the pipeline?"

"Yes," he said. Now I got the message, it was more than important, it was just so vital to Larry.

I had everything timed to serve dinner at 8pm, I hoped he wasn't late. I planned to wear a black cotton blouse with long sleeves, a gold chain on the outside hanging between my cleavage, a white above the knee skirt, a tiny bra that enhanced my splendid up turned boobs, stockings and heels. My hair was done to a super shine, bouncy, lush and glossy.

He arrived and that's when I had my first shock, I stood next to Larry when he opened the door to him. He was stood there with a huge bunch of flowers in his hand for me, they were beautiful red roses. A massive toothy dazzling smile on his face, and it was a handsome face. But it wasn't that that shocked me, he was black!

I had always been frightened of black people, irrational you may say, but my mother who was divorced when I was young had had a black boyfriend, he hadn't molested me or anything. But one night I heard her cry out, I got out of bed, I was only 7 years old at the time. I went to her bedroom and opened the door, the black man was on top of my mother and she was moaning. I thought he was hurting her and started to cry.

They both looked at me, mom got out from under him, and collected me in her arms, I asked her if she was alright, was he hurting you, I asked. Mom assured me that she was fine, that they had been playing, and he was tickling her, she took me back to bed and got me to sleep, but since then I've always been wary of them.

I must have stood there opened mouthed, he was speaking but I wasn't hearing, Larry nudged me back to reality, and I managed to compose myself. He came in, gave me the flowers, kissed my cheek and said.

"I bought roses because I had the impression somehow that you were a beautiful woman, but I never imagined you were this beautiful," he told me, "you put those roses in the shade Karen, may I call you Karen?"

"Yes, er yes sir, Mr Hedley and thank you, these are really lovely," I answered breathlessly.

"Morgan, Karen, please call me Morgan, at least here anyway, okay?"

"Yes of course Mr, er Morgan," I stammered, he was a big man, about 2" taller than Larry, well built, but not in a massive way, and his accent, oh his accent was just enthralling.

The dinner went down a treat, Larry made an ingratiating toast which made me cringe a little, but apart from that it was a great success. Morgan paid me lots of attention, he made sure he sat close to me; he held my hand on a few occasions without being too personal. I have to admit I liked it, and I liked him. I looked at Larry several times to see if he was getting jealous at all, but he seemed more than fine with his boss.

It was around 11pm when things took a turn, Larry got up to get more wine, and disappeared into the kitchen, when he had gone Morgan turned to me and told me how enamoured he was with me, how gorgeous I was, beautiful, and, he added with a smile, "so very sexy." I'd had a few wines so was feeling warm and contented about things, and I as a woman, appreciated his lovely words.

What I wasn't prepared for was him slipping his hand into my blouse and cupping my left breast, then squeezing my nipple. I sat there immobilised for a moment which gave him more time to play with me, and then he kissed me. He continued tweaking my nipple and kissing me. I was immediately aroused, I know I shouldn't have been but I was. My nipples are like that, they can turn me on a dot.

I somehow gathered my wits and jumped up; he smiled at me and allowed me to. I said," I'll go and make some coffee shall I?"

I went into the kitchen where Larry was stood having a glass of wine.

"What are you doing Larry; you've left me alone with Morgan?"

"Just giving you time to get to know each other, okay?" he said guardedly.

"He has just put his hand in my blouse and felt me up, and then he kissed me Larry!" I said quietly but heatedly, I could still feel his fingers tweaking me.

"Karen, I've told you the importance of this night, now don't moan or complain, I need you now more than ever, and now," he told me, "I'm going to bed, make sure he leaves happily."

He walked away from me leaving me about paralysed, I heard him climbing the stairs. I stood there, then started making the coffee, I was dreading going back, but what choice did I have? I didn't feel s though I had any, Larry had more or less ordered me to be good, I felt compelled to do what he said.

I carried the coffee tray in and put it down, it never got drunk, he made straight for me. As I bent over his hands closed on my hips and pulled me into his lap. Larry must have suggested this, he had to have had. I knew he was going to seduce and take me no matter what now. He kissed me again, I was being kissed by a black man, someone whose skin colour I had feared all my life was kissing me, then his fingers found me again and I went over the edge into the abyss I wasn't going to be unable climb out of.

I still didn't like what he was doing to me, but I had no way of responding in the negative. I was being taken over by my husband's boss, who had my husband's consent it appeared.

My clothes disappeared quick time and so did his. Somehow I went from sitting in his lap to lying down on my back naked. He guided my hand to him where flatly refused to open my clenched fist, that was until some thing inside me ordered it to open. I encircled him; it felt, big and so hot, it hardened in my grasp.

I had to stroke it, nothing could stop me from that, my own finger tips slid over the bulbous head. The picture I had always had of my mother under her black boy friend became me. I was now that woman under that black man, and it excited me to a frazzle.

I moved so I could look, my tiny hand was wrapped around the middle of the black monster and my eyes feasted on it. I was dripping wet, I could see it on my pussy lips just below the thing that was about to take my marriage vows from me, and all after the amazingly long time of two months.

I relaxed now, I knew I couldn't stop it, and I knew also that I didn't want to. My husband was right above my head, and his boss was going to decimate his wife with not only a bigger cock than his, but a black one too. My mother's words came to me, "we are only playing darling, and he's tickling me." Well I was going to get tickled tonight, and big time.

Morgan positioned himself, 'here it comes,' I thought, and it did. He was up on his hands over me, "watch," he said, I did, I peered down and witnessed it sliding into me, my knees parting more and more as it went further in. My left leg lifted on to the back of the sofa, my right dropped to the floor, and I saw with complete and utter stunning disbelief his prick sinking into me, when it was about half way I could take no more.

I fell back and came, the sight of black cock losing itself in me was more than I could take, and he filled me, spread me, and drilled me. I exploded again like an oil well, a gusher, that's what I was, I came and came. He for his part was manic, he hammered into me. Larry couldn't do me like this, Morgan hit me so hard, if it wasn't for the cascading pleasure he was giving me, I would have cried out in pain, but nothing I knew of would ever feel better than being fucked like this.

I received one last crushing thump and then he spouted gallons of cum into me, it spread around my insides like a bushfire with nothing to extinguish it. I came more times, as he relaxed and slowed. Then his lips found mine once more, this time the kiss was tender, loving, soft, yet demanding, it was the kiss of a very happy man. I gave him kisses back from a very happy and satisfied woman.

Morgan slid away from me but didn't leave me, he was considerate in that respect, he wasn't going to be a 'wham bam thank you maam' type of guy, I appreciated that. I also didn't think I would get it again tonight, how wrong could I have been? Thirty minutes later found me on the floor on cushions with him bouncing and pounding me. It was controlled mania, he was a man possessed.

And he possessed me, I fastened myself around him and tried to keep from screaming out in utter agony, pain and wondrous enjoyment of having the black stallion stuff me the way he was, the stud that my husband had unwittingly let loose on me was having his way totally. I could have been hung by my feet outside on the laundry line, I was that wrecked and beautifully beaten, and I wouldn't have complained, probably not even known it.

I woke up at 5am, Morgan had gone, I tottered to my feet, I felt like I had aged 60 years, walking wasn't easy, my pussy and body were more than battle weary. I cleaned up the mess of cum and love juices from the sofa and floor, then I went up to bed.

Larry was, would you believe, fast asleep. I got in and fell into what to me was a coma.

I awoke and looked at the clock, it was midday, I recalled last night, I felt my pussy, it was still there, but my pussy flaps felt like old lettuce leaves. I also recalled how he had taken me, used me for his own pleasure, and had made me have greater pleasure, and made me cum any which way he had wanted.

I spent the rest of the day pondering and going over what had happened, but most of all how Larry had literally handed me on a plate to his boss. The fact that he was black didn't matter now, I knew that it had excited me, my mothers memory of her with her black boyfriend had intensified my response to Morgan himself.

I felt like a used and abused whore, a common slut. I hated both men now in a way. I would never allow this to happen again, and if Larry even mentioned it I would threaten him with divorce! I rang Larry and told him how upset I was, and told him I would be going to a hotel tonight to mull things over, and that I would be home tomorrow.

He told me he was on his way home, I said, "don't bother; I won't be here by the time you arrive." I packed a bag quickly and left, I had a very pleasant evening, did a lot of thinking and decided we could get over what had gone on and keep our marriage alive. I returned home the next afternoon and found a very contrite Larry waiting for me. We discussed it all, I even told him how his boss had made me cum as I never had before, I said this to hurt him, and it did!

We settled down after a few days, then Larry began to ask me things about what he's done, how he'd done it, how big was he, what was his staying power like, what was it like with a black man, was he rough with me, did he force me, ask me, did he cum in me. You name a question, over a week or so he asked them all.

I then had a big surprise for myself, I found myself reliving some of the things Morgan had done to make me cum the way I had, and it aroused me. This was of benefit to Larry because our sex life went ballistic, but half of it, or more than half was because Morgan, not him.

I even began to think that if I were to be compromised again, would I have the strength to resist, what would I do, give in once more? I just didn't know now, things had settled down Larry was happy at work; things were going well he'd told me.

Then it happened, he came home and said Morgan had invited us to stay the weekend at his house, he was in the act of securing a very lucrative government contract, and Larry was to help him. I would have a relaxing weekend at his expansive home, heated swimming pool, gymnasium, the works.

I thought about it, was it a trick, a trap, was I being set up again? Larry assured me vehemently I wasn't. I reluctantly agreed, but still had reservations. So I told him, "Any hanky panky and I'm off!" He laughed and told me he would be right behind me. All this did, was to prove how weak, and meek I really was, the tough exterior only covered my soft centre.

Friday afternoon, he was home at lunch time as arranged, and off we went. We arrived and were admitted by a black man who turned out to be his home handy man, did the gardens, pool, odd jobs etc.

All the usual pleasantries were exchanged, Morgan kissed my cheek again and showed us to our room, it was decorated with dozens of red roses, and again he made the same comment about how I was more beautiful than a million red roses could ever be. I blushed prettily for him. They went straight to work after I was shown where everything was and how it all worked.

Three hours later Larry came in red faced, he had not asked for a file from the potential client and they couldn't continue with out it. He told me he was leaving immediately and would be back as soon as he could. He apologised and rushed off, with me shouting after him about when would he be back, can I go with you? I yelled.

"Sorry love, I'll be as quick as I can," he called over his shoulder. I was so taken aback by the suddenness of him leaving; I never smelled the rat I should have done. What I didn't know was, the file he needed was in London, nearly 250 miles away, there was no way he could get back 'soon!'

That's when I felt an arm slide around my waist, it was Morgan.

"I am so sorry about this Karen," he told me, "he knew he should have had it, it's inexcusable really."

"He's an idiot," I said lamely, now I knew where this was going to go, and then I asked myself the question I had already asked me. Can I resist, will I resist, the moment he pulled me closer told me the answer, it was no.

"Please Morgan, don't, I don't want to do this, please?" He turned me to him, put his hands on my cheeks, looked me in the eyes and said.

"Why is it Karen that I don't believe you for some reason?" then he leaned in and kissed me. I was collapsing inside, my knees were weak and wobbling, my heart was fluttering, my healed pussy lips were flapping, my nipples poked out and said hello to him. It wasn't until I was half way up the stairs in his arms that I realised I was.

I managed to ask a question. "When will Larry be back?" I squeaked.

"Not until Sunday afternoon, you'll be mine all weekend Karen, you belong to me now, but it will do Larry a power of good in his quest for upgrading to senior management, keeping the boss happy is a good thing, don't you think? I am very happy to say." He told me gleefully, as he dashed with me into an enormous bedroom. I was on the bed and being systematically undressed and made love to at the same time.

I was as hot as I had ever been; now I knew that I would not have to have been coerced. If Morgan had simply kissed me, or even touched me in a suggestive way, I knew for absolute certain now I would have ended up here anyway! I would have given in and offered myself up to him, Larry or no Larry. And now all I could think of was him driving that pussy ravager of his deep into his pussy, because that's what it was as far as I was concerned, his pussy, not Larry's, not anymore.

I have never known a man to be so rapid, one moment I'm heading for the bed, then I'm on it, my clothes are coming off, his are coming off. He is kissing and working me up into a fireball, and then he's in me. Full to the top I am in moments, black cock, and black man all over me. In fact he engulfed me; he seemed to be on both sides, under me and certainly on top of me. I was cocooned in black skin and filled with black cock. Oh Jesus it was so fantastically good he forced a climax out of me that nearly decapitated me.


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