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How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 15


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Levi looked up at Abigail with a smile from where he was saying hello to Jennifer in a similar manner.

'So, how do you like the Sunday school here, sweetheart?'

Abigail's voice rose to a plaintive whimper as I found what I was looking for; far back between her warm thighs, in her most private of areas, her little teardrop-shaped entrance was unable to hold back the insistent tide of her girlish vaginal fluids, and a precious rivulet of her exquisite cream had escaped her opening and was trickling down her milky inner thigh.

I smiled at her as I gathered a tiny droplet of her special nectar on my fingertip, bringing it to my lips and expressing my pleasure with a quiet grunt and an approving nod as her light, piquant flavor melted across my tongue, and she struggled to answer her father, her knees suddenly weak and a gentle tremble overtaking her body as I kissed her on the forehead and told her she was such a good girl.

'Oh...oh my gosh...I mean, thank you Mr. Stevenson...I mean, yes, daddy...I like it here. It's really different and cool...'

'What did you guys learn today?' I asked Jennifer, interrupting her giggle of pleasure as she widened her stance slightly so Levi could check her pussy more thoroughly.

'We've been studying about worship and adoration, daddy, and how they apply to our real, everyday lives,' she said excitedly. 'We read the verses that talk about how a girl's lips and tongue and mouth and throat can all be used to glorify God, and then the deacons helped us practice! It was really special, daddy.'

Abigail nodded, evidently still a little in awe of the deep spiritual principles she'd been taught this morning.

'I never realized this daddy, but when a girl opens her mouth in praise,' she said to Levi, demonstrating her point by modeling the receptive, peaceful expression and inviting, parted lips of a worshipping girl with her own, 'God made it the exact, perfect shape to hold the...the sacred member...of a righteous man as he worships, too--'

Jennifer couldn't resist interjecting, and Levi and I smiled happily at how our daughters were getting along, and how enlivened and whole-hearted they both were in their spiritual growth and education.

'--yeah, and daddy, God actually created girls like us to worship with righteous men, and help them experience spiritual release and insight--our mouths are, like, gateways to the Spirit, and when we submit ourselves to God's will and take His body in our mouths, and worship as perfectly and blamelessly as we know how, then God will use the man's member to fill us full of His grace and love--'

'--And then the deacons had us all kneel down to worship,' Abigail jumped back in, 'and they showed us how perfectly each of in our mouths, like, they all fit totally perfectly, daddy, it was amazing--and they told us how near they felt themselves drawing to God as they worshipped with us. It was really special...'

I greeted Brother Murphy, the senior deacon, as he emerged from the study behind the other dozen giggling, scantily-clad eligible church girls, introducing him to Levi and thanking him for his diligent and surely often onerous labors instructing a gaggle of newly-eligible girls in the ways of righteousness; but he assured me he found only joy in serving the church by toiling among the inexperienced and often wayward lambs of the flock, remarking with a pious smile that while he did often find certain parts to be long and hard of necessity, the abundant rewards he received for faithfully guiding young girls in the expanding practice of their faith and the godly uses of their bodies and minds more than repaid him; and he praised Jennifer and Abigail for their ardent devotion to their spiritual lives.

'Indeed, Brother Stevenson, Brother Miller, your daughters were truly angels of spiritual blessing this morning,' he said warmly, looking them up and down with holy beneficence and satisfaction, a slight flush lingering on his brow and a look of holy bliss in his eye hinting at the mighty revelations he'd just experienced while teaching our girls the fundamentals of oral worship. He clapped his hands together softly in reverend delight.

'They impressed me and my brother deacons immensely with their tenderness of spirit and their eager willingness to perform their holy functions by aiding us in our meditations, taking within their mouths the sacred flesh of our members as we stood tall and unbendingly firm in our faith, hot and aching with the pulsing fervency of our desire for communion with the divine, and for spiritual release.

'Both Sister Abigail and Sister Jennifer joined their lips to our holy erections in a truly touching display of earnest, pure-hearted adoration of the Almighty; I'm blessed to say that I've rarely before ascended to such precipitous heights of divine exaltation during girl-assisted worship, and I felt the holy love of the Divine rush from my loins in a river of heavenly ecstasy and blessing as I shared in Sister Jennifer's sweet, selfless surrender to the Lord's will for her beautiful body.'

The twins arrived from their Sunday school class at that moment, lovely, of course, in their own church outfits; it was Levi's first time meeting them, and I chuckled to myself as I saw his eyes first widen in awe at their buxom blonde beauty and athletic figures, then dim in a flash of barely-supressed, forlorn disappointment as he noticed the bras and panties they wore beneath their dresses in an attempt to preserve their modesty while at church.

I could understand his sadness; Selena and Serena were spectacular girls, and I knew that the treasures concealed beneath their underwear were every bit as glorious as Levi's imagination could make them.

He seemed like a really good, trustworthy guy, and a loving father, and I thought that if we continued to grow close, I'd invite him over sometime for a little sneak peek at the twins in the nude, since their splendid naked bodies were certainly worth spending some time admiring, and it felt like the least I could do in return for how generous and trusting he'd been in freely sharing his own sweet daughter with me and the other fathers.

It also occurred to me that he might occasionally be a helpful special guest for the Tuesday night family lessons I'd begun teaching the twins; while I was steadily progressing their knowledge of sexual matters and the use of their bodies, they were still my daughters, and I could envision future lessons in which it would be valuable for them to practice some basic skills on a father they didn't know well, and accustom them to being touched and explored by manly, lustful hands other than my own.

Using Jennifer as a live model to help me demonstrate some of the sweet, gentle, and "clearly-pleasant-for-the-girl" types of lessons the twins would be taught after their Festival was very helpful, and extremely special for my eldest and me as we worked together intimately to help prepare her sisters for their own initiations into the world of eligible girls.

I had begun to grow concerned, however, as I also felt that it would be best at some point to give Serena and Selena at least a very basic introduction to the more advanced ways in which their bodies could be used for a man's pleasure, which almost always required a developed palate for a girl to enjoy, or to even understand why such things were pleasurable for men to do to girls; but while I happily indulged in the darker joys of training beautiful young girls with a rougher, more severe rein when it was necessary or desirable, I found that I simply wasn't able to bring myself (at least not yet) to do any of those things to my own beautiful baby girl--even if only for teaching purposes, and even though she already received these kinds of lessons as often and as sternly as her trainers felt was appropriate.

Jennifer had taken a liking to Levi at the party as well, however, curling up next to him like a naked kitten for most of the afternoon so she could suck on his cock to her heart's content, and she was comfortable around him; and I suddenly realized, with the satisfaction a simple and elegant solution brings, that he might even perhaps invaluably assist me by using her body to demonstrate certain more intense lessons, while her younger sisters watched and asked questions and took notes under my supervision and guidance, without any problem.

Jennifer interrupted my meditation with a tug on my sleeve, pointing to a smiling man waiting by the church door with his family and informing me that Mr. Thomas had requested to take her to the park for some lessons he felt led to teach her, and he would drop her off at home when he'd finished with her; I waved to Bob and Carla and sent my daughter to join their boys in the back of their station wagon with a pat on the butt and a reminder to be a good girl for Mr. Thomas and to do her best for him, and I told her I loved her and would see her back home later on.

It was time for us to be getting back as well, and we all shook hands and took our leave after I provided Levi with the address of the cock spa we'd meet at in an hour or so.


Castellano's was one of Stonewall's finest cock therapy spas, and as Levi and I mounted the steps and entered through the heavy wooden door and into the lobby of the nondescript stone building, we were ushered into another world--the entire place had been constructed and decorated in the style of a magnificent Roman villa, with marble floors, rich tapestries, and heavy, elegant furniture.

Behind the tall oak hostess's desk hung a large framed black-and-white photograph, clearly several decades old, of a rakish middle-aged man in a pair of checked slacks and a bowling shirt, his graying hair slicked and shining with Brylcreem, grinning ear-to-ear from behind a pair of old-school aviators and standing in front of a swimming pool with his hairy arms outstretched to gather close to him four beautiful naked girls--but our attention was quickly captured by the real-live naked girl that greeted us with a brilliant smile as she stepped from behind the desk.

'Why, Mr. Stevenson, so good to see you today sir...'

She was a devastating blonde of the highest caliber, with a model's high cheekbones and the elegant, confident air of a professional girl in her mid-twenties, her hair a tousled golden bob that accented her sleek jawline.

Her long, sculpted legs joined with perfectly-proportioned hips at a cleanly-waxed cunny in front and a pert, round bottom behind; and her flat stomach, its toned muscles whispering seductively from just beneath her skin, ascended upwards to two marvelous breasts which were clearly the highlights of her already beautiful body.

Her eyes flashed with an observant intelligence, and she exuded a sense of imperturbable serenity that masked tremendous ability and focus; she'd always reminded me of one of my big crushes as a kid--an evil space robot disguised as a platinum-blonde femme fatale in a red dress, bent on the destruction of the human race in one of my favorite old science fiction shows--and I adored her.

Aside from her pair of simple white wedge sandals on her feet, she wore only the uniform of the girls who worked at Castellano's--a delicate wreath of ivy leaves and tiny flowers encircling her head.

'It's lovely as always to see you as well, Miss Tricia,' I replied warmly, welcoming her offer of her lips to mine in a friendly, delicious kiss, and tracing my fingers across the exquisite lines of her naked body in a fond hello as the well-trained girl patiently and willingly allowed herself to be harmlessly appreciated and enjoyed.

As my touch moved to her immaculately groomed vulva and slid softly across the silky skin of her hairless mound, I glanced down at her left hand where it rested on my chest and uttered an exclamation of delight.

'Dear girl, when did this happen?! And when is the big day?' I said, admiring the modest but lovely diamond on her finger.

Tricia laughed and held up her hand with a disbelieving flourish, shimmying her warm, bare cunny against my hand in her excitement.

'Last week! I know! I said yes--I'm so happy, Mr. Stevenson! We're getting married next month.''

I pulled her close and kissed her again, giving her vulva an affectionate squeeze.

'Congratulations, sweet girl--I'm so happy for you,' I said warmly. 'I'll have to take you out one more time before the big day--I'm sure there is at least one final lesson I can think of to teach you before you complete your training.'

'Yes, Mr. Stevenson, of course,' the beautiful girl laughed. 'I do wish you would. Though you might not want to wait too long to reserve me, sir--every man that has come in that door and seen my ring has said the same thing as you. It looks like I'll be getting pretty filled up as the wedding gets close.'

'I'm sure you will, dear girl,' I chuckled. 'I'll put myself in your calendar before I leave today. Of course I'll want one of the very last spots you have available--you know how much I like your cunny after it's already been well-enjoyed.'

Tricia suddenly reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing her lips close to my ear in a gleeful whisper.

'Can I tell you a secret, Mr. Stevenson? I was SO hoping you'd come in one more time before the wedding so I could see you, and I was hoping you'd ask--and I saved my very final spot for you--the night before I...before'll be the last trainer to ever handle me, sir, if you want to, and I'd be so happy if you said yes...'

I was deeply touched, and my cock grew hard and heavy in my pants as I wrapped the sweet naked girl up in a big bear hug, pressing her bare cunny fondly against my erection; it was considered both a great honor and a great pleasure to be a trainee's last handler before her name was crossed from the list of eligible girls forever and she became the property of her husband, her primary function now to birth him beautiful daughters.

I always strove to do my best when I trained girls, and though I was still relatively new myself to the sweet art and science of handling the eligible young female body, I took my responsibilities seriously, and I truly worked hard to make the sexual lessons I taught these delicate, trusting creatures as positive and beneficial for them as I could, in addition to making them as pleasurable for myself as possible.

It was gratifying confirmation that my hard work was paying off, and that I was becoming a competent trainer, to discover that this spectacular girl hoped to end her accomplished training career by giving the last taste of her exquisite body to me, and my heart grew as many sizes as my penis.

It would doubtless be a very special lesson; the day before a girl's wedding was known as her Send-Off, and was typically filled with eligible men desiring to offer their congratulations to her father, give their blessing to her nuptials, and say a last-minute farewell to her gorgeous body.

Throughout the day men from around the community would make their way to her parents home, mingling comfortably in the kitchen and living room with celebratory beverages and chatting cordially with her father and each other as they waited to climb the stairs to her bedroom and take their turn with her, and by evening she might easily have had upwards of twenty visitors; I was very much looking forward to gently gathering up her tender, spent, and fucked-nearly-senseless body in my arms and harvesting the last, most poignant drops of pleasure I could from her beautiful, ravaged form, and filling the girl with her final load of training semen before sending her off with a kiss the next morning to her wedding.

I introduced her to Levi, who was standing there with a comical look on his face; I'd told him little of what to expect from his first cock therapy session, as I wanted him to experience all the delights as a newcomer, but he was already agog as Tricia approached him and offered herself in greeting, and while he attempted to play down his amazement at each new fantastic aspect of life he was discovering here, his avid but slightly awkward kiss and fumbling grope of her breasts as he congratulated the lovely young girl on her engagement told me he was still struggling to process the wonderful benefits of living in a Festival society.

'Mr. Miller is my guest today, Miss Tricia,' I said, smiling. 'We'll take two girls, please, for the usual treatments.'

Tricia signed us in and led us to a heavy door, ushering us into the corridor and assuring Levi that he was in for a wonderful afternoon, and reminding us to let her know if we needed or wanted absolutely anything at all.

'Well, this is already awesome,' Levi whispered, turning back with wide eyes to catch a last glimpse of Tricia's naked bottom as she returned to her post; I chuckled to myself at his innocent ignorance of what lay ahead, and his head swiveled around and he murmured a reverent, 'Oh my gosh...' as we turned a corner and entered the baths.

The spacious baths were all of marble, with soaring ceilings and giant windows set high in the wall releasing broad, slanting shafts of sunlight to fill the steaming air.

Along the opposite wall was a line of ornate artisanal brass showers, and to our left as we entered were several benches and a row of mahogany lockers, and Levi was clearly delighted to see, standing by the lockers with hospitable smiles on their beautiful faces, two adorable girls, one blonde and one brunette, clad only in their uniform--a simple ivy wreath about each of their heads.

They were both gems, flawless specimens of their tender sex and age, and after taking a moment to appreciate his unexpected good fortune of yet more naked girls, Levi glanced at me as if looking for guidance.

'Just follow my lead,' I said reassuringly, and with a smile made the acquaintance of the girls, Caitlin and Miranda, as we undressed and stowed our clothing in our lockers; Levi, unable to tear his eyes from the their pouting pussies and full, firm breasts, tripped and almost fell as he attempted to extricate himself from his trousers, drawing a giggle from the naked girls.

'...And remember,' I continued, pretending I hadn't seen, 'Everything about today is meant to be relaxing, invigorating, and refreshing. Just let the girls do their job, and let your body respond naturally. It's going to be great--girls, this is Mr. Miller's first visit, so treat him good, okay?'

As I closed my locker, Caitlin came close to me, pressing her hands to my bare chest, and gave me a kiss. I was already getting hard, and her fingers crept down my muscular torso until she reached my cock, which she took in her hand and squeezed in a gentle hello, her unhurried pace allowing me to become accustomed to her presence and touch, and to relax fully into her warm hand with a quiet groan.

Miranda had welcomed Levi to the baths in the same way, and together, as they earned our trust and calmed our bodies and minds, the girls led us happily to the showers by our penises, their well-trained hands never leaving our growing erections, and we gladly followed, Levi shooting me another disbelieving look as we admired the two shapely, naked tushes belonging to the delightfully attentive creatures.

The water was warm and the powerful spray immensely satisfying as we stepped beneath the streams and the girls went to work soaping our bodies, using thick wash clothes and their delicate hands to reach every inch; it was impossible, of course, for the girls to avoid getting wet and soapy as well, and Levi and I delighted in their slippery little bodies, our hands playfully exploring their delicious nakedness and venturing into all their most personal and delectable areas as they did their jobs.

Our laughs of pleasure reverberated about the baths amid the hiss of the water and the musical giggles of the girls as they went about their task; it was hard to imagine anything feeling better after a long week than a hot shower by a beautiful naked girl.


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