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Humanity Ch. 02

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Lynne and Harry start the induction.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/11/2020
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This is the second chapter of the "Humanity" story. Hopefully, this chapter can stand on its own, but the chapter will make more sense if you've already read the first chapter. Parts of this chapter may sound "preachy." Please remember that it is the characters who are preaching.

This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person is coincidental and unintended. Comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable, are always welcome. Thank you for reading this.


It was wonderful having Lynne masturbate me as Sabine Stolz masturbated Lynne. Every woman's face becomes more beautiful when she has sex and Lynne starts from such a high base that watching her face as Sabine got her off was exquisite. Having Lynne stroking me as she became ever more aroused was even better. As Lynne came, she jerked my dick up and I shot all over her breasts.

When Lynne regained her breath, she said, in a very exaggerated Southern accent, "Lordy me. I have a man's semen all over my tits. What will my mother think?" Lynne smiled at me and said, still using the accent, "Kind Sir, would you please save me terrible embarrassment by licking me clean?"

I wasn't entirely comfortable licking up my own come, but I could hardly refuse Lynne. Pushing our boundaries was one reason Lynne and I had accepted the invitation that had brought us there. Besides, licking Lynne's tits was always a pleasure no matter what was on them. On balance, I enjoyed licking Lynne more than I disliked consuming my own semen.

As I finished cleaning Lynne up, she whispered, "We must do something for Sabine." I stood, stepped to Sabine, took her hand, and led her to a chair. Sabine sat down. I knelt in front of her and gently pushed her thighs apart. Like Lynne, Sabine has a beautiful cunt. Both women also have wonderful scents. I began by licking Sabine's lips, progressed to her clit, then worked my tongue inside her. Looking up, I saw Lynne standing beside Sabine. Lynne had bent forward and taken one of Sabine's nipples in her mouth.

It took some trial and error for me to find what most stimulated Sabine. Fortunately, I figured it out. Together, Lynne and I brought Sabine to what sounded like an enjoyable orgasm.

After Sabine came, she stood, turned to the table, and uncorked a bottle of red wine (contrary to popular US belief, Germany has good red wines). She poured three glasses and handed one to Lynne and one to me.

After we had each sipped some wine, Sabine said, "Please sit down." Lynne and I sat across the table from Sabine. We nibbled some meat and cheese as Sabine began to talk.

"You were invited here to join a movement called 'Humanity,'" Sabine began. "Humanity started at some universities in West Germany in the late 1950s. The founders perceived that the West had made wealth accumulation, pursuing the almighty D mark, more important than people. Looking east to the DDR, it was indisputable that people there were deemed to be nothing more than resources to be consumed by the State. Humanity was founded to make people more important than wealth and more important than abstract concepts like 'the State' or 'the cause.' I will explain more about how we try to do that as the night goes on."

Sabine sipped some wine and ate a piece of cheese before she resumed her lesson. "I'm told that there was initially some angst about this, but Humanity is not a working-class movement. We aim to help the working class, and everyone else, but membership is limited to persons with university degrees, primarily to people who have or are working on advanced degrees. That is elitist, but it gives us a membership with a shared body of knowledge and shared values."

Sabine took another sip of wine and smiled. "Let me address two of the most prominent aspects of belonging to Humanity. As you are experiencing, nudity is a central practice of Humanity. The philosophical reasons are that we believe going nude puts focus on the person rather than on material things encasing her or him. Since all human bodies are, broadly, alike; going nude is an equalizer that strips away the badges of our social and economic pretensions. On a more aesthetic level, we believe that the nude human body is the highest form of art. Everyone is beautiful in the nude. Seeing nude humans is pleasing and being seen in the nude is an honor. It is more difficult to be pretentious or deceitful when your genitalia are in plain view. Finally, going nude is simply more comfortable and more fun. For those reasons, one of Humanity's few absolute rules is that, when two or more members are together, they should all be nude unless weather, safety, or risk of arrest or abuse makes nudity unwise."

"A second prominent aspect of Humanity is sex," Sabine continued. "Sex has been a fraught issue throughout human history. It has often been a motivation for, or a tool of, domination of one person, often female, by another, often male. We believe that, practiced properly, sex is one of the greatest things humans do with each other and should not be shamed or unduly restricted. Sex is pleasure and pleasure is good."

After more cheese, Sabine said, "What you need to know now about our attitude towards sex is, first, consent is paramount. 'No' means no and silence is not consent. Second, we believe that sex is pleasure. We appreciate that some people derive sexual pleasure from inflicting or receiving extreme pain. We do not judge that, but it is not our way. Third, we believe that sex is only a small part of love, such as exists between the two of you."

Sabine paused and looked at Lynne and me, I guess to see if we were paying attention. "That all sounds nice," Sabine continued. "What it means in practice is that we do not believe that sexual pleasure is to be experienced only with your partner. While there is never any pressure or expectation, as a member of Humanity you will be free to have sex with any other consenting member. If you join Humanity, you will both agree and internalize that your partner having sex with another Humanity member is not being unfaithful to or a repudiation of you. Rather, you will take pleasure in your partner's pleasure."

Sabine paused and got a more serious look. "The only limitation on our view that sex should be freely enjoyed is that you may only have sex with other Humanity members. This is for practical reasons. We all take simple tests each month and no member of Humanity has ever had a sexually transmitted disease. We cannot assure that, which would put us all at risk, if members have sex with those outside Humanity. I do not expect that will be an issue for the two of you."

Sabine looked at us again to judge our reactions. Satisfied, she continued her monologue. "We have had many people like you join Humanity over the decades as couples. Except for those members who have passed away, all those couples are still together. I believe you will find that joining Humanity and fully internalizing our beliefs and practices will intensify and cement the relationship between you. We have also had many members become couples with others whom they met in Humanity. We've had so many members marry each other that we have our own wedding ceremony. It has no legal effect, but it is fun. What I'm saying is that, based on our decades-long history, you should consider that joining Humanity is also making a lifetime commitment to each other."

Lynne and I had been looking at Sabine as she spoke. When she stopped talking after saying "lifetime commitment," Lynne and I looked at each other. Lynne reached out and took my hand. "I'm ready for that. I want that," she said.

Maybe it was the wine, but hearing Lynne's words made me happier than I'd ever been. "I want that too," I said. "I love you Lynne."

"I thought so," Sabine said. "What do you think about Humanity as I've described it? You realize that you are both free to leave here in the morning without joining Humanity and it will never be mentioned again?"

Lynne and I looked at each other again. We hadn't been a couple that long. However, we had a good ability to communicate with each other without speaking. The message transmitted between us was that we both wanted to be part of what Sabine described. "Unless Humanity is really something very different from what you've described," Lynne told Sabine, "Harry and I will commit to it fully."

Sabine looked genuinely and deeply pleased. "That is very gratifying to me," she said. "I've known Harry longer than I've known you Lynne, but I have great affection for you both. I think that you are both like me. Humanity is the best thing in my life. I'm overwhelmed that I will have the opportunity to share it with you."

All three of us ate a bit more. Sabine said, "I'm what we call your Guide. In that role, I will teach you about Humanity and will always be here to answer your questions and help with your problems. That includes anything in your life, not just Humanity. Accepting me as your Guide creates a two-way relationship, meaning that you commit to help and support me too. In this relationship, there can be nothing unknown or concealed between us, and we will share our pleasures and pains. Are you comfortable with that?"

Lynne and I both answered "yes."

Sabine smiled. "Have the two of you ever had sex together with someone else watching?" Lynne and I shook our heads "no." "I'd like you, please, to have intercourse now while I watch," Sabine said.

I probably would have faltered over that request, but Lynne's face lit up. Smiling broadly, she stood, took my hand, and led me to the center of the room. Lynne began to kiss me and fondle my dick. I took her right nipple between the fingers of one hand and began gently rolling it. I put my other hand between Lynne's legs and fingered her. Knowing that Sabine was watching and that we were doing this because she asked was very erotic. Lynne and I were both aroused quickly.

Lynne led me to the bed in the room. She kissed me again and lay down on her back with her feet towards Sabine. Lynne spread her legs wide, exposing herself completely to me and Sabine. I got on the bed above Lynne. I lowered myself down and slid into her. We kissed as I began moving my hips. After a moment, Lynne whispered, "Bang me. Let's show her what we can do." I began pushing faster and more forcefully as Lynne wrapped her legs just below my ass.

Lynne and I usually made love slowly. This attempt to show off was, however, fun. I was totally into trying to make Lynne come as quickly as possible when I was distracted by a warm hand on my ass. I heard Sabine's voice, very close, saying, "Make love to each other like you usually do. Don't rush. We have all night."

Lynne raised her head slightly and kissed me on the lips. She softly said, "I love you." I slowed down to our more normal pace.

There was something deliciously naughty about making love in front of Sabine. Nor was Sabine a passive observer. She reached between Lynne and me to massage Lynne's breasts. She got behind me and worked a finger into Lynne's pussy alongside my dick. I don't know how that felt to Lynne, but it felt good to me. Later, I felt Sabine's finger in my asshole. That, together with the sensations from Lynne, put me over the edge. Mercifully, Lynne came a few seconds later. As her breathing slowed, Lynne whispered in my ear, "That was fun!"

I got off Lynne and lay beside her. Sabine was looking down at us, smiling. "I hope you didn't mind my little intrusions," Sabine said.

Lynne put on her exaggerated Southern accent again. "Why, Miss Sabine," Lynne said, "I do believe that is the first time I've ever had a woman's finger in my vagina at the same time as a man's penis. I do truly suspect that you are trying to corrupt my moral standards!"

Sabine laughed. "No, Lynne. I am trying to show you how close you can become to fellow members of Humanity. And, I think your 'moral standards' make you and Harry perfect members of Humanity."

"Seriously Sabine," Lynne said in a normal voice, "that was exquisite. Thank you."

"I never realized how arousing it would be to have a finger in my asshole," I said. "What can we do for you?" I asked.

Sabine's smile broadened. She looked great, standing naked with her nipples erect. "The next part of our bonding will be Harry having intercourse with me. Are you ok with that Lynne?"

"As long as I get to watch," Lynne replied.

"You may watch. You may touch. If you like, Harry and I can fuck doggy style and I'll eat you at the same time," Sabine said.

"That would be fantastic!" Lynne said. "But, do I get to eat you?"

"Of course, before morning," Sabine said. "Let's talk and have more wine right now. I want Harry rejuvenated before he enters me."

That gives you a sense of how Lynne and I spent that night locked in a room with Sabine. Sabine told us a lot more about Humanity. We ate most of the cheese and meat and finished most of two bottles of wine. And, yes, we did everything Sabine said we would do.

We did sleep a little that night, cuddled together with me between Lynne and Sabine. Beate woke us by opening the room door and bringing in coffee, eggs, and more meats. We weren't overly hungry, but the coffee was welcome.

As we drank our coffee, Sabine said, "This is your moment of decision: are you joining Humanity?"

I looked at Lynne. "I want to," she said.

"I do too," I said.

Sabine stood up, walked away from the table so we could see all of her, and spread her legs apart. She pointed to a small tattoo on the inside of her thigh just to the left of her vagina. I hadn't noticed it before. It was simple, just a square with a circle inside.

"This is the identification symbol for members of Humanity. It was devised about ten years ago by one of our American members and is supposed to symbolize a round peg in a square hole. When you meet a new member of Humanity, both of you are to display your tattoos to each other as soon as is practical. The tattoo is placed on your thigh as close to your genitals as possible so that, in identifying yourself, you are also exposing yourself. That is to symbolize that nothing is concealed between members of Humanity."

"How do I know I'm meeting a new member of Humanity?" Lynne asked. "Do I just flash my pubes at everyone?"

"Would you mind that?" Sabine asked.

Lynne thought for a second, smiled, and said "not really."

"Seriously, that is an excellent question," Sabine said. "There is a verbal identification we give first. If you want to know whether someone is a member of Humanity, say the word 'humanity' to them with nothing else. Ordinarily, that would not induce any response, or the person would inquire what you mean. If the person is part of Humanity, she or he will respond by saying 'we strive for and share.' Once you've exchanged those phrases, you both have reason to think that the other person is part of Humanity. You should then display your tattoos to each other as soon as possible."

"Ok, that makes sense," Lynne replied.

"The tattoo artist is upstairs in the Great Hall," Sabine said. "If you are sure you want to be part of Humanity, we shall go up there now."

"We're ready," Lynne said.

None of us had any clothes. Nude, Lynne and I followed Sabine out of the room and back up the stairs we'd come down the night before. The stairs were narrow, so I followed in back as Sabine and Lynne ascended in single file. I couldn't help noticing that Sabine's bare ass looked almost as good as Lynne's.

The "Great Hall" was the room where we'd been interrogated the night before. We joined Nicole and a man about Sabine's age whom I recognized as an economics professor. He introduced himself as Kurt Dorrel and said he was Nicole's Guide. Nicole and Kurt ere also nude. Sabine asked Kurt, "Where are the other two initiates?"

"They backed out this morning Greta told me," Kurt replied. "We have only three new members."

The tattoo artist was seated on a stool in the center of the hall with his paraphernalia around him. Most noticeable was a padded bench that looked a little like an exercise bench. It had a small padded seat and a back that sloped at an angle. It also had two padded arms extending from the seat at, roughly, a 45-degree angle horizontally. There were two short vertical pieces on either side of each arm at the end away from the seat.

The tattoo artist looked up and grunted. Kurt escorted Nicole to the bench. Nicole sat down. The tattoo artist said something, and Nicole put one leg on each of the arms extending out from the bench. Seated that way, Nicole was completely exposed to those of us in the room. She seemed pleased.

The tattoo artist moved his stool between Nicole's legs and got to work. Nicole winced once, but it was over quickly. Before she got up, we all circled around her to admire her Humanity tattoo.

It was my turn next. As I walked towards the bench, Sabine told Lynne, "Hold his dick and balls out of the way." Lynne followed me. I sat in the bench and spread my legs. I wasn't as exposed as Nicole had been because Lynne had my dick and balls in her hand, pulling them away from my left thigh. The tattoo artist's hand still brushed my balls as he put the tattoo on my thigh just to the left of my balls. It stung slightly but wasn't as painful as I'd expected.

Finally, it was Lynne's turn. I knew her only objection to being spread out in that fashion was that there weren't more people to see her. Lynne didn't react at all as she received her tattoo. It looked great on her.

Lynne and I were standing together, feeling rather proud of ourselves. Sabine came up. "Congratulations," she said. "You are now part of Humanity. The bags with your clothes are in the corner and your coats are where you left them in the anteroom last night. There is a reception to welcome you to Humanity at 19:00 in this room. Please be back a half hour before that. If you like, before you get dressed, I'll show you the building."

We took Sabine's tour. Humanity owned the building she said. The room we were in was the main room for monthly meetings and the quarterly dinners. The rooms downstairs where we'd spent the night were typically used as free guest rooms when members from other chapters were in town. The chapters in the larger German cities had similar accommodations, which had to be used nude, Sabine said. If the guest rooms were not all taken by out of town members, members of our chapter could stay in them on a first come, first served basis. Sabine added, "There is no limit on how many people may use a room so long as they are part of Humanity and are nude." Also on the lower floor was a sauna and a hot bath a bit like a Japanese bath, except ours was coed.

Sabine brought us back to the street level floor. "I saved what I think is the best for last," she said. She went to a small door built to match the surrounding wall. A key hung beside it. Sabine unlocked the door and showed us into a cozy barroom with some tables, chairs, and a bar with stools along it. "If you went to the front of the building," Sabine said, "you'd see Hartmann's entrance." Hartmann's was a pretty good pub and restaurant. "Hartmann is our tenant. They don't lease this room, but the food comes from their kitchen and the beer is from their kegs. Everything is free. We offset the cost of what we eat and drink against Hartmann's monthly rent. Mandatory nudity is strictly enforced here for everyone except the girls who work here. This is really a great place, and you'll find a lot of members here on Friday and Saturday evenings. The bar is open from 16:00 until 1:00 seven days a week and food is served from 17:00 to 21:00."

Lynne squeezed my hand. We were both thrilled to have access to a nude bar.

We went back to the room we'd shared with Sabine and slept until we met Sabine for dinner in the Humanity bar before the reception. Sabine told us that all 52 members of this Humanity chapter would be there.


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