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Hummingbird Ch. 02

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Sometimes what we want isn't what we want to want.
15.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/31/2023
Created 12/01/2020
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Another story about wife-sharing and cuckoldry, so please stop reading now if that bothers you. This is a sequel to Hummingbird, so you might want to check that out before you read this one.


It was mid-morning when Patrick woke up. He lay there with his eyes half closed, not looking at his phone. Linda was up, he could smell coffee and he had a vague memory of her untangling herself from his arms and then the shower running. How long ago was that? Jesus. How long ago was last night?

He cocked his head and listened. Something metallic, a bowl clinking down on the kitchen counter. He should go down, they could have breakfast together. He gathered his strength and slid out of bed. His head was throbbing, not like a hangover, more like not enough sleep. Or something.

But he paused in the hallway, looking at the closed door of the other room, the room with the bed and the chair. Slowly he reached out and turned the knob. The door swung open.

The straps were hanging limply from the arms and legs of the chair. He glanced at his wrists. Sore spots and some marks where he had strained against the restraints. Trying to see better. He swallowed. Trying to watch Linda and Justin.

Today it all felt... was "unreal" the word he was looking for? It didn't begin to cover it. "Weird"? "Twisted"?

He heard the pad of bare feet on the stairs, then turned and saw Linda coming up, her face framed by strands of damp hair, her eyes fixed on a pair of mugs she was carrying. She was wearing the scarlet Japanese robe, the one that went down halfway to her knees. It was so sudden, the sight of her, neck, collar bones, knees, thighs. Patrick's imagination jumped back to last night, to what he had seen, to what she had been doing. Jesus.

Linda glanced up and saw him framed in the doorway. "Hey," she said. "Thought you might want some coffee."

"Oh," Patrick said. "You read my mind." He smiled back at her. His heart did a quick little two-step. "Good morning," he added.

"Good morning," she said. She came up the last few steps and handed him a mug. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on her collarbone.

"I was thinking," he began.

"Mmm?" She took a sip of her coffee and looked at him over the rim of her mug. He swallowed. This suddenly all felt strange.

"I love that robe," he said.

She reached up and fingered the red fabric. "That's nice," she said softly.

"But mostly," he added.

"Mmm?" she said again.

"I like what's inside it." His voice was thick, he was having trouble talking.

Linda tilted her head to one side and looked at him through her eyelashes. "Oh yeah?" she asked.

"Yeah," he told her. "You're... the most amazing, sexiest..." He swallowed.

There was a pause. "That's nice," Linda said. She flashed him a little smile. "Visiting the scene of the crime?" she asked.

Patrick looked back into the room. "Nah," he said. "I mean.. I don't know. I was just. You know. Remembering."

"Yeah," Linda said. She shivered.

"Cold?" Patrick asked.

"I guess, I don't know," Linda said. "Can we go downstairs? Maybe have breakfast?"

"Sure," Patrick said. He paused. "You doing okay?"

"Sure," she said. "You?"

"Sure," he said. There was another pause. "Are you really okay?" he asked.

"Yeah... I mean. I don't know." Her eyes flickered over to the bed. "I kinda wish..." she sighed. "Ah shit."

"We hadn't done it?"

"Yeah," she said. "I mean, I know you wanted it..."

Patrick winced. "I'm sorry," he said. "It was.. Oh God. I didn't mean to push..."

"Here's the thing," Linda said. She was looking at Patrick, her mouth set in a little line. "The whole time we were talking about it, thinking about it, half of me was like, Patrick won't mind if I change my mind."

"No," he said hastily. "I wouldn't have. Minded."

"Right. So okay, we took the photo, it was fun. Sexy bride in just her veil. You know?"

"It was fun," Patrick agreed.

"Even after we put the ad out, nobody knew it was me. It was just... fun. Like a fantasy."

Patrick swallowed. "I didn't want to push you," he said again.

"That's what I'm telling you," Linda said. "You didn't push me. I knew I could have changed my mind at any time but I didn't. What's wrong with me?"

"Oh Linda..."

"I'm serious," she said. "Even when we got all those stupid replies to the ad, the 'I'm gonna fuck you so hard' bullshit with the dick pics, it was just, kind of funny. Kind of ick but kind of funny, too."

"Yeah," Patrick agreed.

"But at some point... I don't know. I should have said, this is going too far. I'm not really going to have sex with some random guy off the internet just so..." She trailed off.

"Oh honey," Patrick said. He put his mug down on the dresser, next to the burned out candlesticks, and put his arms around her. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Linda told him. "That's not the problem. It's me I'm not so fond of this morning."

"You've done nothing to be ashamed of," Patrick told her. He tried to kiss her but she turned her face away.

"Let me finish," she told him. "You know I wasn't really thinking much further than this is just a fun fantasy. I wasn't going to actually cheat on you."

"What about Carlo?" he asked. "What about Vegas?"

"What do you mean, What about Vegas? And forget about Carlo, I haven't answered any of his texts." She took a step away and looked at him.

"Well, you..." He stopped.

"Had sex with the guy at the conference?"


"I think," LInda said. "There's a difference between having a little fling at a conference with, I might remind you, your active encouragement. And..." She shivered again. "Fucking some stranger while my husband looks on. Tied to a chair."

There was a pause. "Even if that's what he wants you to do?" he asked lightly.

"Maybe especially if that's what he wants me to do," she retorted. "It's all kind of... e Ugly and sick."

"I didn't think it was ugly," Patrick said. "When you came in, in your gown, I thought, she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life."

"But then..."

"I know," Patrick said. "Then you were... on the bed with him. And you were still beautiful. It was like... I don't know. I wasn't really seeing him anymore. It was all about you, feeling like I was the one... fucking you. And watching you at the same time." He sighed. "I'm not explaining this well."

"I think you're not hearing me," Linda said. "I didn't do it for you, I did it for me."

Patrick looked at her. "Isn't that good?" he asked. "I mean better than if you were only doing it because.."

"Because you wanted me to?"


"Well," Linda said. "That would definitely have been gross. Fucking somebody so you could get off. But think about it. I could have said No at any point but I didn't. I came in and fucked Justin with you and Cassie watching like some kind of sex show deal."

"But if you wanted to do it..."

"But why would I want to do something like that? It's disgusting!"

"Sometimes," Patrick said. "What we want isn't what we want to want."

Linda stared at him. "That's what Cassie said."

"What?" Patrick stared back. "When?"

"When we were in the bedroom, she was helping me dress." Linda's lips pressed together again. "I was kind of freaking out. Kept going back and forth about whether I was going to go through with it." Her eyes met Patrick's. "I was ready to call the whole thing off."

"Yeah," Patrick said.

Linda gave him a sharp look. "What?" she asked.


"What's funny?" Her voice had a frosty edge.

"Funny? Nothing's funny..." Patrick looked at her. She crossed her arms and tilted her head to one side. "I mean," he amended. "Okay, thing is, Cassie said the same thing to me."

"What thing?"

"What you want isn't necessarily what you want to want. Something like that."

"About me?" She was really getting upset now.

"No, no. About me."

"When was this?"

"When she was.. attaching me to the chair. I guess I was kind of freaking out too, not sure about... going through with it." He tried to smile. This wasn't going well. "And that's when she told me to relax, kind of just go with it. Even if it's not what I think I should want, I might really want it."


He looked away and then back. "To watch you," he said softly. "With Justin." Saying it sent a thrill through him. His stomach turned over but his cock stirred.

Linda reached up and pushed some hair back from her face, then gave a little snort of laughter. "You're right," she said. "It's kind of funny. Her giving us both the same little speech. I guess she's used to chicken-shit perverts who can't admit what they want."

Patrick looked at her but didn't say anything. There was another pause, then Linda sighed. "I'm still... I don't know. I wish I'd... said no, I guess."

Patrick wrapped his arms around her again. He lowered his face and kissed her on the shoulder, lips brushing the hummingbird. "I love you," he whispered. "And last night was part of why."

She looked at him. "You're weird," she told him.

"I am," he agreed. He kissed her shoulder again, then nuzzled her neck. "I guess you've married a weirdo."

"I guess so," she said. She reached up and stroked his hair. "What are we going to do?"

He lifted his face and kissed her on the lips. "I have some ideas," he whispered.

"That's not what I meant," she said. But his hands were untying the sash of her robe and reaching inside. She wasn't naked underneath, she had a pair of panties on. He knelt and gently pulled them down, over her ass and down her legs. She stepped out of them and he leaned forward, inhaling the fragrance of her.

"I'm serious," she said. "Is this what our marriage is going to be like? Me, I don't know, fucking strangers while you watch me?"

He stood up and took her hand, leading her across to the bed.

"I think," he said. "That our marriage can be whatever we want it to be."

"But is that what you want it to be?" she insisted.

He looked at her. "Right now," he said. "I want to make love with you."

"I'm serious," she repeated.

"I am too," he told her. He took her hand and slid it into his boxers. "You see how serious I am?"

But she didn't laugh. She gave his cock a quick squeeze and pulled her hand out of his shorts. "Patrick," she said. "I'm scared."

"What are you scared of?"

"That we're going to fuck it all up. You're going to start to hate me for being a slut and I'm going to... I don't know, hate myself for being a slut?"

"You're not a slut," Patrick insisted.

"That's what you say now," Linda said. "But what happens... afterwards. When you decide, oh I don't know. It's not fun anymore."

He rested his fingers on her shoulders, pushed them gently under the edge of her robe. The scarlet fabric slid back and fell off her body. "I'm not going to do that," he told her. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. "Ever."

Linda leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. "Patrick," she whispered. She slid her hand back into his shorts and gripped him. He shuddered.

"Sit down on the bed," he murmured.

"Here?" she asked. "Not in our room?"

"Here," he said.

She looked at him. "I'm not sure," she told him.

Patrick crouched down and picked up her robe. "Here," he said. He led her out to the hallway and draped the robe around her shoulders. "I'm going to go... into the room. And you come in. Like you did last night."


"Please," he said.

Linda looked at him again, again pushed the hair off her face. "Okay," she said softly.

"Give me a minute," he said, then went back into the room.

He dropped his boxers and went over to the bed. Should he... he had a sudden flash of memory, Linda and Justin entangled on the bed, limbs flailing. Linda's voice rising in an inarticulate cry, suddenly drowned out by a hoarse bellow from Justin. Patrick looked at the bed again, then slowly went across to the chair. He sat down and looped the straps loosely around his wrists.

"I'm ready," he called.

The door opened and Linda stood in the doorway. She had put her arms back into her sleeves and tied her sash loosely.

"Turn off the light," Patrick whispered. "Close the door partway, so it's kind of dark."

Linda snapped off the light. "What should I do?" she asked.

"Come over here," Patrick said. "Touch me."

Her bare feet padded across the wooden floor. She smiled at him and leaned against his knees. Her hand felt cool and smooth, first on his thigh and then, oh miracle of miracles, as it stroked and then encircled his prick.

"Jesus," Patrick whispered.

Linda leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth. "That good?" she asked.

Patrick moaned and thrust his hips forward and up into her hand.

"You've been waiting for a while, haven't you?" Linda whispered.

"For so long," Patrick said. He drove his cock upward again.

"Uh, uh," Linda admonished. She took her hand away and stood up. He gazed at her with imploring eyes. There was a pause.

"Patrick," Linda said slowly. "I'm... this is part of the.. game, right? I mean..." She paused. "You want me to... keep playing, right?"

"Yeah," Patrick said thickly.

"Okay," Linda said. She pushed her hair back. "Maybe I should tie you down then. So you don't start pushing before it's time."

Patrick swallowed. "Yeah," he said. "That's a good idea."

Linda smiled. She pulled her robe around herself and re-tied the sash. "Okay," she said and knelt next to the chair. Patrick felt her hands on his arms and on the buckles, the tightening of the leather around his wrist and then his calves. The scent of her hair tickled his nose and he remembered last night, Cassie crouched next to him, the buzzing brew of emotions that had filled him, equal parts panic and anticipation.

Linda stood up and looked down at him. "What was it like?" she asked huskily. "Watching last night?"

Patrick swallowed. "It was hot," he said.

Linda leaned over and kissed him again, her fingers tracing across his collar bone to his shoulder.

"Tell me what was hot," she murmured.

Patrick's hips thrust upward again. Linda broke the kiss and looked down at him, smiling. "You're so desperate," she said. "Aren't you?"

"Please," Patrick said. "I need... please."

"Sit back down," Linda told him. "Yes, like that." She lowered herself into his lap, touching the tip of his cock with her cunt, rocking slightly. "Don't move," she told him. Slowly she lowered and raised herself, rubbing his cock against her clit.

"It felt so good," she told him. "Fucking Justin."

"Yeah," Patrick agreed.

"Could you tell?" Linda asked him. "I wasn't faking anything. It was so... good." She was looking into his eyes, studying him. "Better than I had imagined it could be. Could you tell?"

"Mmm hmm," Patrick mumbled.

"If I had him here right now I would..." her eyes flickered closed then opened, focusing on Patrick again. "What would I do?"

Patrick stared into her eyes. "You would fuck him," he said.

"Yes," Linda said. She nodded. "I would pull that juicy dick of his out of his pants and mmm..." Her hips rocked. "Would you like to watch that? Me going down on him, eating him like a popsicle? Then him sliding his cock into me, into my pussy?" She rocked again then pulled her arms out of the sleeves of her robe and tossed it away. "Getting too hot," she said. "You can move a bit," she told him. "Push up, yes. Mmm, like that."

"Mmm," Patrick agreed. He leaned his head forward and kissed her shoulder where the delicately inked hummingbird fluttered.

"Does that get you off?" Linda asked. "Thinking about watching me?"

"Yes," Patrick said.

"Even if it's better than I've ever had it before?" She was watching him intently now.

"Please," Patrick said. "I need to come."

"You will," Linda said. "First tell me you like it when I come, even when it's not with you."

"You know that I do," Patrick said.

"When Justin spurted into me," she continued rapidly. "How did you feel?"

"I... I don't know."

"It was amazing," Linda told him hoarsely. "Like I was swallowing a fucking volcano." She writhed. "Oh God," she cried. "Oh God. His dick it was oh... Patrick."

Patrick was thudding up and down in his chair, pushing up into her. "Linda..." he moaned.

Linda leaned forward, pressing her body against him. "Yes," she told him. "Come!"

Patrick groaned and strained at the tethers. His head was swimming and his voice, when he cried out, was a strangled rasp.

"Linda," he shouted. "I'm coming... oh God... I'm... oh my God."

Linda clung to him, his cock buried deep inside her. "Yes," she murmured. "That's right."


Linda was asleep. Patrick lay beside her in their bed, listening to her breathing, looking at her. After the cathartic sex in the chair, she had undone the straps and they had made it into the bedroom, stumbling over each other's feet, not wanting to let go of one another. And then, in the bed, they had made love again, slowly.

He wanted desperately to reach out and touch her, to stroke the bare skin of her shoulder, but she was so beautiful, so perfect, as she slept that he couldn't disturb her.

His stomach rumbled. What time was it? He reached out for his phone, but his fingers slipped and the phone dropped to the floor. Linda made a small noise and then her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning," she said.

"I think Good afternoon," Patrick told her. He reached down and recovered his phone. "Uh huh."

Linda yawned and stretched. "Mmm," she said. "Nice morning?" she asked.

"Stupendous," Patrick told her. He leaned forward and nuzzled the hummingbird on her shoulder.

"Mmm," Linda said. "That's nice." She smiled at him.

Then his stomach rumbled again.

Linda laughed. "We never did have breakfast," she said. "That's what happens when you distract me from my purpose."

"Mmm," Patrick said. He nibbled on her neck.

"Stop," Linda told him. "I'm not edible."

"But you are eatable," Patrick said. He slid a hand under the sheet and ran it across her pubis "Aren't you?"

"I might be after I get some lunch into me," Linda told him. "Don't you want to eat? Food, I mean?"

"Mmm hmm," Patrick said. He slid his lips down her breast and took a nipple into his mouth. Slowly he circled it with his tongue.

"Oh my God," Linda said. She caught her breath, then pushed his face gently away from her breast. "Haven't you had enough for one morning?"

"It's afternoon now," Patrick reminded her. He raised his eyes and looked at her, then moved up and covered her body with his and kissed her. "But lunch probably would be good," he admitted. He looked down at her. "Linda?"


"When can we do that again?"

"I thought we just said after lunch, silly," she said. "Weren't you paying attention?"

"No," Patrick said. He hesitated. 'I meant... in the other room. With Justin." He gave her an uncertain smile. "But only if you want to."

"Oh." Linda looked up at him. "I don't know."

"Really,' he said hurriedly. "It's up to you."

"I told you," she said. "Earlier. I'm just not sure... it feels, I don't know. Do we have to talk about it now?"

"No, of course not," Patrick said. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... it's just that it was so hot this morning, talking about it and thinking about it, it just... never mind. I'm sorry."

"Can't we keep thinking about it and talking about it when we make love?" Linda asked slowly. "Without doing it again? If that's what you like to think about." She gave him a crooked grin. "Since you're a weirdo."

Patrick paused. "Yeah," he said. "Sure."

She pushed gently on his shoulders. "Come on," she whispered. "Let's get something to eat. Sex is fun but right now..."

"Lunch," he agreed.


The first thing that Patrick noticed was the lock. He stopped in the hallway and stared at it, a gleaming brass thing seven or eight inches above the doorknob, not in the least bit subtle. He reached out and worked the knob. It turned as normal, but the door wouldn't budge. It was bolted.

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