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Hung Go, a Club

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A wife's initial infidelity leads to cuckolding club visits.
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The description gave a clue but I will repeat the warning. This story has a definite cuckold aspect, so those of you who are averse to that theme should leave now.


It was one of those perfect days of early summer - warm without being too hot and with a freshness in the air that made it the ideal weather for walking. Claire, my wife of twelve years and I were making one of our rare forays into the countryside sans kids, Stuart (9) and Emma (7) would be picked up from school as usual by their grandparents and looked after until we got back to collect them. It was mid week but I had a legitimate day off from my job as office manager and my wife had cashed in some of her accumulated flexi-time to join me. Claire is an analyst programmer writing programs for mainframe computers. As we both work full time, the grandparents, (Claire's mum and dad) look after the children while we are at work and for this we pay an allowance every month. It is an ideal symbiotic relationship because the oldies get a great deal of pleasure from our offspring and the cash allows them to enjoy a higher standard of luxury than would otherwise have been possible, while Claire and I are left free to pursue our careers.

My big interests are history and geology while Claire has a passion for ornithology and botany so while our hobbies were not exactly complimentary; a walk on the wild side served both our purposes. In the early years of the marriage we were off somewhere almost every weekend but more recently such trips had grown few and far between. Of course we were at pains to instil a love of the outdoors into our offspring but any excursion with the children in tow had of necessity to be of fairly short duration.

So you will see that this day was a bit of a treat for us. We had driven some forty miles and were in the process of climbing a rather large hill that promised to give some spectacular views from the top. My reason for being there, apart from the view, were some reputed earth works about half way up and a cave slightly higher up that was known to contain signs of pre-historic occupation. The hill and its surrounds was designated an area of outstanding natural beauty, so Claire was happy to look out for the rare birds and plants reported to have been spotted in the area.

I had spent a pleasant fifteen minutes clambering over the earth works while some distance away, Claire stood resting her arms on the top of a fence, looking into the field beyond. Having seen all that there was to see, I moved to the upwards continuation of the path and called out, "Shall we start heading for the top then?"

Now I had thought my wife was waiting for me, so I was more than I little surprised when she called back, "I think I'll stay here for a few more minutes. You're bound to be stopping at the cave anyway, so I will either catch you up there or at the top."

I waved acknowledgement, turned away and after a few paces moved out of her sight behind an outcrop of carboniferous limestone but some thirty yards up the path I halted. The fact was that I was more than a little intrigued to know what was holding my wife's attention. I rejected both flowers and plants for these would have needed closer scrutiny so it had to be a bird - or possibly some kind of mammal. This rationalising did not solve the mystery for if it were something of real interested, Jane would surely have beckoned me to share the experience - as she had on numerous previous occasions. With curiosity well piqued I retraced my steps, walking quietly lest I disturb the subject of her study.

So silent was my approach that I got within half a dozen paces with my wife still unaware of my return - (it is possible that she was so engrossed as to be oblivious of any sound). I was almost at her shoulder before I saw a horse that had been previously blocked from my view by a bush. It was a large brown horse of the kind referred to as a hunter but the significant thing about the animal was that it was in a state of arousal.

Now I had seen pictures of immense horse dicks but was unprepared for how overpowering they could appear in the flesh. This animal's dong had to be a yard long. It was not fully erect but neither was it limp - had it hung straight down, the end must surely have brushed the ground, (I reckoned that it was held roughly twenty decrees from the vertical). To complete the picture, globs of a thick clear liquid were dropping from the cock end and many sticky blobs on the ground between the horses legs gave evidence that this had been happening for some time.

"So you are into horse cocks now, are you," I asked from just behind her back.

Jane whirled round and I have to say she did have the grace to blush. "I was watching a gg.goldfinch ," she stuttered but then, faced with my knowing grin, she smiled back rather sheepishly and admitted, "It is rather impressive - I've never seen anything quite like it."

Further along the field I spotted another horse's head poking over the hedge and even at that distance could tell that it had a more feminine cast. "That is probably his mare," I said pointing.

"Lucky mare," Jane said ruefully.

I felt that my wife's remark had slipped out without thinking and I was a trifle unsettled by it. To cover my discomfiture, I made my voice factual as I informed, "She's most likely in season - that would explain both his condition and why she is so interested."

"Well I would be interested whether I was in season or not," Jane said bluntly.

Her voice held such meaning that I could not let the remark pass without retort. "Are you getting at me by any chance?"

I was undoubtedly over sensitive on the subject. Ever since adolescence, I'd known that my five and a half inch dick did not fill the average sized lunch box but had always taken great efforts to overcome this handicap, particularly during the marriage. I had taken to heart the adage, 'It's not what you've got but what you do with it that counts'. I had also tried to mimic the methods of manufacturers who conceal the size of small products with heavy packaging. In general I had kept romance alive with flattery, flowers when appropriate and many small surprise gifts. In the bedroom with variation, play acting sexy scenarios and always indulging in plenty of foreplay and after-play. The net result was that Claire had an orgasm during intercourse more often than not and never missed during my oral worship, a practice I indulged in excessively. I honestly believed that we had a healthy sex life and would not have expected my wife to dispute this but deep down I still harboured an inferiority complex about my endowment.

Claire looked at me blankly. "I don't know what you mean. How could my remark possibly be construed as getting at you?"

Now I was embarrassed. "I'm being stupid," I said. "I was mentally comparing my dick to that thing and I think I just assumed that you were doing the same."

My wife's face broke into a big smile. "I see what you mean - it really is a case of 'from the sublime to the ridiculous'. No I wasn't getting at you - I don't think you were even in my mind when I said that."

I joined in the laughter because it was funny but this did not lessen my sudden feeling of inadequacy. "Seriously, have you ever wished that I had more down there?"

"Why should I? You are a very accomplished lover and you have kept me more than satisfied - have I ever even hinted that I might be unhappy with what you've got?"

"No you haven't," I conceded, " - but you're not the kind of woman to say something you knew would upset me. What you think in your head is a different matter." Claire was obviously unhappy with the direction the conversion was taking for she failed to respond to my last statement. Unfortunately I was unable to let the matter drop. "Have you ever had a really big cock up you?"

A flash of real annoyance crossed my wife's face but she reached out to take my hand and then said softly, "Ian, over thirteen years ago we both agreed that our respective pasts should be a closed book. When people are young they often do things that they regret - I know I did. I was never a complete whore but there are some things I am not proud of and I'm sure that you are the same - so there is no point in excavating the past only to lumber the other person's imagination."

"I know we agreed but I would like the answer to just this one question - have you ever been fucked by a cock that was more like that than mine?" I illustrated the question by nodding towards the quadruped's dangling monstrosity.

Claire thought a long time and then removed her hand from mine before answering. "The answer is 'Yes'. He was Scandinavian, his penis was huge, we did it three times altogether and if you want to know what it was like you will have to keep on wondering because I honestly can't remember. Is that any help?"

It helped, oh God how it helped - if an experience with an oversized dick was so forgettable then what the hell was I fretting about? I tried to conceal quite how elated I felt but could not resist lurching forward to give my wife a big kiss. "Forget that I have just been so stupid," I begged, "I think I must have had some kind of mental aberration."

Claire signalled my return to favour by slipping her arm in mine and thus entwined we proceeded to the top of the hill, not bothering to visit the cave en route. There was no-one else around but we still sought out a secluded spot before unpacking lunch from our back packs. The simple sandwiches, tomatoes, bananas and apples tasted like the food of the Gods. Everything seemed unreal, I felt supercharged and Claire's eyes held an unusual brightness. I don't know whether I seduced her or if Claire made the first move but the next thing we were screwing like rabbits. It had to be the first time since the wedding that we had fucked in the open air.

Something about the day must have infected us because we were at it again that night when the kids were in bed and the effect lingered for over a week before things gradually got back to normal. Thus it was not until that surfeit of sex was over that my mind returned to the moment on the mountain when I had showed myself to be an inadequate jealous fool, simply from seeing a horse with a hard-on. Although everything had turned out so well, I still felt a need to prove to my wife that I harboured no hang-ups about my less than average sized prick.

Claire and I used the same PC and both of us held files pertaining to our work that were classified as Confidential. In consequence, we had gone through the motions of partitioning areas of memory that were pass-word protected from the other. Now over the years, when Claire had been tied up with a late problem at work, I had taken the opportunity to browse the Web for pornography and had accumulated a small file of photographs downloaded when they caught my fancy. Rather sneakily I had hidden these in the area of memory to which only I had access.

In my collection is one particular photograph that features a bay stallion sporting a full and gigantic erection. Also in the picture is an attractive blonde girl with a deliciously bare rump and she is bending over in front of the animal with that massive organ resting on her back. You have probably seen the shot because I have also spotted it as one of a series of small thumb-nails featuring the same scenario, displayed on the free tour of a pay to view site. I took the photo and posted it to my wife's section of memory, attached to a message that read, 'As you are into that sort of thing, I thought that you might like this. Ha Ha.' I did it to show that my momentary jealousy on the mountain was a thing of the past.

I then waited in anticipation of Claire's next session alone on the computer, eager to know her reaction to my missive. This happened a couple of days later and she came downstairs laughing. "It's marvellous," she said, "Where the dickens did you get it from?"

I had not thought the thing through because I should have expected the question. It was embarrassing because I did not want to confess that a portion of my time trawling for porn was spent on bestiality sites. There was an awkward silence and then, too late for my off-hand manner to be convincing, I said, "Oh someone sent it to me as a laugh some time ago."

"And you kept it?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"You know me - never throwing anything away," I said lamely.

Claire gave a knowing smile. "Anyway, I think it's marvellous - I think I might use it as my screen saver."

"You can't - what about the kids?" I protested in horror.

"I know that stupid. It was a joke - but I am certainly not sending it to the bin."

Amongst girls approaching school leaving age a certain percentage are especially gorgeous but, amongst women eight years older and more that special percentage has almost completely disappeared. This is because some of the favoured females have gone off to gain fame and fortune and others have found wealthy husbands but I suspect that a large proportion of the remainder have become fodder for the sex industry. Claire is second rank because slight irregularity of features on her still very attractive face bar her from true beauty and yet her body is just about perfect. When I tell her so she always says, 'My bum's too big' - why do so many women have this complex about their backsides? Granted she doesn't need an ounce more but I would not be happy with an ounce less and when she walks away from me wearing nothing but a thong and high heels, I could believe that I had died and gone to heaven.

Claire is a statuesque 5' 9" inches tall, only a scant inch less than me and when wearing her three and a half inch stilettos she can seem to tower over me. Early in our relationship when out for the evening, she took to wearing flats or just a minimal heel but when I realised that she was doing it to preserve my feelings, I insisted that she always wore more flattering shoes. I did this mainly because her gorgeous legs deserved to be seen at their best advantage but it also showed that I had no kind of complex about our comparative heights.

Towards the end of the following January, Claire told me that the system that she had been working on for the last eighteen months was ready to go live and this would entail her spending six successive weekends on the client's premises doing parallel running, starting the first weekend in February. I was not too pleased to hear this but the blow was eased when she went on to say that, there would be a substantial bonus involved. It would have been worse in the better weather because then the weekends are more precious. The first of these weekends came and went. Claire travelled with the rest of her team, departing just after lunch on the Friday and returning late Sunday afternoon. When I asked how it had gone, she replied, "Easy Peasy. The system works so there is little to do - we spent most of the time playing cards, all really rather boring."

The second and third weekends were exactly the same but Claire returned from the fourth looking totally shagged out. "There has been an almighty cock-up and we had to work all hours to put it right," she reported when I remarked on her tiredness.

That week at home she was very quiet and several times I caught her studying me pensively.

After the next weekend, she was equally tired if not more so and responded to my query by saying 'Same problem' without elaboration. As this looked like a persistent bug, I prepared for Claire needing to burn the midnight hours at her usual place of employment, working to repair a known fault - but this never happened. The final weekend left her again showing severe sleep deprivation but all that she would say was that the system had been successfully installed. She displayed no relief or pleasure in the announcement and I was left with the definite impression that something was not right.

As the end of that week approached, I was looking forward to spending the first Friday evening with my wife for seven weeks but arriving home, with a brittle look on her face, Claire informed me that she was going out for the evening. "I'm taking the team out to celebrate the system going in," she explained. That sounded like a valid reason but I got the impression that it was ad hoc rather than planned - and she did not get home until after 3 a.m. which was far too late for an office booze-up. Despite my worries and suspicions, I said nothing and then the following Friday Claire again declared her intention to leave me alone for the evening.

"Rick, one of my team has got a new job in France and this is his leaving do. I know it is rather soon after me going out last week but it can't be helped," she said. "As his team leader I am almost obliged to be there." It sounded very plausible but something in my wife's posture told me that it was not the truth.

Again it was three in the morning before she got home but this time I was sitting waiting when she got home. "What are you doing up?" she asked, walking past into the kitchen.

I got up and followed. "Waiting for you," I said.

By all normal behaviour she should have looked at me and asked 'Why?' but instead she kept her back to me and proceeded to set out two mugs and make tea with unnecessary concentration. I waited until she had placed a mug in front of me and sat down facing before asking, "Are you having an affair?"

She looked straight into my eyes and with her face bland said, "Goodness - wherever did you get that idea?"

I said nothing and just stared back. Claire held my gaze for a long minute and then her eyes dropped. "I'm not having an affair but I have been having sex with someone. How did you know?"

I ignored her question. "Who?"


"I thought you said that he was obnoxious."

"Yes I did and he is." Claire looked up at me with her eyes full of tears and for the first time in a month I could see the woman that I knew and loved.

"Then I don't understand."

"It is difficult to explain but I'll try."

"So this leaving do was a complete lie?" I asked, interrupting anything else she might have said.

"The party last week was a lie but tonight was partly true. It was his leaving do but Rick was the only one there. He goes to France on Monday and I won't be seeing him again."

It was a relief to know that the affair or whatever it was had finished and I think that this knowledge helped me to hear the rest of my wife's story with greater composure. "Tell me everything from the start darling," I said softly. "I can't promise that I will forgive you but I will try if you can make me understand why it happened."

Claire got a cigarette out of her bag and lit up - I knew that she sometimes smoked at work when under stress but she almost never indulged at home. "When Rick was put in my team I didn't like him at all and that has hardly changed. It was around that time that I told you about him. He is 25, very good looking and exceptionally intelligent but also over confident and rather arrogant. He thinks that he is God's gift to women and that is what really got my back up. Very quickly he had flings with girls in other departments and got his card marked as a complete womaniser. The point is that girls he had been with were panting for another turn and one day I overheard a conversation at the coffee machine that was rather significant. One woman was saying, 'That Rick fancies himself altogether too much' to which the other replied, 'Perhaps he is justified because he is pretty hot stuff'. Despite this availability of willing girls, for some reason Rick seemed to have set his mind on pulling me. Apart from my love for you holding me back, I had no wish to be just another of his conquests."


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