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Husband Has a Limit

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Husband decides that he doesn’t want to be dominated.
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To try and forget about human nature is difficult and likely will result in a bad decision. This is a story of a couple where human psychology was ignored by one of them and resulted in the eventual disintegration of the relationship.

I saw some websites on the web, when I was doing some research for another story, that talks about FemDom marriages and the concept of loving female domination as a lifestyle for couples. I put it into the fantasy/fiction category and am deeply skeptical that any real relationship like that could survive for the long term. When a couple try and make it the guiding principle of their lives that is where the trouble starts. With that in mind I wrote this short story.

This is version 2 of this story. I've added a bit of detail that it needed to make it a better story. Any errors or mistakes are mine.

Remember that this is pure fiction, so enjoy.


This is the story of Jacob and his marriage to his wife of three years, Olivia. This is the story of how their marriage became toxic and quickly disintegrated. This is a story of love that started out with the best of intentions, at least for Jacob, not so much for Olivia, but got off track in the belief that women were truly superior to men.

While some might believe that female supremacy business, the reality is that we are all people who deserve to be treated with respect and love. If respect was the norm in society, we would all be a lot better off; but I digress, so back to Jacob and Olivia.

To begin the story, it might be helpful to know a bit about both Jacob and Olivia, and their stories.

Jacob is thirty years old and a chartered accountant with a major firm in Albuquerque. He is six-foot, one inch tall and weighs 160 pounds. He has a slender build and is very fit. He dresses well in clothing that suits his shape and has a modern haircut that goes with his tan. He is what women would think of as very good-looking in a muted masculine way. Muted because he does not come across as a macho type, but he does exude masculinity. That and he uses a very sexy smelling body wash; weird name for the stuff, buts its very popular and is expensive. He works out at the gym at least four times a week and enjoys several outside activities like running, hiking and cycling.

Olivia is thirty-two years old and a lecturer at a university in Albuquerque, teaching women's studies. She's an avowed feminist but more accurately might be described as a Female Supremacist. She firmly believes that women are superior to men in just about every category. She believes that women are better at making decisions and running businesses, running government and especially running families. She believes that women are more intelligent, thoughtful and caring than men. Her evidence of this is reflected in the rise of the number of women in corporate leadership roles, government leaders at the federal, state and local levels and that women make up many new doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, scientists and health care professionals. Women outnumber men in university and university graduation rates and women are now pretty much equal to men in what they are being paid.

The patriarchal society that we have known for centuries is slowly giving way to a matriarchal order that is seeing women poised to take control of government and power in the next century.

Consequently, when Jacob and Olivia started dating, she was quick to assert her dominance in the relationship. Jacob came from a background where women played the most important roles; his mother was loving and nurturing, but she applied strict discipline to him and his four sisters; but mostly him. His mother did not hesitate, when he was little, to take him over her knee, pull his pants and underwear down and spank him on his bare behind with her hand.

Jacob was, unbeknownst to him because of his predisposition to be attracted to dominant women, looking for a wife that would fit with his preconception of a partner that would be equally strong as his mother; sons want to marry their mothers much the same as women want to marry their fathers, or so says the psychology experts who tell us why we act and think in the ways that we do. All very deep and complicated but I suppose it reveals why certain men are attracted to certain women.

Olivia wanted a husband that she could dominate and make into what she considered the perfect partner. What she wanted was ultimately very different from what Jacob wanted. The problem was that Jacob didn't know what he really wanted until it was almost too late.

Olivia had a plan in her mind to carefully shape the nature of her relationship with Jacob and transform it into what she wanted. There would be key turning-points that would tell if she would achieve her aim or end her relationship and move on. Those critical events would be the foundation of her plan and she would approach each of them in a slow and deliberate way so that Jacob might not even realize that she was shaping him into the husband that she wanted.

Olivia is almost the same height as Jacob and when she wears high-heel shoes she is one inch taller. So right away there is the physical aspect of domination. Olivia is stunningly beautiful, and most men would be flattered for her to even give them the time of day let alone a date and then marriage. Jacob thought that he had done extremely well when he started dating Olivia.

They discovered that they had some similar interests. They both enjoyed cycling. She was better at it than he was but that was a small thing. He owned a mountain bike and rode it as often as he could. Olivia owned three bikes and rode competitively. She wasn't Olympic caliber but was fast and made a good showing in local competitions.

Olivia made most of the decisions about what they did during their recreation time in the evenings and weekends. They didn't live together before they got married but Jacob committed most of his time away from work to Olivia.

She picked the activities, movies, restaurants, parties that they went to, people that they socialized with, what they did on the weekends and just about every other aspect of their life together. Jacob's approach was that if she was happy then he was happy. And that's no different than most non D/s relationships; men will happily let the women make decisions if it makes them happy; how else are men going to get sex if they don't.

So, we start out with two people who are young, beautiful, fit, talented, have good careers, and on the surface have all the tools to develop into a life of great success.

There is one fly in that ointment.

Olivia had a plan for her life that was not on Jacob's radar. As a Dominant her intent in the marriage was to have Jacob slowly adapt so that her needs would always come ahead of his. Jacob, as the submissive, although he didn't think of himself as a submissive when he met Olivia, would make Olivia the single priority in his life. Her needs would always come ahead of his.

Olivia had an extensive library of feminist literature that she taught at the university and she frequently brought home. One of those works was a book by a noted writer and sex researcher. She had written a couple of books on FemDom relationships and the psychology behind them. Her main work was a book that described loving female domination.

Olivia considered her works to be a blueprint of what she wanted her marriage to become. She was determined to dominate Jacob and made a careful plan to do just that. She also knew that it would not be that difficult a job since Jacob came from a female dominant family and his inner need to please women was such that she could make him into whatever she wanted him to be.

Even before they were married, she began the process. She left her copy of the book on loving female domination, really her action plan, on her dining room table so that Jacob could see it. She talked about it and recommended that he read it. He did. That was the start of the process of Jacob submitting to Olivia in a Dominant/submissive lifestyle.

Olivia wanted to dominate Jacob not just in the bedroom but 24/7. Her plan was to take control of his life. Her plan was to assume her role as a Female Supremacist and show that she was superior to her husband, the man that she wanted to get married to and spend her life with. It was as if Jacob was needed to validate Olivia and her beliefs. Not that she wanted him for the basic of love, lust and desire in the traditional sense. She wanted him to fulfill her needs in a very different way. Olivia needed Jacob to validate her views of her place in a matriarchal society ruled by women.

According to the book, the theory is that if a woman can control a man's orgasm, she can control the man. That was the central foundation for Olivia's entire plan and the start for all the other parts of their D/s lifestyle that would follow. That was the teachings of her mentors.

Olivia believed the book when it said that men put too much emphasis on their penis' and are controlled by the need for orgasm. She believed that if she could harness that need (no pun intended here) then she could achieve the first and biggest step in her plan. Whether or not she planned to go to extremes such as cuckolding him or enforced chastity, that was yet to be determined.

Jacob was well equipped to satisfy Olivia in the bedroom. His cock was eight inches long when erect and was fairly thick when it was hard. But the D/s lifestyle wasn't entirely about the physical, it was about dominating Jacob's psyche. The brain is the real sex organ. If she could control his orgasms and thus control his thinking and emotions through all the things that were part of the female domination program, then it didn't really matter what Jacob wanted, how big and hard his cock got, or anything else. It was all about what pleased Olivia. The brain is the key to sexual satisfaction.

Her first step in her grand plan was to get Jacob hooked on oral sex in the bedroom. As she ramped-up the amount of time he spent with his head buried between her legs she slowly reduced the times that he would be allowed to penetrate her. She was sure that his need to orgasm in her pussy would eventually drive him to be compliant to her other wishes in their relationship. Jacob wasn't really fussed by this; come on, what red-blooded man doesn't like to eat pussy? Especially when it is one as fine as Olivia's. And she tasted delicious. Her body spray would drive him wild by itself and he was always eager to get between her legs. He loved the feel of her clit on his lips and tongue and would eagerly suck it out from its hiding place under the hood.

They normally would have sex three or four times a week. As oral sex was introduced, that frequency stayed the same for the first couple of months and then it slowly started to change. After Olivia would have three or four thundering orgasms from Jacob's lips, tongue and fingers she would be spent and tell him that she could not take anymore. She would send him off to the bathroom to wash up his face and hands and then come back to bed to snuggle with her. His cock would be rock hard with the anticipation of an orgasm, but she would push her ass back against it and tell him that they might have sex tomorrow night. On those nights he would quietly suffer but longed to orgasm in Olivia's pussy.

Jacob was polite to a fault. He was deferential to all women in general and respectful of them collectively and individually. So, when Olivia would deny him the opportunity to orgasm, he was silent in his disappointment. He would never think to complain to the beautiful woman that he was sharing a bed with.

In her big picture plan, when they married, Olivia wanted to have Jacob agree to a FemDom Marriage Contract. It would clearly identify Olivia as the boss and Jacob as the servant. It was really a FemDom version of a prenuptial agreement. The theory expressed in some of the writing on D/s relationships was that a FemDom marriage would be based on loving female authority.

The operative work there is 'loving.'

Notwithstanding that Jacob would be giving up most of his freedoms to Olivia, and the ability to make independent action and choice, she is also bound by the agreement to act with love and care for the man she controls.

There must be a huge amount of trust on the part of the man that the woman will not mistreat him. The woman must have the man's best interests at heart in every decision that she makes, and she cannot be mean and spiteful in her decisions otherwise the relationship will suffer and the man, notwithstanding any agreement that might have been made, will ultimately want to leave the relationship. That's just how human nature works and no piece of paper will change that.

The ultimate intent of Olivia was to have someone that she could control and shape into the partner and husband that she wanted. She knew that Jacob was pliable enough that she could transform him into that role over time so that he would hardly know it was happening. Before they married Jacob was comfortable in his role believing that he was to be a strong and equal partner in the relationship.

It was just before they were to be married that Olivia presented the FemDom Marriage Contract to her fiancé. She was well underway and working on her plan to make him into her ideal husband. Jacob was still surprised by the fact that she had an actual written contract that she wanted him to agree to and sign. He initially thought that it was a prenuptial agreement but when he read it; well, it was something quite different.

To say that he was shocked would be an understatement. It didn't talk about the things that prenuptial agreements define, no, it went into detail about the nature of the relationship. His subservience to Olivia in all things. Especially sexual. The part that got his attention the most was the item that allowed Olivia to take other lovers if she wanted to. Her intent was that Jacob was not going to be consulted but he had to give approval now that she would have that ability as the Dominant in the marriage. Olivia talked about this as a normal agreement that all women would eventually have their new husbands accept and based it on the FemDom lifestyle book that she was using as her plan.

Olivia was adamant that she would not marry Jacob unless he agreed to the contract and signed it before the wedding ceremony. They had been together for over a year and Jacob was, until now, certain that Olivia was the woman that he wanted to share his life with; but this was something that he wasn't certain that he could live with.

Olivia justified it through her strong beliefs as a Female Supremacist that it was her rightful place to be the head of the family and that she was better equipped to make decisions, and thus would have the final say in all matters. It would be Jacob's duty to support his wife in the marriage and that meant he would give Olivia all the authority in the relationship and over him in all things. It was a step that he was not sure he was ready to make.

To help him along to sign the marriage contract Olivia took him to the bedroom and lavished him with attention. She worked hard to make sure that Jacob enjoyed several orgasms, both in her vagina and in her mouth.

"Sweetheart, I only want what is best for us as a couple. You know that I love you so much and that everything I will do I will do it with you and I in mind. I'm not about to do anything that would be harmful to us."

Jacob was mesmerized by Olivia, her voice, her scent, the feel of her skin. She felt almost electric to his touch. Jacob kissed almost every square inch of her body. They kissed for a long time with their tongues exploring each other. Jacob moved down her neck and shoulders and then to her breasts. He lingered over her nipples, sucking greedily at them before continuing his journey down her body to her stomach and then to her hips finally coming to rest at her pussy.

Olivia spread her legs to give Jacob easy access to her vagina and most importantly her clit. He used his lips, tongue and fingers to coax the nub of her pleasure from its hiding spot under its hood. As he drew it out Olivia was arching her back and thrusting her hips forward. She clutched the bed sheets with both fists and then grabbed the back of Jacob's head to pull him ever deeper into her. She had a long rolling orgasm that seemed to go on for hours. It would fade for a few seconds and then as Jacobs lips would suck just a bit more Olivia would roll right into the next orgasm. She lost track of the number of times that she peaked but didn't want it to end.

Jacob inserted two fingers in her vagina to locate and tease her G Spot. That combined with his sucking at her clit pushed her over the edge again. Olivia was breathing hard and moaning. "Oh fuck, Jacob, don't you dare stop, keep that going Sweetie, Oh fuck, that is so good. Oh fuck, I'm cumming and cumming and cumming again. Oh yeeeesssss!"

Jacob was as hard as a rock and couldn't take it another second. "Olivia, I really need to be inside you right now. I'm ready to cum and I need you now."

Olivia was lost to the pleasure that she was feeling and wanted him to fuck her. "Put your cock in me now Baby. I want to feel you inside me. I want you to cum inside me tonight."

Jacob didn't need any more coaxing and moved up so that the head of his cock was pushing at the outer lips of Olivia's vagina. Slowly he pushed in. Olivia was wet with her lust from the orgasms that she had already experienced. For Jacob, pushing his eight inches inside Olivia was like falling into heaven. He was in a place that held no comparison. He knew he loved this woman; he loved the touch and feel of her. He loved the taste of her.

Jacob was slowly stroking his cock in and out of Olivia's vagina. His eyes were closed and Olivia could see the look of complete satisfaction on his face. Olivia knew that Jacob was hers.

Jacob pushed deep and told Olivia that he was about to cum. She grabbed his hips and pulled him in. "Cum deep inside me Baby. Shoot your sperm into me, I want it all."

Jacob arched his back as he pushed deep, "Aaarrgghhh, Oh Fuck! I'm cumming. "

Olivia could feel the pulses of his cock and the gusher of his sperm as it hit her cervix and womb. He was deep inside Olivia and filled her with his load.

They rested under the sheet and told each other how much they loved the other. Olivia knew that Jacob was hers, and she could do just about anything with him and he would never complain if he got to do this whenever she decided he was deserving.

Their pillow talk was a lot about how a FemDom marriage contract would bring peace and harmony to their marriage and allow love to flow freely. She knew best. She whispered in his ear how this sort of wonderful lovemaking would be their normal life.

Olivia talked a lot about loving female domination as the way of the future and how it would ultimately be better for them as a couple and for society as the benefits are seen by others.

Olivia was careful to not mention the part where her intent was to regularly discipline Jacob with a physical paddling to his ass. She planned to do that on a weekly basis. She reckoned that it would reinforce his submissive attitude and set the conditions that would allow her to do whatever it was she wanted to do. Those things might or might not include Jacob.

Olivia praised Jacob and told him how much she loved him and respected him, but also restated her belief that women were better leaders and the natural choice to be the head of the family. If Jacob couldn't understand that and accept it maybe she had made a mistake in believing that he was the one for her to spend her life with. She told him that this was not a negotiable condition of their marriage. If he was not prepared to live in this sort of relationship, then maybe they should go their separate ways.


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