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Husband of My Homophobic Sister Ch. 02

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Pent up and frustrated I call a friend over to help.
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Part 2 of the 33 part series

Updated 11/16/2023
Created 09/20/2022
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2 Chapter - New day in old nightmare

When I woke up it took me a while to realize where I was. I suppose I should feel some form of familiarity but when you come back after say 13 years, most of the things around you are changed and you feel welcome as bedbugs, it kind of destroys those warm fuzzy feelings of "being back home".

I laid in bed for good while staring at the ceiling. I usually wake up around 6, relieve myself, wash my teeth and face and go for a run. Then shower, dress, make my bed and journal and plan my day over making and eating breakfast. It may seem a bit strict to some, but I feel this morning routine is one of the most important parts of my days. This is something I am adamant on regardless of day in week, even holidays and vacations. The only exception is if I get home after way too many drinks, or some very lucky man spends the night. This happens rarely, cos even though I am usually a fun, kind, and outgoing guy, I highly prefer waking up alone and most of my hook ups are going to sleep in their own bed. So, if such a worthy occasion arises, I usually switch one cardio for another.

This morning however I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep the whole day through. I thought about it, but I was already wide awake, my cortisol levels probably highest in the last couple of years and there was no chance I'd fall asleep again.

I stood up and put on running clothes so if I meet someone in our bathroom, I raise the chance to start a day without being called a perv or some other insult my way. As I opened the door to the bathroom, the door on the opposite side, the ones from their bedroom also flung open. Me and Nate stood there for a heartbeat, and he then closed his, saying something or just growling, anyway the only thing I got from it was that I can use it and he can't be bothered to talk to me normally.

So, I did what I needed to, knocked on their door saying its free and went out to run.

Couple years ago, I started my online business, and you can say that I am an entrepreneur. I can stay at home or café the whole day, but I found out fairly quickly that if I don't start my day this way the rest is mostly procrastination and killing minutes until I go to sleep, of course we all need days like those but one thing that I believe I can thank for my business being successful is keeping days like these to minimum, preferably hangovers or "fuckovers".

Now this felt surreal. I don't come often to this town district, for obvious reasons and being here after these years felt great. I leisurely ran on familiar streets, amused how much changed and even more impressed when I encountered something I recognized from all those years ago. I was closing on 35yo, but I felt like an old man, seeing former spots, thinking back to when we hung out with friends in my childhood and teenage years.

My good mood lasted roughly until I saw my house, but I decided to push through and hope we can be civilized today. I went up and straight to the bathroom where I stood looking at one beautiful, round, muscled butt that was just now soaped all over and soapy fingers were giving the asshole a nice generous wash. From the angle I stood I couldn't tell if he was just washing it or lightly fingering it, but damn my imagination leaned towards the latter. I had a semi that second and it took me a good couple of more till I raised my eyes and saw a flushed, furious look on Nate's beautiful face. I took my earpads out as it seemed he was saying something and another few seconds till my brain realized I am being shouted at and cursed at to leave.

"Sorry mate, I didn't realize you were still here, I am going." It took all my willpower not to check him out again before turning around

"Knock on mine when you finish, I need to wash the sweat off." I said it mostly to my door as I left.

By this time, I was fully hard and thought if I will jack off now or in shower remembering this. But given that this is my sister's husband, although I have my issues with her, I don't find lusting after her straight man as something beneficial for anyone. So, I sat, opened my trusted apps, and messaged the first friend of mine I thought of. Jerry is on the leaner side to my hunk stature, but he is one noisy power bottom. He is amazing, as he prefers casual sex-driven friendships, always demands condom and has understanding for most of shit people can go through. So, I didn't feel too insecure to enlighten him about my situation. Of course, he's online and we get through my whole fucked up news in brisk and fun way over couple of short messages. Once this guy decides to become monogamous with someone, many lives will get worse at least little, not that he doesn't deserve all happiness his way of course, but I think if he wouldn't be such slut many of us would fall deeply in love with him. Maybe he is kind of angel put on this earth to fuck many guys and make them happy. By the end of our conversation, I was feeling pumped up, strong and ready to see life in bright colours. We agreed he will call me first thing his plane lands and we will go straight at it, as he is right now on a business trip abroad. But it calmed me enough not to freak out when the light tap on my door let me know the bathroom is free.

I opened the door and tried to apologize properly to Nate, but he just slammed his door, not even turning his head towards me. Shower, dress, and deep breath as I took my things and went down to the kitchen.

"Hey Nate, I am sorry, I thought you were there when I was on my run, didn't mean to barge in like that."

"Just drop it, I need to lock the door next time." He said to his mug of coffee, still not even raising his head my way.

"What did you do you pervert?" My dear sister strolled in

"Fuck off Ash." I said in the most inviting and cheerful voice

"Don't talk with her like this man, I mean it." He looked straight at me, I must say if I left out the history I have with her, I would really appreciate the tone and way he spoke as he stood for her.

"He ran into the bathroom when I was brushing my teeth, nothing major honey."

"Then why is he apologizing? This man doesn't have enough dignity to care for something like that."

"You too can be nicer." He bit his toast and when he finished chewing added

"I was after showering only in boxers. Maybe that's why." He nonchalantly bit another bite.

This man was good. It's true he lied to cover for me in a way but the way he said it impressed me. I started to like his demeanour more and more. He said it in a neutral tone, and he probably understood that given my sister's view on me the reality would lead to something nasty.

"As I said, pervert." She took a cup from the cupboard and looked at me as vermin. "Why you keep using that bathroom? I told you we should use the big one downstairs."

"First, it's inconvenient, given that you insisted we will have a bedroom there and not downstairs as I wanted. Secondly, I am used to it now and I don't want to go down the stairs just to take a morning shower. You wanted that bathroom and that office." He crossed his arms and looked at me calmly. "And thirdly, I am not afraid he'd bite me, respect one if you wish to be respected in turn."

Damn boy I just might bite you if I will be here too long. As this crossed my mind, I checked him out and he was watching me the whole time as I did. I run, lift weights, and my love for calisthenics gets me good physique (6.2ft and around 220lbs, I don't weigh myself often tbh, but so you can imagine it better), he seems also to stay in shape. Given that he is about my height, I suppose he's just maybe 15-20lbs lighter. He's got a strong well-proportioned body and the only shame is that he chooses to wear suits one to two sizes bigger, then I would like on him. But they seem fitted well enough. It seems he's the calm practical type from what I gathered so far.

I had to curse inside, how did my sister get a guy like this? I don't know if I'd like it more if some redneck brute would be here instead of him making my stay living hell, but this teaser in front of me is going to give me a headache for different reasons.

"I will need to check some things in store today." Ash said bringing me back to reality, she had her head buried in her phone the whole time, lucky me.

Nate kept looking into my eyes and I wasn't sure if it was a warning or something else because his face was like a calm stone with an intent look. He finished his toast and put his plate and mug in the dishwasher.

"Sure, I will be at the office the whole day, at least till we still can be in office."

Then they continued to talk about their days ahead totally disregarding that someone was standing there. I was thinking about getting upset about it but realized I couldn't be bothered and made my breakfast and took my bullet journal to table to journal and plan my day. At least I can work in peace.

As I wrote the date on paper, I realized that it's Saturday and looked at them getting ready to

Don't take me wrong I work on weekends also, but somehow, I thought people with partners or families prefer to spend time on weekends together. But over the next few weeks I found out that workaholism is norm in this house.

Anyway, the next few weeks went uneventfully, I spent some time reorganizing space in my old room so I can work out there during the day, working on my company and dealing with people mostly via phone or computer due to growing numbers of people infected with COVID. Ashley worked from her downstairs office and went out to her shop from time to time. Nate had his own office at the firm he worked for, as I learned, and that gave him the opportunity to work mostly from there, as he said he preferred it that way. They spend most of their time like this. They didn't work Sundays but spent it mainly cooking, binging some shows, and talking about work. Honestly it felt kind of lonely and cold over there, mostly they acted as I wasn't there. Nate talked to me from time to time about small unimportant topics, but we soon realized that talking when Ash is near leads to fast lane down the guilting, arguments and destroying any mood.

I have to say I was partly to blame. I was hurt and frustrated from being the cast out just for my sexual orientation and even when Nate obviously tried to make at least neutral environment with us there it quickly ended up with Ash and I being nasty to each other. I exchanged few looks with Nate, and they were more confusing for me than anything else, but after some time I decided it was probably undecided animosity because around third week it looked like he's slowly losing patience in effort to keeping this house from being warzone and natural side for him was behind his wife.

Only things that were keeping me mentally stable were my friends, my work and my weights and push up bar I installed on the hallway, and we shared it with Nate, I found out he did indoor climbing and he wanted it for long time (I didn't ask Ash, and of course it was reason for another fight back then, but as it seemed Nate and I stood same ground Ash furiously dropped it for some reason).

The fact that I didn't have mental or physical space for sex life didn't help one bit. I couldn't under any circumstances watch him work out on that hall cos after a couple days I was getting instantly hard watching him flexing his back as he was going up on it. Clubs were being forced to close and people started to confine at home more and more. Finding suitable rent in the area was next to impossible and people started slowly getting crazy from worrying that there won't be enough toilet rolls in the world... It was a weird time to be alive. I missed my friends, places and chances to hang out and all those little things that made life enjoyable and we took for granted. And I was getting really frustrated.

One morning Ashley came downstairs with a suitcase and Nate was helping her load it into the car. This was two days after one huge fight that left Ashley and me screaming, Nate slamming the door to their bedroom and for the next day no one was talking to anyone. Do not ask me what it was about, I have no idea, non-whatsoever. Anyway, the suitcase wasn't just an overnight bag, by the size, and I supposed that they went "save their marriage with some vacation". They still probably weren't speaking to me as they didn't seem to feel the need to fill me in what is going on.

As I was watching their car ride away, something lifted from me and I felt happy and alive after a long time. No chance for me to work today. I picked up my phone and called Jerry. He was back home long ago but was confined to home quarantine as precaution. And now out of general social distancing. He picked up at first ring and I told him about my housemates leaving

"I jump to shower and be on my way, we can fuck until we collapse, I am so pent up and horny."

"Fuck the shower Jerry I have one here and I want to fuck your brains out while we shower."

"I like that, I am on my way daddy." He said with his lusty voice, and I got hard at that moment hearing it. He calls all his fuck buddies daddy. I suppose it turns him on and lessens the chance of messing the mood by telling the wrong name. Like I said major slut but damn a good one a honestly, good man also.

I aired the room, changed the sheets, and made the bed. I took out lube and condoms. I was so excited I felt like a teenager. It took him maybe over 20 minutes to drive here and I ran downstairs to open for him before he stepped out of the car.

He looked hot as fuck. Reddish hair was longer than last time I saw him, and it suited him a lot. He had a bit of beard growing which I had myself, I usually trim it every couple of days, but he usually went for a clean shave as Nate. Again, I really liked the change in him.

Given that I already had pitched a tent in my loose pants I opted for leaning my side on the doorframe, hands in pockets and with a grin on my face watched as he locked the car and nearly ran towards me.

When he was at my reach, I harshly pulled him by the front of his shirt and launched my mouth on him, nearly eating him there on my welcome mat, holding his small frame tightly with second hand. We didn't separate, I just dragged him inside and closed the door with him pressed against it. My hands found the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, my tongue licking exposed skin beneath it. He scratched my back under my shirt and went straight into my pants to hold and jack my cock. I felt one of his hands glide over my body up to my hair when he pulled me by hair away from his body.

"I need that cock now!"

"Go for it you hungry slut." I growled into his ear, and he slid to his knees and took me with lust into his mouth. I roared like a bull when he effortlessly gulped all my 8inches down and breathed into my pubes. I held his head like treasure

"Do you want daddy to fuck your face my beautiful cum dump?" He practically purred on my dick and nodded with watery eyes on me. I braced on the door behind him and with a second hand pressing back of his head started slowly trusting. After a while he put his hands on my lower back and started moving faster, sucking me and gulping the whole time. Like I said, angel!

"Do you want daddy to fuck you harder?" My voice was so low it sounded to me like wolfs growl and as I was getting more and more enraged trust after trust, he nodded again, and I started slamming against him with force. He held my ass as I was starting to shake.

"Do you want daddy to feed you?" He nodded again and I don't know how but the suction intensified. I was shaking as the whole world started spinning and I felt the edge so close I couldn't breathe

"Drink boy." I growled while trusting, holding his head with both hands roaring and shaking.

And he did. This man is marvelous. I leaned against the door and took slow breaths trying to calm down. Jerry had a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Now show me the bathroom daddy and give me 10 minutes. I will call you to fuck my brains out in the shower."

I smiled at him and kissed that little man. Then I took him in my arms and carried him to the upstairs shower, where I put him down kissing him passionately, I got hard again roaming my hands all over his body as I took one layer after another from him all the while kissing him hungrily. When he was naked, he pushed me away with laughter.

"10 minutes I promise, go!"

I kissed him on tip of the nose smiled and left.

"Hurry boy"

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I_DuskI_Duskabout 1 year agoAuthor

He will have his part in later chapters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why add some random guy to the equation? Isn't it interesting enough with only brother in law?

Regular hookups are boring.

I_DuskI_Duskabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you for your feedback blade_rocknut.

I know what you mean... It was my first try to write, and even for myself, it isn't good now. I tried to post here the edited version, but it took admins over four days, and then I had to upload the next chapter... So I gave up as I didn't want it to be stuck in the queue...

I will probably delete these first chapters and post them again as newly edited ones.

You can find the proofread ones on my patreon (its free to see all chapters I’ve posted already on LE). Just click on HomHS tag.

blade_rocknutblade_rocknutabout 1 year ago

I had to give up. The grammatical errors, along with general incongruence of language just made it impossible to get into this story, although I'm sure the concept was good. This was like trying to read a Chinese Amazon product description.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can't wait until he gets to fuck Nate!!

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