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Husband Shares Wife with Others

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Husband persuades wife to let him show her tits to others.
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Our adventure in exhibitionism and sharing my wife started innocently enough and grew from there. From sexy revealing tops to sucking and fucking, quite the transformation.

The star of the show is my wife Sandy, your basic housewife. She is in her mid-thirties but looks much younger. She is a natural blond, with a cute and sassy short haircut, has pale blue eyes, an infectious smile and personality, a killer body and big tits. What more could a guy ask for?

Sandy has always drawn looks for other men. She is a hottie, very good looking and with those big tits, she stands out in a crowd. The best part is that she doesn't let it go to her head, she thinks she's just a regular gal, nothing special.

After reading some of the stories here on Literotica, mostly ones on exhibitionism, I began thinking about suggesting to Sandy to try it ourselves, well, her anyway, I'd just be a spectator. One day I got my nerve up and asked her if she would be willing to try a little exhibitionism, maybe starting off by wearing more revealing tops and blouses to show lots of cleavage and possibly wearing the same tops without a bra in an attempt to show a nipple, stuff like that.

Sandy is for the most part, a very fun loving and adventurous person and is usually up for different things. But this was a little more than your normal request. I figure the worst thing that could happen was she'd say no.

Rather than saying no, she just asked, 'What do you mean? Do that around the house or in public, what do you have in mind?"

"Yes, sort of all the above. Do something like that when some of my friends come around or maybe when we go out for a nice dinner or while out for a walk in the park, something like that."

Sandy didn't say anything at first and thought about what I had asked. As I watched her, I'm pretty sure I noticed just a hint of a smile. Apparently, she wasn't too upset with my request, so I waited.

"Ok, yeah, I might try something like that. It might actually be fun under the right circumstances and in front of the right person. I think I'd have to start slow and work up to showing a little more though. Maybe make it look like it is unintentional, at least at first."

That was a reasonable request and I agreed. Over the next week or two, we talked about it more and found ourselves getting excited about actually doing it. We decided it was easiest for Sandy to wear something really sexy when our best friend, Eric, came over. He, Sandy and I went to high school together and were best of friends. He and Sandy were almost like brother and sister, we are very close. Plus, Eric has seen Sandy in bikinis before so it's not like he hasn't seen most of her already.

Eric was coming over for dinner the following Saturday, so Sandy decided she needed to go shopping for a few new tops. I offered to go but she said no, she wanted to decide on what was too revealing and what was not, insisting that I leave this entirely up to her since she was the one exposing herself. When she returned, she didn't show me what she'd bought, saying only that she was sure Eric and I would both like what she was going to wear.

Saturday arrived and Eric got here early as usually. I was a little bothered that Sandy hadn't worn one of her new tops, she was wearing one of her normal blouses that buttons up and had not unbuttoned it down low or anything. I assumed she had changed her mind. When I tried to question her about it, she cut me off and told me, "Shush, be patient, you'll get your wish."

Well ok, I guess she told me! I just waited to see what she had in mind.

We visited and talked with Sandy still wearing her old blouse and jeans. After a while, Sandy told Eric, "So Eric, Rick suggested i start wearing sexier tops around the house and I've decided I'd try it. I went shopping today and bought two new tops but wasn't sure which one to wear tonight. If you'd like, I can model them and let you pick which one you like best and I'll wear it for dinner."

Eric glanced to me quickly, surprised by Sandy's offer, then told her, "Sure, I'll judge your new tops, but I'm curious though, does Rick get a say so, or is it my decision only?

Sandy gave him a naughty smile then looked to me and said, "No, this is just for you."

I kind of liked Sandy's plan, it was a tease and I liked it. Basically, she was telling me she was going to show off for Eric and for me to sit back and shut up, I had no say in what she was going to do.

"Ok then, let me go change into my first top, back in a minute."

With Sandy gone, Eric asked, "What's going on?

I told him what she had already said, that I had suggested she wear revealing tops when friends were over, this was her first time and that I'd didn't know any more than that, adding, "I haven't even seen her tops, this will be new for me too."

We waited for Sandy to return. It took a while because she was probably fixed her makeup and hair to look her best. When she walked back out to us, I was impressed!

She had changed into a short black skirt, well above her knees and a sheer black long sleeve blouse, unbuttoned to just below her breasts, under it was a very sexy black lace bra, the kind that supports the breasts and is cut across the top of the breasts to show the most skin possible. It barely covered her nipples and gave us a good look at those gorgeous big tits jiggling as she walked in. We could see her bra through the blouse and with it unbuttoned, she was showing a lot of bare cleavage, I loved it!

Sandy stopped before us and gave a little spin to show us the entire outfit, then asked Eric, "What do you think, do you think its ok, or too sexy for dining out?"

Eric was almost without words, he was shocked that Sandy was showing so much, but he finally was able to speak, "Damn Sandy, that is sexy! You look great, I love it! As for wearing it out to a restaurant, I don't know. Maybe to a dimly lit bar or something. I guess that would really be up to you and risque you're feeling."

I agreed with Eric, it was sexy and she did look great and it could possibly we worn out, under the right circumstances. The thought of her wearing something like that out where other men could see her excited me. I loved the idea.

Sandy smiled and sat down with us, letting us admire her new look and giving us a chance to see how much it showed when she sat and moved around and let her blouse gap open. It didn't take much time to see that pretty much all of her tits were visible.

As we stared at her with big grins on our faces, Sandy said, "I can see from those stupid grins and where your eyes are focused, you approve."

We both assured her she looked great and liked it very much, complimenting her on how sexy she was.

With dinner getting close to being ready, Sandy got up to change into her second outfit, telling us she needed to hurry and show Eric her other top so he could decide which one he wanted her to wear for the night.

A few minutes later, she returned with another big smile on her face. Apparently, she knew this one was going to shock us and it did.

Sandy was still, wearing her short skirt but had changed into another sheer blouse, off-white color, unbuttoned down to just between her breasts but without a bra. The close she got to us, the most easily we could see her bare breasts under her blouse. She was hiding nothing!

I have to admit, this one shocked me too. I wasn't expecting her to be showing her bare tits off this soon. Yes, eventually, but not right away. That said, I loved it and broke out into a big smile as she stood before us, letting Eric see her tits for the first time.

"Are you kidding me! Damn Sandy, that is sexy! You do know I can see your tits, right? You do realize how see-through that blouse is?"

Sandy laughed and told him, "Yes, I know it shows everything, I thought you'd like it, it's very naughty, don't you think?"

"Oh yeah, naughty it is, but I love it, thank you, nice tits, be the way!"

I could hardly believe what I was seeing! My fairly conservative wife was standing there in front of our best friend, bolding wearing next to nothing and showing him her tits. Sandy had clearly exceeded my expectations, this was perfect.

"Ok, decision time" Sandy said, "Which outfit do you want me to wear tonight?"

Eric laughed at the question and responded immediately, "Hell, no contest, stay in what you're wearing. Having dinner and spending an even with a good looking woman wearing a top that shows her great tits, there's no decision to be made. I'll try not to stare but I can't promise anything."

Sandy laughed and told us, "Alright, bare tits it is. Let's eat."

Dinner was great, as was the rest of the evening. Watching Sandy wearing that sexy top all night was a thrill. I know Eric enjoyed it as much as I did. I think we were both anxious for her to do it again soon.

After Eric left, Sandy asked me, "Well, what do you think? Was that ok, was it as fun as you expected, or did I go too far?"

"It was perfect! Thank you, you look so sexy, I couldn't have asked for more."

I took Sandy's hand and led her to our bedroom, I couldn't wait to show her how much the evening had turned me on.

After that first time showing off to Eric, Sandy found she very much enjoyed dressing in sexier clothes and showing herself. I had to agree, I had enjoyed it immensely myself and we both agreed to continue. From that point on, Sandy began wearing tops that showed cleavage, unbuttoned her blouses so that they showed cleavage and, in many cases, didn't wear a bra.

When some of my other friends would stop by, she always wore something that showcased her tits and one of her favorite ways of doing so was to wear that sexy black bra that showed her tits under one of her normal blouses, but she'd wear it loose and unbuttoned low enough to show inside her blouse, give a good view of her bra clad tits spilling out.

All the guys took notice of the change in Sandy's attire and complimented her and I both on the new look. Those compliments went a long way with her and she would occasionally go braless and leave her shirts unbuttoned low, showing plenty of bare breast and an occasional peek at a nipple.

By this time, Sandy was really into showing off and was constantly looking for new ways to show her tits.

It took a while but a great opportunity came when we were invited to one of Sandy's co-workers Halloween Party. The fellow throwing it was a young single guy with and hot live-in girlfriend who decided it would be fun to make the theme a "Sexy costume" party. Sandy liked the idea and said it would be a great way for her to show-off to a group of guys, although she was a little hesitant in showing off to too many of her co-workers.

We gave Sandy's costume a lot of thought. We wanted to show her tits but not go too far. We discussed the "Naughty School Girl and Naughty Nurse" costumes but thought there may be others going that route. While searching Amazon for costumes, Sandy came across one called, "Elvira, Mistress of the Dark" She was a sexy character from years ago known for her cleavage. This was perfect and Sandy ordered one.

The costume turned out to fit well, but Sandy was a little disappointed in the amount of cleavage it showed, she didn't think it was enough. Since she's handy with a sewing machine and needle and thread, she made a few alterations and came up with a very sexy lower cut version of the original Elvira dress.

Sandy had lowered the V-front and widened it a bit. When finished, the V was well below her breasts and cut wide enough to almost show her areola. As if that wasn't good enough, we figured with a little moving around or dancing, a nipple might become exposed, accidentally, or course and that Sandy could either cover it or leave it, pretending not to know she was exposed. I was really starting to like the way she thought.

The Elvira costume was a success! Every guy at the party seemed to want to talk with Sandy and get a good close look at her tits. The host of the party complimented her and kidded that he never realized how much she hid while at work, telling her, "You should wear lowcut tops at work, all the guys would like it but we'd never get anything done!"

In all, there were only three guys from work, at the party, the host and two others that came alone, no date. I think they just came to look, and look they did at Sandy. For pretty much the entire evening, they stuck close to her, obviously enjoying her tits.

As it turned out, there was no music, so Sandy never got the chance to see if her tits would fall out of her dress. As the evening progressed, I did notice that while talking with those two guys, the areola on one breast was exposed and the only thing keeping her entire breast from popping out was that it was caught on her nipple.

It was obvious these two were not leaving Sandy's side. It was also obvious they had consumed plenty of beer and were becoming more and more "Friendly" as the night progressed.

Curious to see what they might do if I weren't present and how Sandy would react if they got too friendly, I managed to mingle and leave the three of them alone but kept an eye on them.

As I suspected, all they needed was a chance to get Sandy alone. I wasn't gone but a minute when I saw one of them motion to Sandy's tits and run a finger down over the top of her breast, slipped it under the material and pull her top over enough to expose most of her breast and nipple. I noticed her nipple was very erect and hard, no doubt aroused from the attention they were giving her tits.

Sandy didn't immediately do anything. She waited just a second or two to let the guy's look at her bare tit then playfully slapped the guys hands that was now feeling her tit and closed her top back. The three of them laughed and resumed talking, obviously having enjoyed themselves.

Seeing that Sandy hadn't gotten mad at his friend's actions, the other guy waited a while before he decided he'd take a look at a tit for himself. While they talked, I watched him run his hand over one of Sandy's breasts then slid his hand inside her top to feel her tit. In doing so, her entire breast was all the way out of her dress.

Again, Sandy didn't react. Instead, she glanced at me, making eye contact and smiled while she let him fondle her breast. We hadn't talked about letting other men touch her, but apparently, she didn't mind. I thought to myself, if its ok with her, its ok with me.

Encouraged by his friend's actions and the lack of reaction from Sandy, the first guy reached in and took the other breast out of her dress and began fondling that one. Now both of Sandy's tits were out of her dress and in the hands of her co-workers. Both guys were so engrossed in what they were doing and never noticed me walking back up to them. I watched them play with Sandy's tits and nipples for a moment before clearing my throat and asking, "Are you guys having fun with those?"

Both heads snapped up and looked at me, thinking they were about to get their asses kicked. When the realized I was smiling, they relaxed some, and began to apologize. Sandy just stood there with her tits still exposed and smiled at their discomfort.

I finally let them off the hook and told them, "I can't blame you guys, it's not like they just don't beg to be touched. They're nice, aren't they? Go back to what you were doing, I don't mind."

Sandy and I let them play with her tits for a short while but didn't want everyone in the place to see what was going on, so I told them, "Hurry up, suck her nipples real quick, she needs to cover back up."

They did as they were told and each took a tit in hand, lifted it to their mouths and sucked a nipple into their mouth. Sandy seemed to be enjoying the sensation of two men sucking her tits and gave them about a half minute before she had them pull off her tits and close her dress.

Looking at them and then me, she said, "Well, that was fun. It should be the talk of the office, Monday."

Both guys assured us they wouldn't say a word, but we all knew there was no way they wouldn't tell their male co-workers about seeing Sandy's tits and play with them.

That was the most daring thing Sandy did all night. The rest of the night was spent mingling, and on the occasion when a guy seemed overly interested in her tits, she'd rewards them with a flash of both.

On the way home from the party, Sandy took her tits out of her dress and had me play with them while we talked about the evening and how much she had allowed to happen. We both found it extremely exciting, her liking two guys sucking her tits at the same time, and me finding it very erotic and enjoying letting them.

The following day, Eric called and said he wanted to stop by for a visit and see how we enjoyed the party. I was glad he did because I couldn't wait to tell him about it and the guys playing with Sandy's tits.

When I told Sandy Eric was coming, she said, "Oh, ok, I think I'll put on that see-through blouse he likes so much." I wasn't sure which one, but since they were both see-through, the color wouldn't make much difference, he be able to see Sandy's tits and that was all that really mattered, she'd become fond letting him see her tits when he came over.

Sandy answered the door wearing jeans and her black sheer blouse, her bare breasts visible underneath. We grabbed some beer and went out onto the patio to talk. Eric finally asked about the party and I let Sandy tell him about it and how she had shown her tits off and letting those guys touch and suck her tits.

Eric couldn't believe it and said, "Shit Sandy, you didn't! Really, you let a couple of your co-workers play with your tits?" He then looked over to me and asked, "And you, you sat back and let them, you just watched them suck her tits? Wow!"

Sandy and I both laughed and told him, "Yes, that's exactly what we did. We have both discovered we enjoy it and will probably be doing it again soon."

After he gave it, some thought, Eric said he should have known something was up after Sandy had begun wearing revealing tops and letting him see her tits.

"Yeah, maybe, but we are sort of playing it as it goes. We don't really plan it, we just take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself and go from there. It's fun and we're enjoying it." I told him.

He looked over to Sandy and asked, "And you're good with this too?

She giggled a little and said, "Oh yeah, it's way more fun than I thought it would be. It's really a turn-on, I'm loving it."

Grinning, Eric looked to Sandy and told her, "Well hell, if I'd known that, I would have volunteered! Who wouldn't want a chance and having their way with those big tits of yours?"

We all laughed at Eric's response and out of nowhere, Sandy unbuttoned her blouse, took it off and tossed it on the table. Looking at Eric, she stood and walked to him and said, "Ok then, here's your chance."

Sandy bent over, putting her tits in Eric's face. He looked uncertain and looked at me for guidance. I gave him a subtle nod, yes, go ahead. Eric reached up with both hands and took a tit in each, and proceeded to suck one of Sandy's hard nipples into her mouth.

This was not planned, nor had Sandy and I talked about it, but here we were, letting our best friend feel one of her tits and sucking the other. I watched with interest, enjoying seeing my friend feeling and sucking on my wife's tits. Even more, I enjoyed the fact that Sandy was liking it a lot and was already beginning to breath hard, something she does when aroused.

This was no longer a game for her, she was turned on sexually and wouldn't not want to stop now.

I was right. About the time I was thinking that, Sandy started to groan in pleasure and was holding Eric's head in both hands, moving his mouth from one nipple, to the other, forcing his to suck her nipples hard.


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