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Husband's Boss, Wife's Mate Ch. 01

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1950s couple gives into primal desires with husband's boss.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/17/2020
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Ohio, 2002

When I look at our family now, more than forty years later, at our two daughters, now married with families, I see both myself and my wife in them. My wife's dark straight hair, pale skin, blue eyes, petite frame, shy smile; my own turned up nose on one and lighter hair and dimples on the other.

But our son is different. He doesn't look much like me at all. He's tall, broad-shouldered, square jawed, with a handsome look of rugged masculinity about him. I am short, rather scrawny, and was never good at sports. He was the star of the high school sports team. In college, he was known to be quite the ladies' man. He eventually went on to be successful in business and is now the general manager of a large manufacturing company. Any father would be proud of such a son, and I am proud of him, but he is not my natural son. He is my wife's son and his father is my former boss when I worked as an engineer at H&M Municipal from 1953-1995.

My wife Cathy and I were high school sweethearts. We met when she was a sophomore and I was a junior. We went to prom together and had our first kiss there. We were crazy about each other and very much in love. I wasn't the tallest or strongest or most handsome boy in school but Cathy was young and innocent and loved my sense of humor. I thought she was gorgeous, sweet and clever. We married right out of high school in 1949. I graduated college in 1952 and got my first engineering job at H&M Municipal a year later. Two beautiful baby girls soon followed and then we bought a home together.

It would seem that we had everything, but our married life was not without problems too. Cathy stopped wanting to have sex with me both times she was pregnant and didn't like to do it as much after that. Something had changed in her. Sex between us had usually been intimate with lots of kissing and cuddling but it didn't generally last very long and she seemed increasingly unsatisfied. My penis was not very large and increasingly I began to feel insecure about this. I now began to remember the insecurity I had felt in school locker rooms when my small stature and scrawniness were most apparent, and how the larger bullies used to taunt me.

The doctors said Cathy's changes had something to do with female "hormones" and that it was normal. I loved my wife and the majority of our time together was as good as it had always been and I accepted it because I loved her. She was a mother now, I was a father, and it made sense that our greatest devotion and focus was now on raising our two young daughters.

Ohio, 1959

My direct supervisor this time at H&M Municipal was a man named Robert. He was my boss and direct superior in the company. He was tall, broad-shouldered, muscular, and a little older. He was also quick-witted and clever. I liked him but confess I envied him in some ways as well for these qualities that I lacked. It made me think again about how I had felt in comparison to other boys in school.

It was at the annual company party that Cathy and Robert first met. It was the first time since having kids that Cathy had really gone anywhere alone with me but she wanted to go this year, so we left the girls with a local teenager to babysit. Robert was married with kids as well but he didn't bring his wife along and in fact Cathy was one of the few women there who didn't work for the company, though a few other employees also brought their wives. Cathy and Robert seemed to hit it off and we all sat together and made plentiful conversation. I tried to tell myself it was silly but as I sat with them I noticed an energy between them that carried the conversation. Cathy laughed when he made a joke and had a hard time recovering herself. I tried to add to the conversation but couldn't think of what to say and when I did get a word in it seemed irrelevant and uninteresting. I found myself sitting there with myself and my wife on one side of the table and Robert on the other, but felt unnoticed. I felt insecure and emasculated by the situation but couldn't think what to do. I didn't want to seem insecure so I just sat there unsure what to do, nodding and smiling along with them as if I was really a part of their conversation. Cathy began to drink champagne and so did I, although I was looking for an opportunity to leave. When others finally began to leave later in the evening, I finally stood up and said we had to go. Cathy was more than a little drunk by this point and protested that she was having too much fun talking to Robert but I apologized on her behalf and helped escort her out. Robert was a gentleman and walked us out and thanked us for coming. Thankfully most of the others at the party had left by this point or Cathy's intoxicated behavior, though not overtly risqué, would have been cause for gossip.

We didn't speak much on the way home but my head felt like it was whirling. I felt all kinds of emotions washing over me, most of all an overpowering jealousy over the way Cathy had devoted seemingly all her attention to Robert at the party while I had sat impotently next to them and said hardly anything the entire time. Just as then I felt I could hardly think straight.

When we arrived back at the house and the babysitter had left, and after checking on our two girls already in their room, we went to our own bedroom. I got her undressed and we sat down on the bed together with the lights on. I could smell the liquor on her breath and despite my jealousy I was suddenly very turned on. She said she had a wonderful evening talking to Robert and kept asking why I seemed upset about something. I tried to say I had a good time too, but it was obvious I hadn't and couldn't even smile as I said it, turning away.

"Oh what, are you jealous? Are you jealous of Robert and how much we talked at the party?" she then said in a mocking tone, sneering at me.

"No, I'm not jealous, Catherine. Why would I be jealous?" I retorted as it was all I could think of to say, but I still couldn't look at her.

"Well I think you're jealous, James," she said. "You're jealous of how much we talked while you just sat there."

Her words hit home, articulating even while drunk what I had wished and imagined wasn't noticeable to anyone else, and I felt angry and horny at the same time. Suddenly I turned around and grabbed her, getting on top of her on the bed. "I'm not jealous," I said again as I lay on her, my throbbing penis pressed against her leg and probing her pussy with my hand. It was wetter than I had ever felt it before.

"Well maybe you should be, James. Maybe I liked the attention he showed me tonight. He is an awfully good looking guy," she began to taunt me in a slurred voice as I entered her with my penis and made furious, frantic thrusts, quickly ejaculating inside her.

In the following days when we talked about that night she at first denied remembering much about it but eventually admitted she remembered most of it. I tried to forget what had happened and move on with our life as normal, but the thought that she had been so attracted to Robert ate away at me. I saw Robert almost every day at work and was reminded that my wife clearly desired him. When he enquired about her after the party, I replied simply that she was doing well. I felt like telling him off for monopolizing her in front of everyone at the party but I again didn't want to look weak and insecure.

But despite my anger and jealously I still found myself as turned on as I had been that night. Cathy and I now had sex more frequently than we had in years though I now wore condoms to prevent an unplanned pregnancy (fortunately she hadn't been fertile the night of the party). Although neither of us brought it up directly, we found ourselves naturally talking about the party each time we had sex now, reliving the drunken, jealous fuck we'd had the night after the party. She noticed how my modestly sized erection grew when she mentioned it and her interaction with and attraction to Robert. Despite what I thought should be a feeling of revulsion from it, I found myself encouraging her in this line of sex talk, and one night I asked if she really wanted to fuck him. She said "Yes" and I immediately blew another load into the condom in her pussy.

As the months went by, this sex talk about Robert and the party progressed from simple variations of that first drunk night to explicit murmured discussions of how she would actually like to fuck Robert and how big his dick must be. Somehow, before I felt like I had hardly even had time to process the emotions, I had gone from being primarily angry and anxious over Cathy's interaction with Robert to primarily turned on by it. I still felt angry and anxious and emasculated, but those emotions I now accepted as the primary driver of my erections and sex drive. I was obsessed with Cathy like I had never been before and with the thought of her and Robert having sex. Soon, despite all I had been taught about how much it went against a man's masculinity and honor, I felt ready for her to actually have sex with him. I would stand aside like a good cuckold and let them fuck. I would do anything to let my beautiful wife experience his wonderful, manly cock-my boss, our boss's, cock.

As this sex talk drifted from fantasy to practical reality, a hundred ideas came into our heads as we discussed how to make it happen each night as we cuddled in bed. It wasn't as easy as it might seem. The first time Cathy had met Robert was at the party and it was only me who saw him every day at work. Robert was also married and we talked about that but I knew there had been rumors about him having sex with a secretary some time ago. He didn't seem like the loyal type. The plan we finally settled on was inviting Robert out to lunch and Cathy coming along while we got another babysitter. Then we would see where things went from there in a more private setting. But it was an intimidating plan as well and it took me several weeks to work up the courage to invite Robert out to lunch with me, and when I did I was too embarrassed to mention that my wife would be coming along so as to avoid any questions he might have about that. I said I wanted to discuss some things about the company. He seemed surprised but we agreed to meet later that week after work.

That night in bed I told Cathy that I had finally invited Robert out to lunch and we made love again with a condom. I never lasted long and I sure didn't that night either.

When the day finally came, Cathy picked the girls up from school and dropped them off with the babysitter at home. Then she and I went to meet Robert at the cafe. Neither of us spoke much on the drive there and I felt like there was a huge knot in the pit of my stomach. I could still turn back right now, go home, and not present my wife to Robert like this in such a bold and humiliating way. Maybe there was a more subtle way to do it. But my penis swelled in my pants and I couldn't help myself. In some primal way this felt like what I had always wanted more than anything else in the entire world.

Robert was at the cafe before we got there and we saw him from the car at an outside table. Cathy and I looked at each other and my hand shook as I turned off the ignition. "Are you sure about this?" she asked.

"I'm sure," I nodded.

When Robert noticed me approaching with Cathy behind me he looked surprised and did a double take, then stood up to greet us. I reached out my hand and we shook. Cathy shook his hand as well but seemed more shy than she had at the party.

All three of us sat down at the table together and there was a long or what seemed like a long awkward silence between all three of us. Then Robert said he was surprised to see Cathy with me.

Cathy and I both gave an embarrassed chuckle at this and still couldn't think of what to say. Finally, in a quick, nervous voice, I said "Yes, Cathy wanted to come along because she remembered you from the party earlier this year..." I trailed off.

"Oh," Robert said. "Yes, and I certainly remember you, Cathy..." He then trailed off as well, still evidently surprised at the situation.

A waiter interrupted to ask if we wanted anything but all of us seemed too nervous to order and said we weren't decided yet.

After the waiter left, Robert spoke again. "I certainly remember you from the party, Cathy," he began again, "but you seem a little more reserved than you did then." Then after another short pause and a small laugh, "Frankly, I'm pretty confused at this whole situation and why you both came here." He laughed again hesitantly.

Cathy and I nervously laughed along with him. "I don't know why we came here," Cathy then said. "But I guess, I guess I-we, I guess we've been thinking a lot about you... and we've wanted to get to know you better."

Robert chuckled again hesitantly and shifted in his seat. "Well this is certainly a little strange." He now seemed to be looking at Cathy's breasts. Neither of us spoke but continued to give him furtive, embarrassed glances as we sat in front of him.

"You're a good looking woman, Mrs. Stevenson," Robert said after another while, gauging our reactions. "A very good looking woman indeed." Still neither of us replied but it was obvious from our expressions that we liked what he said as we exchanged more furtive eye contact with him and with each other.

Robert stretched in his seat and adjusted his pants where an erection seemed to be bursting from his pants. He took a deep breath as he looked at us and chuckled again, more confidently. "You're a very good looking woman indeed, Mrs. Stevenson, and I would like to do some naughty things to you."

Cathy didn't reply but looked to me for reassurance and I looked back at her. Then we both nodded and looked back at him. My penis was growing very hard and throbbing as well and I too adjusted it uncomfortably in my pants.

Robert grinned confidently now though there was still a slight look of incredulity on his face. "Should we go some place more private and talk more about this?" he asked.

Without saying much more we agreed to get a room together at a local motel and we left without ordering anything from the restaurant. Robert followed our car and when we parked in the lot we got out and talked. Paranoid of our odd threesome couple being seen together, Cathy and I went in to the motel first and booked a room for that night while Robert waited in the car, then I went out and had Robert follow me to the room while Cathy waited inside. Once inside the room, we locked the door and there was another wordless silence. Robert excused himself to urinate and we could hear the sound of his powerful stream hitting the toilet water.

He came out buckling his pants and stood before us again, his quite large bulge now clearly visible in his pants. I had put my arms around Cathy and was holding her protectively. We were both shaking slightly from anticipation and anxiety and breathing heavily.

"Well, James," Robert said at last with a slight smirk. "Perhaps it's time for you to leave now."

Cathy turned her head to look at me, searching for my reaction. I looked at her with longing and lust but reluctantly let go of her. My erection felt about to explode and I adjusted my smaller erection again.

"Yes, sir," I finally said to Robert. "I will leave you alone with Cathy if that's what she wants."

"Sir?" Robert repeated in amusement and chuckled. "You two are unbelievable."

I looked at Cathy again and asked if she wanted me to leave. She looked at me in the eyes for a long time as we stood once more in silence and then nodded. "Yes, James, I want you to leave us alone."

I felt myself shaking again as I left and fumbled with the door for a good ten seconds. Robert locked it behind me.

I stood in the hallway and leaned against the door, listening intently. I checked the time. There were still had three hours before we had to be home.

I stayed there leaning against the door listening with every fiber of my being for what seemed like an eternity, but it seemed like there were hammers going off in my head and my thumping heart and my throbbing penis, and I couldn't hear a thing. Then I thought I heard them talking softly and the bed creaking.

At one point a hotel employee walked by and asked if he could help me with anything. I said the room was mine but I was going out for a smoke. He looked at me oddly, perhaps having seen that three of us entered the room, and I quickly walked back out to the parking lot and tried to sit in the car and smoke a cigarette, but that didn't do much to sooth my anxiety and I threw it away. Soon I went back down the hall and waited outside the room, my ear pressed to the door, hardly caring that anyone saw me. I heard more talking. I heard a few muffled moans. I heard the bed creaking. Sometimes I went back out to the parking lot to pace back and forth and smoke another cigarette but I always returned. I even touched myself in the back seat of the car but dared not ejaculate as I feared my desire for what was happening might diminish along with it. It was the longest and most agonizing eternity of my life.

When it had finally been over two hours, I finally worked up the courage to knock on the door. There was no answer after a bit so I knocked again. Slowly the door opened. It was Robert and he let me in half dressed. I could barely even make eye contact with him. When I entered the room I saw Cathy sitting on the edge of the bed naked and fumbling at her clothes on the floor. When she saw me she looked ashamed and hesitant toward me, looking away and hiding her face as she crawled back on the bed and pulled the covers over her nakedness. There were suddenly tears in my eyes as I looked at her and I walked over to her side of the bed. I could smell sweat and sex. Her dark hair was tangled and her makeup was smeared and running down her face. She looked afraid as she looked up at me from the bed with the covers pulled up.

"I love you," I said to her as I dropped to my knees next to her, suddenly grown weak and shaky, tears still welling in my eyes. "I love you, I love you, I love you." And I leaned over and kissed her on her sweet lips.

"I love you, James" she said and began crying too, and we both embraced and kissed. I then pulled the blanket off of her naked, flushed body and revealed her pussy, now very red and swollen looking and dripping with wetness and I dared not imagine what else. It was obvious she had been fucked raw like she never had before. Her body still trembled and it seemed that is why she had been having trouble putting her clothes back on when I came in. She clamped her knees together shyly at first but then let me investigate as I climbed on top of her sweaty body.

I looked back to see Robert still standing and looking at us in amusement and curiosity. I couldn't resist any longer and unbuckled my pants as I now lay atop her. "You wore a condom just now, didn't you?" I suddenly asked.

Her face which had started to form a smile suddenly looked anguished again and she simply said "No."

I came before I even entered her pussy just from touching myself when I heard that. When I entered her there wasn't much left but I kept fucking her as furiously as I could, trying helplessly to replace my semen with Robert's that I knew was deep inside her, deeper than I could reach. I cried as I did so, desperately fucking and crying as I slowly went limp again inside her wet and sloppy pussy which now felt wider and looser than it ever had as well. She was crying too and we both hugged and kissed and cried heavily for a long time in each other's arms, as all our bottled up emotions were released; the humiliation, the relief, the submission, the fear, the ecstasy. We blew our noses in tissues and cried some more. Robert stood awkwardly, then finished getting dressed and said he was stepping out for a smoke but eventually did come back.


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