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Hypnosis Cures What Ails Her Pt. 02

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I have a run in with Cassie's Aunt and she finds the truth.
8.9k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/26/2023
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. All characters are over the age of 18.

This is a slower burn than I've written before. Multiple chapters per part, more parts to come.

As always comments and questions are encouraged. I hope you like it and I hope that I'll have time for more stories in the future.


Chapter 4

After that night, the night Cassie had her accident on the track and I tried to relieve her pain through hypnosis, but gave her a screaming orgasm instead, we somehow got back to normal with a mountain of effort. Cassie agreed to take the painkillers instead of relying on hypnosis for her ankle and broken ribs, I think mostly to avoid the complicated feelings she was having after the incident. After a couple weeks of recovery, she was walking normally again and by the end of the month she was back in the gym.

Naturally with Cassie back at the gym, we resumed the hypnosis sessions before and after her training to help with her performance. I was worried that pushing her harder would lead to more injuries, but Cassie reasoned with me that the issue was that we tried to boost her during her event, and this was just helping with recovery during her training. I still worried that putting her under hypnosis would bring up guilt or strange feelings around the intimate moment we shared on the couch, but it never seemed to bother my daughter, so I did my best to push those thoughts aside.

One afternoon, just after Cassie had left for the gym and I was trying to decide what to do with my free time, I got an answer in the form of a phone call from an unexpected source: my late wife Cait's little sister Anne. Stunned at the name on my phone I hesitated for a second before picking up. "Hey Anne, been a long time. What's up?"

"Yeah... sorry, I need to do a better job of keeping in touch. But that's why I'm calling. I'm actually in town right now on business and figured I should reach out."

"OH! Well it's a shame, you just missed Cassie, I'm sure she would have loved to hear from you."

Anne groaned a little. "I hate to say it but I'm honestly kinda glad she's not there. I don't think I'm ready to see her just yet."

"It's been 3 years Anne. You can't avoid her forever."

"...I know. I know. And I'm gonna try to see her while I'm here, I just need to work up to it. But I *do* want to see you. I'm free tonight. Do you want to catch up?"

I took a deep breath as my memories of Anne played through my head. Her showing up randomly with a case of wine and some elaborate gift to spoil her niece rotten and get her sister and I drunk. The night Anne and I shared in our bed at Cait's insistence. Her becoming more distant as Cait's cancer progressed and then leaving town after the funeral. She had never been a consistent part of our lives, but her visits were always something we looked forward to. "Yeah. That sounds good. Cassie is out at the gym so if you want to stop over-"

"Ugh- Sorry. No. I still can't come back to the house. Do you want to come meet me? The hotel I'm staying at has a really nice bar downstairs."

I recognized the hotel she named; it was an absurdly expensive place downtown. I chuckled at the name. "Company expense accounts huh?" Anne laughed. "Yeah. I'll meet you there. I guess I should wear something nice?"

"...Probably yeah. I know you're more of a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, but I also know you keep at least a couple suits around."

"Sounds good. When are you free?"

"I'm actually not meeting my client until tomorrow so I'm free for the rest of the night."

"Alright, I'll hop in the shower real quick and I can be there in about an hour. Just gotta text Cass."

"OH! Hey, could you... not mention me? I seriously don't know if I'll be able to work up the nerve to see her and I really don't want her to think that I came all this way and didn't want to talk to her."

I sighed. I hated lying to Cassie, but Anne had a good reason. "OK deal. I'll just tell her I'm visiting a friend who happens to be in town but I expect you to make the effort. AND! If you can't bring yourself to see her now, then I want you back in town for Christmas."

"Ugh... Dammit... Alright. Go get ready, I'll meet you at the hotel lobby in an hour."

"Sounds like a plan. See you soon Anne."

I took a long breath as I tried to figure out exactly what to say to Cassie. I eventually decided that a simple answer would be best. "Hey Cass. A work friend is in town tonight. Going to meet up for dinner and drinks. Might be out late. You might want to stay at Ash's tonight. Love you."

I found her reply waiting for me after I got out of the shower. "NP LUV U TTYL" I smiled, thankful that she didn't ask more questions and dug one of my old suits out of the closet. Black? No, that was the suit from Cait's funeral, can't wear that. Grey? It was so old that I'm not sure I could even fit it anymore. Blue? It's an old standard, but it still fits and it looks nice... enough. Blue it was. I pulled a button-down shirt off the hangar and got dressed, admiring myself in the mirror. It still fit even at 53. The gym was paying off. I saw an old pair of dress shoes but hesitated. They were so uncomfortable, and I didn't want to spend the whole night distracted by pinched feet. I decided that my walking boots looked close enough that no one would notice from a distance.

Checking the time, I had less than 20 minutes to get downtown and cursed, knowing that I'd never find parking on short notice and would have to pay for the valey. "Fuck it." I mumbled and hopped in the car and tearing off down the highway. Even with the overpriced valet I still managed to be about 10 minutes late. There in the lobby I saw Anne, arms crossed and staring at the clock on the wall. It had been years since I'd last seen her, but Anne looked amazing, her jet-black hair cascading over her shoulders, the deep v of her red dress showing off an impressive amount of cleavage, her full lips painted the same dark red as her dress. I wouldn't have put it past Anne to have had some work done, but if she had then her surgeon was incredible because she looked like an all-natural beauty.

I managed to get up next to Anne without her noticing. I leaned in as closely as I dared. "Hey."

Anne practically jumped out of her skin. "Ohmygod! Hi! Jesus. You really can't be on time for anything can you?"

"Not my fault. It's been a long time since I worked downtown, I forgot just how back the traffic can be this time of day."

Anne rolled her eyes and smiled. "Well thank you for making the effort regardless. Even with *those* shoes."

"Damn. I really thought you wouldn't notice."

Anne sighed. "Men. I swear. Whatever. Let's get some drinks." I gestured for her to lead the way and couldn't help but notice the way her ass swayed as she walked. We grabbed a secluded booth and ordered a round of drinks. Anne grinned as she pulled out her company card. "You're a 'potential client' tonight. OK?" I raised an eyebrow and turned the menu to more expensive liquors. As we caught up over one round drinks, then a second, then a plate of appetizers along with a third, I found the tension between us melting away. Anne and I had never been particularly close, but it was starting to feel like those drunken nights sitting around our dining room table as we worked our way through too much wine.

Anne looked at her third empty glass thoughtfully. "Did I ever tell you that I knew about Cait hiding in the closet that night?" I smiled but didn't answer, letting her talk. "I didn't know at the time, but Cait came to me the next day and told me everything. She showed me the video." Anne chewed her bottom lip, lost in thought. "I was mad at first, mad that she manipulated me like that, mad that she recorded me, I should have been a lot madder honestly. But Cait, I know you know, she had a way of making even the worst things seem not so bad."

I reached out and held Anne's hand. "You never told me, but I knew. Cait and I never kept secrets. She told me the whole thing afterwards."

Anne looked at me, grinning. "The *whole* thing. So you know how my big sister watched the video with me, told me how hot it all was, that in very short order her head was between my thighs giving me one of the best orgasms of my life?" I nodded, smiling. She chuckled. "I should have known. Don't get me wrong, you were great too. Easily one of the best fucks I've ever had, but her tongue... I couldn't get enough." Anne shivered. "We kept meeting up almost every week for almost a year. Did she tell you that?"

"Yeah. She told me that too. I just wish I had been there."

"Damn. Well how about this? Did she tell you that wasn't our first time? That we had fooled around and experimented back when we were younger?"

"...No. She hadn't mentioned that."

Anne gave a contented sigh. "Looks like I know something you don't. Here's something else you might not know: before she died Cait gave me 'permission'."

I blinked for a second trying to process that. "What? She wanted you and me...?"

"Look, you're a great guy, loving father, devoted husband, but that's kinda the problem. You need someone you can take care of. You... live for other people. I think she knew that without someone like that in your life that you would fall apart."

"I kinda did for a while."

"I know, and I think Cait wanted me to be that person for you, but I couldn't. It wasn't any easier on me when she died and the thought of trying to take her place... I knew I couldn't do it. I ran. And I'm... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and Cass, but I honestly think I might have just made things worse had I been there."

"It's OK Anne. I don't blame you, and you're probably right. I'm honestly surprised Cait suggested it to you. You've never exactly been a family woman."

Anne chuckled. "Yeah, no shit. The longest relationship I've ever had was just 2 years. I think Cait was just scared. Scared for you. Scared for Cassie. I feel bad that I couldn't be there, so I wanted to apologize."

"Nothing to apologize for. You made the right choice even if it didn't feel right. You weren't ready to be a mother, which is fine. Things were rough for a while but we're doing better now. And hey, I don't think Cassie needs a mother right now, I think she could use an aunt though."

"Ugh. You made your point. Alright, maybe, tomorrow. No promises." Anne glanced at the drinks menu, briefly considering another round. "You know... I'm not opposed to the idea of being there for you. Cassie's going to be leaving for college soon. Have you thought about what you're going to do then?"

"I've tried not to."

"Well. I feel like I'd be letting my sister down if I didn't at least offer some company. I'm not moving back. BUT if you decide that you'd rather not stay in that big, lonely house, you could always come and stay with me. In my bed."

I looked at my sister-in-law in the dim light of the bar, licking her lips as she offered me a companionship I hadn't had since my wife died. "Yeah... I think I'd like that." I said in a hoarse whisper.

Anne fidgeted with her napkin in a rare display of nervousness. "And it's not a one-time offer either. I have a room right upstairs. And a *very* big bed."

"I think- I think I'd like that."

Anne left the card on the table and dragged me away by the hand before either of us could change our minds. By the time the elevator doors closed I already had her pressed against the wall, our tongues dueling in each other's mouths. As soon as the door opened after an all too brief ride Anne and I practically ran down the hall towards her door before she fumbled with the keycard, ultimately letting us both into the spacious suite.

I started to shove her up against the wall, but Anne put her hand on my chest, stopping me. "Nuh uh. I know you love being in control, but tonight you're all mine. Now strip."

Feeling a little self-conscious I shrugged off my jacket and tossed it on a nearby chair. I trembled slightly with unexpected nervousness as I tried to unbutton my shirt. As my broad shoulders and defined pecs came into view Anne grinned, licked her lips and reached out run her hands across my chest. "Not bad. You've been taking care of yourself. But if I remember correctly, that's not your best quality." Her hands trailed down and unbuttoned my pants. Leaning in she whispered in my ear. "Take these off and get on the bed." I frantically tore off the rest of my clothes and practically leapt onto the bed, my pulse racing in anticipation. Anne's eyes raked over me hungrily until she zeroed in on my rapidly inflating cock. "Hmm, not there yet. Let's see what we can do about that."

Anne crawled onto the bed, her hair falling to one side and her breasts only just barely contained by the dress as she made her way between my legs. With a devilish smile she took my cock gently in her hand and guided it to her lips. Her face so close I could feel her breath on my cockhead she looked at my eyes. "Don't you dare move. This cock is mine tonight and I'm going to show you *exactly*-" her tongue flicked out to trace around the crown "-what I can do with it." I nodded, afraid that speaking would break the mood.

Slowly, so slowly that I began to ache with anticipation Anne traced lazy lines up and down my shaft with the tip of her tongue. She paused with my cockhead between her lips, not letting her lips touch my flesh as she stroked my shaft with her gentle hand. The languid pace of the careful strokes and her hot breath forced me to pay attention to her every motion, my every involuntary twitch and the tension so thick it felt like it would smother me. I watched as a drop of drool hung from her lips until it finally made contact with my cock. My breath hitched in my throat at the sensation of the sudden wetness and Anne finally lowered her mouth onto my cock, locking her lips around it halfway down my shaft. "Ohhhfuck!" I groaned as the first mouth I'd had on me in three years worked me like an expert.

Anne held her mouth in place for a moment as she stroked the shaft that wasn't locked behind her lips while her tongue circled my cockhead, flicking the underside, all the while sucking hard enough to hollow her cheeks. After an eternity that only lasted a few seconds, she released my cock from her lips and looked at the lipstick ring around my shaft. "Hmm... I can definitely go deeper, but we'll save that for later." Anne kicked her heels off and climbed up to straddle me. "For now, I'm going to get what I need and you're going to give it to me."

With Anne's red dress hitched up around her hips I saw the delicate lace of her panties. My wife's sister stared at my face as she gripped my cock with one hand and with the other she moved the panties to the side and guided me into her smooth slit. Anne's eyes closed as she groaned at the feeling of my invading cock but they snapped back open as she felt herself sitting on my hips, my full length buried in my sister-in-law's pussy. Anne's hips rocked forward and she put her hand on my chest for balance as she rode me, taking what she wanted as I simply tried to hang onto her bucking hips. "Nnngh fuck. I needed this. God your cock is so. Fucking. Good." Her hips jerked forward with each word, humping harder each time.

Anne's motions became more frantic as she rode me, going from a controlled, rhythm to a wild bouncing as her moans became panting grunts. Anne lurched forward, gripping my shoulders with both hands as she rocked so violently I was afraid I would slip out of her hot, tight pussy. I gripped her thighs and tried to match her rhythm, but she bit her lip and shook her head. "NO! Just- mmmm- let me. FFFFFUCCCCCKKK!" Anne's body seized as the motion came to an abrupt halt. Her nails dug into my shoulders, and I saw her back tense as she hunched more, lowering her head to rest on my chest. Beneath my hand I felt her thigh tremble and I her already tight pussy became a vice-like grip. Anne, still frozen in place, panted heavily as she gradually relaxed her grip. "...fuck... that was good."

I leaned down and kissed Anne's forehead as she came down from her high. She straightened out her back and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in for another kiss. "Thank you for that." She sighed contentedly and rested limply against me for a moment. "Did you...?"

I squeezed her tighter in the hug. "No. Not yet. We've got time though, if you've got energy."

Anne sighed softly. "Hmm. Well, I unfortunately didn't... prepare my back door, so that's no good. And after all of that-" she gestured broadly "I might be too sore for the front too. But my mouth is available, so if you're fine with that then I think we can work something out."

"Mmmm. Yeah." I groaned, lazily stroking her arm. "I'd say I'm more than fine with that."

Anne kissed me again, grabbed a pillow and tossed it on the floor next to the bed. Hopping off the bed she stripped off her dress and panties letting me see her nude for the first time in more than 5 years. Her breasts had sagged a little with age, but gun to my head I never would have guessed she was in her late forties. Anne kneeled on the pillow and patted the edge of the bed in front of her. I rolled over and sat up at the edge of the bed, my sister-in-law between my legs. She took my still hard cock in her hand and in one motion shoved it as deep in her throat as she could get it, her lips and tongue working to suck her own juices clean.

Anne's head popped off my cock with a grin. "Mmm. Delicious. I should give you a taste sometime, but first..." she lowered her head back down and planted another kiss on my cockhead. "...we need to take care of you." Anne stroked my slick cock in front of her face. "You know, I heard that you like to be called Daddy." My breath caught in my throat. "So how about it Daddy? Want to fuck my face?"

Just like that the only sound I heard was my heart hammering in my ears. Without thinking I grabbed Anne's head and forced my cock past her lips, hit the back of her mouth and forced it into her throat. Anne's eyes flew open in shock as I took over, gripping her head and humping her face furiously. Anne tried to compensate and breathe through her nose, but she was struggling. I was dimly aware of her desperate attempts to hold on, but right then the word "Daddy" echoed in my head, and it wasn't Anne I was choking on my cock, it was Cassie. I don't know what Anne would have done if it took me much longer to reach my limit but after only a minute or two, I buried my cock as far in her face as I could and shot my load directly down her throat. I felt her throat muscles spasm as she tried to swallow my cock and cum, milking the last drops out of me.

Just as suddenly as it started the spell was broken. It wasn't my daughter on my cock, it was my sister-in-law, and she was desperate for air. I let go of her Anne's head and we both collapsed backwards. "Holy... shit..." she managed between gasping breaths. Anne got shakily to her feet and stood in front of me. "...that was about Cassie wasn't it?"

I reflexively tried to deny it but knew it would be pointless. Anne had found out. All it had taken was one word to completely change things. Frozen in guilt and fear all I managed to say was a simple. "Yeah"

Anne turned away, folded her arms in front of her chest and breathed heavily. She snapped her head back around to glare at me. "Have you done anything with her?!"

I rocked back from the force of her accusation. "NO! GOD NO! I would never. I couldn't. I'm terrified. Of hurting her. Of doing or saying the wrong thing."

Anne breathed a sigh of relief and her face softened. "So nothing's happened? She doesn't know... that you...?"

I shook my head momentarily thinking back to that night after her injury and the hypnosis gone wrong, but at a complete loss for how to explain that. "We've had a few..." I inhaled sharply looking for the words. "Awkward moments. Like getting a look at each other in the sauna. But I swear that's it."

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