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I Am A Male Escort Pt. 06

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Questions Before Becoming A Male Escort.
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I woke up with my pimp, Margaret, asleep beside me and with a semi hard on. I think, no I know, that I had given her value for the fee she would pay me. I thought I had fucked her brilliantly. After being superbly shagged Margaret was catching up on her beauty sleep.

Margaret woke up and saw my erect cock. She said "Just a quickie."

She rolled onto her back and I entered her forcefully. I liked seeing her breasts bounce. It only took about 30 thrusts before I climaxed."

As I lay there letting my heartbeat return to normal Margaret said "You should join an organisation that specialises in Male Escorts satisfying married couples. After all you will get lots more cash per hour and will have more time for your university studies.

You have shown that you can accept broken people. You weren't unduly distressed about Florence having no breasts and having a scar across her chest. You found someone to help her come to terms with the loss of her breasts."

I knew what incident Margaret was talking about. It was on my first date with my girlfriend Florence. Florence had revealed to Margaret and I that she had both breasts removed. Florence was still coming to terms with having no breasts.

I had asked a stranger who was sunbathing topless if she would chat with Florence. It had helped Florence in the healing process

I said "I hadn't thought of approaching the topless woman in such dramatic psychological terms. It had just seemed natural. I agree that it helped Florence to chat with the topless sunbather. They are Facebook friends and regularly message one another. Joan will be a prime guest at our wedding."

Margaret continued "You proved yourself with the 4some with Richard, Ellie and me. But Richard and Ellie are swingers. They are easy to please. You have what it takes to take on harder challenges."

I said "I need to have a pee."

Margaret followed me into the bathroom and watched as i urinated. I then watched her pee.

The Organisation

After we showered and got dressed Margaret explained "I know if an organisation which specifically deals with married couples who aren't swingers. They want to keep couples together. Any of your meet ups will be arranged in consultation with a psychiatrist or psychologist or therapist.

The organisation doesn't make a profit. It has wealthy pro family sponsors. They recognise that, unfortunately, third parties sometimes need to be involved. They hope that the marriage will be saved by judicious sexual or sensual interventions. You will be that intervention.

The organisation only pays for an escort if the relevant professional has explored all other options. They claim a 75 per cent success rate. That contrasts with 50 per cent with more conventional methods."

I was grappling with the concept of a charity employing escorts for married couples. I wondered what success meant. I said "Am I to be prescribed as 'to be taken once daily before bedtime" or 'may cause post orgasm drowsiness do not operate machinery"?

Ignoring my quips Margaret continued "It would be a step up, like being a Premier League football player instead of playing for a non League team. You will need to satisfy the organisation that you are physically and emotionally ready. Remember their clients have have more specialised needs than Richard and Ellie. They need to know you can go the extra mile.

You will have to concentrate on the couple's psychological needs. You have to guide them to what is good for them. That means that sometimes you must be dominant over one or both of the partners. At other times you must be submissive to them. At all times you will have to work to the guidelines laid down by the relevant professional."

I sought clarification so I asked So if the expert says that I have to play out the husband's bondage fantasy then I have to be tied up and be chastised. Is that correct?"

Margaret replied "The organisation will allocate you a psychologist. They set great store by their ability to match your needs and abilities with those of their married clients. So the psychologist will only send you to be bound and gagged and have them play with your penis if he feels you can handle that scenario and so can your customers.

The psychologist will have set limits with the couple. But of course if you are bound and gagged the clients may overstep the mark. The organisation will accept no responsibility for any harm That is why they pay you top dollar for your services.

You will become part of the therapeutic process. You will be allocated clients by a psychologist."

I asked Margaret "i don't understand why you would want to lose your cut of my fee."

She replied "The organisation may be a charity but I am a commercial entity. I will get a £2,000 finder's fee and 5 per cent of your fees. Plus I get the satisfaction of helping people in need, rather than just satisfying randy gits. But I also think it will help Florence to know you are being professional rather than just being a cock for hire."

I smiled at being reduced to the category of 'cock for hire'.

Margaret continued "There are 2 stages. Firstly you complete a questionnaire and then you have an interview. You have nothing to lose by answering the questionnaire."

I agreed to complete the questionnaire.

The Questionnaire

Margaret gave me a password that enabled me to look at and complete a website questionnaire. It never asked my name but gave me a number. I had to put in a 4 figure password. I was not to give names or even where any incidents had taken place. I was informed that this was protection against any hackers

It took over 2 hours to complete. It started simply with gender (Male, Female, Other). When I ticked male it asked if I was gay, straight, bisexual, homoerotic or asexual. I like to see both men and women naked so I ticked both straight and homoerotic.

My Homoerotic Incident

I had to describe my last homoerotic incident. I wrote about a man walking along the beach promenade with his girlfriend. He was wearing long designer underpants. As he walked along I saw his long penis where the cotton caught it. They went past me and so I admired his buttocks.

i hoped he might want to use the nearby public toilets to have a pee. I would then have a chance to see him take off the underpants and see his dick. Of course that was wishful thinking. It wasn't going to happen.

I didn't want to fuck him or have that impressive cock in my mouth. I wondered what it would be like holding it and aiming his urine into the communal urinal. That would be fun.

I would have liked to see him getting undressed and then pleasure his girlfriend. If it was large when flaccid imagine what it looked like fully erect. I wondered what she does with it.

I was so entranced with his cock and buttocks that I could not recall what his girlfriend looked like. Indeed I never looked at the man's face. But his cock left a lasting impression.

I was asked what was the best thing about the incident. I wrote that it was the sight of his dick with the cotton fully clinging to it and then his cock being partially covered. I had never seen this before.

Music Festival Pick Up

I was asked how many homosexual incidents I had. I ticked 2 to 5. I then has to detail my first.

I wrote that it happened at a music festival. It was bad weather all day and most of the acts were boring. I was fed up and the catering was very expensive and not well cooked. This wasn't just my opinion. There were lots of plates with lots of food thrown into the bins.

A man approached me and said "Crap music, crap food and worse weather predicted for tonight. The main footpath is like Brown Windsor soup. I am glad that I live within walking distance. No ruffing it in a rain drenched tent, waiting in line for a smelly loo. I shall sleep in a nice bed and eat a hearty breakfast.

If you want we can see the headline act and you can come back with me. If you want I can put your wet clothes in the washing machine and dry them overnight. There is nothing worse than going around in wet clothes."

He bought me a lager and we talked music. He bought me another. He said "Don't feel bad about me buying the drinks. You can buy a decent bottle of wine from the off licence and we can use it over a late supper."

I knew that he wasn't being altruistic. I knew that he would expect more than a bottle of wine. But I could always come back if he got nasty. I was younger and stronger than he was. Besides the alternative was to be kept awake by driving rain in a less than waterproof tent.

Here I was, drenched and disappointed. Under the circumstances I was prepared for him to try something sexual in return for comfort. We watched the headliner and got our wristbands which allowed us to return. It was a short walk and I got a bottle of wine.

He told me "Lets strip and get into dressing gowns. I will put our wet clothes in the washing machine. I like to be watched undressing so I will go first. Then I will watch you, if you don't mind."

It didn't seem unreasonable. I watched as he took off all his clothes. He remained nude while I stripped down to my underpants. My host was playing with his flaccid willy while I undressed.

He said "Stop for a moment. I like having to wait to see a man totally naked. I like to imagine what his cock is like. I have lots of art photos of men wearing briefs. Can I fully undress you?"

I nodded my assent. I put both arms behind my head. He reached out and started to take them down. I felt vulnerable with his mouth near my cock. But I needn't have worried. He just looked. Then he moved slowly the full 360 degrees to savour my buttocks and cock from all angles. We got into dressing gowns and he put the clothes in the washing machine.

He said "Open the wine to let it breathe while I prepare the meal. Get 2 tins of lager out of the fridge. I won't be long. And thanks for the floor show. I wish I had your physique. You look really good in that dressing gown. But if you want to go naked feel free."

He then went into the kitchen and heated up the oven and waited for it to ping to tell him it was at the right temperature.I noticed he had a large ready made lasagna in the fridge. He had probably planned the pick up. I was glad he had pucked me

Meanwhile he prepared the lettuce and tomatoes. I finished my lager and took another from the fridge. My host enjoyed watching me drink. Funnily enough it was stranger being watched drinking than having him take off my briefs.

We got on well and I enjoyed the meal and the wine. Afterwards we drank whisky neat over ice. Then came more of the price for his kindness. He asked "Do you watch porn? I have both straight and gay stuff. Which do you prefer?"

In those days any porn was expensive and difficult to obtain. But gay porn was the most difficult. I suppose that the cumulative effect of the drinks has lowered my inhibitions.

I said "I haven't seen any gay porn. Let's see what it's like."

Copying The Gay Video

Cutting a long story short, I ended up naked and so did my new friend. My penis was partially erect and my host was wanking me. I didn't know what to do. No one had ever wanked me before. I felt the sperm rising up my shaft and shuddered as it popped out of my cock.

He wiped the sperm off of my tummy with a tissue. I tried to copy the action of the gay porn, mainly because I didn't have any other reference point. i therefore kissed him on the lips and licked and gently bit his nipples.

Then we French kissed. I didn't enjoy this. Deep kissing him was different from French kissing a woman. It is much rougher and somehow off putting. But I persisted.

Then I took his penis in one hand and played with my dick with my other hand. I wasn't clear how long I should spend wanking him. But his cock was now stiff.

The video changed with the man taking the other man's cock in his mouth. He alternated between having the other man's cock in his mouth and taking it out to wank him.

Having a man's cock in my mouth was weird. I had the sensation of a hard penis with a coating of soft skin. After returning to my mouth 3 times, my host started thrusting. I felt the sperm rise and knew that he was going to cum. I tasted his salty cum as he shot his load.

I didn't feel demeaned. I kissed him and we retired to his bedroom.

He had a range of dildos and he wanted to pop my anal cherry with one of them. I chose a small size, thinking that I would get used to that and move to using bigger ones.

My benefactor lubed me up and gently pushed. But I hated the feeling as it entered my greased up anus. I shouted "Stop. It fucking hurts."

He stopped and apologised. I spent the night in his double bed. I was happy sleeping with this stranger. I could hear the rain beating down. I thought how awful it would be in my cheap tent.

In the morning he gave me a good breakfast in bed. My clothes were dry. i dressed in front of him.

He was gracious and said "The gay lifestyle isn't for everyone. At least you tried it. You seemed to like the video. But these videos aren't like real life. Many men just want a quick wank or shag or to be sucked off.

We can respect each other as friends. It sounds corny but I just like being with you. That's why I approached you in the first place. You looked friendly. A bit lost, utterly wet and miserable and lonely but friendly.

If I guaranteed not to molest you would you spend another night with me? We could go to an after party at a gay nightclub."

The Gay Club

i agreed. We went back to the music festival site. I gave away my tent and much of its contents to a family. i think the teenage child would feel really adult having his own tent. Perhaps his parents would like some privacy. They didn't want charity and I didn't want their money. We compromised. They promised to give £10 to a charity of my choosing. I chose the British Heart Foundation.

I took my clothes to his flat. He bought me a waterproof jacket from a charity shop. We had a good lunch at his flat and returned to the festival. I enjoyed many of the acts and I held hands with my friend as we walked to the various stages.

After the headline act we went home and had a meal and a beer. In those days even one of the largest cities in Britain has only 3 clubs solely for men to dance with other men. The bouncer told us "Be warned this is only for poofs." Of course that made it even more exciting.

My friend explained that the bouncer deliberately used that offensive term so that people couldn't inadvertently go in. I was surprised when it turned out that the bouncer was gay. As my friend said "He loves it up the arse and the bigger the bugger the better."

I thoroughly enjoyed the gay club. The highlight was when people dressed like The Village People danced and mined to YMCA.

Being Happy With My Sexuality

My friend was as good as his word. He We slept naked and his flaccid dick rested on my back. I guided his right hand to my dick. He gently fondled my balls while his thumb rested on my urethra. He then changed the position of his hand so he cupped my balls. I was getting turned on

I said "This position is a bit awkward. Let me lie on my back and you can use my little man more easily."

With his hands and mouth he quickly got me erect. He asked "Do you want to fuck my arse? I don't often submit but we are friends."

I said "Only if you are sure."

He was heading towards the condoms. He sheaved my dick and kissed my balls.

He said "Just enter me slowly at first. Then rest. Then set about filling the condom. If it hurts too much I will tell you."

I lubed him up and inserted my sheaved prick near his anus. I then pushed and his anal canal resisted this allen intruder. I pushed harder and more of my dick disappeared. I rested with most of my dick inside him. Then I thrust downwards and upwards as I lay on top of him

Providing anal sex is different from vaginal sex. I had an intense pressure from his anal canal. I shot my load and lay on his back grunting for air.

When I has recovered I said "Can you fuck me gently. You seemed to love it."

He replied "I thought you didn't want to be entered. Anyway I don't think I can get erect just now. Play with me if you want. If you still want me to fuck your pretty arse then I will. I want you to go with only happy memories. You aren't just a sex toy. You are a friend. I don't want you waking up tomorrow thinking you made a big mistake. Friends don't do that to each other."

I thanked him and I fondled and sucked his cock, balls and nipples. Then we kissed, which wasn't as off putting this time, and slept.

When we woke up we kissed again. We had breakfast. He was clad only in dressing gown. For the first time in my life I was naked while munching corn flakes and sipping coffee. I went over to the condoms and lube

I said "Thank you for your kindness last night. I want to try being the receiver. Now if you will disrobe and follow me you can take my anal cherry."

He took off his dressing gown and already had a hard on. I knelt down and took his cock in my mouth. I watched as he rolled the condom over his erection. I lay on the bed and he lubed me up.

need your cock inside me right now. I want to feel pounding away like I did to you last night."

He spread lube on his finger and slid it up my anal passage. He moved his finger in and out, distributing the gel. The gel felt cold and sticky around my arsehole.

I wasn't prepared for him to give me a running commentary. "My cock is hard and I want to fuck you."

He played with my buttocks and lay down on top of my back. He wriggled so I could feel his cock against my rump.

He asked "Are you sure you want my big cock up you? It may hurt."

I said "I'm sure. But you will stop if I say, won't you?"

He didn't say anything in reply but pressed his tip between my buttocks. He asked "Ready now?"

I squirmed as his stiff dick rammed into my arse hole. It hurt but I was determined to let him continue. He pulled back and then slammed home, shaking my body. It still hurt but now I had a great sensation not just in my rump but all over my body. It was worth the pain to experience the sensations.

He stopped pumping and kissed my neck. It was sensational. I wanted this to continue forever. He kissed my neck again and then started to thrust again. I screamed out like a porn star but with genuine emotion "That's so great."

He yanked his cock almost out of my arse hole. I feared he would stop. Instead he placed his hands either side of my neck and jammed his rigid pole hard into me.

I had got used to the pain. I told him "I love having your cock inside me."

He slammed me harder and faster and then shouted "I'm coming!" and thrust one last time. He pulled out and took off the condom. He showed me his cum and told me "Look what you made me do."

I giggled.

I lay on the bed for a long time while he showered. He came back naked and I admired him as he dressed. I got up and had a shower. He kissed me while I was still naked.

He said "Time to get ready to go back to the festival."

Unfortunately we got separated. i went back to the gay club in case we could meet again. He wasn't there. I asked if anyone knew where he lived. Understandably no one was willing to tell me, even if they knew.

I returned to my tent for the night. I never saw him again. I returned to my village and I never saw him again i wish we had kept in touch. I sometimes wonder how he got on.

The Questionnaire's 'Would You Sleep With The Following?' Questions

Next came a photo of a flat chested lady.

I was asked if I could sleep with her. I replied 'Yes'.

Following that was a picture of a lady with a hair lip. Again I replied 'Yes'.

Then came a picture of a naked plump middle aged woman. Again I replied "Yes"

There followed pictures of increasingly older women with saggy breasts and wrinkled faces. I couldn't relate to them sexually. But I couldn't as a Male Escort turn down potential customers, especially as they might be rich. I answered "Yes"


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