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I am a Seeder

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A Seeder is chosen to father many children for his people.
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I am a Seeder.

I am proud to serve my nation. I will provide many sons and daughters for my people.

Our nation has many different types of people, and we love and cherish true diversity. In ages past, during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, our histories tell us that many races and people sadly went extinct, being bred out by other races. This was the inevitable result of unregulated reproduction. Now, in the 22nd century, our government is determined to ensure that no race destroys another through interbreeding or outbreeding. While all races live together in harmony in our society, we keep each race separate when it comes to reproduction. This is not out of hatred or discrimination -- on the contrary, this practice ensures that each race will survive and remain distinct and glorious, and not lose its precious characteristics by becoming an amalgamation of many races. We wish blond Whites to remain blond Whites, redheaded Whites to remain redheaded Whites, Western Africans to remain Western Africans, Southern Indians to remain Southern Indians, and so forth, so that our descendants can live in a truly diverse society, and have many distinct cultures to enjoy and appreciate.

The second benefit to government-regulated reproduction is the gradual fortification of our species. Only the strongest, fittest, most intelligent, and healthiest males of each race and phenotype are chosen as Seeders, and only the strongest, healthiest, and most intelligent females are chosen as Bearers. While any fit couple can apply to raise a child born to a Bearer, each generation is a genetic offspring of a Seeder and a Bearer, the best of the best of our society.

The Bureau of Genealogy, a large governmental office, is tasked with tracking the genealogy of each Seeder and Bearer, to ensure that no pair is too closely related before being matched up for a Seeding. The Bureau ensured that each new child born to our people had the ideal genetic endowment from his or her parents, so that he or she may grow up to be a healthy and happy member of society. Thus, with each passing generation, every race in our society becomes stronger, more beautiful, and healthier, more fit to manifest our destiny of colonizing the stars.

For this cause did I undertake the arduous physical and mental challenges required to qualify as one of the Seeders for my phenotype. The strain was tremendous, but finally my years of sacrifice and effort paid off. The day that the Bureau of Genealogy granted me the rank of Seeder was the greatest honor of my life. I stood on the stage that day, before a large cheering crowd who hailed me as a hero of the people. I left determined to make my people proud and father many fit and healthy children for my nation.

On my first day as a Seeder, a representative of the Bureau brought me to my new home -- an estate in the countryside with 100 acres of immaculate scenery. When I first laid eyes on my new estate, I thought I had died and gone to paradise. The entire estate had been specially constructed according to my personal preferences by a team of expert builders and landscapers.

A small but comfortable house of terracotta brick and white plaster walls rested on the top of a hill. My bedroom was on the second floor. The bedroom had no solid walls; it was essentially a large, roofed balcony, with curtains that could be raised and lowered to expose the room to the view or protect it from the elements. From my large canopy bed, I had a breathtaking view of a fruit orchard, small groves of trees here and there, rolling hills of waving grass, and even a glittering lake of clear water. Here and there, deer and other animals roamed through the estate. Gardeners tended to the flowers and fruit trees, and butterflies and birds floated lazily through the warm summer air. The place was as beautiful and peaceful as I could ever have imagined a place could be.

Since I was born with blond hair and green eyes, I would only be matched up with Bearers of the same phenotype. However, I was free to choose servants from any race and phenotype. My servants were all women, and all beautiful. They all wore long, sweeping skirts in greens and browns (my favorite colors) and nothing else, their breasts exposed. They were of all races and phenotypes other than my own, and all exceedingly graceful and beautiful. Being a servant to a Seeder was an honor highly sought after among girls who had gone through the training to be a Bearer, but who didn't quite make the final cut. Since they had gone through Bearer training, they were all exceptionally skilled in every facet of the art of giving pleasure. Whenever I asked, they were eager to serve my sexual needs orally or anally, but never vaginally, since they were all of a different phenotype from me, and reproductive intercourse with them would have been illegal.

I was given two months to acclimate myself to my new home before my Seeder duties would begin. I quickly fell into the rhythm of my daily life on my new estate. Each morning the rising sun would wake me, shining through the light curtains. I would sit up in my enormous bed, naked under the soft cotton sheets. Immediately, my servants would bring me breakfast in bed, usually berries with cream, bread, and tea. They would raise the curtains so that I could enjoy the gorgeous view while eating. If I wished, one or two of my servants would gladly crawl into bed with me for a snuggle, a massage, and a quick blowjob.

Then I would rise and go down to the practice field in a clearing among the trees. As a Seeder, I had a responsibility to my people to remain fit and healthy, and to avoid allowing the luxury of my new home to lure me into becoming lazy and fat. In the practice field, I would meet with a world-class martial arts instructor, and we would spend the morning sparring and going through all sorts of rigorous physical exercises together. My servants usually gathered around to watch me in my training, giggling and whispering to each other. They loved admiring my fit form, shirtless and sweaty, as I went through the rigorous training.

Afterwards, three of my servants would accompany me into my spacious walk-in shower to clean up. Two of them would wash me, giggling, while a third would service me orally. Then I would be served my afternoon meal at one of the picnic tables scattered throughout the estate. I'd typically spend the rest of the afternoon and evening lounging on the grassy banks of the lake, reading, occasionally diving into the lake for a quick swim.

Finally, the day of my first Seeding arrived. I had abstained from all sexual activity for the four days prior, in order to build up my seed for this day, and I had spent the last four days in meditation and solemn contemplation on the sacred duty that I was to perform. I had seen the vaginas of my servants, and I had learned all about vaginal sex in my Seeder training, but I had never done it before, and I was nervous. Inside, a small voice hoped that I was up to the task. I was determined to perform well, to honor my people, and to produce at least one child for the nation on this very first Seeding.

I was laying on my bed, reading a book, when the knock came at my door. One of my servants, a pretty brunette, stepped in and said, "My lord, your Bearers have arrived. They are ready to receive your Seed."

At my nod, the servant stepped aside, and two women stepped into my room. Immediately, my heart started pounding, and my breath caught in my throat. They were the two most beautiful women I had ever seen in my life. It seemed as if two angels had walked into my room.

The one on the left had long, wavy golden hair that flowed past her shoulders and large green eyes. The features of her face were soft, elegant, and sweet, and she moved with a grace that made her seem to float above the ground as she walked. She was wearing a dress of transparent green silk, and I could see her large, round breasts. Her nipples tented the fabric of her dress tantalizingly. Her eyes were open wide, and the expression on her face was one of pure awe and more than a bit of nervousness.

The other woman was slightly taller, with straight yellow hair that fell to just above her shoulders. Her features were angular in a pretty way, with rosebud lips and a slightly upturned nose. Her face didn't seem as innocent as the woman on the left -- rather, I noticed a clever, feisty glint in her eye and a small smile on her lips. She seemed eager, almost... "hungry" was the best word I could think of to describe the way she looked at me. She had a burgundy-colored dress on, also transparent. Through it, I could see that her breasts were slightly smaller but more perky than those of the other woman, and equally appealing to me. She had a way of moving her hips and butt as she walked that made her seem equal parts a dangerous predatory cat and an enticing seductress.

The woman on the left fell to her knees, head bowed. Her sweet, musical voice trembled slightly as she said, "My lord. It is the honor of my life to be in your presence, and to be able to give my womb in the service of our people. My name is Aira."

The other woman knelt as well, and said in a strong and confident voice, "And I am Kiria. I have awaited this moment my entire life. It almost defies belief that I will finally have the opportunity to reproduce. Whatsoever you desire, my lord, you have but to ask it of me, and it will be yours."

I rose to my feet. I extended my arms in an open gesture, and said, "You are both welcome here. I, too, am honored beyond words to be able to perform this sacred work with you both in order to give new lives to our people. You may approach me."

The angelic women looked at each other briefly, unable to keep wide grins from their faces. Aira actually had tears of joy shimmering in her eyes. As one, they rose to their feet, and took several steps toward me with reverence.

"My lord, do you desire to inspect our bodies, in order to see if they are acceptable?" Kiria asked. I swallowed, suppressed a shiver of anticipation and nervousness, and nodded.

Both women reached behind their necks to untie the straps holding up their dresses, and the dresses fell to the floor. They both began spinning, slowly, displaying their bodies from every angle. They were even more perfect than they seemed under the transparent cloth. Their breasts bounced slightly as they turned, perky and firm. Their wide hips swung invitingly from side to side with each step. Their buttocks were tight and rippling, and their long legs looked toned and smooth. Aira's vulva looked soft and pink, and was shaved bare. Kiria's had a thin strip of pale pubic hair above it, extending two inches toward her navel.

Immediately, my body responded to the view, and my penis became extremely erect, pushing against the soft cotton of my pants. Both women noticed my erection. A grin of relief and joy appeared on Aira's face, while Kiria had a small, satisfied smile on her pouty lips.

"Are we pleasing to you, my lord?" asked Aira eagerly.

My voice almost stuck in my throat. I swallowed, and said, "Very much so. I believe that you must be the most beautiful women in this whole world. It will be my greatest pleasure and honor to share my Seed with both of you. Please, come, share my wine."

I sat back on the edge of my bed. The women slowly sat on the bed on either side of me, both visibly nervous. Two of my servants brought a bottle of our best wine on a tray with three golden cups. I expected my servants to show signs of jealousy towards the two Bearers, but instead they all had solemn expressions of reverence, as if they were unsure whether they were worthy of being present for such a monumental occasion. They set the tray on my bedside table, poured the wine for each of us, and curtsied deeply to me and to each of the Bearers in turn, then withdrew silently. Aira and Kiria sipped the wine gratefully.

"Tell me about your training," I asked gently, in order to put the two visibly nervous women at their ease.

"Very well, my lord. We have undergone extensive training in every form of sexual pleasure giving and reproduction. I beg you to be patient with us. Neither of us has ever seen a real penis before, as we have saved ourselves exclusively for you, as you know," Aira said, with a quick glance at the erection still bulging in my pants. "However, we have trained with artificial penises, and we are as prepared as we can be for this task." She cut herself off, obviously thinking that she had said too much. She turned red, and lowered her gaze to the ground, lips tight in obvious embarrassment.

I placed a finger under her chin and gently lifted her face until she was looking me in the eyes. "Please, don't be ashamed. It is my desire that you both feel completely comfortable with me. Open communication is essential. I want to know what you like, what you want, what you don't want, what hurts, everything. We are here to do our duty to our people, but I believe that the three of us can have a genuine connection and a truly pleasurable experience as well."

Aira looked at me with open wonder on her face, and Kiria let out an audible sigh of relief.

"You both have been extremely deferential and respectful to me, which I appreciate tremendously. But now, I ask you, what is it that you both desire of me?"

After a moment of silence, Kiria spoke. Her voice, which before had been strong and confident, now trembled as much as Aria's. "I wish to lay eyes on the sacred fount of the Seed of Life, my lord." Aira nodded in agreement.

I rose to my feet. They remained seated, and my erection was at the level of their eyes. Both of their eyes grew large, and their mouths fell open slightly. Aira seemed overcome with wonder and reverence, while Kiria seemed even hungrier and more eager than before.

"Please, feel free to explore me. Nothing is off limits to you," I said gently.

Kiria licked her lips, and slowly reached a hand out to the bulging shape of my penis pressing against my pants. She hesitantly touched it with two fingers, and shivered. She gently traced the outline of my penis through my pants with her fingernails. Aira watched in awe.

Then, Kiria hooked her fingers in the waistband of my pants, and pulled them down. My penis jumped out once freed. After four days of abstinence, I could feel the blood pulsing in my unbelievably rigid erection with each beat of my heart.

Both women let out loud gasps, eyes huge. Aira covered her mouth with one hand. For several seconds, they admired my uncircumcised penis and full testicles in silence. Then, with a trembling hand, Aira ran her fingers up and down my shaft, while Kiria cupped my testicles in both hands delicately, running her thumbs across the tight skin of my full scrotum. "It's so much more glorious and beautiful than I imagined it would be," Aira breathed.

"So much more beautiful than the artificial penises that we trained with," Kiria agreed. Her voice sounded throaty, full of intense desire. "I have waited so many years for this moment," she said. She continued rubbing my testicles with one hand, while with the other she began rubbing her own vagina. It seemed to be an unconscious action, like she was unaware that she was doing it, so focused was she on my manhood.

"Would you permit me to taste it, my lord?" Kiria said, licking her lips. I nodded again.

Hungrily, Kiria opened her lips and took the head of my penis into her mouth. She gently sucked, moving up and down the head of my penis slowly and methodically. I felt her tongue start swirling across the underside of the head, and then all the way around the head. The sensation made me shiver. Encouraged by my reaction, she took more of my shaft into her mouth. A moan escaped my lips, and Kiria moaned as well in answer, as if my moan had given her permission to let out a suppressed reaction. She was still rubbing her clitoris with one hand, ever faster. Up and down she sucked, and with each pump she went down a bit farther on my shaft, and a bit faster. Soon, she was taking my entire penis into her throat each time she went down, her nose touching my belly each time, then coming all the way back up to the head, just to go down again. I was amazed. My penis was quite large, and it was hard for me to imagine how she could take it all down her throat repeatedly without choking or gagging, but she never did. I could tell that she had trained her throat diligently in preparation for this. I moaned again repeatedly, unable to contain myself, and each time I moaned she answered me with a pleased moan of her own, and increased the speed of her bobbing up and down on the entire length of my penis.

Encouraged by my moans, Aira entered into play. She knelt beside Kiria and began licking my testicles, hesitantly at first, then enthusiastically. She drew one testicle into her mouth and gently sucked on it, running her tongue all around it. With both hands, she reached around me and began massaging my buttocks sensually as she licked and sucked my scrotum.

The sight and sensations were too much for me, and I could not contain myself any longer. I felt an extremely powerful orgasm building quickly. Before I realized what I was doing, I instinctively grasped Kiria's head with both hands and began thrusting powerfully into her mouth as I began shooting my Seed deep into her throat with a loud moan. Her eyes grew huge, and she struggled to swallow all of my Seed at the rate and quantity that it was coming out of me. After several seconds of indescribable pleasure, I pulled my penis out of her throat and sat back down on my bed, panting. Not to be left out, Aira bent down and licked every drop of Seed off of my penis hungrily.

Kiria prostrated herself before me, shuddering. "Please forgive me, my lord! I allowed my lust and desire to overpower my inhibitions, and I have wasted your sacred Seed in an act that cannot result in a conception! I am unworthy of your Seed!" she sobbed into the carpet.

I reached down and placed a hand on either shoulder, gently lifting her up off of the floor. "Please, Kiria, don't worry," I said in the most soothing voice I could. "We have three days together. That is plenty of time for me to share my Seed with both of you. As I'm sure you learned in your training, I will only need a few minutes to recover, and then I will be able to share my Seed once more."

Kiria looked up, suppressing a sob. She wiped her mouth with one hand and the tears from her eyes with the other, then smiled at me as she stood. Aira stood as well, and wrapped a comforting arm around her.

I smiled back warmly, and passed the women's wine cups to them. They both drank thirstily. While they drank, I said, "While we wait for me to recover, would you like to show me what you learned in your training about giving pleasure to one another?"

The women looked at each other with feisty grins. Without a word, Aira took Kiria's head in both of her hands and dragged her tongue delicately from Kiria's chin to her lips, as if trying to gather any remnant of Seed still on the other woman's face. Kiria placed her arms around Aira, and the two lost themselves in a passionate kiss, tongues flicking in and out of each other's mouths. I was transfixed by the sight of the two most beautiful women I had ever seen engaged in such a passionate display of what seemed to be genuine affection.

Aira's hands moved to cup Kiria's breasts. She kneaded them, gently at first, then more insistently. Ever so slowly, Aira broke off the kiss, and instead began tracing a line of sweet kisses across Kiria's jawline, down her neck, across her collarbone, down her chest, and finally to the top of her right breast. Then, with her tongue, she slowly slid down Kiria's breast to her nipple. She flicked and circled at the nipple for several seconds before taking it between her lips and sucking gently. Kiria moaned in ecstasy and ran both hands through Aira's golden hair, eyes closed.


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