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I Bet It Could Pt. 01

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Husband and wife start explore a sharing fantasy.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/09/2019
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I originally wrote this to share only with my wife, however I thought maybe someone else would appreciate the very slow approach that she and I are taking to exploring this fantasy. If you're looking for some immediate, hot sex scenes you'll be disappointed. There is some sex, especially in Part 3, but it only makes sense (given my wife's shyness) after Part 1 and 2 happen.

I'd enjoy reading your comments, but if this slow approach is not your thing then probably move on.


Danielle and I have a pretty good marriage—not perfect—but pretty good. We'd met in college, me a senior about to graduate, and she a freshman in her second semester. We dated off-and-on and then after she graduated we decided to move in together. That was many, many years ago, and now she's in her late 40's and I'm in my early 50's with a 25 year marriage and 4 kids to show for it.

I'm not sure where the years have all gone, but truth is, Danielle has done a good job of staying young. She works out regularly, eats healthy and avoids some of the bad habits that will age you early. I'm doing okay too. While I'm not any kind of gym rat, I'm fortunate enough to have good genes that keep me fairly slim. So while we're older, we both tend to look a bit younger—she still has a body that turns heads—not voluptuous, but well put together. I'm proud to know that I'm married to the hottest MILF in town.

Our sex life was good, if maybe a little vanilla. Prior to getting engaged and married I had had a couple of girlfriends, one serious, and so had some experience. Danielle, had dated guys, and had one serious boyfriend from high school, but unlike me, she'd never been in bed with anyone else. Not that she was bothered by that, although I was. You see, I felt a bit like I had taken away her opportunity to sow her wild oats. I knew that she had fantasies about other men—particularly Latin men—but whenever we talked about it she was pretty insistent that these were not ideas to be acted upon. I wouldn't have minded, really. After 25 years of marriage and 4 kids, I knew that we were partners for life. Still, despite all of that, or maybe because of all of that time and experience, I felt like I had kept her from some fun that she could have looked back on fondly.

We had talked about adding another man to our bedroom activities a few times—or, maybe more to the point—I had talked about adding another man. Danielle was pretty clear, "Sex is something for the two of us and no one else. And besides, you give me all that I can take already." Our sex life was pretty good, so I guess neither one of us had anything to complain about. Still, from time to time, the idea of getting her hooked up with another guy came up. The answer was always a clear "No." Secretly, I think part of her resistance was due to jealousy. While I felt like I'd be okay with her being with another guy, I knew that there was no way she would ever consider sharing me with another woman. And, I suspect she thought that if she allowed a threesome with another guy, I'd next be asking for a threesome with another woman. That wasn't my intention, and she never asked, but still I wondered.

Even if she had agreed to follow through on my fantasy, I'm not sure how we could have pulled it off. While we lived in a pretty busy suburban community, we really didn't know any single guys, and (here's where I have a hang-up) there was no way I would put her in a sexual situation with someone that I didn't completely and thoroughly trust. So, I guess I had just resigned myself to fantasizing about this threesome without ever being able to experience it. Then I had an idea.

I think a good portion of the attraction of seeing my wife getting satisfied by another man is because I knew that when they were done he would leave, and I would have her all to myself. I have total confidence in our marriage and even if he were the best lover in the world, I knew that she and I were together for the long haul. That feeling of being her chosen mate was what spurred the idea I eventually proposed to her.

Here was the plan: She would put on one of her little black dresses—short but not too revealing—she would take off her wedding ring, and she would do a little bit of flirting at one of the nearby hotel bars. I would be there too, pretending not to know her, and she would see if she was still half as attractive as I knew she was. The idea was that she would meet some out-of-town businessman, have him buy her a few drinks, dance a bit with him and then leave him hanging. Part of me thought it was cruel—to lead a guy on like this—but only a very small and easily ignored part of me.

So, I had a plan. How then, do I convince my very conservative wife to go along with it. Well, it turns out that it wasn't so hard after all—largely because she does like to make me happy. One night, after dinner and with the kids safely working on homework in the other room, I suggested a "challenge" for her. I laid out my plan, and she was pretty resistant. However, I assured her of two things: (1) NOTHING is going to happen; (2) this is NOT a prelude to me asking her for the same permission. Eventually she agreed but had a couple of conditions of her own. First, we had to choose a location that was far enough away from home that we wouldn't run into anyone that we knew. And second, that if at any point she got uncomfortable I would sweep in and get her out of there. I agreed in a heartbeat.

It took a few weeks for us to pull things together and it kind of became a fun little project to work on. In fact, we called it our Project whenever we needed to make time to work on it. If the kids were around I would ask, "Hey, you up for working on that project tonight?" We looked for nearby hotels that catered to business travelers and were large enough to be sure to have a decent crowd. We went and checked a few of them out to make sure they had music and a dance floor. We bought her a new dress that looked hot on her and was just the right amount of revealing. And we even worked out a cover story for why a single 40-something woman was alone in the bar while not traveling for work. That was her idea. She would say she was planning on meeting a friend who was coming into town for a meeting. Her friend had run into some travel issues and was going to be delayed, but would be there soon.

Finally, the night arrived. It was a Tuesday and both of us had arranged to take the next day off of work. We ordered pizza for the kids for dinner and let them know we were going out for a charity event—I guess I kind of felt like I was the "charity" in this case—but Danielle did seem up-for-it too even if she also seemed a bit nervous.

Danielle and I hopped in the car and headed to the hotel. She had worn a nice and conservative outfit when we left the house—our kids are teenagers and may have wondered about Mom's dress otherwise. Once we got to the hotel, I dropped her off at the door and went to park. She found the lady's room off the lobby and went in to change, while I parked and waited in the car. In a few minutes, she came back out and dropped her bag with her old outfit in the car and went back into the hotel.

As she left, she offhandedly said "Oh, I found your little addition to my outfit."

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"Not my style," she replied, "but I'm wearing it anyway." She turned and left without another word, but I swear she had a mischievous smile on her face.

I hung out in the car for another 10 minutes, and then headed in.

It was about 6:15 when I walked in. Looking around I thought the place was pretty empty. I quickly glanced around and saw Danielle sitting at a high-top table reading something on her phone. I did my best to ignore her and made my way to an open stool at the bar. I chose a spot at the far end, which gave me a good view of the room while also being out of the way. I had brought a newspaper and proceeded to order a beer and start reading.

After about 20 minutes, it started to get a little boring. I was about to start my second round of reading the newspaper, and my wife was still sitting on her own. My phone buzzed, and I checked it out.

"Are we done yet?" was the text from Danielle.

I typed my response. "Hang tight seems like ppl starting to arrive."

Another half an hour went by and still not much had changed. Sure, people were filtering in and out, but mostly groups or couples. I was seriously considering giving up on the whole thing. There were two middle aged couples sitting in the middle of the bar who seemed to be in town for some kind of conference. I guessed that they were married and traveling together. There were a couple of guys sitting at the far end of the bar from me. They seemed much more interested in the basketball game on the tv than anything else. They were not her type anyway. There was a woman eating dinner on her own in a booth by the dance floor and another older couple eating in the booth next to her. And there was a table of what appeared to be Hispanic guys eating at another table to my far left. They were a bit behind me so I couldn't really check them out without pivoting in my chair in a fairly obvious way, so I didn't have a good idea of what they were about. None of the others in the place seemed to hold much promise.

My phone buzzed. "I'm about done" read her text message.

I started typing my response of "K let's go" when the table behind me erupted in cheers. I never hit send on that response. I turned to see what the commotion was about and saw everyone at the table except for one guy on their feet cheering him on. There were six of them, and the one guy sitting was grinning broadly, if somewhat embarrassed by the attention. It was clear that he was celebrating something, or at least his friends were celebrating for him. They all had their glasses raised and were toasting him. I was guessing it was his birthday or something. The guys finished their toast and were chuckling and getting back in their seats when I looked back at my wife.

While I had been distracted, one of the basketball guys had made his way over to my wife's table and was standing across from her with his back to me. I could see they were talking, but they were too far away for me to actually hear them. I kept an eye on the situation, while pretending to read the front page of my newspaper for the third time.

He was blocking my view a bit, but my wife seemed to be explaining something to him. She kept pointing to and looking at her phone. He pointed at his friend at the other end of the bar, who seemed to be completely engrossed in the ball game and didn't notice. I, meanwhile, struggled not to get too energized by this development and worked hard on being invisible.

The guy talking to her was probably in is mid-30's. As I said, he wasn't really her type. He was dressed well, but was a bit over weight and had thinning hair. Not bad, but probably not her dream date. After a few minutes he left—although interestingly, he walked over to the table of Hispanic guys and said a few words. I didn't want gawk so I couldn't see how long he was there with them. A few minutes later though a few of the guys from that table started heading out. That gave me an excuse to turn and look at their table. The guy who was being toasted was just getting up and heading for the bathroom, the others were all making for the exit. The basketball guy was heading back to his seat at the far end of the bar but as he walked by my wife, he turned and said something and seemed to laugh. She got a weird look on her face, shook her head "no," and turned back to her phone. The basketball guy got back to his seat and then he and his buddy left. A few more folks had come in but, again, nothing I figured would be interesting to her so I decided it was time to end our little experiment. Kind of a flop, and I knew it would be a long drive home.

I grabbed my phone and was about to send my "K let's go" message when the Hispanic guy who had been getting toasted crossed my peripheral vision. He was coming out of the bathroom and headed for the exit, but he stopped at my wife's table. Like the first guy, he had his back to me, but I could see her looking up from her phone and then smiling at something he said. He seemed to nod toward where the basketball guys had been sitting, and she then she laughed. He then started to head toward the door giving her a small wave goodbye. She quickly got up and seemed to ask him to stay. He paused, and then came back to the table, choosing to sit across from her with his back to me. The two of them talked for a minute or two and then he got up and went to the bar and ordered a couple of drinks.

I took advantage of the moment to text her. "Everything ok?"

"Y" was all I got back. Plus, she quickly glanced at me and gave me a furtive thumbs up.

The guy was standing at the middle of the bar, not 10 feet from me. He was taller than me, maybe 6'3", with mocha skin, black hair and dark eyes. He smiled at the woman behind the bar—and that's when I realized why she had invited him back. He had a great smile, and she was a sucker for great smiles. He got himself a beer and brought her what looked like a gin and tonic and turned to head back to her table.

They talked. She laughed. They talked, and nodded, and laughed together some more. This went on for about an hour. She seemed to really be enjoying herself. I, on the other hand, was starting my fifth read through of the newspaper. He got up again to get another round and so I texted again.

"All good?"

"He's funny :)" was her response.

When he got back to the table she excused herself to go to the bathroom. I tried not to watch her as she walked past me. Instead I was already typing my text.

"So...what's the story?"

It was a few minutes later when I got her response. "He's traveling with a team of corporate trainers. They work with the guys at the other end of the bar. He just got a promotion—other guy didn't"

Her message continued, "He thought the other guy may have been rude to me—he wasn't—so stopped by to apologize"

"He's nice—although a bit young" she added.

I was reading this last message when she walked behind me from the bathroom back to her table.

In the past few minutes another group of about ten men and women had come into the bar. Clearly these were folks who had already been having some fun elsewhere and they made it obvious that they were here to have even more fun. They seemed to split into two groups without even talking. One group headed for the bar to order drinks, the other made for the jukebox and started feeding it dollars. Pretty soon the atmosphere had changed. The bar was filled with some dance music, and two of the women were already on the floor dancing.

My wife had her back to the dance floor, but kept turning around to check out what was happening. Eventually she turned to her new friend—I realized I had forgotten to even ask his name—and nodded toward the floor. I couldn't see his response, he actually seemed a bit frozen. She cocked her head a bit like she couldn't understand what he had said. Then she threw her head back a bit and laughed and hopped off her seat and grabbed his hand.

They danced. The other group danced around them, and they kept on dancing. They were fast songs and so they didn't touch much, although every once in a while, she seemed to pull him in and encourage him to keep going. He didn't look particularly comfortable, but my wife was smiling the whole time. I think they were away from their seats for 15 minutes, maybe more, when he seemed to be dragging her back to their table. I did notice that he behaved himself on the dance floor, but they came back to the table holding hands. Maybe that was because he was clearly pulling her off the dance floor desperate for a break.

He quickly finished his beer and went to the bar to order more. I started texting.

"Having fun?" I asked.

"Y" was her response.

"What's his name?" I hit send.

"Keith" was her response. That surprised me. He didn't look like a Keith. "He's from Oregon. His parents moved there from Brazil before he was born. He's actually kind of a lumberjack. :)" she added.

That's when I knew she was in deep. He was checking all of her boxes. He was a guy with darker skin, funny, with a great smile, and little rugged. I was guessing that she was smitten. I looked up at her and she was clearly only watching Keith. She, in fact, seemed to be checking out his ass as he stood at the bar.

That's when I made my move. I got up from my stool and started to walk around the bar. Her head immediately turned to me. Keith, with is back to us both didn't notice. I glanced at her and smiled and walked right past to get at the jukebox. I fed it a few dollars, and then walked on to the bathroom. I had left my phone, by the newspaper at the bar so I couldn't text her. When I got back, I saw that my plan had actually worked.

I had picked a couple of slow songs, favorites of Danielle's, and as I walked back to my seat I saw her grab his hand to take him out to the floor again. This time they danced body to body. He seemed the perfect gentleman, but they were clearly enjoying some close contact with one another. Then I made my final move of the night. I paid my bill, got up and left. First, I sent her a text. "All good. Will be waiting in the car".

I don't think she noticed me heading out. When I got to the car, I turned on the radio and waited it out. It was a little after 8pm at this point. I listened to some talk radio, and I'm not sure when it happened, but eventually I dozed off. I was awakened by a knock on my window. It was her, and I awkwardly opened my door.

"Hey, sorry...I kinda fell asleep I guess," I mumbled.

"That's okay," she was almost shouting, I could tell she was excited. She laughed nervously, "Are you okay to drive?" I said I was and she went around and hopped into the passenger seat. I looked at the clock, it was 9:30. I had left them alone for like 90 minutes.

She seemed a bit worked up, and was talking a mile a minute...I was still a little fuzzy from sleeping and doing my best to drive while I was listening.

"...he just got the promotion, it was kind of a big deal. The other guy, his name was Rob, was passed over, which was okay 'cause apparently he's a jerk. That's why he came over, he saw Rob talking to me. Anyway, he was super nice and funny. I mean Keith was. Rob seemed okay too. He doesn't have a girlfriend, I mean Keith because she just broke up with him and moved out of their apartment, he hates dancing but said he liked dancing with me, I don't know why they think that Rob guy is a jerk, he actually seemed okay to me, but just a little pushy, Keith was super nice and he really isn't a bad dancer..."

The stream of consciousness continued for about 10 minutes and then I think she realized she had been talking nonstop. She got really quiet and I could feel her looking at me while I watched the road.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." I said, flatly.

"He was nice..." She seemed to be starting to get worried at this point.

"So, what happened after I left?" I asked.

She hesitated. She started slowly, "I didn't even see you leave, it kind of threw me off at first. You said you were going to stay for the whole time."

"You seemed okay, and it seemed like you were getting ready to call it a night. I wanted you to feel like you didn't have anything to worry about." I smiled at that.

"We danced some more...thanks for your song choices. He liked dancing slow better, and he was tall." she liked taller men. "When we got back to the table, he bought us some more drinks and we talked for a while more. It was getting a little loud so he moved to the chair next to me and we kept on talking about work and stuff. He asked if I had a boyfriend, and I told him 'no'. That's true right? After a while he said he needed to get to his room to do some work for tomorrow. I told him I was going to head home and he offered to call me an Uber. I pretended to get one for myself while he paid the bill. We headed out to the lobby and sat on the sofa by the fireplace, kind of out of the way from everything else. We talked for a while, and then he asked me if it would be okay if he kissed me goodnight..." she got quiet at this point.


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