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I Fell into a Gay Video Game Ch. 03

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I have to choose a male lead.
11.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 09/08/2022
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This work will continue to feature themes of fictional rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, or non-consensual sexual scenarios. All characters are 18 years or older.


Chapter 3: The Selection Process


I was so absorbed in my misery, I almost didn't hear the chime that sounded before the notification window popped up in front of me. Unfortunately, even though the notification was 2 feet in front of my face, I couldn't read it. I was too blitzed and the letters wouldn't stay still. 'I bet whatever it is sucks,' I griped, closing my eyes since the spinning letters were making me dizzy. And just like that, I was off to sleep while Father Shion walked us to the caravan.


Waking up in a strange room again should have been disorienting, but the bed was so soft and comfortable and my mind was so blank that I felt completely at peace. The room was dimly lit and warmed by a softly crackling fire. Everything felt quiet and still and safe while my mind was empty, but eventually awareness of my situation returned along with flashes of memory while I was drunk. Shame hit me like a tidal wave as I remembered the events prior to my loss of consciousness.

Groaning, I covered my face with a pillow and curled into a ball on my side. I couldn't even blame the automated directions. It was me drunkenly, but still far too desperately, shaking my fat rump up and down on a holy man's finger. It was my voice that had been so pathetic and needy as I begged to cum from having my ass fingered. I tried not to think about it, but my hole tingled and my nipples hardened at the memory, causing my cock to stir. 'Not mine,' I reminded myself hurriedly. These were Jester's physical reactions, not my own.

That's right! My real, fit, manly body would never find pleasure in enemas or ass play. The first thing I'd do when I got back to it would be to find someone to plow. Wait, no! The very first thing I'd do would be to finally--FINALLY--rub one out! Fuck, how thick would my cum be after more than a week...wait...

It suddenly felt like a ball of ice in my gut as the realization dawned on me. If it'd been over a week since I woke up in this world, how long had it been in the real world? What state was my body in? What if I...fuck, I couldn't think more about that. I felt overwhelmed by a sense of impotent urgency in the face of so much continued uncertainty. I wished Father Shion were there to pet my head and talk to me again.

That thought startled me upright. I needed a distraction, so I surveyed the room I was in. At the head of the bed was a large chair that had a pile of folded clothes and a note pinned on top that was underneath a cloud of sparkles. Beside that, there was a chest at the end of the bed that also had glitter floating overtop it. The notification asking if I wanted to translate the note reminded me of the window that had popped up before I passed out. I racked my brain, but I couldn't remember what it said, so I opted to focus on the note for now. It was from Father Shion asking me to meet him in the chapel after I was dressed.

I was dreading seeing him after how I'd acted, but it was probably better to rip off the metaphorical band-aid. As for getting dressed, right now I was in nothing but a pair of loose fitting, white shorts, the bracelet I'd equipped at the start of the game, and the cock ring. Someone had clearly washed my body judging by how my skin felt soft and smelled fresh and clean. When I turned back to the pile of clothes, another notification opened.





[YES] [NO]

Just like before, the clothes on my person and in the chair shone bright before the latter dissolved and the former reshaped into the proper attire.




I grimaced looking down at myself. The long sleeved, v-neck tunic was tight-fitting, light blue, and was made of a thin material that flatteringly clung to Jester's slight physique. There was no undershirt, so the steep v-neck revealed an alluring expanse of my sternum and the smooth, cool material rested directly against my skin, bringing my nipples to attention. They were clearly visible through the fabric. A similar problem presented itself with the shorts. They reached my knees, but were form fitting and light colored, so my dick imprint pretty clearly showed through them. In the back, they seemed tailored in a way to ride directly up my ass crack, showing off the swell of my cheeks. The garment was remarkably like something I'd see any random gym bunny wearing back home to show off a fat, toned ass. Thankfully, the tunic was longer in the back and just covering Jester's sweet peach, so that was a small grace since the fabric of the pants left very little to the imagination. My sandals this time cuffed around my ankles and toes.

Taking a deep breath, I left the room. The hallway was empty, so I waited for the automated controls to give me a nudge in the direction I needed to go. I passed several windows on the way. It was dark outside, but I couldn't get an idea of the time beyond that until I passed a window that was slightly cracked open. Through it, I could hear the first stirrings of bird calls in the dark. If the basic rules of nature here were like home, then that should make it about an hour or less until sunrise. When I arrived in the chapel, Father Shion was the only one present. He was kneeling in front of a statue of Intacta, his head bowed in prayer. This depiction of her had large, perky breasts that were slightly obstructed by her chainmail bikini top and a staff raised high above her head in both hands.

I hesitated before stepping further into the room. For one, I didn't want to be rude and interrupt his prayers. For another, once I saw him in person, I couldn't shake the feelings of guilt and embarrassment over how I'd behaved. I vaguely remembered his tone being difficult to understand at the time, but now that I was sober, I couldn't really imagine that he was anything but annoyed with me. He'd been so nice before, what if he thought less of me now?

Anxiety settled in my chest, surprising me again. I could purely attribute my physical reactions to Jester's body and the nature of the game I found myself in, but these emotional reactions were harder to figure out. Shion was meant to play the role of a caring mentor and guide. It's not like that was an uncommon type of character, but it was one that I never found particularly appealing in any media. The benevolent mentor was something that seemed to largely draw people who already had strong paternal bonds. But actually encountering it in person was more disarming than I was comfortable with.

I considered retreating until I could see if more priests would be coming so we at least wouldn't have to be alone, but Father Shion noticed me before I could make a decision. He was smiling as always, but there was a tightness to it as he quickly stood and took long strides towards me.

I had enough time to wonder again if he was angry with me before his arms wrapped around me in a warm embrace. One of his hands pressed the back of my head slightly so that my face was pushed against his chest, not unlike how my grandmother held me close when she was relieved to see me. He smelled nice, like incense. His hands went to my shoulders before pushing me back at arms length to look me up and down. "How do you feel, Herald? You've been asleep since yesterday, are you thirsty? Any sign of nausea or dizziness? Or discomfort in general?"

"None at all." I assured him, secretly pleased with his concern. He led me to where he'd been kneeling and instructed me to assume the same position next to him. I can't say I was interested in the religious rites he began explaining to me, but I appreciated that he was taking the time to make sure I at least had some foundational knowledge.

The father told me I'd be expected to attend a morning worship every day over the course of my stay at the monastery, so I appreciated it even more and tried to follow his words more intently. Still, I couldn't help but be distracted as a group of scantily clad young men noisily entered the room. With just a glance from Father Shion, they quickly bowed their heads and quietly took their places among the pews behind us, clearly intimidated by a man of his rank.

I craned my neck around to get a better look at them. I might be in a twink's body and none-too-pleased about that right now, but I was quickly reminded of how much I, in fact, loved being inside them in the more traditional sense. They appeared to be right around Jester's age and all wearing the same Acolyte's Robes I'd worn yesterday. I couldn't help but notice their hems looked longer than mine had though. Figures. I wouldn't be surprised if any clothing I wore as Jester came out sluttier than if someone else wore the same outfit. Too bad though, it sure would be nice to catch a peak under those little robes. Especially a cute, freckle-faced redhead that caught my eye.

"Ouch!" A sharp flick to my ear drew my attention back to Father Shion innocently looking forward, but unable to keep the slight smile from the corner of his lips.

"Those are acolytes who have been raised in this monastery. The fact that they still live here and attend the morning service means they are a year or two from their majority and have lived a sheltered life until now, so do mind those wandering eyes, Herald," he chided me, though there was laughter in his voice. Ah shit, that's right. The book I'd read at Jester's home had mentioned that the age of adulthood in-game was 20. So, that would mean it was a group of 18-19 year old guys.

'What kind of sick game dangles a bunch of barely legal twinks in front of a man and then makes them no longer legal?!' I lamented to myself, focusing my eyes forward. 'Well, I guess this kind of sick game.'

As more young acolytes and various priests filtered in and took their seats, Father Shion stood and offered me a hand up. The young men looked at me curiously and I caught more than a few of the holy men looking me up and down rather suggestively. I'm sure they were all wondering about the unfamiliar young man standing next to a high priest.

The last person to enter (about ten minutes after everyone else had taken their seats) was a fat, balding, 30-something man. He had a dour expression on his face and dark blue robes, but with a lavender sash, unlike Shion's bright red sash and cap. He seemed to pout slightly when he saw me, but he outright glared when his gaze shifted to the father. The man barely hid his hostility as he took his place on the opposite side of Father Shion, though he stood a step back, indicating that he was in a subordinate position to both of us.

Father Shion spoke to the gathered crowd, explaining who we were, Jester's role, and how long we'd be staying in the monastery. "After a decision is made, the Herald will be anointed as a saint before departing with his chosen escort," he said. "If you encounter him or any of the great men here to be selected, you are to be respectful and accommodating. The Herald's days here will be divided into shifts with each escort, so be vigilant in your attentions."

As the father continued into a sermon, I grew impatient for the service to wrap up and get on with meeting the male leads. As much as the old priest made me feel comfortable, I needed to progress the game if I wanted to get home. After what felt like ages, but was probably only an hour or so, the service ended and I was led out of the chapel.

"Today, your first meeting will be with Prince Hubriste," Shion explained. "There are already refreshments and a light meal to break your fast. An acolyte will retrieve you when the time has come for you to see the next hopeful guardian."

"What about you?" I asked reflexively and immediately kicked myself mentally for how petulant my voice sounded with that simple question.

"I'm afraid I need to speak with Father Jarrod," he answered gently, not at all bothered by my tone it seemed. "He was that surly looking fellow that entered the service obscenely late for his rank." Now, he did seem a little bothered as he finished that statement. It appeared Father Shion had a mutual dislike of the other priest.

As he led me outside into a large, sprawling garden, I let my mind wander. I was glad to be meeting with the prince first. Duke Potenia had been so intimidating and the mage...well, he hadn't set off any particular alarm bells, so I was lucky I already knew his route involved tentacles to avoid him.

I wondered again about the notification from yesterday that I couldn't read and pondered if there was any way to find out what it had been. With a thought, I was able to open my Menu. Just like before, it was gray instead of the normal blue notification windows.

[Name: Jester Valroy

Age: 20

Title: Chosen of the Goddess, Herald of Intacta

Status Effect(s): ORGASM DENIAL (Equipped), DIVINE CHANNEL (Permanent)


Temporary: -

Semi-Permanent: -

Permanent: +1 SEX APPEAL (SE)]

Hmm, the temporary effects from eating the cherries were gone. How long had it been since I'd eaten them? I should've paid more attention so I could keep track of how long temporary status effects and boosts would last. Speaking of status effects, what was that new one? I (unfortunately) recognized the Orgasm Denial effect, but Divine Channel was definitely new. Glancing at Father Shion to make sure he wasn't taking any notice, I reached out, felt that brief cotton candy-like resistance in the air, and another window opened in front of me.


They say cleanliness is next to godliness and when it comes to Jester, that couldn't be more true! Jester is immune to all sexually transmitted diseases or ailments and will remain free of any solid excretions.]

Sighing internally, I wondered what all the implications of this effect would be...could I still take a shit? Ah fuck, I didn't want to think about that right now!

Thankfully, we rounded a bend in the path and came upon the prince. It was like I was looking at a renaissance painting. Sitting at a small outdoor table, drinking from a tea cup, he was stunning. The sunlight hitting his blonde hair created a halo effect and his eyes glittered like sapphires when he stood to greet me. The chime that went off half seemed like it was his own personal sound effect until the notifications appeared before me.




Making the obvious choice, Father Shion smiled broadly when I placed my hand on my chest and bowed to the prince as he approached. "It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness, the Empire's cherished Little Sun," I announced, Jester's voice uncharacteristically strong even as I remained looking at the ground. As I spoke, the knowledge of the context of my words appeared in my mind like a genuine history fact that came to me out of nowhere. The emperor was the Sun of the Empire colloquially, so in a way I'd told him that I, the Herald, acknowledged him as the heir to the throne.

When I returned to my upright position though, he didn't seem pleased. He wasn't exactly angry, but I noticed a tightness in the corners of his eyes and the hand I hadn't noticed being extended to me was retracted and instead used to offer me a place at the small table and some of the refreshments presented. The kindly priest took this as his chance to depart with a bow. I forced my eyes forward, though I couldn't deny that I felt a little abandoned after his swift exit.

I had trouble focusing on what the young royal was saying about his hopes for the future when I noticed a somber looking guard standing about 15 feet away, his gaze politely averted. He was over six feet, had short cropped hair, and a face crisscrossed by large scars. He looked like he'd lived a rough life, but I could put his age anywhere from mid-30s to late 40s at this distance. "That's my personal knight, Sir Videre," he answered my unspoken question. "He's served me faithfully for over a decade." He sipped his tea thoughtfully. "Would you like to serve me, Herald of Intacta?"


[OPTION 1: "I'd be proud to advise the Empire's Little Sun in matters of worship of the Holy Maiden."]

[OPTION 2: "Uh, yes! Y-your Majesty, I would be happy to serve you if you think I'm worthy..."]

Maybe because this was an erotic game, Prince Hubriste seemed only politely impressed by my clearly correct decision to choose OPTION 1 again. We spoke somewhat stiffly over the next two hours while I got to know more about his character and his life in leading up to the start of the game.

The bastard prince beloved by his whoremonger of a father (my thoughts, not his words) to the chagrin of his legitimate sister. Apparently, his mother had actually been a lady-in-waiting to the late empress before catching her husband's eye. From there, she was officially made a consort and swiftly became fat with child. Unlike his many other conquests, this one had bore him a son and promptly died. Having never grown tired of her, the emperor still held her dearly in his heart and this showed in his treatment of their child. But the prince wasn't satisfied with hoarding the love that should have been shared with his sister. He wanted her throne too.

That would of course be where I came in. Having the official support of the Herald (and a saint to boot) would make him a stronger contender.

I was relieved when the appointed acolyte arrived to take me to lunch with the mage and not just because he was the sweet redhead from the morning service that had caught my attention. He smiled bashfully at me, bowing his head deeply to both Jester and the prince, but noticeably stepping on decorum to bow to me before royalty, though the prince made no effort to correct the boy. He may have been a bit self-involved, but he didn't seem like a bad sort if he wasn't too sensitive about missteps like that. My approval of him grew slightly as we parted ways.

Instead of thinking about my meetings with either of my would-be escorts as I was led away, I was focused on the lithesome frame of the young man before me. His skin was pale like Jester's, but with a ruddier complexion and freckles falling from his cheeks, to his neck, shoulders, and eventually down his arms. If I looked under his modest Acolyte's Robes, would those freckles go down his chest, I wondered? Maybe they framed his nipples, which I imagined at the moment must be a lovely pink. My musings had my frustrated cock hard again, it's meager length still managing to protrude conspicuously against my trousers as I'd known they would. Hoping he wouldn't notice, I shoved my horny thoughts away to hear the boy introduce himself as Tobiah.

"I can't believe I get to meet you in the flesh!" He chattered giddily ahead of me. "Definitely let me know if you need help with anything while you're here, I'm honored to be of service!" The more he talked, the airier the younger man seemed. Father Shion hadn't been kidding when he said the acolytes were a sheltered bunch, from the light way he carried himself to the naively suggestive dialogue, he was every bit a seductive summer child.

Thankfully, my interest and arousal waned a bit at that. I was interested in younger men sometimes, but I preferred a bit more of an aggressive personality. Of course, he was still a hot little number and I was easy to get started with how long it had been for me at this point, so I kept a semi. It was in that state I arrived at a set of ornate, black doors.

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