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I Need Someone Like You

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His girlfriend’s father is in a bad mood today.
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Sidney knocked on the door three times and waited for Diane to answer. The eighteen-year-old blond had visited his girlfriend's home several times. The interior had become familiar and he could easily recognize each room and piece of furniture in the two-story building. Furthermore, he had met her father twice. He appeared to be a good man who took care of Diane very well. Sidney showed that he would never threaten Byron's daughter at any time. Now that he proved himself worthy of gaining access to their home, Sidney had no fear when knocking on the front door on this cool and pleasant Friday afternoon. The city of Anaheim showed no signs of giving his good luck an unexpected hiatus.

But when the front door opened, Sidney didn't stand in front of Diane this time. Byron appeared as the same stoic father as before. His tall stature and broad shoulders made him look like he would belong on the cover of a men's magazine. Today, he wore blue jeans and black polo shirt.

The forty-two-year-old man spoke with his usual smooth baritone voice. "Hello, Sidney. I didn't expect to see you here."

Sidney replied with a smile. "I'm here to see Diane. Is she here?"

Byron shook his head. "She's off to visit one of her cousins. She'll come back in about an hour or so."

Sidney scratched his head. "That's strange. She said that she would meet me here."

"Yes, she told me about it. But I am assuming that she forget to tell you that she left."

"I guess I can come back later."

"I will still let you in. We should get to know each other a little more."

Sidney shrugged his shoulders. "Sure. It'll be harmless, I promise."

Byron let him in the house. All of a sudden, Sidney could hear someone's smartphone ringing from upstairs. "Is that yours?"

Byron nodded. "I think it's my ex-wife."

"How can you tell?"

Byron's frown didn't change. "I'm expecting an important call from her, and I think this is the one. Stay here. I'll be back."

He walked up the stairs while Sidney made his way into the living room. The young man had the freedom to watch anything on TV, with porn being the sole exception. He sat on the couch and picked up the remote. Since he didn't have his own Netflix account, he decided to watch anything on regular TV. But nothing good was on. All he could do now was wait for a hockey game to start in thirty minutes. Today, the Anaheim Ducks would play against the Vancouver Canucks, and Sidney anticipated a fifth consecutive win for the home team.

But then, a loud voice caught his attention. Sidney turned off the TV and heard Byron yelling from upstairs. Sidney froze. Usually, the father would be calm and charismatic. This had been the first time that Sidney had heard him supposedly lose his temper. His ex-wife must have given him bad news on a rather touchy subject.

Sidney didn't know what to do. He just sat still on the sofa and waited for Byron to stop shouting. He could just feel the fury in the father's tone of voice. The conversation on the phone lasted for several more minutes. Sidney took slow breaths while tapping his fingers on the armrest. He didn't know whether to leave or just wait until Byron would finally hang up. He had hoped that Diane would just open the front door and enter the house. Unfortunately, she didn't arrive yet.

A few minutes later, Byron finally stopped yelling. The house had grown silent once more. Sidney breathed a sigh of relief. His curiosity experienced a sharp ascent. Byron's ex-wife must have done something sinister. He had heard a few things about the woman. Diane had told him about the divorce and how her mother had lied to the family court to keep Byron from seeing his daughter. Luckily, Byron had been given full custody of his only child when the truth was revealed. Now, Sidney wondered what bothered the father so much that it warranted his high volume.

He could hear footsteps from the stairs. He stood up to see Byron had returned from his intense conversation through the phone. He didn't appear too furious now, though his blank stare did give Sidney an uneasy feeling.

Byron asked, "Would you like something to drink?"

Sidney tried to smile. "Yeah, sure."

He followed Byron into the kitchen in silence. He sat at the counter while Byron opened the refrigerator door and looked inside. Sidney started to shiver. He couldn't imagine how much frustration lurked in the older man's state of mind. With that much of a loud voice in the distance, it could have been the most horrible thing that his ex-wife had done.

Byron pulled out a can of soda from the fridge. "Want one?"

Sidney quickly sat up straight. "Actually, I changed my mind. I'm not that thirsty."

Byron's blank stare didn't change. "That's okay. I'm not thirsty, either."

He closed the refrigerator and looked out the kitchen window. Sidney tried to say something, but couldn't. Byron just stood there, looking at something in the backyard. He looked as if he was a silent assassin gazing at its innocuous prey.

Sidney cleared his throat. "I, what did your ex-wife say?"

He immediately regretted saying those words. Fortunately, Byron didn't look too angry.

Instead, he just looked away from the window and replied, "She thinks she can cheat the system."

Sidney trembled for a second. "What, uh...what is she going to do?"

"It's complicated."

Sidney stood up from his seat. "I'm already interested. Tell me about it. I'm a good listener."

For some odd reason, Byron eyed him top to bottom before he replied, "She's been lying to her friends about me. She keeps telling them that I've been hurting Diane for the past few years. And one of her friends works in the same building as I do. She's been spreading the false rumor everywhere in the workplace. Some of them find it hard to believe, but a few of them are already convinced that I've been using Diane as my own personal punching bag. Now, I'm stuck with co-workers who won't even talk to me. One of them even called the cops on me. Diane kept me from being arrested when she told them the truth. But that didn't stop my ex-wife from doubling down on her lies."

"All this because your ex-wife hates your guts?"

Byron took deeper breaths. "She'll do anything to ruin my life. To be quite honest...I'm not in the best of moods right now."

Sidney stepped closer. "I'm really sorry about that. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Byron's blank stare changed to a more obvious display of frustration. He eyed Sidney from top bottom for the second time. Now, he looked like a predator ready to show off his aggressive behavior toward his opponent. Sidney couldn't help but feel more uncomfortably nervous than usual. He tried to look away, but was afraid of making Byron just a little more irate.

The older man's voice grew hoarse. "I really don't like it when I'm feeling so upset."

Sidney remained standing despite his anxiety. "I, uh...can give you a massage or something."

"I need to fuck someone."

That certainly caught Sidney off-guard. "What did you say?"

"I need someone like you."

Sidney finally turned around. "I should leave."

He left the kitchen and made his way back into the living room. All of a sudden, he could feel Byron grabbing his arm and pulling him closer. Now standing just a few inches from each other, Sidney looked him straight in the eyes. Byron's stare was now fiercer than ever. Sidney was too afraid to say something.

Byron whispered, "I want you to stay here. I need you to help me fight this bad mood."

Sidney shivered. "What do you want me to do?"

"Take off your clothes."


"Do as I say."

"But...what about Diane?"

"I want you to forget about her for a moment. Now take off your clothes and get down on your knees. I need you to make me feel much better."

Sidney looked down at Byron's blue jeans. A bulge beneath the surface had already grown to a more substantial size.

"I don't think I can do this."

"Just shut up and do it. Your girlfriend's father needs your help."

Sidney didn't want to complain. He feared Byron's treatment of anyone showing resistance. With a little hesitation, he finally took off his shirt, shorts, and boxers. Byron grabbed them out of his hands and flung them to a corner. Now naked, Sidney showed off his slender figure. Byron must have admired him much more.

"I already like what I'm seeing."

Sidney slowly got down on his knees and looked up at the man who had no sympathy toward his ex-wife. "I'm scared."

Byron loosened his belt and unzipped his jeans. "Don't be afraid of the beast."

He showed him his long hard cock ready for use.

Sidney looked away. "Wow, that's bigger than I thought it would be."

Byron grabbed him by his blond hair. "Just shut up and take it. Put it in your mouth and show me that you're good at this job."

Sidney wished that Diane would just open the front door and discover what transpired in the living room. Unfortunately, the door remained closed. Now, he gazed at the erection that pointed straight at his face. Since he didn't want to disobey a man fuming from the inside, he took a deep breath and grabbed the cock with his hand. He gave it a lick. It tasted like ordinary human skin, but the size of it made him repel a yearning for other men even more.

Byron didn't let go of Sidney's hair. "Maybe I should help you with that."

He pushed Sidney's head toward his cock. Sidney now had it shoved deep inside his mouth. It startled him. He never expected to have another man's dick inside his mouth. It was absolutely massive, almost making him choke on the tip. In addition to his firm grip on Sidney's head, Byron thrust his cock forward. Now, Sidney experienced a repetitive rhythm caused by the older man's command of the situation.

He tried to speak, but could only muffle a few words with such a long hard cock being driven in and out of his mouth, which had become a mechanism for Byron's stress relief. He tried hard not to form any scratches on the cock with his teeth, all the while trying hard not to make a stupider move that would lead to a bitter conflict. He looked up to see Byron's fiercely persistent eyes never looking away from his face. Sidney seized Byron's hips with his hands. He knew what would happen if he kept the cock in his mouth. He feared the taste of the ejaculation that would commence in his mouth. He didn't know how it would taste, and he never bothered to try it out.

Byron made his daughter's boyfriend taste his cock for the next few minutes. The acceleration made Sidney a little dizzy. He felt like he would somehow pass out owing to the swift movement of his head.

Byron never stopped his forward propulsion just yet. "Oh, here it comes. Have a little taste of my man cream."

His firm grip of Sidney's head grew even tighter as he finally stopped moving it to and fro. Sidney could feel a warm creamy substance flooding his mouth.

Byron yelled, "Don't spill! Swallow it!"

Sidney obeyed his command. He swallowed every ounce of cum that landed in his mouth. The sugary but bitter flavor almost made him gag. Once Byron finished with his eruption, he finally let go of Sidney and stepped back. Sidney almost collapsed on the hardwood floor. He took quick breaths as he tried to ignore the taste that remained in his mouth. He couldn't believe it. He actually devoured another man's cum. He never believed it would happen to someone like him.

He looked up to see Byron taking off his polo shirt.

He asked, "What are you doing?"

Byron took off his jeans and boxer shorts. "I'm not done. Stay on the floor."

He pushed Sidney further to the ground.

Sidney didn't squirm, even if he did feel more nervous than before. "I don't think we should do this."

Byron whispered, "Your opinion means nothing to me."

Sidney now lay on his stomach, spread-eagled. He could feel Byron beginning to lay on top of him. He still wished that Diane would return and discover her father's true intentions before calling him out on it. But it never happened. He felt Byron's cock sliding across his delicate ass.

"Oh, no."

Byron shoved his cock deep into the young man's hole. Sidney gasped. It was such an unusual feeling. It almost hurt when it slid through, but the instant it touched the infamous weak spot, it became a more tingling sensation. Byron thrust hard downwards as he grabbed hold of Sidney's arms. Sidney just had to lay still. With his mouth taking a break from an incursion, his ass had the opportunity to experience the same thing.

"Oh, Byron! I can't believe it!"

Byron showed no signs of stopping. "You better believe it. Feel the cock. Feel the burn."

His hips began to produce loud smacking noises when ramming against Sidney's ass. He must have felt so irate after his ex-wife's phone call that his downward motions already picked up speed.

Sidney cried out, "Oh, fuck!"

He could feel a drop of sweat forming on his forehead. The humidity in the living room became more obvious as both naked bodies generated more heat from the vivacious workout. With Byron delivering another round of his inundation and Sidney on the receiving end, it became a porn scenario that came alive.

Sidney took quick breaths. The burning sensation from within his hole made him feel weak and vulnerable at the same time. He didn't know what to think. This new experience happened so quick that he had trouble accepting the reality of it. With the weight of another man on his back, he couldn't wait to go back to someone of the opposite sex. Her father may have spent his time relieving his frustration, but Sidney just wanted to see Diane again.

He moaned, "It's so much! Fuck, it's making me weak!"

Byron didn't stop. His swift speed could only mean that his chosen method of forgetting his most recent troubles seemed to be working. And when he approached his climax, his strongest thrust was the last.

Sidney almost screamed. He could only imagine the semen flooding his inner tube. He didn't feel too proud of it, but he did assume that Byron had finally felt right.

He whispered in the young man's ear, "I feel good."

He pulled his cock out of him and stood up straight. Sidney could feel the warm cum spilling out of his hole and landing on the floor.

He could hear Byron say, "You might want to clean that up."

* * *

As soon as she stepped inside the house, Diane found her boyfriend in the living room with a mop on his hand. She looked down at the bucket full of water, as well as the puddle that had formed on the hardwood floor.

"What have you been doing?"

Sidney smiled. "I made a little mess, so I have to clean it up. Don't worry, your Dad isn't angry about it."

Diane kissed him on the cheek. "That's good. I hope it isn't serious, though."

"No, it's just a little juice that I spilled."

Diane no longer cared about the supposed mishap. "I'm going upstairs. When you're finished, you can find me in my room."

She left the living room with a smile and made a dash up the stairs. Sidney kept his attention on the mop and the puddle. He moved the mop left and right to finish cleaning up the mess on the floor. He stopped when he could feel Byron's arms coming from behind and locking him in a tight embrace.

He could hear his girlfriend's father whispering in his ear, "You are such an amazing person. I'm so glad that Diane had found you."

Sidney no longer felt afraid, but that didn't stop him from experiencing a little indignity in his thoughts. "I can't do this forever, you know. I still love Diane."

"I can still make it worthwhile. Stay with her, and I promise I won't be as aggressive as I was a little while ago."

"Byron, I should-"

"I'll be looking forward to our future. Remember that."

As soon as Byron let him go, Sidney turned around to see him returning to the kitchen. The young man sighed. As much as he enjoyed his relationship with Diane, he now wondered what life would be like when having another man by his side.

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Leroi123Leroi123about 1 year ago

He took advantage of the power difference and raped the boy. Not Cool!

MichaelfantasiesMichaelfantasiesover 1 year ago

The idea of my girlfriend's Dad coming on to me too and making me suck his cock and then fucking me is so scary, yet so arousing to me! Then for him to want this to become a regular thing!!! Wow!

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 3 years ago

a little weird. anal with no lube doesn't really work

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Bad but not rape

People the kid never said no and never once asked him to stop. Not rape. Yeah they guy is creepy but the kid is an idiot. He could have left at anytime before they got started. And why would you even ask personal questions to your girls father. The kid did not even have any discomfort and was a virgin, Come on. Just a bad concept and zero reason for the mother to be so crazy?

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