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I Owe You One

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A very boring evening gets much more interesting...
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Chapter 1: Ressusatation

I was bored. So bored. I was on holiday with my family in Lanzarote and the dinnertime conversation was far from stimulating. As my parents were blabbing on about mortgage rates, taxes and who knows what else I was staring off into space, alone with my thoughts. It was late, the sun had set below the horizon, the many twinkling lights from far away towns reflected in the swimming pool like stars in the sky, but it was far too cloudy to see any real stars. The restaurant we were sitting in was raised above the ground, overlooking the aforementioned pool and the ocean beyond that. As I gazed, glassy-eyed, at the shimmering water in the pool, I wanted more than anything to jump in! It was boiling despite being the evening and I would much rather be splashing around down there than up here with my family. The lifeguards were only on duty until seven, so the pool had to close after that.

Just then, I noticed two girls run to the edge of the diving board and begin to climb up onto it. They were obviously new here and did not realize that the pool was off-limits at this time, but I was too busy looking at these girls to care.

The first was a tall thin blonde with a tight black bikini, her large, round breasts stuffed into it. She stretched her arm upwards and leaned sideways, before adjusting her bikini bottoms, pulling them up and giving her the slightest hint of camel toe. I shuddered inwardly, thinking of what she must look like under that bathing suit, smiling to myself. I knew what was going to keep my mind occupied for the duration of this meal.

The other girl was a shorter, petite brunette. Although she barely filled out her bikini top, she made up for it with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. As her friend approached the end of the diving board, she giggled, brushing her hair behind her ears and pulling her lips into a small, tight grin. Her wavy hair was very long, flowing down to her waist, it was a dark brown, fading lighter towards the bottom. It framed her face perfectly as she shook it backwards, out of her way.

The first girl walked confidently out onto the diving board, peering over the end to ascertain how high up she was. She raised her arms above her head, and jumped high three times on the board, before propelling herself into a high, neat swan dive, entering the water with no splash, barely even a ripple. The other girl was not so sure of herself. She tentatively stepped onto the diving board as her friend resurfaced.

"C'mon!" The blonde shouted up, "Just jump! You'll be okay." Her voice was confident and reassuring

"I don't know..." Replied the brunette, "It looks pretty high." Her voice was much quieter and higher in pitch.

She did eventually manage to jump off of the diving board, though much less gracefully than the first girl. They continued to jump off of the diving board for another ten minutes or so, smiling and laughing as they went, and I continued to watch them idly, tuning out the conversations happening all around me. But then, the blonde girl decided to do a backward somersault off of the diving board. The brunette and a few wandering eyes watched in horror, as the girl slipped on the very edge of the board as she jumped, the end of the board flying upwards and smacking her in the forehead with such force that she was sent spinning into the water below. That pool was at least four meters deep, and she did not seem to be recovering from the impact.

The brunette let out a shrill scream that lead many patrons of the restaurant to rush over to the wall that looked down upon the pool, shocked and confused as to what to do. I was no such person, I knew that the brunette didn't have the strength nor the swimming skills to help the now unconscious girl out of the water, but I might just be able to.

I swiftly vaulted the wall separating the restaurant and pool area, although it was low on one side the drop on the other was quite substantial, as onlookers began to take out their phones to record this horrific event. I soon reached the pool, where I discarded my phone onto a nearby sunbed and dived into the freezing water. It was not as much of a welcome refreshment as I had hoped it would be, but I had other things to worry about.

I opened my eyes, the combination of the sting from the water and the lack of sunlight made it difficult to see, but I could just make out the outline of an unmoving body, rapidly sinking in the water. I kicked my legs with all my might, my breath beginning to run out as I approached the floating girl. She was facing up at me, eyes closed as I took another look at her. She was even more stunning close-up. But this was not the time, I put my hands on either side of her waist and rotated her so that she was facing down, before wrapping my arms around her and pushing my legs off the floor of the pool. As we shot upwards, I resisted the urge to move my hands up to her chest, as much as I wanted to there was no way it was the right thing to do, so I didn't.

As my lungs were straining for the last dregs of oxygen, we finally broke the surface. I took a deep breath in, lay on my back, kicking my legs and making sure to keep the girl's head above the water. I approached the edge of the pool and a man from the restaurant helped lift the girl out, laying her on the warm stone tiles.

I laid a hand on her chest and moved my ear to her mouth, there were no signs of a breath. I checked for a pulse but could not find one, so I knelt next to her torso, placing both of my hands in the centre of her chest, and beginning CPR. By this time, a small crowd had gathered around the poolside, all of them too shocked to do anything.

"For god's sake, somebody call an ambulance!" I shouted, and people began to dial on their phones. I turned my attention back to the girl on the floor in front of me. Her chest was jiggling as I pushed, and my pants were growing tighter by the second as I looked at this insanely hot girl. I even considered mouth-to-mouth, but I knew that that wasn't recommended medically in this case and I couldn't justify it to myself.

Thankfully, I didn't have to keep it up for long, as she suddenly spluttered awake and sat up, coughing water onto the floor. I moved my hands away and placed one on her back.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Y-Y-Yeah..." She mumbled, having trouble getting the words out.

A team of paramedics soon arrived, taking the girl away for observation, her friend following along behind. Just before she went, the girl looked up at me, a sly grin spreading across her face.

"I owe you one"

Chapter 2: Reward

I was laying in my bed later that night, thinking about what had happened and just how gorgeous those two girls were earlier, when a knock came at the door. I got up, walked to the front door of the apartment and pulled it open. It was the girls from the pool.

They were dry now and had changed into normal clothes, I could smell their perfume from inside the apartment. The blonde was leaning against the outside of my doorframe with a white crop top on, exposing the shape of those breasts that I had become intimately familiar with. She had matched this with a pair of dark blue jean shorts, stopping at the very top of her thigh.

The brunette stood behind her, in an orange and white floral sundress. Her hair cascading down her shoulders, she was wearing her adorable tiny smile, and her eyes were a piercing brown that complimented her rosy pink cheeks and tanned skin.

"Hey, you're the girl from the pool." I said, hiding the fact that my dick was swiftly filling with blood.

"Yeah, you saved my life." She replied, grinning as she did so.

"Oh, I don't know about that..." I started.

"Don't be modest," she stared me down, "you're a hero."

"No, not at all."

"Either way," the brunette chimed in, "we wanted to say thank you."

"Oh, that's so sweet," I smiled, "are you feeling better now... Um..."

"Amelia," said the blonde.

"Oh, that's such a lovely name!" I itched the back of my neck, cringing to myself.

"And I'm Emma." The brunette looked down at her feet.

"Great to meet you, would you like to come in?"

My family had gone to the bar after the escapade at the pool, and I had gone back to the apartment. This meant I had the place to myself. I offered the girls a drink, and we sat and chatted for a few minutes before Amelia stood up from her chair and walked over to me.

"We wanted to reward you, for saving my life," her smile widened.

"Oh, what did you have in mind?" I asked, wondering what she was going to give me.

"Well," she said, as she pulled me from my chair, "I did have some idea of what we could do to thank you, where's your bedroom?"

I lead her and Emma into my barebones bedroom, a simple wardrobe was built into the wall and a small window was situated at the far side of the room, but other than that it was just my double bed and my suitcase tucked under it.

Emma walked to the far side of the room, smoothing the bottom of her dress before sitting down, legs crossed on the edge of the bed. Amelia perched on the near side of the bed, gesturing for me to sit down next to her. I sat, once again taking in her floral aroma of daisies and roses.

Amelia bit her lower lip and looked down, she glanced her eyes back at me and smiled. She slowly reached for me, resting her hand gently on my thigh and applying the slightest pressure. I took a short breath in and leaned into her to kiss her. Her breath hitching as her soft, velvet lips met mine. I reached my hand up to her cheek. I stroked her smooth skin as she tilted her head to the side and began inching her body toward me. I held onto the back of her head as we continued to kiss, wrapping my left arm around her waist and bringing her closer to me.

Her lips pursed slightly, allowing for the tip of my tongue to penetrate her mouth, as her's did the same to mine. Our tounges swirled around each other, engaged in an erotic dance, swelling my member at a rapid pace and causing Emma's breathing rate to increase.

Amelia reached for the hand that I had placed on her waist, sliding it up the side of her body and onto her chest. I could feel her nipples hard through the soft fabric of her top, as I gently cupped her left breast with my hand, before squeezing and massaging it. She broke away from me as she let out a soft moan, Looking directly into my eyes and pulling her top over her head. She was wearing nothing underneath.

I stared at her for a moment, the way her full, round breasts floated, as if weightless, and how her nipples stood solid and straight out. I readied myself before I grabbed Amelia by the shoulders and pushed her onto the bed. I was on top of her now, and I pressed my lips once again up against hers, simultaneously placing my hands over her chest. I squeezed at each breast, feeling how soft, warm and smooth they were and how she shuddered underneath me with each change in pressure. She brought her hands down and took off her jean shorts. She was now fully nude.

Her thighs pressed hard against me, the tip of my dick rubbing up and down on the inside of my underwear as we continued to make out. I stopped, breaking away from her. I sat up, still straddling her, as I swiftly wriggled my shirt, shorts and underwear off, discarding them onto the floor. As my dick sprung out, Amelia and Emma both gasped. Amelia brought her hand up to her mouth and giggled. She sat up too, bringing herself to eye level with my cock as she slowly reached towards it.

She clasped one hand firmly around it, stroking its base and positioning her mouth next to the tip. She stuck out her tongue and gently licked the throbbing head of my dick, she slowly ran her tongue down the underside, before bringing it back up, positioning her lips over the end of my dick and pursing them. She began to push her head down onto me, sucking and swirling her tongue along its length as she did so. She could no longer take any more of me inside her as her hot, wet mouth enveloped the entirety of my cock, causing me to throw my head back and let out a groan of pure pleasure. She could no longer take any more of me inside her mouth.

I knew that I wasn't going to last much longer like this, so I pulled out of her mouth and pushed Amelia backwards once again onto the bed. She lay on her back, legs wide apart and feet in the air, facing me. Emma knelt on her hands and knees, crawling backwards and pulling up the bottom of her dress. She sat firmly on Amelia's face, Amelia plunged her tongue inside Emma and she groaned as I readied myself between Amelia's legs, looking at the large, inviting lips of her pussy, as she reached her hand down to them and spread them apart, leaving me staring straight into her aching hole. I began sliding the head of my dick along the length of her slit, causing her legs to tense up and her back to arch slightly.

I could see the precum oozing out of me, and Amelia's juices beginning to pool on my sheet. Amelia broke away from Emma,

"Please," she sounded desperate, "do it."

I obliged.

Amelia resumed eating out Emma, causing her moans to grow louder. I positioned my dick at the entrance to Amelia's vagina. I very gently pushed my dick inside of her, as she screamed into Emma's pussy. God, she felt good. I continued to ease my dick into her warm, wet, tight sex until I felt it bump up against something squishy and hard. I decided to stop there.

I remained inside of her for a few seconds before I gently began to pull back out. I took a deep breath in, readying myself, before I plunged deep inside her again. Her knees buckled. I slid in and out of her a few more times before I began to gently go faster.

I began to push with rhythm and force that I did not know I possessed. Amelia was moaning into Emma now, and she had to release Emma's thighs that were previously clamped to the side of her face.

"Faster!" She moaned, I thrust harder and faster into her, and I watched her tits bounce with the force of my thrusts. I reached down with both hands to feel them. They were still warm, soft, squishy and perfectly filled my hands. Emma watched, fingering herself now so fast that her hand was a blur. I had to move my hands onto Amelia's thighs to hold her still, as her whole body was now being violently shaken with every thrust. I bent over her, thrusting my dick into her with all of my might as the sound of our bodies slapping together, as well as both her and Emma's moans filled the room.

"I'm gonna... CUM!" She screamed, and I pulled her head into a deep, long kiss, while still plunging my dick in and out of her. As Emma's moans reached a crescendo, and Amelia moaned into my lips, I felt her begin to contract around my dick and I used all of my remaining energy to force my dick as hard as I could in and out of her.

"FUUUUUCKKKKK!!!" She moaned, and with one final push she stuck her tongue deep into my throat and I thrust my dick as deep as I could inside Amelia, as her pussy clenched my dick, she arched her back, clenching her fists against the bed. Emma's juices began to squirt everywhere, as I shot off thick, warm ropes of cum deep inside Amelia.

Our kiss broke, as I gently pulled out of her and flopped onto the bed next to her. Still panting, she rolled on top of me, resting her head on my shoulder and hand on my chest.

"That was wonderful," she sighed, and I smiled to myself.

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SirKevinSirKevin9 months ago

Good story, but the logistics got a bit wonky. Granted, threesomes are hard to write.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

That was certainly a nice way to say thank you! Well done. Please keep on contributing!

BMBrooks09BMBrooks0910 months agoAuthor

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