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I Said Hello To Her Eyes

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She wore a sundress and a smile...
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The last time I had greeted a woman I was obviously looking at her rack. She shook her head and sighed.

"I was gazing into your heart," I said with a grin. My weak attempt at humor was greeted with an upraised middle finger. I did not have game.

The problem was I didn't just undress women with my eyes, I strip-searched them with my eyes. I vowed to myself that the next time was going to be different.


I was at a downtown San Diego Starbucks ordering a drip coffee, no latte for me, trying to save some money now that I was living in an apartment. Wife got the house, typical.

I waited for a woman who was adding cream and stirring her coffee. She was stunning; almost as tall as me, big but fit, smartly dressed, shaped like a woman.

When she turned I said, "Hello" to her eyes.

She smiled and also said, "Hello."

I choked up and all I could manage to say was, "Gee, you're tall." No game whatsoever.

Without missing a beat she responded, "I know. My feet are going to hang off the end of your bed."

I picked my jaw off of the floor, figuratively speaking.

I was sure that the next thing I said was make or break. I told her, "I just wanted to say that you look amazing and you radiate confidence."

"I know how to take a compliment too," she replied. "Thank you."

I said 'Whew' to myself.

It surprised me when we exchanged a man's handshake, you know, where you bury that muscle between your thumb and forefinger into theirs and grip firmly. I guessed former military.

Her name was Denise. I love that song 'Denise, Denise' by Randy and the Rainbows. I resisted the urge to use that phony line 'I love that name.'

She had on white slacks, not black like women use to hide their curves or lack thereof. A fitted blouse accentuated the positive. Short, non-overprocessed natural color hair, not trying to hide a touch of grey, modest makeup and jewelry completed the picture.

It was the first time in a long time that I looked at a woman's spirit, not at her torso.

To my delight, she had a few minutes to spare. We sat down at a table, sipped and chatted. I complemented her on the clever comeback to a comment about her height, telling her my favorite reply to 'How's the weather up there?' is to rub my hair and say 'It's snowing.'

She pointed to my ring and asked, "So, does your wife know you are out complementing women like that?"

I explained my situation; separated, living in an apartment, not working on getting back together. She explained hers, divorced, not really looking, concentrating on career.

Her twenty five words or less life story was that she had worked a college softball scholarship into a Naval officer career and was in the Reserve now, working for a defense contractor. I imagined her in a tight softball uniform, then I imagined her dress whites on the floor by the bed.

I told her that tall women always turn my head. She said that tall men catch her eye her too. She confessed that she had spotted me coming in the door and had lingered, hoping I would say 'Hello.'

I scribbled a phone number and we parted with a mutual 'Later.'

I skipped back to my car. It was 74 and sunny, a beautiful first day of summer in San Diego.


The next day I started up a text thread with her. She lived in a corporate apartment in Chula Vista. My 'bachelor' pad was way up in Escondido, so it wasn't going to be easy to see her. We exchanged more text messages and I finally got the courage up to ask her out a date. She responded by saying she wasn't looking for a relationship. Not exactly a yes or a no.

'Fair enough,' I had texted back, 'How about friends?'

'You mean friends with benefits?' she quickly replied. Before I could come up with a reasonably sane answer she added, 'Yes.'

We agreed that we would have one chance to discuss our why our marriages fell apart then we would not bring it up again.

I explained that I had seen my wife clicking a window closed on her computer when I walked into the room. I installed a keystroke logger and found a secret email account. She had been having an affair. I was pretty angry at first, but then had to look at the entire email history. She had opened up to him about trouble in our marriage, he had swooped in to rescue her. There was a note from him asking for a photo with just her in it, holding the camera over her head with her mouth open. He sent back a photo of that picture printed out with a big gob of goo on it. Their messages got more intimate as they crescendoed to their first meeting. She had told me she was 'visiting a cousin.' The next note afterwards was him apologizing for prematurely ejaculating. I had to laugh, but also found myself aroused. When I confronted her she wanted to separate so that she could 'find herself.' I confided to Denise that after the shock and shame I found myself turned on by the thought of my wife with another guy.

Her marriage was going fine until her husband asked for an 'open' relationship. She had agreed to try 'swinging.' They did that for awhile but then she found he was meeting with one of the couples on the side. He said he wanted to separate so he could 'find himself,' and then moved in with the other couple. She confided that she realized now that communication is essential for people who want an open marriage, or closed marriage for that matter.

I wanted to hear more of her swinging stories.

Our text messages got racier, with lots of double entendres and suggestive comments. She could hold her own with sexy repartee.

I got a text message, 'No dick pics.'

I deleted a picture.

The next message from her was 'No sexting or phone sex. Sorry, but I can't risk my security clearance with stuff like that around.' I'm not an emoji person but I replied with a frowny face.


We arranged to meet again for coffee. She wore a sundress and a smile. It took my breath away, literally speaking.

Over two cups of coffee, our conversation meandered from current events to more intimate subjects. I embellished a story of a college strip poker game. Her eyebrows raised with every detail.

She told about one of her experiences, a wild weekend with some of her ROTC buddies. She spun a tale of a wild orgy, sparing no detail. Normally in the military a clusterfuck was a bad thing. I squirmed and crossed my legs trying to hide a bulge.

I told her that I could not be more horny and I wanted her to come out with me to my car. "Let's go," she said.

She said she needed to 'powder her nose' while pointing to her lap. We got up and took turns in the bathroom.

We walked holding hands at a brisk pace to my car. I had parked out in the middle of the lot, under a tree and well away from any other cars. To be honest, I had imagined coming back there with her. I motored the front seats forward and unfolded some shades in the windows.

She climbed in back and we were on each other immediately. it was a frenzy of kissing and fondling. She pulled my head in with her hand and kissed me harder as our tongues danced. Her hand brushed against the front of my pants.

We wrestled until we were horizontal on the back seat, struggling to find room as our four long legs tangled. I put my head down between her breasts, she helped by smooshing them together. I worked my way lower, running my hands up her dress to her waist. After a minute or two exploring, she gave me that all-important signal of lifting her butt up. I pulled her panties down to her knees. They were white cotton, with a big wet spot. I pushed the dress up and moved in.

I started with some teasing kisses, circling around her tummy and upper thighs. She had a neatly trimmed bush, natural color with a touch of grey. She let out a good moan when my tongue found the sweet spot. She was very vocal, letting me know exactly what was working. My tongue drummed a tattoo on her clit. She grabbed two fistfuls of my hair and pushed down. I could feel her tense up. She let go with a loud "Oh God Yes!" writhing as much as she could in the cramped space. She pushed me away when it got too sensitive. I could feel the last waves of pleasure tremble through her body.

I wiped my glistening chin and asked, "Was that as good for you as it was for me?"

With a somewhat dazed look she tugged up her panties and straightened her dress.

She came over and gave me a kiss, then purred, "Now it's my turn."

I leaned back as she fumbled with my belt, unbuttoning and unzipping. She watched the pained expression on my face as she teasingly rubbed me through my boxers. They were white cotton, with a big wet spot. With a flip of the wrist she pulled down the waistband revealing my pulsing member.

She touched her finger to the dribble of precome and brought it to her lips, adding an "Mmmmmm," for good measure.

She went down there, giving a teasing lick to the tip and swirling her tongue around the head. A few runs down the shaft with her lips had me groaning in pleasure.

She took me all the way into her mouth.

After saying, "Right there," a few times I didn't need to repeat it as she ran her mouth up and down. She put a gob of saliva into her hand and pitched in with that.

I had not been with a woman other than my wife for 30 years, her perfect technique took me up to the edge quickly.

She somehow knew that an "Oh Yeah!" from me was the signal for her to stop with her hand and just run her lips over the head. My hips were thrusting as much as they could in the cramped space.

The orgasm started deep in my soul, with a warm feeling spreading all over my body. My head tipped back and my eyes closed as the first pulses ran up my member. I let go with a loud "Aaaaaaarghhh!" as monumental sensations of pleasure ripped through my body and pulse after pulse gushed into her mouth.

I had been saving up for two weeks so I imagined there was going to be a lot of stuff. I did not anticipate that my orgasm was going to last that long, but she must have because she kept on me without hesitation.

As the last spasms coursed through my body, she knew it was going to be sensitive, so she pulled off, with just a dribble on her chin. I watched as she took a big swallow.

She came back up and gave me a kiss. I apologized for prematurely ejaculating. She replied, "It was my pleasure."


I called her the next day. That is what you are supposed to do, right?

I asked her for a date but was dismayed when she said she was busy. Next week? Busy too, a friends wedding. I pried into what she was doing. She finally relented and said 'Bachelorette Party.' I didn't ask any more, letting my imagination take over.

Late on Saturday night, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Denise, 'Booty call.'

I could not have responded any quicker, 'Let me shower up and I will be right over.'

I popped a blue pill. I had asked my doctor for as sample after my first experience with Denise, not knowing if I was going to be able to keep up with her. He had obliged with a smile. I drove as quickly as I could to her place.

When I got there she greeted me at the door in a robe with wet hair.

She had just got back from the party. She explained that the bride had found out the groom 'did the talent' at his bachelor party. The ladies had a mild night planned but then changed to wild after hearing this.

They got a two strippers. She said the guys didn't want play with each other but that changed when some hundred dollar bills were tossed. She went in to exquisite detail about how nasty the bride got with them. She said she did not 'partake' but now was 'horny as hell.' After hearing her story, I was too.

She beckoned me with her finger. I followed her into her bedroom. I did not have to wait for her to blow dry her hair.

The covers were already on the floor and the lights were turned up high. She tackled me onto the bed, climbed up straddling me, held my hands above my head and hollered, "Fuck me!"

She plunged her tongue down my throat, her breasts rubbing against my chest through her robe as she devoured me with her mouth. She sat back up, I fumbled with her drawstring on her robe as she flipped through the buttons on my shirt. We both pulled each others open. Back down again she came for a kiss with her bare breasts rubbing against my chest. My arms wrapped around pulling her closer, she had her hand on the back of my head kissing me even harder.

She sat up again and I finally got a good look at her breasts. They were big and perfectly shaped. She had areolas like saucers. I grabbed them both and squeezed then pulled her down to get one in my mouth, then the other.

She inched herself forward up my chest, then climbed over my shoulders so her entertainment center was hovering over my face. She lowered it down gently so I could just barely reach it with my tongue, then back up again to tease me. She set it down so it was in perfect position. I tongued her clit like a prizefighter working a speed bag.

She worked her way around so she was over me in sixtynine position. She quickly had my pants undone and pulled down to my upper thigh. She played with my member through my briefs, with an even bigger wet spot than before. Another flip and my pants and briefs were down to my knees. She went right at me taking me all in. We were both moaning as we worked each other with our mouths.

She climbed off, her robe and my clothes went flying. I was back in sixtynine position, this time with me on top of her. I hooked my arms over her legs and spread them wide, my tongue swirling around her folds and dipping in. My tongue went lower, she flinched with each lick. Lower still as I pulled her legs back as far as I could, my tongue teased down to her butthole. She giggled and squirmed when I gave it a swirl, she was squeaky clean.

All this time I was humping her mouth. I was too distracted with what I was doing to her otherwise I would certainly been getting closer. Has anyone ever had a simultaneous orgasm in this position?

I moved back up to her clit, What she was doing to me with her mouth made me let out a long "Mmmmmmmmmm." Her body language told me that was really working for her so I kept doing it. I felt her body tense up so I started bearing down. She was moaning pretty good with my manhood in her mouth, that sounded and felt exquisite. I could feel her let go as she let out a loud "Mmmmmmfffff!"

With my face glistening I moved in for another kiss, straddling her as I rubbed my saliva coated member against her belly. I moved up some more, she got the idea and smooshed her breasts around it. I started in on a tit fuck, adding another gob of saliva. I inched up more and she was able to lick the tip with each thrust.

I still had not been inside her yet. I moved back down, this time between her legs, pushing my member against her mound. There was more ravenous kissing as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I paused at her entrance and raised up so I could look at expression on her face when I pushed in. Her eyebrows rose and her mouth formed an 'O' as I slipped it in. I love watching the look on a woman's face when I enter. She pulled her legs back, presenting me with the perfect angle. I started slow, it was warm and very wet. It wasn't going to take very long.

My stomach slapping against her belly made a 'whop, whop' sound, that got me closer. I timed my rhythm to get the most movement out of her breasts, that got me closer. She reached up and put her hands on my waist, that got me closer.

The warm feeling spread and I felt the first pulses. I yelled out "Oh God Yes!" as the wave of pleasure peaked and and then crashed through my body. The last spasmodic thrusts emptied it all deep inside her. She pulled me in closer and hugged me as I trembled.

We spooned as our hearts slowed to a normal pace.

I had no idea how that pill was going to work but began to get the idea as my member was staying hard. It was pushing up against her back.

"What have we here?" she asked rhetorically as she reached around to grab me.

"I, uh, have something to, uh, tell you," I stammered.

"What?" she exclaimed as she quickly rolled over facing me.

"I, uh, took one of those, uh, pills. You know, I've never had one before," I continued.

"Oh, okay, you had me worried there," she said. "That explains things."

She reached down and started fiddling with me, still slippery from our earlier session.

"Let's see what that pill can do!" she said.

She hopped up on all fours, rump up in the air. I did not need any further prompting.

You know that those two dimples that some women have on their butt? She had those. What do you call those anyways? I think they are really sexy.

I moved in from behind thinking this was too good to be true. I pushed my tip up against her glistening butthole, bringing a "Nope!" from her. She put a gob of saliva on her thumb and forefinger, then formed it into a circle. She put it down in front of her vagina and said "Fuck that."

'Darn,' I said to myself, but then I got the idea and pushed my tip through the circle.

It felt like the real thing, if I recall correctly. The wife had let me do that a couple times before we got married but that was the end of it. I started in slow, as she gripped it just right. I started thrusting then tipped my head back let my imagination take over.

I was surprised that I was getting the feeling like I was going to come again. I grabbed her waist and pounded away.

My hips slapping against her made a wave in her skin that ran up her back. I could feel her fingers clinching as I slipped in in out, that was getting me closer. She took her fingers off and started rubbing herself.

I could feel her tense up and knew it was going to happen for me too. We both let out a simultaneous "Aaaaaarghhhh!' as we let go. The pulses were just as strong as the first time as I emptied the rest of my stuff deep inside her. We both collapsed onto the bed.


I waited for her to ask me to be her 'Plus One' at the wedding but the question never came. It was Fourth of July weekend and I imagined more fireworks with her. I went to see Big Bay Boom alone.

I sent a text message to my wife asking how she was doing. She didn't reply.


A week later, Denise invited me to come watch her in the Over-The-Line softball tournament. She was playing in the Caneasy 50 and older category. Her teammates were just as tall as her and they all wore uniforms from their college days that fit quite nicely. To be honest, I get more turned on by what a woman's clothes hide than what they reveal. A skirt flipping in the breeze is sexier to me than a bikini.

The tournament had a history of crude team names, mostly from the men, but the women had some too. Of course, their team name was 'Our Feet Are Going To Hang Off The End Of Your Bed.' They beat 'Let Go Of My Ponytail, Both Of You' and 'Your Safe Word Is Mmmmf!' but then lost to the aptly named 'Could You Please Stop Staring At My Nipples?'

Afterwards, she wanted to go back to her place and get in the hut tub, she had asked me to bring along swim trunks. She changed into a modest one-piece suit. I put on mine, sucked my tummy in a greeted her with a kiss, then followed her through the complex to the pool. There was nobody else there so I snuggled up next to her and started in with my hands. I cajoled her into telling more swinger stories. I didn't have a story to tell so she asked me to make one up. I spun a tale of a wild office Christmas party. She scooted away when two young guys walked up. The bubbles hid my boner.

They were both young, tanned and muscular with the obligatory low riding swim trunks.

You know how a ripped guys abdomen makes that Vee shape at the bottom? They had that. What do you call that anyways? I had heard women think that is really sexy.

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