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Ian and Wes Pt. 02

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The boys get closer.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/22/2020
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Thank god the next day was Sunday. After all of the excitement from my day with Wes yesterday (understatement of the year), I needed some time to recuperate before returning to the world.

I was flying high. The hottest-- no, fucking sexiest—guy I had ever seen took me to his bedroom last night and let me suck him off. And that alone would've been good enough for me, let's be honest. But not only that, but he actually seemed to care that I enjoyed myself too.

Unfortunately, my dick was a little too trigger-happy to get a chance for him to touch it (oh fuck, will he touch my dick?). I got the distinct impression that he wasn't trying to just get his dick wet then run. That look he gave me when he asked if I had a good time...

Even before we got to the sexual stuff, I had so much fun with Wes. He was funny as hell and interesting, too. It felt like we could've talked for hours and never run out of things to say. He isn't just a hot piece of ass. The guy has substance.

Fuck, I've got it so fucking bad.

Luckily I had managed to avoid my mom and sister as I snuck into my room last night. This morning was a different story.

"Soo..." Sarah began, mischief painted all over her face. "How did it goooo?"

I was in no mood to let her hassle me today. I blinked at her like I had no idea what she was referring to. "Hm?"

"Your big day with the hottest guy in school?" She insisted.

I sighed and looked over to our mother, "Mom, please remind Sarah that objectifying people is wrong."

My mom chuckled as she flipped the pancakes she was making, "You know he's right..."

Sarah let out a frustrated growl, "Come ON! Are you seriously not going to tell us anything??"

I shrugged, "Nothing to tell really. He's a cool guy. We got the project done. That's about it."

My sister threw her hands up in a huff as she stormed out of the kitchen, clearly distressed that I wasn't giving her any juicy gossip to report back to her friends.

Mom looked over her shoulder at me, "So, everything went ok then?" The question was vague, but I knew she was referring to our prior discussions about minding myself around straight men.

I left out the part about how Wesley Houston was definitely not perfectly straight.

"Yeah. Like I said, he's cool. We had fun. Don't worry so much." I tried to reassure her so she would give it a rest.

"Ok, if you're sure..."

I spent the rest of the day catching up on homework. Wes would be bringing our cell model to school tomorrow so at least AP Bio was covered. My course load was brutal this year. With soccer thrown into the mix, I'd have to really focus to stay on top of everything. I wasn't in the running for valedictorian or anything, but I wanted to make sure my GPA was high enough to ensure I had lots of options for colleges next year.

I was deep into an AP English paper when my phone buzzed.

Wes: How's it going?

The butterflies in my stomach started to awaken.

Me: Pretty good, you?

Wes: Not bad. Thinking about yesterday.

I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face. I tried to play it cool.

Me: Yeah? What about yesterday?

Wes: Wanna make sure my fridge is keeping the model cold enough so it holds up for tomorrow.

I actually laughed out loud.

I wonder if he practices being an asshole or if it just comes naturally to him?

Me: I hate you.

Wes: Oh I don't think so. Or you didn't last night anyway...

My cock jumped at the memory. He had me there. But I wasn't giving in that easily.

Me: I'm not sure I remember what you mean. Whatever it was must've been pretty forgettable.

I was smiling ear-to-ear, impressed with myself for that one. My phone stayed silent for a few minutes. Did I hit a nerve?

What would it take to really push his buttons?

Ooh, I want to find out the answer to that one.

Wes: Cute. Conveniently, I know how to teach that smart mouth some manners.

I licked my lips. He was definitely speaking my language, alright. Fuck. I'd always loved the uber-dominant men in my favorite porn videos. It looked like our interests were a good fit, that way.

Me: We'll see if you're man enough for the job.

Wes: Don't say I didn't warn you...

My mom called me for dinner, breaking my concentration from the erotic exchange. I didn't get any more texts that night. That short round of messaging was titillating enough for me.

I pictured his gruff voice whispering dirty things into my ear as I beat my dick that night.

I opted for a snug white polo with khaki shorts for school the next day. I tousled my hair, groaning internally with the memory of Wes's hands pulling it roughly while I blew him. I tugged a section of it harder than was necessary as I applied the pomade.

I stood outside the front of the school, shooting the shit with Jared, Kevin, and Steve as usual, waiting for the first bell to ring.

"So did you score with Lindsay?" Kevin asked Jared, referring to the girl that Jared had spent the football game with. "I almost handed you a condom on the bleachers the way you guys were going at it at the game."

Jared laughed, "Thanks, but I didn't need it Friday. Now, Saturday, on the other hand...."

We whooped and hollered, exchanging high fives and fist bumps at his conquest.

"So are you guys a thing now?" I asked, curious if Lindsay was just a casual hookup. I heard through the grapevine that Lindsay was super into Jared.

Full disclosure: my sister was friends with Lindsay's friends and Sarah had asked me multiple times to put in a good word with Jared, but I hadn't been able to think of a way to do that without it being weird and forced. Thankfully now I didn't have to.

"Yeah, I think so," Jared smiled shyly. He was definitely into her. "I think she's coming to the game tomorrow," he said, referring to our upcoming soccer match.

"Ooooh, that's a pretty big step in the right direction," Steve said, bumping his shoulder into Jared's as a sign of encouragement. Jared was beaming.

I smiled to myself. Wes came to a game for me last week.

Sure, I watched him at the football game, but that was different. The whole school usually went to the football games. Soccer matches were different—smaller, more intimate in a way. People didn't usually attend a soccer game unless they had a real reason to be there. My chest warmed at the idea that Wes had showed up for me and me alone.

As if on cue, I saw him from the corner of my eye. He rolled up to his friends carrying a large cooler that presumably contained our AP Bio project. He casually greeted the much larger crowd of football players and cheerleaders. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt and black shorts.

Hah. We kind of matched.

I wanted to go over to him. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to say something. But we hadn't discussed what our interaction would be in public. Hell, I wasn't even sure what his comfort level with his sexual orientation was.

He always had such an air of supreme confidence that I couldn't imagine any "closet" could hold him.

But I didn't know for sure. And I wasn't about to do anything to jeopardize his standing at school.

So I stood there and drooled over him.

I heard a throat clear. "So... Ian... I saw you leaving Wes Houston's house on Saturday. You guys seemed... close," Kevin said delicately. I paled and scanned the faces of my friends.

I'd never taken the time to formally come out to my friends. I never really engaged in discussions about girls, and I just assumed that they'd figured it out. I never said anything, and they never pushed it. It had reached a point that it almost felt like it was too late to say something.

Steve wiggled his eyebrows at me, "That sounds like a pretty big step in the right direction too. Nice!" He stuck his hand out for a fist bump. Jared and Kevin were nodding, smiling at me.

Truly, I am not an overly emotional guy. I don't really cry or get choked up over things. But as I extended my fist out to tap Steve's, I had to put forth real effort to not lose it right there in front of the whole school. They were letting me know that they're cool with my sexuality and my choice of guy. Why did I ever think I needed to be embarrassed about it with them? How did I ever think I could hide my obvious crush on Wes? We've known each other since we were 4 years old. They were practically family.

The genuine support from my friends meant the world to me.

I took a few deep breaths and smiled back at them. I thanked them profusely with my eyes. It was clear that I wasn't really in a state to talk more about it.

Jared playfully punched me in the shoulder and the moment passed.

The bell rang and we all shuffled into school.

When it came time for Bio class, the room was loud with the sounds of partners arguing about last minute touches for the parts of the cell project. Wes was already there, unpacking our watermelon from his cooler. Looking around the room, it wasn't the best, but it had to be in the top 10%.

I smiled broadly as I approached him. He turned to me and smiled back.

I caught his scent and took in a deep breath. Damn, he smelled good. He chuckled lightly, noticing my interest. "See anything you like?" He winked at me and I bit my lip.

Mrs. Smith shushed the class and announced that each group had to present their project to the class. Everyone groaned. She ignored it.

When it was our turn at the front of the class, Wes spoke first.

"We chose to make the whole thing out of edible ingredients. It was Ian's great idea." I blushed, touched that he decided to give me all the credit. He explained our decisions behind the various components, making it clear that we had really thought it through.

He turned to me, "Anything else to add, Ian?"

I'd been so enraptured by his voice that I couldn't have formed a coherent thought even if I'd wanted to, "Um... Nope. I think you covered it all. Thanks."

The class applauded with as much enthusiasm as a room full of root canal patients and we moved to take our seats. I whispered to him on the way to my desk, "Thanks for saving my ass up there."

He leaned in close to my ear, "Oh, I expect to cash in on that later."

A shiver ran through me.

He went back to his usual spot at the back of the room and I returned to my seat near the middle. During the next group's turn, I felt my phone buzz.

Ian: You look real good today.

I bit my lip and casually glanced behind me in his direction. He was looking straight ahead, apparently focused on listening to the presentation. I returned to my phone, determined to get him to look at me.

Me: You too. Good enough to eat.

I quickly returned my phone to my pocket and looked up at the students talking.

A loud set of coughs erupted from the back of the room. Mrs. Smith stopped the presentation to check to make sure Wes was alright. He gave her a thumbs up and cleared his throat, then apologized politely for the disruption.

I kept my eyes on him with a self-satisfied smirk. When everyone else had turned their heads back to the front of the room, he shot me a wink.

Blood rushed to my dick.

When it was time for lunch, I walked up the usual table where my friends and I sit.

We had a visitor.

Wes was sitting next to Jared, laughing loudly at something Kevin had said.

A strange mix of nerves, alarm, and excitement all flushed through me. "Uh... hey. So, um. I guess you've all met."

Yeah, sometimes talking isn't really my strong suit.

The four of them looked up at me with equal amounts of amusement. Steve spoke first, "Yeah, Kevin was just telling Wes about how we got you good with the ol' alcohol-in-the-water-bottle trick at the football game."

I joined in to laugh at myself. To be fair, it was a classic move that I should've expected.

I sat down across from Wes. I lowered my voice and looked at him, "So. Sitting over here, huh?"

What would his friends think? Did people notice that Wes wasn't with his usual groupies? Would they think anything differently about him now that he was sitting with us?

Wes's expression was unreadable. "Yep," he said simply. He glanced at me quickly before turning back to the other guys' conversation.

That's it. No explanation, no question. No nothing.

I stared at him for another moment before nodding. "Ok," I responded, equally simply.

If he wasn't worrying about it, why should I?

Because I care about his reputation, goddammit. But it wasn't my place. So I kept my mouth shut.

Jared went into a long diatribe about strategy for tomorrow's soccer match. Apparently the opposing team's defense was supposed to be the best in our division. Kevin, Steve, and I let him go on, but we clearly didn't care about it as much as Jared. The rest of us played for fun, Jared played to win. Don't get me wrong, I love to win. But it's not my whole life. With Jared, I wasn't so sure.

Wes listened like a fly on the wall until Steve addressed him directly, "You're coming tomorrow right, man?"

Wes didn't hesitate, "For sure. Wouldn't miss it. I've got practice, but I'll be over as soon as it lets out."

I couldn't help my smile. I heard Kevin say, "Niiiiceee."

The guys spent the rest of lunch swapping stories about dumb shit that I'd/we'd done over the years. Wes was laughing his ass off. Even Jared loosened up a bit. I realized for the second time that day how truly lucky I was to have such an awesome group of friends. Never in a million years would I have expected them to take up entertaining my male lover so easily.

Wait, "lover"? Is that what Wes was to me?

Oh shit, is it too soon for me to be questioning "what are we?"

Am I that pathetic?

I felt a knee bump mine under the table. I snapped out of my own thoughts to see Wes mouthing to me, "You good?"

I nodded quickly, trying to brush off his concern.

Wes and I walked side by side to return our lunch trays. He glanced over at me, "You sure you're alright? You zoned out for a bit there."

I paused to collect my thoughts, "Yeah. I'm okay. Thanks. It's just... I don't know... just took me a minute to get used to my worlds colliding, you know?"

He nodded, his dark hair bouncing with the movement, "Yeah, I get that." He continued, "They're great, by the way."

I smiled at him, "Yeah. They are. We've been friends forever. I'm really lucky."

Wes nodded again. I thought I saw a flash of what could only be described as longing hit his face. It was gone just as quickly as it'd appeared.

I couldn't imagine how tough these last couple years must have been for him. His family had moved around so much, he hadn't been at the same school two years in a row. You can't build strong friendships living like that. At least not easily.

He must be so lonely.

"No. No. Hell no. I know all kinds of ways I want you to look at me. But that right there, that is not one of them. You cut that shit out right now." Wes's deep voice was firm.

I blinked a few times, "What the hell? What are you talking about?"

He nudged me over to a lesser-used hallway just to the side of the cafeteria. No one else was in sight.

Wes approached me, his larger body crowding me. I backed up with each of his steps forward. I felt the back of my head hit the wall.

Nowhere left to go.

"I don't want your pity, Ian. Your body..." he ran his fingers lightly up the sides of my ribs. "Your mouth..." he leaned in close, about an inch away from my mouth. "Your ass..."his hands reached around and entered the back pockets of my shorts, squeezing me tightly. "But I sure as fuck don't want your pity."

I gasped, completely unprepared for the intense sensations. "Oh shit, Wes," I moaned.

I heard his throaty rumble of laughter in my ear as he purposefully scraped the side of my cheek with his stubble. He licked the lobe of one ear then moved his assault lower to my neck. He licked and sucked and nipped at my flesh.

"Fuck, Wes. Yes!" I felt the precum start to leak from my dick.

The chatter of a gaggle of girls echoed loudly through the hallway. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him off of me as forcefully as I could. He must've wanted to stop anyway because his body actually moved anyway from me.

Do you really think there's any way I could've moved this giant hunk of muscle by myself?

His dark brown eyes were focused hard on mine as he swiped his lower lip with his thumb. He pointed at my neck, "Something to remember me by."

While yes, I would have preferred not to have a hickey, I have to admit it was kind of thrilling to bear a mark he'd given me. I grabbed the thumb that had swiped his lip and sucked it into my mouth, tongue wrapping lovingly around the digit.

His eyes darkened and he groaned.

"See you around, Ian."

He walked away, leaving me panting where I stood.

I could barely focus for the entire afternoon.

After classes ended, members of the athletic teams were in the locker room changing for their respective practices. I was over with the soccer crowd, but I could see Wes over on the other side near the football guys.

Wes held my gaze as I removed my shirt. I could see him lick his lips from across the room.

I heard a loud wolf whistle.

"Jesus Christ, McNair!!"

"Holy shit, did you get attacked by a bear or something?!"

My skin reddened as I remembered the hickey Wes had placed on my neck. I reached up to cover the mark.

A deep howl of laughter broke out from across the room.

Yeah, yeah. I hope he's real satisfied with himself alright. Asshole.

Practice went ok. Coach made us run a fair number of laps on the track, but for once that was fine by me since the route circled the football practice. Watching Wes push big jocks around like it was nothing made my cock stir.

Damn, my man is strong.

Ah shit, there it is again. "My" man. I need to get a handle on myself. And fast.

The absolute last thing I wanted was for Wes to go running and screaming for the hills because I'm sitting here humming "Here Comes the Bride."

I literally shook my head at myself.

Near the end of practice, some snot-nosed sophomore decided to give Coach some extra back talk. The upperclassmen tried to get him to shut his fucking mouth because we knew exactly where this would end up.

But you just can't save someone from themselves.

The kid kept at it, and, just as we predicted, Coach made the entire team stay for an extra 20 minutes of burpees, bear crawls, jump squats, and pushups.

Fucking sophomores, man.

That kid would be completely shunned for another practice or two. At least now he'd learn his lesson.

Because of that jackass, the soccer team didn't make it to the locker room until well after all the other teams had left.

I just wanted to get the hell out of there so I could talk to Wes.

I threw my practice clothes in my locker, grabbed a towel, and legit ran into the showers.

And who should be the only person remaining in the communal shower than none other than Wesley fucking Houston.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

One look at his bare ass and there was not a chance in hell that I'd be able to control my boner.

Wes looked over his shoulder as he heard me coming and cocked a sexy eyebrow.

"Shower's closed," I heard Steve's loud voice behind me.

"But there's already guys in there! C'mon man, I stink!" A young freshman whined.

"HE SAID," Jared boomed, "The showers are closed. You want to get clean? Go. The fuck. Home."

I turned around to see Jared, Steve, and Kevin physically blocking entry to the showers with their bodies, already changed into their street clothes.

"Whatever man. You guys are fucking weird!" Various levels of insults were hurled at my friends as the rest of the team shuffled out of the locker room.

"Yeah, yeah. Go cry about it!" Kevin called out.

I stared at my friends open-mouthed, shocked at the stunt they had just pulled. Kevin turned around to face Wes and me, hand shielding his eyes comically. "You kids have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"


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