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Twin sisters make love. Brother makes love with them.
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Author: MoMiner64Mete

My name is Amie and my sister, Annie, and I are identical twins. We are nineteen years old. We are both about to begin our first year of college at a nationally known university in a southwestern state. We chose that university because it gave us the course of study that we are interested in and it has a reputation for excellence in that course of study. Both Annie and I thought that the reputation of the college that we got our education from would give us a big boost in getting good paying jobs on our graduation. And, in addition, in part because our older brother, Jerry, who has already been enrolled in that university for the past two years.

Annie and I both knew that Jerry was doing well academically at the university and that he could help us both in scheduling our classes, getting around the campus, getting around the town and meeting other people as well. Not to mention having him available for his help if we needed him. This included picking the right classes with the right professors that knew their subject well, were well respected for their fairness and the academic performance of their students as well as the respect of their students.

Jerry, Annie and I are part of an upper middle class family and we live in a very comfortable and spacious home in a medium sized midwestern city. Our family is not totally affluent but we do not lack many of the extras that are a part of a nearly affluent lifestyle. Our parents have provided us with a good home, nice clothes and a comfortable lifestyle. Most importantly they have seen to it that we have gotten the most out of our schooling by sending us to the best schools and insisted that we study diligently and make top grades all through elementary and high school.

Annie and I are both considered to be beautiful young women with our shoulder length strawberry blond hair, our sparkling sky blue eyes and our unblemished peaches and cream complexion. We both have the proverbial “hour glass” figures with our 36B-24-36 inch figure measurements. We are of average height standing about 5 Ft.-4 In. tall and weighing about 110 Lbs. We both are considered to have a very sweet disposition resembling that of our beautiful mother very closely in almost every respect.

We look a lot like our mother and our height is the same as that of our mother with our figures similar to that of our mother except that our mother has a pair of 36C titties much to our Dad’s delight. Both Annie and I and probably Jerry, too, have caught him playing with Mom’s titties when they thought no one else was looking and Mom had a big smile on her face while telling our Dad to quit that before one of the kids comes into the room and catches him. Of course, Mom reaching behind her to grab and squeeze his big dick through is pants wasn’t much of an inducement to get him to take his hands off of her big, soft titties. And since she would have that broad smile on her face we didn’t think that she really wanted him to quit anytime soon either.

We both love our parents very much especially our mother and have always shown our love for our mother with our frequent hugs and kisses for her. Annie and I also have our mother’s quiet and sweet disposition and we have been taught to always be helpful to everyone just as our mother always does. We always get along well together and very rarely have a disagreement. We have always looked up to and respected our older brother, Jerry, and we get along well with him. Add to all of that we are extraordinarily close to one another as would normally be expected of identical twins to be with one another.

We are both considered to be very smart and have always done well in our high school classes making good grades of mostly A’s and a few B’s most of the time and generally making our high school academic honor role. With our good scholastic record we didn’t have any problem being accepted to the university that we chose. We have been very popular in high school as many of the boys in our high school have wanted to date us. However, Mom and Dad would not allow us to go out that often since they wanted us to be home most nights to study and complete our school homework assignments.

Both of us have dated some in high school but, on the stern advice of our mother we did not give in to boys who just wanted to get into our panties and have sex with us. Consequently, we are both still virgins and did not have plans to give up our virginity to just anyone. Our mother has told us, “Girls, you need to save your virginity for your husbands. But, most importantly, I don’t want either of you two to get pregnant and ruin either of your promising future lives. At the start of our senior year in high school our mother took both of us to the doctor and got each of us a prescription for the pill and we have been on the pill ever since. She told us that she didn’t want either of us to get pregnant and ruin our life by having a baby by accident. Regardless it is much more sweet to give your virginity to the man you really love like I did with your father. I have never had another man besides your father, girls.”

Our older brother Jerry has been enrolled at the university for the past two years. Like us, his younger twin sisters, he has a very good academic record both at the university and previously in high school. He is a good looking young guy and in high school and he has always been popular with the girls. Jerry along with the two of us was going to be returning to the university in the fall. He is good natured, about 6 Ft. tall and about 190 Lbs. with a muscular build and he has always looked after us, his younger sisters, and protected us as best her could. Boys knew not to mess around with us as they would have to answer to Jerry if they gave us a hard time or mistreated either one of us in any way.

His sandy hair and his light complexion along with his good looks and his pleasing disposition drew the girls to him. Even though he was popular with the girls he made sure that he kept up with his school work and he continued to earn good grades. He planned on having a good career after he gets his college degree. That is probably where the two of us got our desire to do well in our school work and get good grades with an eye to being admitted to a good university and having a good career, too.

In the fall of that year our parents loaded up their three young adults Jerry, Annie and me in their large SUV along with all the possessions that we were taking to our dorm rooms with us. We traveled to the university which was a full day’s drive to arrive there before freshman orientation and fall classes were scheduled to begin. The travel there was in order for us to get moved into our dorm rooms and get situated before freshman orientation and classes were to begin this fall.

When we arrived at the university, our parents dropped Jerry off at his dorm first as he had less stuff to unload and it had been loaded into the SUV last. Then they took the two of us to another dorm building where our dorm room was located about a block away. Our parents helped us unload the SUV and carry our things up to our dorm room.

When Jerry finished carrying his things into his dorm room and storing them he walked over to our dorm and helped us finish moving into our room. While he was there helping us he saw several girls that he knew and he said hello to them. That included the two girls in the dorm room next to our room.

After they got the two of us moved into our dorm room our entire family left to go to a restaurant for our evening meal. After our meal our parents dropped the two of us off at our dorm room and dropped Jerry off at his dorm room. Then our Mom and Dad left to go find a motel room so that they could start the trip back home very early the following morning and whatever else they chose to do in their motel room. Annie and I looked at each other and grinned broadly because we knew what was going through the other’s mind and we didn’t need to put those thoughts into words. Our eyes and our smiles told each other the full story.

A little later that evening, Annie and I heard a knock at our dorm room door and when we opened it we found two girls standing there. The two girls said, “We are in the room next door to yours and we wanted to introduce ourselves and say hello to our two new neighbors. Our names are Natalie and Nicole.”

The two of us responded and we said to Natalie and Nicole “Our names are Amie and Annie.”

When Natalie and Nicole looked at us they immediately recognized that we are identical twins as most people do and said, “That it was quite a coincidence. We are twins also but, we’re fraternal twins, although we’re often taken as being identical twins because of our very close resemblance to one another.”

All four of us girls had a good giggle over that coincidence. The “frat twins” welcomed us and asked, “Are you going to enroll as freshmen at the university this fall?”

We both answered “Yes, we have already enrolled as freshmen for the fall semester and are here for freshman orientation before classes are scheduled to begin.”

The “frat twins” told us, “We’re starting our junior year this fall and if there is anything that you two need, all you have to do is knock on our door.” The “frat twins” were somewhat similar to us the “ident twins”, with their pretty faces, their light brown hair, their brown eyes and their somewhat darker complexion. They were about the same height and weight as us and they had the hour glass figures very similar to the two of us. In short the “frat twins” were very pretty girls like Annie and I are.

The “frat twins” then told us, “Tomorrow night we’re going to go out for pizza and if the two of you want to go along with us you’re welcome to go with us as the dorm cafeteria has not yet begun serving and, we all have to find our own meals in the meantime.”

Annie and I smiled and replied, “Thank you for the invitation.” And after looking at one another we said, “We’d love to go with you tomorrow night. Let us know when you plan to go.” That evening we finished unpacking our things, putting them away and finally we went to bed exhausted from the trip and moving our stuff into our dorm room.

The next morning the two of us ate breakfast and lunch at the fast food place on campus. That afternoon we walked over to Jerry’s dorm room and he showed us around campus and where freshman orientation was to be held on Monday morning and most of the buildings that we likely needed to know about for our classes.

During our walk around and touring the campus Jerry recognized and said hello to a number of returning students that he knew, both boys and girls. Annie and I later remarked to ourselves, “Jerry seems to be as popular here on the university campus as he was in high school.” We both wondered if he was as popular with the girls here as he was at home when he was in high school.

Annie and I returned to our dorm room and late that afternoon Natalie knocked on our door and told us, “Nicole and I are going to be ready to go eat in about an hour. Do you two still want to go with us and if so can you be ready in an hour?”

Amie and I both replied “Yes” to both of their questions and we told them, “Sure, just knock on the door when you’re going to leave and we will be ready to go with you.” An hour later all four of us girls left the dorm and walked to the pizza shop where we ordered and ate our pizza along with our conversation of getting to know one another.

Natalie and Nicole both said, “We wish we had some wine to go with our pizza but, the pizza shop does not serve beer or wine here. “Amie and Annie, do you two both like to have wine with your pizza?”

We both emphatically replied, “Yes we do but if they don’t serve it her where can we get it?”

Natalie and Nicole told us “On our way back to our dorm rooms we’ll stop at the liquor store and buy a couple of bottles of some good wine that goes well with the pizza we have just eaten and take it back to our dorm room where we can share it.”

They, the “frat twins”, bought the wine since they were of age, and we all returned to the “frat twins” dorm room. They invited Annie and me to come to their room to share the wine with them. When we got to their dorm room, they put some music on their stereo and we enjoyed ourselves drinking the wine and having a good time talking about school, ourselves, boys and many other subjects.

Natalie and Nicole asked “We have seen a boy helping you and your parents move you into your dorm room yesterday. Is he one of your relatives? He seems to look a lot like the two of you.”

We responded, “Yes, he’s our brother, Jerry. He is going into his junior year just as you two are.”

Natalie and Nicole said, “That is unreal as we both thought that we knew him from last year as we thought that we had seen him in some of our classes or somewhere on campus.”

Natalie and Nicole had both dated Jerry a couple of times the previous year, and they each thought that Jerry was hot. They both had said they would like to date him again this year if they got the chance. They asked Annie and me, “Do you two date very much?”

We both replied, “We have each dated some in high school but, we’re not really going with and are not attached to anyone particular guy.”

Although Natalie and Nicole did not tell either one of us even though they liked to date boys they also liked girls equally as well, that is, they tended to be bi-sexual. Natalie and Nicole chose not to tell us that our brother, Jerry, had spent a couple of threesome nights with them last year either. They remembered that Jerry had sex with both of them and then they had sex with each other while Jerry joined in. They thought that since Jerry did not have a problem with straight and lesbian sex that maybe Amie and I might possibly be of the same mind and they could seduce Annie or me or both of us.

Natalie and Nicole said to one another in private, “As much as we like Jerry, we would like to spend an evening with Jerry’s twin sisters either as separate couples or in a foursome.”

Natalie told Nicole while they were making love to one another that night, “Nicole, I think that if we could each get one of the twins in a room by themselves we could probably make love with one or the other or with both of them.”

Nicole replied “I think that you’re right, Natalie, and we’ll have to look for the right moment to approach them and try to convince them to have sex with one or the other or the both of us.”

The following weekend Natalie and Nicole invited Annie and me to go out to eat with them on Saturday evening. We went out to a local restaurant for our meal and we had a good time while we were there. On our way back to the dorm we stopped to pick up two more bottles of wine to share in their room. Again we went to Natalie told Nicole’s dorm room and began sharing the wine. The four of us drank one of the bottles and then opened the other and began to share it, too.

As we drank the wine and were talking, Natalie and Nicole continued to hug and kiss one another occasionally while Annie and I took note. Natalie and Nicole asked, “Don’t you two show your affection for one another like this?”

Annie and I replied, “Yeah we do but, we don’t normally do that as frequently as you two are doing now.”

Natalie and Nicole said, “We thought that all twin sisters had a strong affection for one another and generally showed it quite often especially between identical twins.”

They continued, “We have always had such a strong affection for one another to the point that we have no problem seeing each other without our clothes on and we even sleep together in the same bed without our pajamas on occasionally. Do you two ever sleep together without your pajamas on?”

We both replied “We have not slept together without our clothes but, we have slept together with our pajamas on many times.”

Natalie asked me, “Would you like to sleep in my bed with me tonight, Amie?”

Nicole asked Annie, “Would you like to sleep in my bed with me tonight, Annie? Or if you choose one couple could sleep in one of our dorm rooms and the other couple could sleep in the other dorm room.”

Annie and I looked at each other, smiled and said, “Why not it would be a new experience for us and besides it might be fun.” Of course, the better part of the two bottles of wine that each of us had shared had no influence on our decision to accept the nights sleeping arrangements with Natalie and Nicole. Annie and I were both pretty well buzzed and we thought that Natalie and Nicole were more than likely as buzzed as we were as well.

With that, we all agreed that I would sleep with Natalie and Annie would sleep with Nicole, but Annie and I wanted to sleep with them in separate dorm rooms at least for tonight. We then finished sharing the bottle of wine and Annie and I went to our own room to take care of some things and then I would come back to sleep with Natalie and Nicole could go to our dorm room to sleep with Annie.

When Annie and I got back to our dorm room we both were excited and a little nervous at what we both had just agreed to do. We told each other, “Even though we have never had sexual contact with any other girl it is really exciting to think about it and to actually sleep with another girl other than our own twin sister is even more exciting.” We had routinely seen each other’s nude body at home in our own bedroom but, we had never made any advances toward sexual contact with one another’s bodies. We put our arms around each other, kissed each other and told each other, “Relax, Sis, and be careful but, enjoy yourself tonight, Babe.”

After Annie and I had returned to our own dorm, room Natalie and Nicole said that they “couldn’t believe that Annie and I had agreed to their ideas so quickly.” Then they looked at each other and said in unison “new fun”. Since it was getting pretty late in the evening Natalie and Nicole both got ready for bed except that they did not put their pajamas on. They remained in their street clothes. About an hour later I returned to Natalie and Nicole’s dorm room with my pajamas in my hand and Nicole went to Annie’s dorm room. Natalie began to take her clothes off and she asked me, “Are you going to take your clothes off, too, Amie.”

I asked Natalie, “Are you going to put your pajamas on, Natalie?”

She responded, “No I never wear them when Nicole and I are going to sleep together anymore and I think the same practice would apply here tonight with you and me, too.” I took off my clothes and without my pajamas I slipped into the bed beside Natalie without her pajamas. I couldn’t get over the new sensation of having another warm nude girl in bed with me with our warm bare skin touching one another. Natalie pulled me up close to her with her arm around my shoulders, she kissed me sweetly and told me, “I think that you are simply sweet and beautiful and sexy, and you have a really gorgeous body, Amie.”

I kind of shivered and wiggled at what Natalie had just told me and responded to her, “Thank you Natalie. I think that you, too, are just as pretty and sexy as you say I am.”

Natalie then told me, “Nicole and I love one another very much not only as twin sisters but, as lovers, too, Amie, and we like to make love with each other quite often. We both look for other beautiful girls to make love with from time to time even though we still love to have sex with boys, as well. I’m so excited to have you here in my bed with me tonight and I really want to make love with you tonight, Amie. I hope that you feel the same way about me and that Annie feels the same way about Nicole as well.”

On hearing that, I knew that the cream began to start seeping out of my pussy and I was anticipating what further Natalie had in mind to do with me that night. I felt like I just couldn’t wait to find out.

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