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Identity Ch. 02

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Asato regains some memories.
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 05/01/2009
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A slightly longer chapter than what I'd usually write, thanks to some comments from my readers. My apologies for taking so long, and to the one reader whom I'd promised that this would be out on Wednesday. =/ Enjoy.


"Hey, watch it asshole!"

"You blind or something?"

A hand shoved me out of the way as I staggered towards a lamp post, leaning heavily against it. Damn, I could barely walk straight.

I blinked as my vision blurred, and the image of a man strolling down the road split into three. Were they triplets? I sank to the pavement, still gripping my six-pack.

I cracked open another tin and continued to gulp down its contents, the slightly bitter tang drenching my tongue. Just one week ago, I was this popular model who was king of the catwalk. Now, I'd been converted to some faceless drunk by the side of the road. Through no one's fault but my own, though.

Something buzzed in my pocket and I looked at the caller. Who the fuck would ring me at this time of night? It had to be at least 4am.

It was Chet.

My hand shook as I shook my head to clear off the haziness, and pressed the green button. "I miss you, Chet. I miss you so much. I want to see you. Now."

A pause at the other line. "I'm not Chet." Well, it definitely sounded male. "This is Ben."

Oh. Ben. The super-macho kid from my class who flirted with anything as long as it resembled a human.

"Yeah, Ben. What?"

"…You sound drunk. Where are you?" He'd never really seemed the caring type. Well, maybe looks could be deceiving.

"None of your business. Bye." I hung up and crushed the empty can. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone but Chet.

He hadn't even acknowledged my existence since that incident. Since I'd nearly raped him.

I hadn't wanted to be such a bastard, but I wasn't myself then. I despised what I'd done, and the animal that I'd become.

I forced myself to my feet. Time for me to get home, now that I'd downed all those cans. I bumped right into a muscled chest, and blinked at him as burly hands gripped my shoulders.

"Well, well. What do we have here? A pretty boy." He smirked at me as I looked him up and down. Cruel eyes and a chin covered with stubble stared me right in the face. Black leather crowned his entire torso, and dimly, I noticed that his goons were dressed similarly. One, two, three…four. Four of them.

I could smell their intent in the air, and recoiled in disgust. I slapped his hands off of my shoulders. "Get the fuck away from me, you lame bastards." Okay, so maybe I wasn't exactly the most diplomatic person when I was drunk.

He laughed and leaned close to me, gripping my chin with his dirty hand. I could smell his smoke-laden breath as he pushed me into a dark alley. "Yeah, pretty boy?" He gestured to his goons to keep an eye out as he started to grope my ass.

At his touch, I felt sick. Maybe if I puked on him, he'd give up. I elbowed him, or at least tried to. Fuck! If I wasn't so clogged up with alcohol, I'd at least manage to take two of them goons down with me.

I struggled against him, not wanting give in to such a loser like him. "Get…off of me, you sick pervert!" I spit on him, and I got lucky. He wiped spit from his left eye, and grinned at me, licking my saliva from his hand.

Ugh. I stared at his hand in horror.

That same hand delivered a punch to my stomach, and I coughed with obvious pain, clutching at where it hurt most. He shoved me face-first against the wall, hands busy unbuckling my belt.

I chuckled to myself. Maybe this was just deserts for doing this to Chet.

My black slacks pooled at my feet as he fondled my ass, licking his lips in anticipation of what was to come. The cold, brick wall scraped against my cheek as I braced myself.

"Ever been fucked by a real man before?" He smiled at me, thumb rubbing against my hole as he sucked noisily at my neck.

Damn, but being touched by such a bastard did not turn me on at all. I looked at him. "No, but you're not about to become my first." Just then, I rammed my head against his and reeled from the pain. He released his hold on me and cursed.

He wiped blood from his bleeding lip. "You're not going to like the consequences, fucker." He gestured his men to help him out.

"Yeah? Or maybe I'll die trying."

He launched himself at me, and punched me again in the stomach. God, that really hurt. I didn't know how many punches I threw, or how much pain I was in. Breathing hard, I spit blood on the floor, clutching at my side. Just then, my cell phone rang. We both stared at it, and then he picked it up. Sometime during our fight, it must have slipped out of my pocket.

"Ooh, it's Chet. Want me to call for help?" He grinned at me as I glared daggers at him.

"Give it back." It was Chet! He'd called me! Maybe he wasn't so pissed off anymore.

He held the phone to his ear. "Hey, Chet. Guess who's here, all bloodied up? Maybe you won't recognize him the next time you see him, because I'm about to fuck –" The phone was knocked out of his grip as I lunged at him.

I wasn't about to let him live, not after talking to Chet that way. Not my Chet. Hands held me down as he straightened his jacket.

"Coward. This just means you can't take me down on your own."

He gave a signal to his men and one of them drove a fist into my gut, causing me to grunt with pain. Another pair of hands spread my legs wide as the bastard whistled down at me, unzipping his jeans. "What a view."

When he positioned his cock against my ass, that's when I lost it. No way was I going to let him take me just like that. I struggled like a wild cat against those hands that held me down, and even managed to kick some guy at his chin. A punch hit me right at the jaw as several punches landed on my already bruised and battered body.

Vaguely, sometime during the struggle, I heard a commotion. Their grip loosened on me as they turned to face the intruder. On my last energy reserves, I lifted my head to see a dark silhouette in combat with those men. Then, I sank into blissful unconsciousness.

I was awakened by the feel of a warm, wet cloth on my face. Despite my pain, I turned towards Chet as he dabbed away traces of blood from my cheek, a pained expression on his face.

I lifted a hand to touch his cheek. "Hey, baby. Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" My voice barely resembled mine, and resonated as a mere whisper in the dimly-lit room.

"Baka. You're the one all beaten up. Just shut up and rest." Chet didn't seem like his usual emotionless self. Even his voice sounded as though he was on the verge of breaking down.

Groaning with pain, I forced myself to sit up. "Fuck! My whole body aches. I don't know where to start massaging first. Maybe you'd know the answer to that." I grinned at him, then winced as I nursed my broken lip.

"If you've got time to joke around, then you're not as broken as I'd thought you were." Chet snorted and left the room before I had a chance to defend myself.

Then, I had a chance to really look around. The room was dimly-lit, illuminated by a mere table lamp. It was quite bare, and the only proof of human existence was the library of books covering the left side of the room. I cast aside the satin sheets and plucked a book from the cabinet.

The Art of Photography. Shutters and Apertures. Tips from Professional Photographers. Hmm. What a camera freak.

I raised an eyebrow at one of the titles which caught my attention; The Kama Sutra. Nice. Turns out he was human after all.

As I was browsing through the illustrated pages, the door opened. He stopped as he caught sight of what I was reading. "What the hell are you doing?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Just reading a little. Do you mind?"

He gritted his teeth as he carefully set down a tray of food; broth and some juice. Geez, I wasn't an invalid. "Actually, I do mind. Don't you have any respect for other peoples' belongings?"

I placed the erotic book into its original slot where it belonged. "Didn't your parents teach you to share? Sharing is happiness." I smiled at him.

"No, but my parents taught me not to poke my nose into where it doesn't belong."

I laughed at the annoyed tone in his voice. "Touché. Now, you were so kind as to bring food for me." I staggered towards him and lost my balance. He caught me in the nick of time before I fell flat on my face, arms around my waist.

Warm lips brushed my ear as he whispered, "Ki wo tsukete, ne. You don't want that pretty face to end up even more bruised than it is now." My heart skipped a beat as I turned to look at him, lips barely centimeters from his.

"Are you flirting with me?"

His gentle expression suddenly changed to one of anger, as he released his grip on me. Losing balance, I landed hard on my ass. "Fuck! You sadist! You could have warned me if you were going to let go." Wincing, I rubbed my sore ass, oblivious to his intense gaze.

"Sadist? Me?" He grabbed the front of my shirt and shoved me to the floor, snarling down at me. "You're the one who almost got raped, and do I get a thanks for saving your anal virginity? No."

His eyes glittered with pure fury, and I was astounded that I was capable of stirring such emotions in him. "How do you know I'm a, you know, virgin in that sense? Even I don't know for sure."

He glared at me. "Do you find this amusing? Because I sure as hell don't see any humor in this."

I raised myself up on my elbows and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He had to care about me. He had to. "Come on, don't be mad. I am pretty grateful to you, you know."

Exasperated, he released my shirt and ran a hand through his hair. "Do you think this is a game?" He got up and headed towards the door, raking a hand through his hair. "Forget it. Just eat up and sleep."

Now I was pissed. I grabbed his arm before he could step through that door. "Game? You think this is a fucking game to me? Fusaken ja ne! You know damned well how I feel about you! You're the one playing it cool one minute, and the next, I mean the world to you? I'm not your toy!" I was so filled with anger that my fingers dug painfully into his arm.

He looked away from me and shrugged off my hand. "Make sure you bathe before going to bed." Just like that, he left the room.

I sank against the wall, still in a maelstrom of emotions. What the hell was going on?

In the shower, my thoughts turned to Chet. Chet, with that sexy smile and messy hair, kissing me, as our tongues rubbed sensuously against the other. I imagined those perfect lips wrapped around my cock, and I looked down in dismay to find my cock…in an erect state.

I sighed. Oh well, if I couldn't have the real thing, I could at least have these fantasies. My Chet was adorable as he placed sweet kisses along my aroused cock, the places he touched becoming molten heat.

"Fuck, yeah." I closed my eyes and stroked to a faster rhythm as my imagination grew more vivid, with thoughts of a very naked Chet on his knees before me, servicing me with that hot little mouth of his.

My eyes flew open to the feel of a hand on mine, and I stared at a still fully-clothed Chet; water dripping off his hair as his pale blue shirt clung to his wet body. And he looked very, very appealing.

I swallowed nervously. I didn't why I felt that way, but I just did. The atmosphere now seemed to be charged with unknown electricity, and I had the feeling that this time, I was the prey; not him.

"H-hey. I'm just taking a shower."

His dark, piercing eyes burned a hole through my body. "Yeah, I can see that." So much for stating the obvious.

Eyes traveled up my body and then stopped. I looked down to see where his gaze had focused on, and then realized that he was staring at my erect nipples. Hell, they weren't even anything special. Was this guy even gay? Or bi like myself?

"Stop looking there. You're straight, and I'm still pissed at you." I shook his hand off of mine, and turned off the shower.

However, before I could reach for the towel, Chet pushed me against the wall, backing me against it.

"Am I? Straight, that is."

By now, alarm bells were resounding in my head. He was just a damned nerd, and I was obviously attracted to him. Why did I have to be so nervous? I could always just shove him away if I didn't like it, right?

Hands caressed my stomach and I moaned at his touch, and caught myself. He chuckled at me, and molded his wet torso against mine, eliciting yet another moan from me as the front of his jeans rubbed lightly against my sensitive cock. His hands slid upwards, and pinched the turgid little peaks.

"Nnnn, w-wait, Chet. Chotto matte." My breathing was ragged, and I sounded huskier than my usual self.

He tugged lightly at my nipples, and rolled them between his thumbs and forefingers. I gripped at his arms for support as I exhaled in shallow breaths, the cool tiles at my back and the fire coursing through my veins a huge contrast.

"Wait? Da mé." He licked at my ear, before whispering, "Now, spread your legs."

What? I blinked. No way in hell. There was something seriously wrong with this picture.

"I don't want t – mmph!" Lips claimed mine as I fought for self-control. Chet seemed to be reciprocating my feelings, or at least his body was, which should have been more than I deserved. But having our roles reversed was something I hadn't quite considered yet, nor did I even want to.

He continued to drown me in his kisses, rubbing his tongue erotically against mine. Vaguely, I saw him undoing his jeans and heard it fall to the floor in a wet heap, accompanied by his black boxers.

Chet wasn't all muscles galore, but he was lean and nicely toned where it mattered. His wet shirt still clung to his upper torso, leaving little to the imagination. I stared at the aroused cock between his legs; about 7 inches when fully erect, and slightly curved. The reddish-looking knob at the tip was obviously excited, as a drop of pre-cum formed on it.

Somehow, he managed to wedge a knee between my thighs, nudging them apart with a strong thigh. He sucked against my neck, nibbling at a pulse he found there, scouring my neck with hot kisses. "Ride me."

His hands held my hips in place as he rocked me against his thigh, his own cock pushing insistently against my flesh, enflaming my senses. By now, my mind could no longer form coherent thought.

I was aware that I was undulating my hips in a very lewd manner, but my body was no longer my own as I rode his hard thigh, leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses on his neck and emitting low moans.

"Chet." I groaned again as he bent his head and sucked at my nipples. "I want to."

His own aroused cock dug into my thigh as he looked at me, desire evident in his eyes. "Want what?"

I paused as I struggled to think. "I want…you to touch me."

He tugged me away from the wall and pressed his body against mine. The second his hot cock rubbed against mine, I almost exploded. I moaned his name repeatedly, desperate for release. My fingers entangled themselves in his wet hair as I left bite marks all over his neck.

"What a wild cat you've turned out to be." I could hear the smile in his voice as his hands traced up and down my back, before reaching lower to squeeze my firm ass cheeks.

I jumped slightly, unused to the feel of someone touching it. "Chet, I don't think I want you to – mmph!" Once again, he shut me up with his deep kisses, and continued to palm and caress the twin cheeks, before spreading them apart to expose the tiny brown hole.

A thumb rubbed at it, prodding the sensitive nub before I could voice a protest. "Did they touch you here?"

My body burned where he touched, and I shuddered as he applied more pressure on it. "Who?"

Teeth teased the flesh at my neck. "Those bastards at the alley."

Oh, right. Those leather jacket guys. Yeah, he did, but he didn't do anything after that. I hadn't even realized that I'd voiced my thoughts aloud.

"He did, did he?" He growled against my ear. "Then, I'll just have to undo it, won't I?"

Before I could comprehend a word he was spouting, a thick finger slid inside me. My body jerked to the feel of it, as a moan unwittingly escaped me.

"Like that?" Eyes watched the expressions flitting across my face as I gritted my teeth to the feel of an intruder inside me.

"No, fucker. Take it out. I'm not a girl." Wrong thing to say.

He smirked at me. "And you thought I was? Maybe that's why you did the exact same thing. Just shut up and enjoy. the. ride." He punctuated each word with a hard thrust.

Chet looked down at my straining cock. "Kawaii sou. You look like you're about to burst."

Even as I moaned in pleasure, I hated the feel of being dominated. Did that make me a control freak? Maybe. "You fucking sadist. Take…it out."

He laughed at that. "Yeah? I suppose I am one. Do you even know how erotic you look right now? Don't ever show anyone this expression of yours." A second finger joined the first, plunging in and out in fast motions.

"Kitsui ne. Very tight. Fuck, I want to slam my cock inside you until you whimper with pleasure." A growl escaped his lips near my left ear and I groaned at the tremors it sent down my spine.

"Kimochii ka?" By now, I was reduced to a puddle of heat.

"Kimochii…ja nai." With a sharp tongue still.

Chet didn't seem the least bit angry. I would have guessed why he wasn't irritated at all by my words, if only I was aware that I was pushing back to meet his thrusts, encouraging him.

Just then, he brought his own heavily aroused cock, slick with pre-cum, to my own. Hazy with want, I held his hips and rubbed our swollen cocks together.

"Fuck, yeah. Asato." Hungrily, he kissed me and began humping against my cock in earnest. The back-and-forth motions left me with ragged breathing as I tried to battle the delicious friction with resolve that I did not possess.

As I shuddered, he flicked his thumb over my sensitized cock head, causing me to moan in response and cling to him for leverage. The rubbing on my cock and the feel of his fingers thrusting repeatedly into me was too much.

"Mou…ikizou! Iku!" Chet swallowed my cries and his lips covered mine, as I came all over his stomach, staining his wet shirt. It was only then that he withdrew his fingers from my sore ass, and lifted his cum-slicked hand to his lips, licking it off.

"And that's that." He turned and left me to my thoughts. I braced a hand against the wall, still shaky from the aftermath. What the hell was going on?

Then, I realized that Chet hadn't had his turn to cum. I wrapped a towel around my waist and flung open the door, ready to berate him for what he'd made me do but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

In fact, he had left the apartment.

That fucking hypocrite. Was he attracted to me or was it merely a game to him? Annoyed, I took it out on a white pillow as I brooded on the leather couch. I still wasn't any closer to finding out anything worthwhile about this goddamned secretive nerd. In fact, things had turned out slightly more complex than I'd imagined.

Just then, I heard the sound of a key turning in the door knob and stormed towards the door, flinging it open. "It's high time you came back, you fucker -"

I blinked.

A handsome dark-haired man stared at my undressed state as his gaze fixed on some very obvious love marks on my body. "And who might you be?"

I glared at him. If he was Chet's sex friend, he might as well take a hike.

"No one important. You?" I barked in a clipped tone.

"Someone important." He smirked at me. He shoved past me and the door slammed shut as he made his way to the kitchen; the stranger seemed very at ease with his surroundings. Unlike me.


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