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If They Agree, I Agree

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Wife wants it all.
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My name is Michael James Malone, sole child of James and Erin Malone due to my mother having a difficult birth and was unable to bear other children. James or Big Jim as he is known to his friends. Is sole owner of MMM (Malone Milling and Machining) As the name implies, we specialize in milling and fabrication of equipment and Parts. The plant is in the Jacksonville Shipyard which is near the Jacksonville Naval Station.

Over the years, my dad had not only established a great reputation but built a thriving business employing 300+ people of varying skill levels.

I worked with my dad from the day I could turn a screw and a hold a wrench. I was trained by the most skilled and experienced people on each piece of equipment in our plant. My dad insisted I learn the operation from the ground up and work my way through the ranks. No silver spoons nor free rides were handed out in this family.

After graduation from high school, I decided that a collage education was not beneficial to nor required in my future, I did however, pursue a business degree at a local business college by taking night courses. One evening while studying at the school library waiting for my second class to begin, I met a red headed, green eyed, freckled face angel, Mary Elizabeth McFadden. She stood about 5' 2" and about 105 lbs. soaking wet with curves in all the right places. She was attending classes to become a Paralegal. We hit it off and agreed to see each other again, which became dating quite frequently, eventually becoming an exclusive relationship. To say our sex life was outstanding would be the understatement of the decade, we were like two rabbits trying to outdo each other in bringing pleasure to our mate.

We acknowledged that there was a deep love between us but agreed to wait until after we had completed our degrees before taking the next step, i.e., marriage. Throughout this time, I continued working full time at MMM and Mary was working as a receptionist at the Duval County DA's Office.

After graduating from our respective classes, I began assuming more responsibilities in the overall supervision and administration duties, becoming groomed as the heir apparent to the overall operation of the MMM Plant. Mary received an appointment in the DA's Staff as a Paralegal, it was time to begin our lives together.

We were married at our local Catholic Church, moved into a home owned by MMM along with leased cars also under the corporation's control, these amenities were provided by the company as part of my compression package.

As we began the voyage of life, we were both adamant about starting a family, and just after our first anniversary Mary announced she was pregnant. Both families were overjoyed with the news. Eight months later we were blessed with our twins. Sean James, and Erin Margaret entered the world and we and our families were awed with the wonderous miracle before us.

Our peaceful life was quickly replaced with the hectic lifestyle of raising twins. Mary had taken leave from her position at the DA's office and took over the day-to-day duties of motherhood. I pitched in as much as possible while I was home, but she was the primary and perfect homemaker. Of course, the grandparents were there to assist, and spoil, but Mary was always in complete control.

Wow! Where did the time go, the twins were ready to attend pre-school. With the kids at school during the day, Mary was becoming bored being alone in the house all day and approached me about returning to work. She had contacted the DA's office and there was an opening for a paralegal. I was not completely agreeable with the idea but did not want to interfere with her wishes. I conceded she had completely immersed herself in raising our twins for the past five years and deserved some latitude.

We interviewed several candidates for a Nanny's position and decided that Mrs. Rebecca (Becky) Murry would be perfect. Still the doting father, I insisted on a complete surveillance system (Nanny Cams) throughout the house. This system was installed without the knowledge of Becky and could be activated by our cell phone app. The system came complete with a base system which had recording capability for the day-to-day activities.

Mary returned to work, and I continued with the daily operation of the Plant. We spent several hours after work reviewing the Nany Camera coverage and it seemed I had wasted several hundred dollars, as Becky was the poster child of doting Nanny's. Love and care, with discipline handed out, as necessary. All was well in the Malone Household, until it was not.

Mary had been back at work for about 18 months when I began noticing she began dressing up a little more than required for daily operations in a legal office. Nothing outlandish mind you, just seemed more evening attire rather than work attire. Then began the phone calls explaining she would be working late to get all the documents ready for an important trial. These late nights began only once or twice a month. Then came the request to attend the weekly Girl's Night Out activities. I expressed my displeasure of being left alone with the twins on her late-night working and now she wants to stay out Friday nights drinking with a bunch of her workmates. She promptly told me that she had devoted five years of watching over the twins and did not think it would hurt me to spend a few nights watching over them while she unwound. Honestly, I really had no supporting arguments other than the ugly green monster beginning to whisper in my ear.

Things continue to go on with the late nights becoming more frequent and arriving home from her Friday nights later and later. As you know, I am not a college graduate, nor do I have any fancy degrees but I'm nobody's fool. I approached her about our diminishing sex life and the increasing lack of our social together times. She just seemed to shrug off my concerns without any acceptable explanation and continued with her new lifestyle.

After a few months, I finally had enough. I explained we were no longer acting like a loving and caring family but as individuals with different goals and if we were not careful there could be some serious consequences. She huffed that she did her share of the family responsibilities and that I was just jealous of her ability to enjoy herself with her friends. I told her that may be true however, tomorrow evening I was planning for the twins to be spending night with my parents and we were going to have a serious discussion about where our marriage heading. She gave me a go to hell look and huffed off to our bedroom and locked the door. This really got my Irish up, I insisted she open the door and when she refused, I kicked the door open explaining this was where I slept and if she was uncomfortable with that, she could find another place to lay her head. She left to sleep elsewhere and had a look of fear in her eyes.

I had left the next morning even before Mrs. Murry had awakened to get the twins ready for school. While at work I planned for my parents to pick up the children from school and give Mrs. Murry a well-deserved evening off.

After work, I stopped and picked up takeout for dinner and arrived home on regular time. As I arrived home, I noticed a car with county parked on the street in front of the house. I knew paralegals did not rate vehicle privileges and my wife's car was parked in the driveway as usual. My Spidey senses began tingling and I wondered what I may be walking into. I took the precaution of powering up the Nanny Cam system, and after a quick checkout began recording video and audio of the events in the house. Examining the view of the living room, I noticed my wife sitting a little too close to a gentleman dressed in a business suit on our sofa and I guessed, correctly I discovered later, he was employed within the legal profession. They were heavily involved in a discussion, and I increased the volume on my phone as I tried to listen into what the topic of that conversation might be. He was saying he should handle their announcement to me as he was used to dealing with hostile witnesses.

As I entered my home and announced myself explaining I had brought home takeout for dinner but had no idea we were having company and didn't know if we had enough to share as I walked into our living room. "I thought you and I were going to hash out some of our differences this evening and had arranged for the evening home alone."

The man stood and began announcing himself "Good evening Mr. Malone, my name is Jeff Richards and I'm an ADA for Duval County. May I call you Mike?"

"I doubt it will continue to be a good evening, Mr. Richards, and my friends call me Mike, my associates call me Michael of which you are neither. You may address me as Mr. Malone. Now if you will excuse me, I need to either place this food on the table or in the fridge. Will you be staying for Dinner Mr. Richards?"

"No Mr. Malone, dinner will not be necessary as the outcome of my visit here will probably leave an atmosphere unsuitable for dinning."

"Suit yourselves, I'm starving, so while you're explaining your presence in my home, I'll be eating my share while it's hot. I'll put your meal in the fridge Mary, and you can eat later, after the atmosphere Mr. Richards spoke of may have cleared."

I left the pair with their mouths hanging open as I turned to go into the kitchen where I placed Mary's meal in the fridge and dished my meal onto a plate. I grabbed some silverware, a TV tray and returned to the living room where the pair were in a whispered conversation. I sat in my recliner and, after excusing myself, began eating.

"Now Mr. Richards, you were going to explain your presence in my home."

Mary could hold her temper no longer "Michael, why are you being so rude? Jeff is here to help me explain a situation that has occurred and help you understand the outcome of events that will be happening."

"AHHH! So, it's Jeff is it, not ADA Richards, Mr. Richards but Jeff. I don't think I like where this conversation is heading. So please 'Jeff' explain this situation that has occurred that requires a pair of legal beagles to double team me on what was supposed to be an evening of private discussion between myself and my wife and while you're at it explain why you have been fucking my wife for the past months."

That left them both quite speechless, staring at me with their mouths open acting fish out of water.

"What? Did you think I was so dumb that I wouldn't check out what's been going on, hell, I've got you on a couple recordings that would make a porn star blush. So, you're asking yourselves, why would I let this go on without confronting my wife? The answer is simple. I needed proof to insure the prenup could be enforced to the letter and my slut of a wife would be left with no more than what she had before this unholy union and to get custody of my twins. I couldn't stand them being influenced by someone with the morals of an alley cat." Also, Mr. Richards, I think Mrs. Richards would enjoying viewing as well, perhaps you could have an evening movie together."

ADA Richards turned crimson, jumped from the couch, and began shouting "Now that you've vented, you'd better listen asshole. Yes, I've been fucking your wife for the past year and then some. We are quite compatible, and I can tell you she has a very tight ass and enjoys me ploughing that hole as often as I see fit, unlike you, that has never been given the opportunity. Those recordings you may or may not have in your possession will never be seen by anyone, much less the inside of a court room. "

I had remained calm during his outburst which seemed to confuse the couple as if they were waiting for an emotional outpouring of my own. I quietly responded "Just why would I not enter these tapes into evidence proving my wife's adultery. They were obtained during normal workhours in a public facility where any reason for privacy could not be expected. You do realize your public servants and therefore under the public's scrutiny."

I was then informed that I had no idea who I was dealing with and how powerful a man he was in the local government. "I have recourses throughout the legal systems including local police, judges, and friends who I have helped with reduced sentences and legal cover-ups, and they owe me favors. I will have you arrested for spousal and child abuse and you will never see your precious twins again. I can have child pornography planted on your computer and you will spend the next several years locked up in State Prisons. All this will occur when and if you try to subject your wife, my wife or anyone to any legal proceedings, including divorce. Now, that we have that issue cleared up, I will be taking your wife up to your bedroom and pound her into oblivion in your marital bed. You may sit here and listen to our rutting or come and watch, it's your choice, however if you choose to watch, I may allow you to clean your wife's pussy and ass when were through. Now it's your decision, will you agree to our terms or should I contact the local authorities have you arrested.

"WOW! You sure can give a great legal argument Jeff and have left me with little recourse. However, before I agree to your terms I'd like to call in a lifeline."

"Lifeline! What in the hell are you talking about? Do you think this is a reality show? Enough of this, come with me Mary, we are going to fuck in your bed. I've been looking forward to this for a long time."

"Before you two rush off lets us take a quick pole. I won't take long and could be very informative. What do you think Dad, should I agree to their conditions, give me a call, and loop me into the conference call you have going on."

About that time, I had an incoming call on my cell. I answered with "Hello Dad, I'm going to place you on speaker so all can listen to the poling process."

Shit for brains had this bewildered look on his face and looked to Mary for some explanation. Just like in the comic strips, I saw this bulb light over Mary's head. "OH CRAP" she announced, "The fucking Nanny Cams have been recording, were screwed."

"That's right Mary, I energized the system when I saw the county vehicle parked in our driveway. Before I entered the house, I had texted my dad the password to log into the system and ask him to set up a conference call with our friends and share the password so they could enjoy the viewing and share their input. Dad, I don't know who you have contacted so why don't you take roll call so our viewers may share their opinions."

ADA Jeff Richards looked at me with rage, stood up and began charging me. Now I'm no linebacker but I do lift heavy equipment and material daily on the factory floor. He didn't stand a chance, he swung wildly, I ducked then connected with a solid right. He folded like a cheap suit.

It took a few seconds for him to come around which during this time I asked my dad for a role call and vote from the people included in the conference call. The attendees included our respective family members, our parish officials, the Duval County Sheriff and none other than the DA of Duval County who I later found out were fellow graduates and teammates of my dad's HS graduation class.

By now Jeff was lucent and had returned to his seat next to my soon-to-be ex-wife as the votes started being cast.

Our family members, (her dad responded with "Marry, you sure shit in your mess kit") and parish officials all expressed their displeasure with my wife's actions and disagreed with my complying with their demands. The Sheriff and DA had not only disagreed but advised arrest warrants had been issued for each of them and Deputy Sheriffs were enroute to arrest them for extortion, attempted perjury, misuse of a government position and other charges pending investigation.

Additionally, the DA advised them they were no longer employed by the Duval County judicial system and would ensure they no longer would ever hold a position as an officer of the court.

I thanked the conference attendees for their favorable vote and disconnected the call. I looked up and into the eyes of two defeated individuals with tears coming from each of their eyes each with the realization that their lives were fucked.

The deputies arrived, took them into custody and I was left with my sorrow of a failed marriage and looking forward to becoming a single parent of lovable twins. We will survive.


Marry served 18 Months in county lockup for her role as an accomplice while Jeff was not quite so fortunate. He is currently serving out a 9-year sentence for several other charges he was found guilty of in addition to the ones he and my wife had conspired against my family.

The twins, now in the second grade, and I are doing well. Mrs. Murry maintains her position as house nanny but now has obtained the additionally responsibility of a third child, ME. I'm hoping to someday find a suitable life partner but so far that hasn't happened.

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Giorgio66EpzGiorgio66Epzabout 2 months ago

I have to admit, I liked the story for what it was. It was interesting and a nice change in the “same old story” kind of way.

haltwhogoestherehaltwhogoesthere4 months ago

Please do better for your readers: Marry, Mary, so many other typos. In a one page story. It's reader abuse...

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So, he put up with infidelity for over a year and had proof.... why did he wait that long to act?.... sounds like a vouyer, wimp, and willing cuck to me.... I guess he just got tired of watching the same old uninspiring sex over and over again and with nothing new decided to put and end to it knowing he would greatly benefit with his prenupt.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good one. Five stars.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThree4 months ago

I liked it.

But not all of it.

The misspellings were irritating.

And the videolink was over the top.

Adding to that, I agree with HDK's comment.

The cuckolding fetish is way overused in our kind of stories.

It is better suited in fantasy land.

Apart from that, the plot here was clever and mostly well worked.

That showes talent.

4 out of 5 from me.

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