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I'll Follow the Sun

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Husband feels the pain of betrayal.
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Jim Fox marveled at how quickly situations could change That very morning, he felt pretty miserable when he woke up. He had suffered through a troubled sleep the previous evening as he considered the best way to tell his daughter, Emily, that he had seen her boyfriend with one of her so-called girlfriends at the mall the previous afternoon. That alone wouldn't have been a problem, but the two had been seriously making out near the entrance of the mall.

Jim was quite sure that he knew his daughter well enough to know that she would be very upset about that information. It had never occurred to Jim to not explain exactly what he had witnessed to Emily. He was simply concerned about how and when to break it to her. Her volleyball team was scheduled to play in a district semifinal match in a few hours and she needed a clear head to play her best. Jim had decided to give her the bad news on the ride home after the match.

Then Jim turned his thoughts to the meeting he had with his boss earlier that afternoon. He had been called into the office and introduced to an older, heavier man named Ralph Jenkins. Having no idea why he was in the boss' office, Jim shook hands and pretty much kept his mouth shut while he waited to find out why he had been called in.

"Jim, we've just completed negotiations to purchase Precision Buffers in Daytona Beach," announced his superior. "You've just met, Ralph, the previous owner. We're taking over on the first of the year and I want you to head up our maintenance staff down there. I know you've been unhappy about your chance to advance here, but you've just been promoted!

"You'll be working with Ralph between Thanksgiving and the end of the year. He'll introduce you around and bring you up to speed on their equipment. We plan to eventually replace most of it with machinery similar to what we have here, but that'll be over a period of months so we don't disrupt production too badly. You know our equipment like the back of your hand, so it'll be a walk in the park for you.

"The only question I have is this. Are you willing to relocate to Daytona Beach? Included in the sale of the plant was a two bedroom condo that Ralph's company owns. You'll be able to move your family in immediately and live there for all of next year, rent free. By then you should know if it's for you and if you want to buy a place of your own in Daytona. Before you make up your mind, I should tell you that this position will include a twenty five percent increase in your salary. How long will you need to think it over?"

"I accept!" was Jim's immediate reply. "My wife has been complaining about the winters here in Pennsylvania. Her biggest fear was that I'd be transferred to the plant in Michigan. When I mention the pay raise and Daytona Beach, she'll be ecstatic. She can transfer her job to the nearest Home Depot down there with no trouble. I'll gladly take that job!"

"Then it's settled. Why don't you take my company car and give Ben a ride back to the airport and then take the rest of the day off," suggested Jim's boss.

Jim was grinning to himself as he headed away from the airport terminal after dropping Ralph off. All of a sudden, things were looking good. Emily could move to Daytona for her last semester of high school and forget about her loser boyfriend! Everything was finally going his way; and then it wasn't.

Jim's wife, Helen, drove a red Camry, much like ten million others, except a kid with a driver's license for a week had backed into the front of her car while it was parked at her work. He bent the front grill area pretty badly. Most of the plastic simply fell off, but there was some bent metal left. The radiator was now prominently displayed. As he drove past, Jim noticed a red Camry with the radiator showing sitting in front of a Best Western motel a couple blocks from the airport!

With his heart in his throat, Jim swung into the far end of the parking lot. There was an empty space next to the Camry, so he parked in it. He considered the situation. He wasn't a violent man, but if Helen didn't have a pretty good explanation for parking her car at a motel, there was going to be some serious trouble!

As he gradually calmed down, it occurred to Jim that he was driving the company car, which his wife had never seen. The windows were darkly tinted, perhaps a bit more than was actually legal in the state. He decided to simply wait for Helen to come out to her car and see who was with her, if anyone.

After waiting a couple of minutes, he realized that just sitting around wasn't enough, so he hatched a simple plan. Helen's spare tire was still sitting in the garage where he had left it after having it repaired a few days earlier. He knew that Helen would call him to bring the spare if she had a flat tire.

Looking furtively around, Jim slid out of the car with his jackknife open and sliced the valve stem on the spare tire mounted on the left rear of Helen's car. The tire was flat by the time he climbed back into the rear seat of the company car. Then he slouched down in the seat and waited less than patiently.

Half an hour later, he heard a curse very close to his car window, which he had lowered half an inch. "Damn it! I have a flat. Now what am I going to do?"

"No problem, Sexy Lady. After a blowjob like the one you just gave me, I'll be happy to change it for you," came a man's response as Jim's world crashed around him. He quietly gagged as his lunch desperately wanted to resurface.

"I don't have a spare! My husband never put it back in the car after getting it fixed. It's home in the garage," complained Helen.

"What a worthless prick," chuckled Helen's lover. "I always make sure my wife's car is in good shape. I don't want her stranded someplace with the kids. Now I wish I had driven myself rather than ride with you. What're we going to do?"

"Let's go back in our room and warm up while I make a call," suggested Helen as the loving couple strolled back to the motel.

Jim waited for his phone to ring. He was thinking how he would question Helen when she called, especially when she asked him to bring the tire to a no-tell hotel out by the airport. The only problem with that plan was that his phone never rang!

Twenty minutes later, a familiar Honda Civic pulled into the lot and parked on the other side of him. Jim had been thinking that he could never feel any worse, but he was wrong. His daughter, Emily, was delivering the tire to her cheating mother!

Emily knocked on the motel door and waited a full minute before the door opened. Jim couldn't tell what Emily said, but she turned around and marched back to her car and opened the trunk. She lifted the tire out and placed it on the pavement as Helen and her boyfriend walked up.

"Frank, get that for Emily! She has to play tonight and can't be injured or tired before the match even starts," worried Helen.

"Thanks for the concern, Mom. You could've been dressed when I got here if you were thinking about me. I have to hurry to school and get ready for the match. Can you take it from here?" asked an obviously irked Emily.

"No problem, Em," replied the guy Jim now knew to be Frank. "As soon as I get it on the car, your mother will drop me off at Home Depot where my car is parked. I'll have time to watch you play tonight. I'll be cheering for you."

"Thanks, Frank. Just don't sit too close to Mom. Dad's going to be there and I don't want any drama while I'm playing."

"Don't worry. I won't hurt your dad, if I can help it," laughed Frank. "I doubt he'd ever guess what's going on and even if he did, he'd never try me. He knows it wouldn't go well for him."

"Frank, I've asked you to not talk about Jim that way. He's my husband and Emily's father. He's a good man and deserves some respect," replied Jim's loving spouse.

Emily simply stared at her mother. "Respect? In what world would your actions be considered showing him respect? I just want to graduate before the divorce."

"I've told you that I love your father and there won't be divorce! We'll die in each other's arms," insisted Helen.

"You're a bit delusional, I'm afraid. Dad won't stand for you having boyfriends and sooner or later, he'll catch you with one."

"There's only been one, and Frank's not a boyfriend. We're just friends with benefits," replied Helen. "We probably won't keep this up for very long so we're going to enjoy it while we can. I deserve a little fun after all of the time and effort I put into our marriage."

"Dad's put the same amount of time in and probably more effort," pointed out Emily. "Does he have a girlfriend?"

"Your father? Hardly," laughed Helen. "He's not the type. You know how shy he is around women. It took him weeks to get up the nerve to ask me out. You're dad is a good husband and father".

"Unlike the guy over there?" motioned Emily toward Frank, as he worked to jack up Helen's car.

"Frank's a good guy. He's funny, considerate, a good father, and a very good provider."

"He cheats on his wife! You just said that Dad's a good husband because he's faithful, which Frank certainly isn't. If he was thinking about his wife and kids, would he be banging a married woman in a sleazy motel?" demanded Emily.

"That was cruel and uncalled for!" shot back Helen. "I'm not in the mood to argue with you about this. You need to get to the school and get ready. Frank and I'll be along shortly. We'll be rooting for you!"

"For some reason, that doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy," retorted Emily. "Keep him away from Dad. Frank doesn't believe it, but Dad can kick his ass."

Emily climbed into her Honda and drove away, leaving Helen and Frank alone as he tightened the lug nuts on the wheel. "She's not too happy about us, is she? I guess my daughter would feel the same way if she knew. That's why I don't do anything to tip her or my wife off."

"I told you that I didn't realize she was there the day I brought you home. She was supposed to be in school. She understands how it is. She won't tell. It would break up our marriage and she doesn't want that," assured Helen.

Jim sat in a stupor in back of the company car long after Helen drove away. If finding out that Helen was cheating on him hurt a lot, learning that his daughter knew about it and accepted it totally crushed him. When he finally came out of his daze, Jim realized that it was time for his daughter's volleyball match to start. He had never missed one in her entire high school career. That was about to change.

Jim drove back to the parking lot at work, picked up his own truck, and drove home. He had no appetite, and even less desire to see his wife and daughter. Sitting at the kitchen table, he drank a few beers and tried to plan some sort of future for himself.

He had to appreciate the irony of feeling like he was on top of the world one minute only to have everything turn to shit the next. He considered the possibility that Helen might not even want to go to Daytona now that she had a lover.

The more he thought about it, the more the entire situation hurt. He'd always been faithful and worked hard to provide for his family. He didn't deserve what Helen had done to him. He always thought that she enjoyed their love making. Then he considered how Helen had actually been unusually amorous since Labor Day. It was obvious that she had been fucking him more so he wouldn't get suspicious! She knew that if she kept him well laid, he'd be happier than a pig in shit and never suspect a thing. Sadly, it had worked perfectly!

Jim thought about the fact that Helen didn't know his company was buying a plant in Florida. If he told her that he was being transferred by the company, she'd assume it was to Michigan. She'd never consider moving there, especially at Thanksgiving time. He could move into the condo in Florida and have time to work his way through his marriage problems without Helen harping on him. She could get laid every day by Frank! She and Emily would continue to live in Pennsylvania while he enjoyed the sun and surf of Florida! The more he thought about it, the more he liked it. It wasn't much revenge, but it was a start. He had the weekend and the upcoming week to prepare for the move. He would head out for Daytona right after Thanksgiving. His loving wife and daughter would think he was driving to Michigan, so they wouldn't even suggest that they go with him. Jim felt a little better once he had a course of action plotted out.

To avoid Helen and Emily in the short term, he grabbed four Dramamine and washed them down with another beer. He knew from experience that it would require a bomb to wake him up before the sun came up. He went to the master bedroom and gathered the clothes he would need the next morning. He carried them into the spare bedroom. He brought his toiletries and razor into the second bathroom. Then he closed the door to the guest room and crawled into bed. He fretted for about ten minutes before sleep claimed him.

"He's home," observed Emily as she saw her father's pickup parked in its spot in the garage. "I wonder why he didn't come to school to cheer for me. I hope he isn't sick."

"It looks like he drank most of a six pack," pointed out Helen as she preceded Emily into the kitchen and saw the empty beer cans on the table. "That's not like Jim. I hope he's okay. I'll go check on him."

Helen was surprised when she didn't find Jim in bed. She walked back into the kitchen to speak with Emily. "He's not in bed. He wasn't in the garage and he's not watching TV. Where do you think he is?"

"There are only a few possibilities," replied Emily. "We can look in the basement and the laundry room, although I don't think Dad even knows where that is. Then there's my room and the spare bedroom."

The two women finally discovered Jim sleeping in the guest room. Their attempts at waking him proved unsuccessful as he continued to breathe deeply while clutching his pillow.

"I think he may be drunk," suggested Emily. "I've never seen him drink too much before, but he sure acts like he did. I wonder why he missed my match and why he's been drinking."

"Let's ask him in the morning," responded Helen as she closed the bedroom door. "He may be feeling ill. Sometimes he sleeps in here so he won't give me whatever bug he has. He'll definitely feel like shit in the morning, so don't make him feel any worse about not showing up tonight.

"Frank thought you played real well," added Helen. "He thinks you may get a scholarship offer."

"Why is it so hard for you to understand that I don't give a shit what Frank thinks?" asked Emily petulantly. "As far as I'm concerned he's a cheating asshole and if I never see him again, it'll be too soon."

"You shouldn't feel that way," protested Helen. "Why can't you just be happy for me? I enjoy him. He makes me feel young and desirable."

"I guess it's because I can't stop worrying about Dad. I don't think this will set very well with him when he finds out about Frank. It'll break his heart."

"That's exactly why he can't find out. I give him all the loving he wants, so he's not losing anything. Frank is just getting the extra that your father can't handle."

"Keep telling yourself that, Mom. I really doubt that Dad will think about it that way. And if you keep this up, he will find out, but it won't be from me," stated Emily flatly.

"If you don't tell, he'll never suspect a thing. I know your father. He trusts me completely," responded Helen as Emily just turned and walked to her bedroom.

Jim's eyes opened around five AM and he was wide awake. He quietly dressed and left the house. He had just finished his breakfast at IHOP when his cell rang.

"Jim? Are you okay?" asked Helen in a concerned voice. "You didn't come to Emily's match last night, you slept in the guest room, and you left the house early on a Saturday morning. This isn't like you."

"I realize that. I just thought I'd become more unpredictable and do things on the spur of the moment," answered Jim before he disconnected the call and turned his phone off.

Jim spent the morning in the plant, making sure he had his tools and everything else that belonged to him loaded into his pickup. He was going to need them for his new position. As the day went on, Jim found himself better able to cope with his situation. He realized that he couldn't change the past, but he could do his best to have a decent future. He'd be working in a new place, meeting new people, and enjoying better weather. He was determined to the make the situation work for him.

Jim also realized that he needed to keep his move to Florida a secret for the next few days. Thursday was Thanksgiving. He'd be completely packed by then and ready to leave early the next morning. Helen and Emily would think he was headed for an even colder climate. He was determined not to say anything to make them believe otherwise.

It was late afternoon by the time Jim walked into his house. Helen lit into him as he washed his hands in the bathroom.

"You don't ever hang up on me!" yelled Helen. "You missed Emily's important match, which they won if it matters to you, to get drunk and pass out in the guest room. Then you sneak out early to avoid me and hang up when I call out of concern! I suppose you expect me to make dinner now? You can starve as far as I'm concerned."

Jim would have felt guilty and apologized profusely to Helen two days ago. Now he realized that her anger really didn't matter to him. What the hell did he care if she was happy or not? He simply nodded and walked back out the door. Ten minutes later he was ordering ribs in a local sports bar.

Jim was surprised that he was actually able to enjoy himself. He drank a few beers and talked football with the other patrons. It was almost eleven when he returned home. Helen and Emily were sitting in the living room watching an old movie.

"So you've decided to grace us with your presence?" asked Helen snidely. "Don't expect to sleep in my bed until you apologize to Emily and me for acting like such a jackass."

"Okay," was all Jim said as he passed through the living room and made his way to the master bedroom. He quickly gathered up clothes for the next day and took them to the guest room where he immediately stripped down and climbed into bed.

"He didn't seem very concerned that you were so upset," observed Emily after Jim had disappeared from sight. "He acts like he's fine with sleeping in the guestroom."

"You don't know your father," chuckled Helen. "He won't be able to hold out more than a night or two before he comes crawling back into my bed. He knows when he has it good."

"I guess," replied a dubious Emily. "I just hope he doesn't find out how good Frank has it."

"Please stop mentioning his name," insisted Helen. "I intend to keep that a secret, so I'd appreciate it if you'd stop bringing him up."

"I guess you enjoy being the one to 'bring him up', if he isn't already up for his wife," countered Emily.

Helen stared at her daughter, hoping she'd show some shame for speaking that way to her own mother. When Emily first caught her with Frank, Helen thought it might actually simplify things. It would be one fewer person to lie to, and Emily was much more observant about her mother's activities that Jim ever was. Emily had agreed to keep Frank a secret, mostly because she didn't want her parents to divorce, but she was becoming increasingly disrespectful. Helen was finding it difficult to be both a good mother and a willing mistress when her daughter knew she was playing both roles.

Then there was issue with Jim. What had gotten into him the last couple of days? She couldn't recall any disagreement, or slight. He was just behaving poorly and she wasn't going to tolerate it. He'd come to his senses before long. The sex she shared with him was far too good for him to go without for very long. She was certain of that.

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