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I'm not Angry Anymore

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It's hard to let go of your first love.
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Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

*Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-Check. You have been forewarned; expect to find mistakes.


"Joey I'm not angry anymore...angry anymore...angry anymore," the woman's voice trailed off.

"Well Concrete Blonde, you're a better person than I," Jimmy Schoenberger said as he knotted his tie.

"Oh, I bet you do," he said as 'I Touch Myself' by Divinyls played. "Damn, Spot, you playing some good ones today.

"And...jinxed it; should have kept my mouth shut," Jimmy muttered as 'The Sign' by Ace of Base started. "On a Nineties thing today, huh?"

"You ready? Is Daddy's baby girl ready?" Jimmy said as he scooped Guinevere from her crib.

Guinevere giggled and cooed as Daddy gnawed on her belly. Of course, right before he opened the door of the trailer, she scrunched up her beautiful little face and the sound of a wet bowel movement erupted. With a sigh, Jimmy took his jacket off and tucked the tie into his dress shirt.

"Do not, I mean it, do not pee on me; we don't have time for..." Jimmy said and barely managed to catch the spray into the fold of her diaper. "Guinevere Fae Schoenberger, what did I just say?"

He cleaned her up, put a fresh diaper on her, and again readied himself to leave the trailer. This time they made it out and to the minivan.

"You're a pretty girl, yes you are, yes you are," Jimmy cooed to the blonde child as he buckled her into the car seat.

"Look just like your mother," Jimmy said, giving her a wet noisy kiss to her forehead before sliding the rear door of the minivan shut.

Jimmy Schoenberger had first laid eyes on Marla Fae Tooms as they entered Kimble Academy, two frightened eighth graders among the forty eighth graders entering a large, unfamiliar, inhospitable place.

Jimmy's grandpa always told him, "Babe Ruth struck out a lot more times than he hit home runs."

"Hi. I'm Jimmy Schoenberger," Jimmy said, smiling at the beautiful blonde.

"I uh, I'm Marla. Marla Tooms. You know where Room one twelve is?" the blonde asked.

"Same room I'm looking for," Jimmy admitted. "Come on; let's see if we can find it."

At lunch, Jimmy sat with her and they compared notes. So far, they agreed; Mrs. Neidemeyer was nasty and evil, a real witch. Mr. Franks was a ginormous douche. And Mr. Cousins was cool.

Jimmy's grandfather drove them to the movies for their first date. The old man wiped at a tear as his grandson and his date got out of the car and held hands as they waited in line to buy tickets. Parking the car, the old man got out, sat on the hood of his 1984 Buick LeSabre and lighted a cigarette. Seven cigarettes later, the two kids came out of the theater, still holding hands.

"Had fun?" the old man asked as Jimmy allowed Marla to get into the rear seat first.

"Yeah," Marla agreed.

"Yes sir," Jimmy said.

"Yes sir," Marla parroted.

Jimmy got his first kiss outside of Marla's kitchen door. He blushed hotly, but smiled when Grandpa gave him a thumbs up.

"I uh, oh, oh I can't. My dad's back so we're going to that Brick's on Fifty four?" Marla said when Jimmy asked her if she'd like to go skating. "You know, the one where they throw the pizza in the air?"

Eldridge and Mitty said they were going to the Go-Kart Ranch in Pinoak so Jimmy invited himself along. And, entering the attached video arcade for a malt after a few laps around the track, Jimmy saw Marla with an older boy that also attended Kimble Academy.

"How was the pizza?" Jimmy asked and Marla's face went pale.

A few minutes later, Kenny Sampson, Marla's companion went up to Jimmy and shoved him. Jimmy's smile infuriated the boy.

"You really think she's wort losing your teeth over? I'll give you the first swing," Jimmy said, still smiling.

Kenny Sampson was two years older, thirty pounds heavier and six inches taller. He did throw a haymaker that connected solidly with air. Four punches later, the manager threw Jimmy out, then helped the other boy into a chair.

"Kenny threw the first punch," Eldridge told the manager.

"I did not," Kenny lied, tongue testing his loose teeth.

"It's right there, on camera," Mitty said, pointing to the security cameras all around the loud, lively room. "You came up; we wasn't bothering you, you came up and shoved Jimmy, then tried to hit him."

"And then he beat the living shit out of you," Eldridge giggled. "Made it look easy."

Keith Sampson banged hard on the door of the trailer. Grandpa came out, listened to what the angry, demanding man had to say, then told the man his son had started it.

"Not my fault, not my grandson's fault you raised a little sissy faggot can't handle himself," Grandpa had shrugged.

Keith managed, barely, to crawl to his truck and drive himself to the St. Elizabeth Parish Trauma Center. He made up a story about being jumped; must have been two or three guys. There was no way Keith was going to tell anyone he'd thrown the first punch. He certainly would not admit that a seventy year old man with a prosthetic leg managed to pummel him.

"Look, we, I'm only thirteen; we don't need to be all so serious about each other," Marla said in school on Monday.

"And you could have just said that, instead of lying to me," Jimmy said. "But don't worry about us getting too serious. I don't go out with girls that sneak around behind my back."

The next few years, Jimmy was polite, civil whenever their paths crossed. After all, it was a small high school. But he did not ask Marla for any further dates. He did have a few run-ins with Kenny; Marla gave Kenny scant attention and Kenny blamed this on Jimmy. Their last fight, Kenny recruited Doug Bercegay's assistance.

"Two against one," Kenny chortled.

"Uh huh," Jimmy smirked and kicked Doug in the balls with all his might.

Then, while Doug lay on the ground in the fetal position, Jimmy broke Kenny's nose, jaw, four ribs and left hand. Jimmy warned Kenny, and Doug, the next time, he would not be so merciful.

Hey, Jimmy, Marla really likes you," Jenna West, a cute red headed cheerleader cooed and giggled as Jimmy warmed up with the rest of the football team.

"Good to know, Jenna," Jimmy said and started his wind sprints when Coach Statler blew his whistle.

By the time Homecoming Week rolled around, Marla and her entourage had done their job; no girl would go with Jimmy to the Homecoming Dance. A few cheerleaders let Jimmy know Marla wanted him to ask her to be his date for the dance.

"That's okay. I'm not going," Jimmy said.

Marla herself cornered Jimmy and pled her case; their little spat had been four years ago, when they were both thirteen years old. They were both seventeen years old now, were both juniors now. She'd done a little growing up since then, and in truth, she missed her best friend.

"I mean, I'm sure you remember our first day? God! I was so scared and then this really cute boy came up..." Marla said, eyes brimming with love.

They double dated with Bryanna, Marla's cousin and Sandy, Bryanna's boyfriend. Grandpa had snorted but forked over the money for Jimmy's half of the limo rental, and threw in a hundred bucks for dinner and a few pictures.

"Knock'em dead, tiger," Grandpa said when the limousine pulled up in front of their trailer.

And, after dinner and the dance, the four decided to go to Marla's house; her parents weren't home. Jimmy was fine with this; they were having a good time. And, he was with the prettiest girl in their high school. He was with the prettiest girl he'd ever known.

The moment they entered the home, Marla and Bryanna raided the liquor cabinet. Jimmy was no prude; he'd tried liquor on a few occasions. He did like achieving that perfect medium, that space between sober and falling down, knee walking drunk. That happy, carefree, pleasantly buzzed place right in the middle of the two extremes.

Returning from the bathroom, Jimmy walked into the living room and saw Marla and Sandy kissing. Jimmy saw Sandy's hand playing with Marla's breast and Marla trying to work the top of her gown down.

"Hey!" Bryanna cheerfully greeted Jimmy, her gown already crumpled on the floor.

Jimmy said nothing. He walked to the front door of the house and left. A few moments later, Sandy, Marla and Bryanna drove up, Sandy driving Garrett Tooms's car.

Marla and Bryanna tried to talk Jimmy into returning to Marla's home. Sandy called Jimmy a few names.

"Shut up, Sandy!" Marla screamed at the smirking boy. "Jimmy, please! Please come on back. I'm sorry; we were just playing. Jesus, Bryanna was right there, we were just playing."

"Marla, y'all can go on back to playing all y'all want," Jimmy said. "But tell that cock sucking faggot he calls me 'pussy' one more time it'll be a long time before he can suck his Daddy's dick again.""

"What?" Sandy screamed, throwing the car into 'Park.'

"Jimmy, please, please don't," Marla begged, knowing what Jimmy was capable of.

That night, Marla got her first DUI, driving Sandy to the St. Elizabeth Parish Trauma Center. Sandy broke things off with Bryanna and also stayed away from Marla; the Tooms girls were more trouble than they were worth. Grandpa did like the photograph Connie Edwards had taken of his handsome grandson and his grandson's date.

Jimmy and Marla did not interact socially again until the final weeks of their senior year, nearly a year and a half after their disastrous Homecoming Dance double date. As always, Jimmy was polite, civil whenever they were in each other's company; Kimble Academy was not a very large High School.

"Jimmy, the senior prom's in a couple of weeks," Marla said, sitting at Jimmy's table in the library.

"Must be why Mrs. Couvillion keeps announcing it every morning," Jimmy agreed, jotting down some notes in his notebook.

"And uh, no one's asked me," Marla continued.

"Really? I'd take a look at that if I were you," Jimmy said, not looking up from the thick reference book.

"Jimmy, please?" Marla begged.

"What? What happened to Brandon Simoneaux?" Jimmy asked, putting the first book aside and opening the second book.

"God! Him?" Marla scoffed.

Jimmy said nothing, just looked up the information he needed, then closed the book with a 'thump.' Closing his notebook, he nodded politely to Marla and left the table, reference books in hand.

"Jimmy please," Marla begged again as Jimmy sat to eat his lunch.

"Not going to happen, but thanks for playing. We have lovely parting gifts for you," Jimmy said. "Tiffany, tell her what she's won!"

"Sure thing James," Jimmy said, adopting a breathless female voice. "Marla Tooms? You've won a lifetime supply of 'Eat Shit & Die!' For the perfect combination, try eat shit and die with your favorite flavor of 'Go Fuck Yourself.'"

Marla's eyes filled with tears and she fled the cafeteria. Seeing a few staff members looking his way, Jimmy gave them an innocent shrug.

After school, Jimmy went to the St. Elizabeth Parish Trauma Center and went into Grandpa's room. Grandpa was asleep when Jimmy entered so Jimmy sat and did his homework. A nurse came in and managed to rouse the patient as she checked his vitals.

"Hey," the old man wheezed.

"Hey Grandpa," Jimmy smiled.

Grandpa listened as Jimmy recounted the day's events, even telling him about Marla's request for yet another date, another chance to stab him in the back. Grandpa nodded in understanding. He held up his hand and Jimmy stopped speaking.

"Just be sure you use a condom," Grandpa said seriously.

"Won't need a condom; not going anywhere near that crazy bitch," Jimmy spat.

"No one said you need to date her. Shit, take her to this stupid prom, get her in the back seat, fuck the little bitch, then drop her off in the middle of the Atchafalaya, huh?" Grandpa said.

"Devious, Grandpa," Jimmy smiled and Grandpa smiled weakly.

"Seriously, boy, you been hung up on this little girl for how long?" Grandpa asked.

"Not hung up on..." Jimmy said.

"Oh bull shit. What happened to that little Bethany girl? Or, or, what about that Keyondra? That one was a cute one. Yeah, she was a cute little black thing, huh?" Grandpa asked.

"Bethany was..." Jimmy started.

"Bethany wasn't Marla. And Keyondra? Keyondra wasn't Marla. Now Candy? Thank God you kicked that one to the curb; she ever have anything nice to say about anything or anyone? Bitch, bitch, bitch; all that girl ever did was bitch," Grandpa said.

"So I should just..." Jimmy asked.

"Just take her to the prom, fuck her, get it all out of your system, move on," Grandpa advised. "Know what? Bet you going find; the reality really don't live up to the fantasy. Then you can just forget her, move on and find someone that will make you happy."

"Jimmy I know..." Marla whispered as Jimmy put his books into his locker the next morning.

"Okay," Jimmy agreed. "But we are not double-dating with any of your friends or cousins or next-door neighbors."

"Aieegh!" Marla excitedly squealed and gave Jimmy an impulsive hug and kiss.

"Ms. Tooms," Mr. Cousins warned, fighting against his smirk.

"Yes sir," Marla said, scampering away to brag to her friends about her date for the Senior Prom.

"I was right?" Grandpa guessed, moving the oxygen mask aside as a bone tired Jimmy entered the ward.

Jimmy had rented a tuxedo for the occasion and had purchased a beautiful corsage from Annie's Floral Designs. Hanging Gardens in Elgee served a wonderful supposedly authentic Thai cuisine. Connie Edwards took a few photographs of the smiling couple and they voted for King and Queen of the prom before joining the throng of friends and fellow classmates.

Again, her parents weren't home. Marla lost no time in pouring them hefty glasses of Albertson's Gin she'd mixed with some liqueurs. Half a glass of the potent drink in her, Marla stepped out of her expensive evening gown, leaving it puddled on the living room floor. She then gave Jimmy an enthusiastic blow job.

Bethany had sucked dick, but always with the expectation of some payoff. Keyondra sucked dick and was quite proud of her skills at cock-sucking. Candy grudgingly sucked dick but bitched about it before and bitched about it afterward. If she could have spoken while having her mouth fucked, she would have bitched during oral sex as well.

Marla clearly knew how to suck cock. Marla clearly enjoyed sucking cock. She kept Jimmy on the verge of blowing his load for several long blissfully agonizing moments before finally granting him release. Then she showed him her mouthful of sperm before swallowing the load.

"You eat pussy?" Marla asked, eyes glowing.

Jimmy ate pussy. Jimmy enjoyed eating pussy. He used lips, tongue and fingers on her blonde muff. After her third orgasm, Marla grabbed a handful of his hair and screamed for him to fuck her.

Jimmy smirked when Marla insisted he did not need the condom. Ignoring her protests, he slid the latex sheath onto his hard cock and slid himself into her hot, tight box.

Bethany had lay on the back seat of the car, looking vacantly at Jimmy while he huffed and puffed. Keyondra only allowed cowgirl; she wasn't about to be underneath, at a man's mercy. Candy allowed a few moments of clumsy thrusts before she was demanding that he hurry.

Marla peered deeply into Jimmy's eyes, mouthed 'I Love You' as her legs wound around him. She loudly, happily encouraged him to fuck her, fuck her, fuck her.

"See, I like you know, tasting me and you; hate condoms," Marla whispered as she sucked his cock after he removed the sticky condom. "Right now? All I can taste is Trojan."

After the third condom, Marla walked the weary Jimmy to the door, still nude except for her high heeled pumps. Without a care, she opened the front door, gave him a steamy kiss and ushered him into the dank early morning.

"I was right?" Grandpa asked again.

"I guess," Jimmy smiled tightly. "Want anything?"

"A pack of Winston's and a can of St. Elizabeth's Lager," the man said.

Four days later, Jimmy buried his grandfather. He put an unopened can of St. Elizabeth's Lager into the casket and slipped a pack of Winston's into the man's shirt pocket. He tried to say 'I love you' but could only sob.

"I'm so sorry about your grandfather," Marla whispered as Jimmy put his books into his locker.

"Thank you," Jimmy said numbly.

"Remember? He took us on our first date?" Marla smiled, wrapping her arms around Jimmy's right arm as they walked from locker to homeroom.

She showed up at the trailer that afternoon. Again, she performed a masterful blow job. Then she produced a three pack of condoms and showed Jimmy how she could slide a condom onto his cock with her mouth.

Jimmy was a mediocre student. And, without his grandfather there to push him, motivate him, bribe him, Jimmy had no ambition to further his education. He got a job working with Robichaux Contracting, doing the heavy lifting. Paul Robichaux did see some potential in Jimmy; the kid was willing to work. Paul started teaching Jimmy how to do sheetrock work.

Two months after Jimmy buried his grandfather, Marla came to the trailer, barely able to contain her glee. Jimmy had not seen the girl since their graduation from Kimble Academy, and truthfully, he was not happy to see her now.

"Guess what? I'm pregnant, Daddy," she announced, showing him a pee stick.

"You little fucking bitch," Jimmy hissed, his hatred for the girl bubbling over. "Those condoms. You punched holes in them."

"You can do a DNA test if you want," Marla continued prattling happily. "But we both know what it's going show."

"You little fucking bitch," Jimmy snarled, punching the wall with all his might.

Garrett Tooms came over to have a little talk with Jimmy; his little girl was pregnant and told Daddy Jimmy was the father. Jimmy did not deny parentage but stared blankly at the blustering, posturing father when Garrett demanded to know what Jimmy planned to do about it.

"Like what? I'm not a doctor," Jimmy said.

"Uh? I mean, you going step up? You going do the right thing?" Garrett demanded.

"I will pay my half. I will pay half of the medical bills, I will pay half the food for the baby, half the diapers..." Jimmy stated.

"Oh no, you little mother fucker, you going do a lot more..." Garrett thundered, grabbing Jimmy by his shirt.

"I can make the next one really count," Jimmy said calmly as Garrett struggled to catch his breath. "Now, as I was saying, I will pay half. But I will not, I will never marry that drunken whore. Got it?"

"Call...my...little..." Garrett wheezed, face red with anger.

"I can make the next one really count," Jimmy stated, delivering a slap to the man's face.

"Hey loser," Kenny Sampson taunted when his path crossed Jimmy's inside the lobby of the First DeGarde's bank.

"Hey," Jimmy nodded, not caring about Kenny's words.

"Heard the news?" Kenny continued as the cute teller waved Jimmy forward.

"Heard I don't give a shit?" Jimmy said, smiling at the attractive girl. "Hi; need to deposit this, please."

"Marla and me? We're getting married," Kenny crowed.

"Congratulations," Jimmy shrugged. "Hang on, give me a couple of minutes; I'll see if I can find anyone gives a flying shit."

"What's the matter, loser? Can't stand that you lost your woman to a real man?" Kenny snarled.

"Yeah, that's got to be it, right?" Jimmy laughed.

"You heard?" Marla asked, bringing by the receipt from the doctor's office. "You know, I don't think I like Dr. Sweetman all that much. I mean, gets you in, gets you out, don't tell you nothing."

"Heard what?" Jimmy said, doing a 'Bill-Pay' on his cell phone to pay his half of the Ob/Gyn's bill.

"Kenny? Kenny Sampson? He, uh, he asked me to marry him?" Marla said, toying with a button on Jimmy's shirt.


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