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I'm the Man of the House Ch. 04

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Chapter 4.
12.1k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/22/2016
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It took a little bit of time for mom's divorce from dad finally became final, but yet it didn't take all that long either, but I would say that mom and I got the better deal out of it, which we got the house to do with it as we wanted to, which we decided to put it up for sale, and we let mom's old high school friend have the honor, of getting the house put on market for us.

The other thing that mom did was take back her maiden name, so that her and I could go off somewhere else, where we wouldn't have so many people seeing that we filed for a marriage license, and knowing what we did, and us being mom and son, and maybe reporting it, which would get us into big trouble for sure.

I had got a part time job before I had to start back to school during the week, and then on weekends during school, and if I stayed with it till I graduated from school, I would have a full time position with the company, and a chance for promotion when I finished college, which sounded real good to me, and Maryann said it sounded good to her too.

Also with the divorce dad had to pay mental damage, due to what he had done, that we were able to find out, like the sex with his secretary the night of his and mom's anniversary, and then for not telling us that he got the promotion, and transferred to another town where the promotion took him, and that also cost him abandonment, plus he had to pay child support till I graduated from college, plus he had to pay out anything that I was required to pay for like my books or tuitions, and mom was to get a nice sum of money each and every month, till as such a time she decided to get married, if she even chose to do so.

As far as the marriage part, we didn't let them know what Maryann and I did afterwards, because again, it would get us into trouble.

As the divorce turned out, I really didn't have to get a job for quite some time yet, but I figured why wait till I had too. With me getting a job now, I could save most of that money if not all of it, which would have me set up pretty good by the time I would have to work, which would be postponed a little longer, before it became a have to work situation.

After I got the job, Maryann and I would get up early every morning and have breakfast together, and talk about anything that needed to be taken care of if any, or just make small talk, and every so often, it would be both.

Some mornings Maryann would need to go into town for shopping, or get whatever was needed to fix a problem, if there happen to be one with the house, or the yard around the house.

The mornings Maryann needed to go into town, we would go together with me being dropped off at work first, then she would pick me up after I got off of work, which we both got dressed on those days, otherwise I would be the one to get dressed, and drive to work in my pickup.

On days that Maryann would stay home, she would be nude when I left for work, and still nude when I got home, which I would get undressed as soon as I got home, then get cleaned up, then we would usually have a round of sex in one of the other rooms in the house, besides the bedroom.

Every night when Maryann and I went to bed, we had a round of loving sex, and some mornings one of us would wake up in time to either have her pussy ate out by me, which would wake her up, or she would wake me up with a blowjob, and other mornings we just woke up and held each other, till we had to get up.

One morning about one week before school started back up, Maryann and I were having breakfast, "Babe, I have a question for you."

"Okay sexy, ask away."

"How do you feel about you and I having a baby together?"

"I thought about that off and on now, ever since you and I did what we did when we got home that first night together, pretending to be husband and wife. I would love to have a baby with you, and since you haven't said anything about being pregnant, and haven't started showing the signs, I was figuring that you either cannot have kids, due to may be being fixed, or you are on the pill. Either way, I thought that is why you let me cum in your pussy, from the very first night together, to last night."

"I was so pissed off at 'you know who' that first night that I figured, what the heck if I got pregnant by our son, that shows me more attention than that ass hole does, and if he can take the chance of getting his lover pregnant, why not let my lover get me pregnant, to show him two can play that game, but then I had second thoughts the next morning, so I took an after morning pill, which is what I relied on till I got on the pill, like I am taking now."

"How do you feel about having a baby with me?"

"To tell you the truth, I have wanted one real bad lately, as long as it is yours, and I would like to maybe try and have two, one now and one later on, and hope one is a girl, and one is a boy."

"I love the idea of having a boy and a girl, but I do not want to ever have to live the way did for so long, before our first date together."

"I do not want to either. I would really like to raise our kids to be free around the house here, as long as it is just them, you, and I, in the house, if that is okay with you. That way we can see if it is a good thing or a bad thing, for ourselves, since everyone thinks it is a bad thing to do with kids, as they are growing up."

"You know it is okay with me. They will either be like u, as far as our sex life goes, with each other, or one with me, and the other one with you."

"I just want them to love us and each other, no matter what, and not hat one, as you seem to do with 'you know who' which is very understandable."

"I think I know just what you mean since at one time I did hate him, but now it is more like, I am upset with him now, but he is the one that is missing out on what he helped create, and who he created it with. I do not want to be anything like that at any time, and if I do, just shoot me."

"You are nothing like he is being or has ever been towards me, since before you were even thought of. You have some traits like him, but you are not totally like him, as far as how you treat your family which is just me right now, and because you are not him, but like you are being right now, is another reason for wanting a child with you, or by you, how ever is the correct way to say it."

"Do we start now or later?"

"I'm still on the pill, but if you want me to quit taking them, I will stop taking them today. All you have to do is tell me to keep taking them, or stop taking them."

"When did you take the pill last?"

"Last night, right after we had supper."

"Okay, from this day on, you do not take any more of those pills, till the doctor says so, after the baby is born."

"Your wish is my command, you handsome man."

"Okay sexy." then we kissed each other mouth to mouth.

When Maryann and I finished kissing each other, "How about we take a walk out back through the woods there, and maybe do a little fishing in our pond back there?"

"That sounds pretty good to me, since it has been a few weeks, since we were able to go to the pond, to fish and have a picnic. I can pack us a picnic lunch, if you want me to."

"That sounds like a good idea to me sexy."

"Let's get the kitchen cleaned up then, while you are getting our fishing gear gathered up, I'll fix us a lunch to take with us."

"Sounds good to me." as we stood up and took our plates to the kitchen sink.

Once we had the kitchen cleaned up, I gave Maryann a kiss and her ass a squeeze with one hand, and her tits a squeeze with my other hand, as she gave my butt a squeeze, and my dick a little bit of a squeeze, all at the same time.

Just before we broke the kissing off, the hand I had on her tits I moved down and gave her pussy a rub, and stuck a finger in her pussy to find her very wet, "Feels like we may need to take care of business, before we gather everything up to go to the pond."

"If we do that, we may not make it to the pond before dinner time."

"You may have a point there."

"I do see that you already have your rod, but the pond it wants to fish in, doesn't have any fish in it."

"That is because it is a swimming pond, not a fishing pond, and the only thing that can swim in it, is my rod sexy."

"Mm yes, and it swims very well at that. Now you best be getting the gear out that we need, so that I can get our lunch fixed and packed."

"On my way sexy." as I turned toward the door, that leads out into the garage.

I got the step stool out from the corner where we keep it, and stepped up on it, and got our rod and reals down from the rack I had built just for our fishing gear, then I got the tackle box down, then I stepped down off the step stool and took the stool back to the corner, and got a shovel, then went out the back door to the back yard, to dig up some worms.

With some worms in my worm holder, and the shovel put away, and the fishing gear next to the back door of the house, leading in from the patio, I stepped into the dining room to find Maryann closing up a picnic basket, on the little snack bar between the kitchen and dining room, "I have everything ready in here babe."

"Good timing then. I have all the gear by the door here." as Maryann picked up the basket, and headed around the bar end.

Just as Maryann got to the end of the bar the phone went to ringing so she sat the basket down long enough to look at the caller ID, "My sister." as she picked up the phone, "Hello."

After a moment of Maryann not saying anything, "Okay I think we can find a place here for you..."

"... Okay we can meet you at the one right there at the shoreline on the south end of town."

"...Okay see you then... Love you too." then Maryann hung up the phone.

"It sounds like we may need to get dressed, on this end." as Maryann picked up the basket again.

"Not now we don't have to, but Sunday we will need to, so that we can meet Paula at the 'Fish Stop Café' around noon." as she walked toward me with the picnic basket.

"Okay. What is going on for her to be coming all the way out here, or is she just coming to visit?" as I opened the door, for us to step out.

"Actually she is leaving her husband because she found him in her bed with another woman last night, when she got home from a girls night out, so her and her son are going to load up and head out within the next fifteen minutes, and the only place she knew to go or come to was here, and was wondering if we had room for her here, or if they would have to get a hotel room for themselves."

"Isn't Cousin Wayne around my age?"

"Yes, he is a couple of months younger than you I believe, and sis is like a year and four months younger than I am."

"How is it she is that much younger than you, but yet she has a son around my age?"

"They adopted him really, around a year after he was born, which was on your one year old birthday, or it was a little bit after his one year old birthday, I cannot remember which it was."

"So he is not a cousin by blood then."

"Yes he is. My older brother Ben is his dad, and when his wife died from a bad accident, he got to drinking a lot, and then one evening while he was walking home, they say, he stepped out into the street, right in front of a big truck, and the trucker had no time to do anything to avoid hitting him, and running over him, which killed him on the spot."

"I've never heard about that before that I know of."

"You didn't because it was all ways left up to sis to say anything about it, when the time came to tell her son about it and all, and since she never said anything about it, no body dared to say a thing about it, not knowing if and when she did, or was even going to say anything about it to Wayne."

"I do remember a few times he has said something to me, that really didn't make a lot of since to me, that indicating that Aunt Paula wasn't his real mom by the way he would talk. Now it all makes since."

"You never asked me about what he may have meant, with whatever he may have said to you."

"By the time you and I would be alone I would forget to ask you anything, because I forgot what he had told me by then."

"Usually when they were around, there were a lot of others around then too, so I can see why you would forget a lot of things by the time you and I would be alone together."

"Speaking of us being alone together, how are we going to work this out between you and me at night, or even during the day to each other, and having to be dressed, I take it, with them here?"

"The last time I was able to talk with Paula alone and no one around in hearing distance, she still goes nude around the house when her husband was around to stop her from doing so, and so would Wayne, so we really shouldn't have a problem there. With you having a hard-on all the time will be the problem, if we don't get some kind of time alone I know, but then knowing you, you'll be sporting that hard thing around within five minutes, of getting it taken care of."

"That's because I'm in love with you, and you are so beautiful, no matter what the dress is or isn't."

"Your aunt may have a hand in keeping you hard too, if she is as beautiful as she was the last time we saw her."

"Maybe just a tiny bit, but even thou I love her, it is not the same as my love for you sexy."

While Maryann and I talked, we had left the house and were walking to the tree line from the back yard of the house, then along the trail through the woods, with me carrying the fishing gear, and Maryann carrying the picnic basket of food.

When we got to the clearing, we sat everything down on the ground, then I got the hooks bated with the worms that was on each of the rod and reels, as I finished with each one, Maryann took hers and cast it out, then she sat it down beside her, and sat down on a big rock, then I cast mine out, and sat down on the rock next to her, then sat my poll down next to me.

As we sat and fished and in between setting the hook, then pulling the fish out that we hooked, and me putting them on the stringer, Maryann and I talked things over and managed to figure out a way, that her and I can get together during the day like we like to do, when we are taking a break from working, and or after we eat dinner, on the days that I'm home all day.

When we had Four fish each we decided that we had enough fish for now, and all eight of the fish were of good size, that one for Maryann and I each, was going to be just about right for the two of us, and the rest we would freeze for another time, after Aunt Paula, and Cousin Wayne, were settled in, which then we figured we should get one more each, so that we can have fish a couple of nights to help out on the grocery bill some, and if we wanted to, we could come out and do some more fishing, if it's not too cold to do so.

Maryann caught the first one of the two we were fishing for, and as she was reeling in the fish she caught, I set the hook on another one and reeled it in, then I got my fish off the hook first, and on the stringer, then I got Maryann's fish off her hook, and put it on the stringer for her.

"That is the one thing I seem to not be able to do is take the hook out of a fishes mouth, but I have no trouble putting it on a stringer, and I can put the worm on the hook, as you well know, but those fish seem to be too slippery for me to hold onto, for some reason."

"As small as your hands are, maybe putting a finger and a thumb in the gills would help maybe. That is how I do it most of the time."

"I'll have to try and remember that the next time we come out here to fish. Here I brought these, to see if they will get rid of that fishy smell, which is on our hands." handing me a soapy rag from a storage bowl of soapy water.

After wiping my hands in the soapy rag, Maryann handed me a rag with just fresh water on it, and took the soapy rag from me, and when I was done, I handed the rag back to her, then used a paper towel to dry my hands with, as she washed and dried her hands the same way as I had, then we picked up the bowls, then stepped over away bit, and threw out the soapy water, and used the clear water to rinse out the bowl that had the soapy water in it, then then threw that water out, then we used a couple of paper towels to dry the bowls out with, and then stepped over to the basket, and put the bowls and rags with the picnic basket.

Maryann took a sniff of our hands, "It got most of the smell off, but not all of it."

"At least we will not have to smell that fishy smell while we are eating our dinner, like we would be doing without washing our hands like that."

"So very true my love."

"Speaking of dinner sexy, I am a bit hungry myself, how about you?"

"Yes, I am a little hungry myself too."

I picked up the picnic basket, then we walked over to a tree, just a few feet away to sit on a couple of rocks, that's in the shade of the tree now, and when we were seated on the rocks, Maryann started taking food out for us to eat, and everything was still pretty warm that she had prepared for us, and then she handed me a large travel cup, "I do hope it is still cold for you."

"What about a cold drink for you sexy?"

Then she pulled out another large travel cup, that matched the one she had handed me, "I got one right here, my love."

"When did you get these babe?" then taking a drink, to find it still ice cold, and ice still in the cup.

"The week after we were last out here, on one of my shopping trips to town." then she took a drink.

"I will say I think they work pretty good, but leave them out of that basket for a while, they will be pretty warm within an hour or two."

"Oh I'm sure you are right about that myself."

Maryann and I made small talk as we ate our dinner that she had packed for us to eat, and ever little bit I would offer a bite of my food to her, which she would take it and eat it, then she would offer me a bite of her food, which I did take the bite she offered to me, and then we would kiss each other, after each bite of food offered to the other.

When Maryann and I finished eating our dinner, and just chatting with each other, and enjoying our ice tea, that is in the travel cups, "You know what really sounds good right now babe?"

"What's that sexy?" reaching over and giving her tits a little bit of a squeeze.

"Mm, that would be nice too, but that isn't what I was going to say sounds good. I was going to say what sounds good is, some of that cold watermelon we have in the fridge."

"It does sound pretty good now that you mention it. If we go to the house now, I'll have to get the fish cleaned first, before I can eat some watermelon."

"I know, and by then it will be too close to supper time, to eat any then."

"How about we eat supper on the patio this evening, and then we can have some watermelon sometime after supper?"

Maryann then stood up and stepped over in front of me, then spread her legs as she bent over some and indicated for me to bring my legs together some, for her to straddle my legs, which she then straddled my legs, and then she sat down like she was going to sit on my lap, which I guess you might say she did but when she did, she lined my hard dick up with her wet pussy and sat down on it, then with her arms around my neck, she got her legs wrapped around me, then she put both of her hands on my face, with them on each side of my face, and looked into my eyes for a moment.

"You have grown up so fast in such a short time this summer, and it seems that I have too, like two young people do when they find that special person to spend their life with, they grow together, and in a very short time it seems, that 'we' have grown so much more than your average couple, that marry at a young age, that it seems to take forever for the two to grow, as much as you and I have. Do I make since to you babe?"

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