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Her date didn't show up; a couple insist she join them.
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-check. You have been forewarned; expect to find mistakes.


Aymee Winn sat in the foyer of Side By Side Steakhouse, waiting on Robert Richardson. His on-line profile had said he was a recently divorced father of twins, was a successful proprietor of an H & AC company and was tired of the bar scene, tired of game players.

"I'm just looking for that special someone," his profile had stated.

After a few exchanges back and forth, Robert suggested actually meeting for a nice, quiet, romantic dinner. It had been Robert that suggested the rather expensive steak restaurant; Aymee would have been happy with Manny's Mexican restaurant.

Arriving five minutes early, Aymee approached the hostess and asked if Robert Richardson had arrived yet. The hostess indicated there was no reservation for a Richardson.

Now, twenty minutes later, Aymee was wondering how long was appropriate to wait for a first date. She once again checked her cell phone but no new messages had arrived.

A somewhat older, handsome man entered and glanced around the small foyer. Aymee stood, smiling as the newcomer's eyes flickered to her. He was tall and his suit jacket made him look muscular. In his profile's picture, Robert had appeared to have dark hair but this handsome man had whitish blonde hair that was cut in a flat top style. His eyes were a startling green in color and his face was a strong, masculine face.

Aymee's smile faded as his eyes flickered past her. Nervously, she brushed her ankle length black hair back with her hand and sat down again.

Roger Leland approached the hostess and said, "Roger Leland? Um, table for two?"

"Yes sir; for seven? Your table's not quite ready just yet," the hostess smiled.

Aymee heard the man introduce himself as 'Roger Leland' and slumped slightly. Her almond eyes flickered to the heavy wooden door, willing it to open, ordering it to open and have Robert Richardson enter and apologize for being late, for making her wait.

"Excuse me?" Roger said to Aymee. "Hi; you are definitely not blonde with hazel eyes, but you wouldn't happen to be Cheryl Godchaux, would you?"

"No, no, afraid not," Aymee admitted, glancing up at the handsome man. "And you're not Robert Richardson, are you?"

"No, but right now? I wish I was," Roger smiled.

Aymee giggled. With a shrug and smile, Roger sat down across from Aymee. They both looked at the door when it opened. A couple in their mid-fifties entered and both Aymee and Roger slumped in their seats. The wife sat next to Roger while the husband checked on their reservations.

"Here sir; you and your date sit together," Roger told the husband, rising to his feet.

"Thank you," the wife said as Roger stood to the side.

"Seat right here," Aymee offered and Roger smiled and sat next to her.

"You ever eat here?" Roger asked, checking his cell phone for any messages that might have come in.

"No. You?" Aymee asked, checking her cell phone as well.

"No, but it really smells amazing, doesn't it?" Roger said.

"The on-line site? This one review says you just got to try their broccoli soufflé; I, I've never even heard of a broccoli soufflé," Aymee enthused.

"A...that, that does sound good," Roger smiled.

"Excuse me," Aymee said and got to her feet.

Aymee knew her red Barragona blouse with slash front and black and red plaid Barragona miniskirt was very attractive against her golden skin. She knew the AmandiVII black Mary Jane style platform shoes looked good with her black micro-fishnet stockings.

"Miss, hi, excuse me," Aymee said quietly to the hostess. "Where is the ladies' room, please?"

The hostess quietly gave Aymee the directions and called out for 'Bergeron, Bergeron, table for five.'

In the stall, Aymee shot Robert Richardson another text message. There was no response. He had not responded to her previous text message either. Washing her hands, Aymee decided to give up and go home. She had a few frozen meals at her apartment and even had a few bottles of rum.

While Aymee was in the restroom, Cheryl Godchaux had arrived. She apologized profusely for making Roger wait; her ex-boyfriend, the father of her baby boy had been late coming to pick up Chance.

"These things happen," Roger smiled. "I'm just relieved it wasn't anything real serious."

"And of course, stupid cell phone dies on me," Cheryl continued, smiling. "But, know what? Your profile? You need a better picture; your profile doesn't do you justice."

"I, I was just thinking the same thing," Roger smiled. "I mean, your profile? You look beautiful in your profile. But here? In the flesh, you are breath-taking."

"Hi, listen," Aymee said, entering the foyer. "I'm taking off; he's a no-show and..."

"Aw, are you sure?" Roger said. "Oh, hey, Aymee? This, this is Cheryl. Cheryl, this is Aymee; she was waiting on a date as well. Aymee works for the Surewill Group, you know, the people that make those sunglasses and..."

"And the Barragona dresses and, that, that's a Barragona top, isn't it? And those shoes; I know those have got to be Amandi, right?" Cheryl enthused.

While Cheryl and Aymee discussed the Surewill Group's fashion line for the upcoming summer, Roger quietly asked the hostess if he could add a third person to his reservation. The woman smiled and nodded.

"Be just a few more minutes," she agreed, looking toward the dining room.

When Roger returned, Aymee and Cheryl were looking at pictures of Chance Charles on Cheryl's phone. Both women looked up when Roger let them know their reservation for three would be ready in a few minutes. Aymee moved to stand.

"I, no, no, y'all are on a date; I'll just go on home," Aymee said.

"No, no, please come on with us," Cheryl begged, gripping Aymee's hand.

"Aymee, be a shame to come all the way out here and not have their broccoli soufflé," Roger suggested.

"Leland? Leland, table for three," the hostess called out, stilling Aymee's protests.

Roger had certainly enjoyed the sight of Aymee's compact backside as she'd walked away toward the hostess's station. Now, he enjoyed the sight of two lovely posteriors as Cheryl's floral print short sleeve dress hugged her backside and Aymee's skirt swished with each step.

"Paige will be your server tonight," the hostess said, placing the three leather bound menus onto the table.

Aymee saw that her menu did not have prices. Cheryl noticed this as well. Roger saw the prices and was glad he'd made a bonus last month for top sales at Boudreaux Ford. Paige Guidry approached the table and took their drink orders. With their consent, Roger ordered a bottle of red wine.

Paige Guidry was a beautiful brunette with an impressive chest. Roger resisted the urge to check out her buttocks as she walked away.

"I know, I know, go to a steak place, supposed to get steak, but..." Cheryl smiled.

She was an attractive twenty one year old woman, with waist length whitish blonde hair, bright hazel eyes and a narrow nose. Her pouting lips parted to reveal small white teeth and a soft pink tongue as she ran the tongue over her lips while she read the menu.

Her chest, Roger wasn't very good at judging bra sizes, but knew she had to be larger than his ex-wife Terri Leland, formerly Terri Langmeyer, even after Terri had manipulated him into buying her some new boobs. And on her five foot two inch frame, Cheryl's breasts looked quite impressive. And, even with her substantial attributes, Cheryl somehow had an innocent look about her.

"This, the parmesan jumbo shrimp?" Cheryl mused.

"It is very good," Paige encouraged as she poured a little of the wine for Roger to sample. "And, ma'am? The shrimp is fresh; Side by side does not use flash frozen shrimp, ever."

"Mm...yes, yes, that is perfect," Roger agreed after swallowing the mouthful of wine.

"Ma'am," Paige said, pouring wine for Aymee and Cheryl.

They ordered and then continued to chat; three persons on a first date getting to know one another. Paige served the endive salad and a basket of hand formed rolls. Without being asked, Cheryl went into 'Mommy' mode and sliced and buttered a roll for Aymee and a roll for Roger. Aymee and Roger shared an amused glance across the table.

Just as they completed the salads, their meals were delivered. Aymee tried her soufflé and her beautiful dark eyes opened wide.

"Oh, oh, you have to try this," Aymee enthused, turning to Cheryl.

Aymee speared a portion of her soufflé and leaned toward Cheryl. Leaning over, Aymee placed her hand on Cheryl's lap as she held out the fork.

"Careful," Cheryl whispered before taking the offered morsel. "I'm not wearing any panties."

"I'm not either," Aymee confessed and the two women shared a giggle.

"Mm! Oh! That, that is good," Cheryl agreed. "Here, here, try some of the sweet potato hash."

"Careful; I'm not wearing any Panties," Aymee reminded Cheryl as Cheryl placed her hand on Aymee's upper thigh to steady herself.

"I know," Cheryl said and the two women again giggled.

Before he knew it, Roger found his cracked black pepper garlic mashed potatoes being sampled by two women. But they graciously allowed him to sample their side dishes as well.

"I ever come here again, I'm getting that," Aymee said, pointing to Roger's mashed potatoes.

"Nope. Broccoli soufflé. I, I've never even ever heard of that," Cheryl stated.

Roger vowed to push himself to earn another bonus; he planned to take Aymee and Cheryl here again. Though the two women seemed to have struck up an immediate friendship, they did not exclude him from their conversation and laughter.

"I thought, after dinner, we'd go to Foxtrot's; work off some of these calories," Roger suggested as Paige carried their bill and his credit card away.

"Oh!" Cheryl said, turning to Aymee. "Want to?"

"I, Cheryl, that, he's your date, not mine," Aymee reminded the beautiful blonde woman.

"What? I thought he was YOUR date!" Cheryl mock gasped.

"What? I thought she was YOUR date," Roger matched Cheryl's gasp.

"Foxtrot's it is," Aymee giggled. "I took an Uber here, so..."

Michael dropped me off; part of why I was so late," Cheryl agreed.

"Well, I did drive," Roger agreed, signing the receipt and leaving a generous tip for their waitress.

"Somehow, I knew you'd be a pickup kind of guy," Cheryl praised when Roger guided them to the deep blue F150.

"Hmm, so, how we going do this?" Aymee asked Cheryl.

"Get in. Then I'll get in; you're not big enough to take up any room."

"Not big en...have you seen my butt?" Aymee protested.

Climbing into the truck, Aymee did show Cheryl and Roger that she was indeed sans panties. Whether the brief flash of golden brown buttocks was intentional or not was anyone's guess.

Wiggling to buckle them together in the front seat, Cheryl did let Roger and Aymee see that blonde was her natural hair color. Again, whether or not the flash was intentional...

At the nightclub, a big band played tunes from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. They were shown to a table and Roger ordered a sparkling water while Cheryl and Aymee ordered cocktails.

"Okay, how we going do this?" Cheryl asked, taking a sip of her overpriced bourbon cherry old fashioned.

"Okay, head, I dance with Cheryl first," Roger said, pulling a dollar coin from his pocket. "Tails, I dance with Aymee first. And, if it stands on its edge, you two dance with each other."

Aymee and Cheryl giggled and watched as Roger flipped the dollar coin. They both stared at him when he managed to catch the coin between his middle and ring fingers, causing the coin to 'stand on its edge.'

"Okay, okay," he laughed as the two women protested.

The coin showed tails so Roger and Aymee went out for a foxtrot. Roger had hated his big sister when Dani Leland made him practice her dancing with her. Now, he gave a smiling nod of appreciation to his big sister and the countless afternoons he had to twirl around their living room.

"Funny, though, Dani married a guy couldn't dance if his life depended on it," Roger thought of his big sister and her husband.

At their table, Roger gave Aymee a light kiss on her cheek then escorted Cheryl onto the floor for a waltz. Aymee watched as Roger and Cheryl moved together, natural and easy, a fluid movement. She pressed her thighs together.

Roger alternated, one then the other woman was escorted onto the floor. Both women declined the jitterbug, whispering into Roger's ears that their lack of panties would become quite noticeable if they were to dance the lively dance. Aymee and Cheryl both giggled at Roger's blush.

"Potty break," Cheryl insisted as she finished her drink.

"Yes," Aymee agreed, getting to her feet.

"I am so ready to jump his bones," Cheryl admitted as they washed their hands.

"All right," Aymee laughed. "Let me get an Uber and I'll get out of your hair."

"Oh no, girlfriend! You're coming with us," Cheryl insisted, grabbing Aymee's hands.

"Cheryl!" Aymee squealed.

"Aymee, come on, please? Pretty please?" Cheryl insisted, tugging the girl toward the door.

"Ready to go?" Cheryl said to Roger.

"Yes ma'am," Roger smiled, getting to his feet.

"Okay, I'm about five miles that way," Cheryl pointed when they stepped outside.

"I'm in King's Court, that way," Aymee said, pointing toward her apartment.

"And where's your place?" Cheryl asked, pressing her heavy breasts into Roger as she snuggled against him.

"My condo's about five blocks north of here," Roger said, swallowing.

"Yay! You win," Aymee said, scrambling into his truck.

"Yay," Roger swallowed again.

"Now, y'all serious? You, y'all are coming back to my place?" Roger verified, starting his truck.

"Michael's got Chance until Sunday," Cheryl said.

"And I'm off tomorrow; we're not open on Saturdays; thank God," Aymee said.

"And I go in at one," Roger said, driving out of the parking lot.

"Now, when you told me cherry's your absolute favorite," Roger said as he backed into the garage of his Lambert Condominiums condo.

"It is!" Cheryl gushed.

"Mine too!" Aymee enthused.

"It is not!" Cheryl said to the girl.

"I made, my niece Gabby, she gave me an ice cream maker for Christmas; Dani, she's my sister, Dani said Gabby picked it out all by herself," Roger said, opening his door.

Helping Cheryl out of the truck, Roger was rewarded with a playful kiss. Helping Aymee down, Roger was rewarded with a flash of her sparsely haired pussy and a playful kiss.

"I made a batch of cherry vanilla ice cream," Roger said, unlocking the inside door and allowing Cheryl and Aymee to proceed him into the condominium's kitchen.

"And..." Roger said, taking the cover off of a cake pan that sat on his kitchen table. "...a brandy cake."

"A brandy cake?" Cheryl asked, looking at the yellow bundt cake.

"Heard of rum cake? Same thing but I used up some brandy instead," Roger admitted, getting a large plastic container from his freezer. "Y'all, why don't y'all go on into the living room and I'll bring your cake and ice cream; who wants coffee?"

"None for me," Aymee said. "Coffee I mean.

"Yeah, no coffee for me either," Cheryl agreed.

In Roger's masculine living room, both Aymee and Cheryl agreed, he needed some color. Some painting on the wall, maybe a vase on the bookshelf, some flowers. They sat on his rectangular couch, sinking into the butter soft deep brown leather.

"Cheryl, you, you sure about this?" Aymee whispered. "I mean, after cake and all, I can just..."

Cheryl turned and kissed Aymee on her lips. Cheryl's arms went around Aymee's torso, pulling Aymee against her.

Aymee was at first startled, but returned Cheryl's kiss. Her arms went around Cheryl's torso, pulling Cheryl's heavy breasts firmly against her own small breasts.

"So there," Cheryl whispered as they broke the kiss.

"Okay then," Aymee husked.

"And here we are; y'all both said 'no' to coffee right?" Roger said, carrying three plates into the living room.

Cheryl and Aymee split apart so Roger had to sit in the middle. Then, they drew near to him, crowding him. When he looked aggrieved, they both giggled. And gave him a sloppy kiss on either cheek.

After the homemade cake and ice cream were finished, the trio sat on the couch and wondered how to proceed to the next level.

"Oh! Oh I know!" Aymee said brightly. "Roger, Sweetie, why don't you show us your condo?"

"Yes! Yes! Why don't you show us around?" Cheryl Approved of Aymee's suggestion.

"Oh, um, okay, living room; y'all already seen the kitchen," Roger said, getting to his feet.

The room the architect had originally envisioned as a formal dining room had been turned into a home office/computer room. Roger had taken down the chandelier and had installed a simple ceiling fan and light fixture. The downstairs half-bath was clean and somewhat boring.

The guest bedroom upstairs was austere and boring. The guest bathroom was devoid of any flair, any color whatsoever. Even the decorative towels on the brass rail were plain white and boring.

"Needs a woman's touch," Cheryl whispered to Aymee.

"Mm hmm," Aymee agreed.

In the master bedroom, Aymee and Cheryl gave one another amused looks; Roger had a Saints blanket on his queen sized bed. His bedroom furniture was of good quality, each piece matched, and was again devoid of any flair or color.

"Oh Sweetheart, it's a good thing you met us," Aymee smiled.

"Really," Cheryl agreed, turning her back to Aymee and moving her mane of blonde hair aside. "Unzip me?"

Instead, Aymee stepped up and hugged the beautiful blonde from behind. She pressed her lips to the back of Cheryl's neck, then brought her small hands up to cup Cheryl's heavy breasts. Giving Cheryl's neck one more kiss, Aymee stepped back and unbuttoned then unzipped Cheryl's dress.

Roger stood, watching as the two women touched one another in an intimate manner. Aymee turned and gave him a brilliant smile as she wiggled to lift her blouse up and off.

"Mm, oh!" Roger groaned as Aymee's 29B breasts with small dark nipples came into view.

Aymee flung her ankle length black hair over her back again as she reached for the zipper of her skirt. Next to her, Cheryl had allowed her dress and her bra to flutter to the carpeted floor of Roger's bedroom.

"Someone's a real slowpoke," Cheryl whispered loudly to Aymee.

"I see that," Aymee giggled as Roger just stood, gaping at the beautiful display of female flesh.

"Huh?" was Roger's brilliant response as the two women smiled at him.

Aymee still wore her shoes and stockings. Cheryl only wore her shoes. The two women turned to one another and began to kiss again.

Aymee combed her fingers through Cheryl's long blonde hair. She sucked on Cheryl's tongue, tasting the rich cake and sugary ice cream they'd enjoyed moments earlier. Pulling away from Cheryl, she looked at the frozen Roger and smiled.

"You going join us?" she asked then turned and kissed Cheryl again.

Aymee reached a hand up and softly hefted Cheryl's heavy breast. Touching Cheryl's breast obviously excited Cheryl; her kiss grew in intensity. Aymee flicked her thumb over Cheryl's hard nipple and Cheryl groaned into Aymee's mouth.

Roger unzipped his dress boots and slipped them underneath the bed. His suit jacket was draped over a hardback chair and he worked on unbuttoning his dress shirt.

Aymee gently walked Cheryl backward to Roger's bed. Releasing her lips, Aymee gently pushed Cheryl to sit on the bed. Aymee then sank to her knees and helped Cheryl remove her shoes.

"Ticklish?" Aymee teased, lifting Cheryl's left foot.

"No! No, I'm not!" Cheryl shrieked; which told Roger and Aymee that, yes, Cheryl was extremely ticklish.


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