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In Love with Lori Ch. 03

Story Info
Fun and Games in Boston, and preparing to go to England.
22k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/03/2013
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This is an edited and re-posted version of a story I put here over a year ago now; it was in many small parts, and I've consolidated them into a few longer chapters, just to (hopefully!) make it more readable. I'm not looking for comments, likes or dislikes; anyone who was going to comment probably did so when the series was first put on this site, all I'm doing is re-posting it so it will go back into my original body of work here on Literotica. Nothing has been removed, some additional connective passages have been added to aid continuity, but for better or worse, this is what I originally wrote, because I'd feel uneasy going back and making significant changes to what was my introductory piece here on the site just because I've learned a few thing since then. For those of you who favourite'd it, please feel free to do so again, as I said I'm not looking for comment or ratings, just putting back what I took down to clean-up; if you read it I hope you enjoy it, I certainly did when I wrote it; it was all good, clean, dirty fun then, I hope it still is now!

Have fun,



We caught a cab to the home of Uncle Richard and Aunt Sophie, a very nice brownstone in a gated community. We gave the security guard our ID, and he called ahead to alert them that we had arrived, then waved us through as the gates opened.

'Uncle' Richard greeted us at the door, shaking my hand and bowing over Lori's before placing her arm in his and walking us through to the garden, where his wife, my aunt Sophie was waiting, looking very aristocratic and a little stern, but not forbidding, not like some of the miserable, ghastly old bloaters I was related to; even so, definitely not someone to take liberties with!

She also looked incredibly like Mother. Good old dad, he certainly knew his type!

Sophie greeted us, and invited us to sit in the garden for a while, as it was such a lovely evening. Richard commented on how lovely the roses smelt, trying to engage me in conversation about gardening. As I neither know nor care about gardening, he soon gave up, but Lori listened closely while he talked about his roses, and found herself being escorted away for a tour of his prized rosebushes.

Sophie took the opportunity to talk about us and our plans.

"Richard was most excited to be asked to give away the bride, you know. He came home absolutely bursting with pride, as it's the first time he's ever been asked. He's really getting into the role, so much so that he's even been pestering the Head of Protocol at the embassy to dig-up for him anything on the role and responsibilities, to make sure he gets it exactly right. You've made a bit of a rod for your own backs there, I'm afraid!" she smiled, suddenly looking so much like mother as I had last seen her that I felt a catch in the back of my throat.

"But, David, I have to say, I was really most astonished when I saw you come in; it gave me quite a shock to see you, I could have sworn you were your dear father, the resemblance is really quite astonishing -- you even have the same little worry-line between your eyebrows. David was such a sweet boy and so very charming. I knew he was in love with me at Cambridge, but I only ever liked him as a friend; I only had eyes for Richard. He and David were inseparable, they were a terribly bad influence on me, and a lot of other young ladies, I'm afraid! I was absolutely distraught when we heard of his passing, at such an awfully young age, and now I hear your dear mother has passed away as well, you poor dear. I never met her; all I knew was that she was from Devon. The last time we saw dear David was at our wedding, Richard was posted to Singapore soon after, and I'm afraid we've been following the despatch box around the world ever since.

Richard and Lori came walking back to the patio then, Lori with her arm through his, he talking animatedly about his garden, Lori smiling and chatting with him like old friends.

"I was just telling David how proud you were to be asked, dear!" said Sophie.

"And deeply flattered, as well, this is an extraordinary young lady, young David," replied Richard, "I am really most deeply honoured to be able to participate in your nuptials!"

Lori's eyes were sparkling with unshed tears of happiness, a fact Sophie noticed.

"Now you've made this poor girl cry, really, Richard, I do despair of you sometimes! Come with me, Loretta, let's go and fix your face! You two talk about football, or cars, or dogs, or whatever, we'll be back shortly!"

Richard looked wryly after them.

"You do know you've just handed your fiancée over to a Lady Who Organises, don't you? Your wedding is now officially out of your hands, henceforth it's probably best if you just keep low and try and not attract attention. Your aunt tends to become very...focussed; if I were you, I would keep down, keep quiet, and try and stay out of her line of fire!"

Dinner was at 7p.m., sharp, and it was a very relaxed, happy affair. Richard and Sophie were completely smitten with Lori, and couldn't wait to see us married.

"It's a little selfish, I confess" smiled Sophie "but I have no daughters, just two sons who are so busy being bankers they have given no thought to my need for grandchildren. All I ever wanted was a daughter, or failing that, a grand-daughter, so I could sit on the bride's side and weep when she walked down the aisle; instead I have two hulking sons who are wedded to their money markets, their Aston-Martins, and a string of hard-faced Eastern European bottle-blonde gold-diggers whose names I cannot pronounce, and don't even bother to remember, they change so often. At last, my moment to shine has come!"

She twinkled at me.

"Dear Loretta has no parents, and as she obviously needs a mother's assistance at this time, I shall be happy to provide that. Richard and I will stand proxy for her dear parents, and I will watch my daughter-by-proxy walk down the aisle, Richard shall give her away, beaming for all the world as though he were the proud father and glaring daggers at you for taking her away from him, and I shall weep proudly, ostentatiously so, with the very best of them -- it's such a believable fantasy for me, look at this lovely girl, she even looks like me!"

I picked up my wine glass, and toasted her.

"To Aunt Sophie, and all the other Ladies Who Organise!"

Sophie blushed, and Richard chuckled.

"Best thing now is to just sit back and enjoy the ride, my dear boy; your aunt can be very persuasive when she sets her mind to it!"

No awkward questions were asked about how we had met, and we rather carefully avoided leaving any openings to allow the questions to be asked.

I was still chuckling over some of Richard's stories when we got back to the suite. Lori stood at the window with me, looking down at the lights of Boston. I was in heaven, the warm night breeze ruffling my hair, and my girl, my sister, my future wife, in my arms, in love with me and ready to be mine forever.

Eventually she nuzzled my ear.

"Do you plan on standing here all night? If you are, I'm going to bed!" she whispered, before trailing her fingers across my crotch, letting me know what she preferred to do. I took the hint, and pausing only to kiss her soundly, led her back to our massive bed. She was wearing a light summer dress, an exciting black and white print pattern swirling over it, suiting her complexion perfectly. I reached around the back and unhooked the zip, pulling it down as I kissed her, feeling her grin against my lips, her hands fumbling with the waistband of my linen slacks.

Her dress fell away, revealing her sensible (for her!) panties, a little white frilly confection, pretty and sexy, without being too revealing. She stepped out of the puddle of her dress, and tugged my shirt over my head, not bothering with the buttons, then tugged my slacks and shorts down, fondling and squeezing my already hardened cock as I jiggled and bounced her firm, panty-covered bum cheeks, cupping and releasing them so I could enjoy the feel them spring back, in that wonderfully firm way they had.

"Are you going to take them off, or are you just going to bite through them?" she enquired. For answer, I slid my hands down the back of her panties and squeezed her buttocks, flicking my fingertips over her anus, letting her know that I hadn't forgotten where it was, and that my attention would shortly be riveted on it, if that was what she wanted.

"You are so predictable!" she grinned, wriggling lewdly against me, her panty-covered crotch rubbing against my cock, making us both shiver, and reaching out to pump my cock in a meaningful up-down motion that was definitely getting my attention!

My lips found hers and she kissed me back, lightly and teasingly, before suddenly stopping me with a hand on my chest, looking at me with her luminous violet eyes, concern and a little apprehension in them.

"What is it, kitten?" I asked, concerned.

"Do you remember what I said earlier, about babies?" she asked, haltingly.

"I do, sweetheart, what about it?"

"David, I meant it, I love you so much, I want to make a baby with you, I want to do that so badly!"

"Is that all? Kitten, all I want to do is make babies with you, I told you, I want to get you pregnant, and watch your belly grow, and listen to our baby grow inside you, and I wanted to do that from the moment we first made love. I love you."

"So if I stay off the pill, it's OK with you, Davey? Really?

"When we get home, I'll throw them down the toilet myself!" I grinned at her, "And now, Miss Keene, we have a baby to make!"

The conversation about babies had definitely notched-up my personal horniness level, and all I wanted to do right now was spray her insides with my own personal recipe.

She smiled, and resumed pumping my cock, with even more vigour, clenching and unclenching her small hand, giving a delicious alternating squeeze and release sensation.

My hands slid into the waistband of her panties, sliding them off in one motion (damn, that was sexy!), and clasping her buttocks to separate and lift them, allowing me to slide my finger inside her anus again, working the tight hole to make it slippery and elastic enough for what I had in mind. Lori backed towards the bed, me keeping step with her so as not to yank my finger out of her tight little pink bullet hole, to collapse on the bed, me on top of her, her legs slipping open underneath me.

"Fuck me, Davey, fill me up, please!" she whispered, a request I was only too happy to comply with. I slipped my finger from her anus, rose up on my forearms, and then thrust forward, meeting and entering her moist pussy, the slippery flesh flowering open to accept me. Lori threw her head back, and raised her pelvis up to meet my thrusts, as her hand crept round to slide a finger into her tight hole, slipping it in and out in time to our mutual thrusting. Her climax hit quickly, this time, and I was already so worked-up by the idea of making a child inside this beautiful girl, that as her vagina began to convulse, my self-control dissipated, and I came with a loud, wordless groan, pumping semen into her in hot jets, spraying her insides the way I'd wanted to do. Lori bucked and whined in unison with me, silent but no less intense, as her orgasm built, pulsed through her, and died away

Our mutual orgasm had left me winded, but still rock-hard, and as I withdrew Lori relaxed her vaginal muscles, allowing my still-hard cock to fully withdraw as she clasped my head between her hands, saying, "Thank you", before rolling onto her belly, her rump in the air. She knew what I wanted!

I slipped between her legs, raising her spectacular backside to improve my aim, and rubbed some of the sperm that had trickled out of her to lubricate her taut little anus; right now, my cock felt like a lead bar, hard and heavy, and it was going to take some strenuous fucking to put out the fire she had lit in me!

Lori grinned over her shoulder at me, and reached back to pull her beautiful cheeks apart, offering herself to me.

"Come on Davey, what are you waiting for? Do it, shove that thing in my ass! Fuck my ass Davey, that's an order!" she grinned

I slid forward, and pushed my hands under her ribcage, once again holding and squeezing those superb breasts, before inching forward to slowly slide my engorged cock into her tight sphincter, pushing steadily until I was completely engulfed in her velvety backside, and then withdrawing, to surge in again, and out, in, out, a slow, grinding rhythm that made her gasp and moan. Orgasms rippled through her over and over again as I built up to my own orgasm, the muscular contractions of her sinewy rectum almost unbearably exciting as I rammed my distended cock in and out. At last, I could take the barrage of sensation no longer, and I came like a freight train, spunk surging out of my cock into her rectum like a jet off a carrier, the sensations in her anal tube causing her to buck and whimper as orgasm ripped and flared through her again, until at last I stopped spurting, the contractions in her backside slowed and died down, and my cock began to deflate, my hunger for her sated, at least for now, anyway...

We lay together afterwards, semen oozing from my cock, from Lori's bum and pussy, both of us too fucked-out out care, not until we had our strength back, anyway, until at last we dropped off, sated and completely satisfied.

I awoke about an hour later feeling refreshed and rested, Lori spooned tight against me, holding tight to the arm I had draped across her, the scent of her hair and her own spicy, sweet, musky aroma filling my head, once again making me think of fairgrounds and Christmas. I lay there thinking of the lead-up to this, the irony that someone who'd refused to speak to or communicate with me in any way for eight long years was now naked in my bed, engaged to me, and trying to make a baby with me.

Musing on the irony of life, I went back to holding my darling girl, and her deep and steady breathing soon lulled me back to sleep.

I awoke to the smell of coffee, and the sight of Lori stretched out next to me, her china-white flanks barely covered by one of my shirts, lying on her side with her head resting on her hand, holding a cup of coffee and looking at me with her vivid violet eyes.

"Good morning, Princess," I mumbled, coming awake by degrees, and drinking in the sight of this dazzler of a girl who had, for some unknown reason, fallen in love with me, and who was destined to be my wife. The shirt she was wearing was open down the front, with only the last two buttons done up, letting her sexy pink nipples flash in and out of view, while covering her more private parts. With the shirt tail just covering her sexy rump, and her long legs stretched out luxuriantly, she looked cute, wholesome, and incredibly sexy.

"Good morning Darling Boy!" she returned with a beautiful white smile, before sitting up to sit cross-legged on the bed regarding me gravely over the top of her coffee-cup.

"This is the day, Davey," she noted, "We get my visa today, that makes it sort of official. Are you still sure about me, and what it means to you to take me on?"

I sat up to face her, stroking her cheek, before letting my hand drop, to hold her knees with both hands and slide her closer to me.

"Never surer, Darling Girl," I stated, before pulling her in for a very satisfying 'Good Morning' kiss. Mmmm. Arabica. Delicious.

"I told you last night, all I want is you, for always, you are the one I want, and I mean to keep you now that I've found you!"

"You do say the nicest things, Darling Boy," she grinned, "I think I need to thank you properly!"

I held up a hand to forestall her.

"Hold that thought, darling, I need to brush my teeth and have a shower; after what we were doing last night, I definitely need one, oh dear God, yes!"

Lori looked at me with a look of lofty disdain.

"I had a shower ages ago, I've been up since the crack of dawn, enjoying the Massachusetts morning sun, while you've been snoring like a hog in a woodshed."

She looked so adorable, so breathtakingly sexy, with her open shirt and long folded legs, her thick mass of loose jet-black ringlets as she said that, with her glorious eyes fixed on me, that I hurriedly revised my plan to have a long steamy shower, and decided instead to basically run in, soap up, and run out again, shaving and brushing my teeth at the same time.

15 minutes later, clean, refreshed, freshly sanded-off and no longer smelling like road-kill, I pulled on a bathrobe and wandered in to see my girl, make sure she was still on the boil, and to check on whether there was any breakfast. Lori had called up for a Continental breakfast, one of my pet hates. How can a man face the world on a coffee and a brioche roll? The only possible use for a brioche is to slather it in butter and jam, then see how far you can throw the bloody thing and make it stick; the French have a lot to answer for. Later, when she wasn't looking, I'd order a BLT, or maybe a turkey salad on Jewish rye, with crispy bacon and honey mayo, proper man-food! For now, I settled for a black coffee, extra sugar, I had a feeling I was going to need my strength.

Coffee done, I contemplated Lori, a very pleasurable task. She had remained on the bed, stretched out again, chatting with me while I had my coffee, looking almost unbearably sexy, and deliciously edible, and I could feel my interest starting to show. She could see my arousal, and stared at me, a hint of challenge in her dancing eyes, so I accepted, stepping out of my robe and sliding onto the bed, next to her.

"So, little girl, what have got on under that shirt?" I asked her.

"What, under here?" she exclaimed in feigned surprise, "Can't you tell? Either I'm not the girl I thought I was, or you need to go back to medical school! Perhaps you should examine me, Doctor Man!"

"I am, as always, at your command, Milady," I grinned at her, sliding my hand inside the open shirt to cup her fabulous breast, gently rubbing a nipple with my thumb while watching her face.

"Well, well, look what I found!" I smiled at her, trailing my fingers across her nipples, sending a thrill through her and making her nipples dance around captivatingly

"Umm, that feels nice, keep doing that, Davey, don't stop."

I had no intention of stopping, so I continued, edging closer to pull her shirt open further, and ducking my head down to lick small circles around her other nipple.

"That feels even better, Davey, you've done this before, haven't you?" she smiled, her beautiful eyes brightening as I increased the pressure on her nipples, gently flicking and squeezing one and lapping and sucking at the other. Lori sighed and laid back, forcing me to move right up next to her, and lean over to continue petting her sexy pink bubbies. Her hand slid down her flat midriff, and into the buttoned-up portion of the shirt, to tease and rub around her hooded clitoris. She smiled dreamily at me, and pulled my head up with her other hand to plant a 50 kilowatt kiss on my lips, before arching her back to remind me what I had been doing before she distracted me so prettily.

"Don't stop Darling Boy" she murmured, delving further into the recesses of her shirt, her hand moving under the shirt as she rubbed and teased herself more vigorously, her arousal becoming more apparent as a pink flush spread down from her throat and across her breasts.

I was also becoming more and more aroused, with my hands on this delectable creature and her tempting nipples. There is something so incredibly erotic about a lovely naked girl wearing a man's shirt, so much more sexually suggestive than if she were completely naked.

By now, Lori was writhing around gently on the bed, her breathing deepening as her arousal level climbed, and her free hand drifted to the back of my head, gently but firmly pressing my mouth against the nipple I was so avidly licking, sucking and nibbling. Her other hand worked at her juncture of her thighs, still hidden from my view by the buttoned portion of the shirt, rubbing, gliding and flicking herself, controlling her rising arousal. Soft murmurs escaped her as she began to approach her orgasm, and she began to writhe and murmur in time to the rhythmic movements of her hand as it rubbed and teased her clitoris.

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