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In Over My Head Ch. 05

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A different way of looking at things.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/23/2005
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My thanks go to Techscan and LadyCibelle for their kind assistance with the editing of this story and correcting the usual clangers that keep my critics so happily amused. But I'm sure you'll find something you don't like in the story somewhere.

I would like to point out that my editors do not necessarily agree with my interpretation of the characters or the events portrayed. Any flack should be directed at me. This is a work of fiction and comes solely from my somewhat demented mind.

The Wanderer

Part 5. A different way of looking at things.

Now this was only what you could call a turn-up for the book. In just over three years I had gone from a happily married man to a wronged, cheated on and deserted husband (alright she didn't set out to cheat on me but that's what she did), to revenging hero who had stolen a Casanova's wife. Not too bad a result, for the average guy, even if the Casanova had made it easy for me.

The two of us lived in my lovely house and we had a deal. If Leanne ever got tired of me, she would tell me. We weren't married so, if she wanted to find another man, she had every right do so and move out. But she swore she would never do that, as she loved me a lot more than she had ever loved her ex-husband. Leanne said she hadn't understood what real love was when she married him. She said he was a con artist and he had conned her and all the other women he had shagged while they had been married.

I was a lot fitter than I had ever been now; Leanne had dragged me (kicking and screaming) to the gym almost every day since I had first gone there to meet her. Our sex life was something out of this world. Being fit can have some advantages that I had never dreamed of. My staying power had increased by leaps and bounds but unfortunately I hadn't been able to increase my ejaculation control very much. But you can't have everything.

Leanne had really developed the knack of being able to spot just when I was getting there and when she was in control she would keep me going for hours. I'm afraid I didn't have that kind of discipline myself. Well, you can't have everything but on the whole we had a great time together.

Anyway we complemented one another and our common law union was working out just fine, although I did still bear a massive cross for my wife Anita. Leanne appeared happy to accept that.


One Monday morning Anita and I were just coming out of the gym and as we entered the coffee lounge. We were in the habit of having a coffee with Abigail our personal trainer, who was a kind-of adopted niece of mine. We noticed that everyone was over by the other door, staring down the corridor. I took a quick look around and noticed through the window I could see several police cars in the car park.

Before I could voice my concern to Leanne that something not pleasant was going down, "All Hell" broke loose; shouting and banging noises came from the other end of the building, where the big boys hang out. You know, the guys who are into serious weight training, boxing and the like. Pandemonium went on for several minutes and then some very dishevelled looking policemen came along the corridor, followed by two of the heavyweights who were frog marching a third, who had his hands cuffed behind his back. As they passed through the coffee lounge, I heard one of the escorts say to the guy in cuffs, "I fucking told you! You fucking idiot. That shit fucks up your fucking mind. But no! You had to keep pumping that shit into yourself. Well, now you've really fucked it up big time."

They passed out of the lounge, so that was all I heard. But the big guy in the handcuffs did look familiar to me although I couldn't place him. I assumed I had seen him around the gym sometime.

Excitement over, we had our coffee and I drove Leanne to the nursery where she worked and then put in an appearance at my office. I'm the boss so I don't have to turn up at all if I don't want to.

The moment I got in, my secretary (she looks after a few of the management really, but she's known as my secretary – boss's privilege) told me that my friend Kara had been trying to track me down. I don't take my mobile into the gym; they had a couple of walk-in thefts there a little while back.

I called Kara at Archers were she works.

"Martin, we fucked up big time!"

"Pardon?" It was unlike Kara to swear.

"We messed up. We forgot about Graham."

I was still confused as to what Kara was talking about.

"Sorry, Kara I'm not with you. What did we forget about Graham?" Come to that, who the fuck was Graham? I didn't have faintest idea what Kara was on about.

"Graham got into Dawn's pants and Kevin found out. Both of them are in hospital and the police are looking for Kevin!"

Oh fuck, now I realised what was going on at the gym and why the guy was so familiar. That was Kevin, Dawn's husband they were hauling away. Dawn must have fallen for Graham's bullshit line.

"Oh bugger, but I think the police have got Kevin. They arrested him at the gym about an hour ago. How is Dawn, did he hurt her much?"

"I don't know; I'm going down to the hospital in a minute. I'll call you later, and can you keep your cell phone switched on? I've left a hundred messages on it."

Whoops, habit of mine keep forgetting to turn it back on.

This was really a big a disappointment; we had warned Dawn about Graham at the same time as we told her about the wager on her honour. Dawn had been shocked and annoyed. We had assumed that once Doug had been put out of the picture, Dawn would have had the sense to keep Graham at arm's length. But it appeared we got it wrong and Dawn had done something silly.

Later Kara called me back and told me that Kevin had caught Dawn and Graham together on Saturday evening. He had knocked Dawn around and kicked the shit out of Graham (Kara's description). Graham was in a bad way but Dawn wasn't too badly injured, just a few bruises and concussion. Kevin was a nut case, not an arsehole. Apparently Dawn had tried to stop Kevin from killing Graham and had taken a couple of punches that weren't intended for her.

Kara told me that Dawn had asked if she could see me. I couldn't figure out why she would want to but I told Kara I'd call in the hospital and see her after I had picked up Leanne from the nursery. Leanne knew who Dawn was from my explanations of how and why I'd come looking for her.

When we got into the ward Dawn was looking a real mess. That pretty face of hers was bruised and swollen.

"Oh, Mr. Shaw, I'm so ashamed and sorry, I let you down. You worked so hard to prevent this from happening." Dawn exclaimed as we walked in.

I really didn't know what to say to her but luckily for me Leanne took over and did all the talking. Within minutes they were chatting like old friends and I was feeling like a gooseberry. By the time they had finished chatting Dawn had been invited to stay with Leanne and me until she felt better. I was alright with this as we did have a big house with plenty of spare rooms.

But I could see it putting the damper on some of Leanne and my night games. We had got very inventive; just about anywhere would do. The massive coffee table in the lounge was one of our favourite places.

Still Leanne was my life partner now and whatever she wanted was all right with me, even if it did put a slight damper on my sex life.

Dawn was released from hospital the following day. We took her home and settled her into a spare room. Leanne and I for some reason still had our own separate rooms. I had the master and Leanne had what had been the guest suite, although she only usually slept in there if I was away.

I suppose it formed an air of respectability when people came to visit. I had noticed a few strange looks when visitors saw that Leanne's room was definitely hers, with all her stuff around and there was usually nothing in my room to even hint that she slept there every night. But all my friends knew we were living as man and wife.

OK, sometimes for a change we did play on Leanne's bed. But it is only a Queen and my king size four poster was a lot more fun.

For the next few months things jogged along reasonably smoothly. Having Dawn there was not as bad as I thought it would be. She was in the process of divorcing Kevin, who was inside on remand. He had made a real mess of Graham, who himself was being divorced by his wife. It was all a real fucking mess, if you ask me.


One night Leanne and I were having one of our kinkier games. We would tie each other spread-eagled to the bedposts and the one who wasn't tied up would tease the other. Leanne had just finished sitting on my face where I had managed to bring her to a noisy climax. She moved down and after sucking me for a few minutes she got herself in position for the plunge. She would position herself over my cock and suddenly plunge down burying me to the hilt in her. It was one of her favourite manoeuvres because apparently I was just the right size for her.

But she didn't plunge; after rubbing her clit and lips with me for a while, she stopped, looked at me and then asked, "What are you intending to do about Dawn?"

"Strange time you pick to ask," I replied "but what do you expect me to do about her?"

"I don't know? But you had better fuck her before too long or the poor girl will die of anticipation or heartache, whichever comes first."

"What the hell are you on about?"

"God, Martin. Are you blind or something? That girl is crazy about you and worships the ground you walk on. Haven't you noticed how she looks at you and hangs on every word you say? And I do know you fancy her, I'm not daft."

"Oh hell, Leanne, I do like her. But I love you!"

"And Anita! You are still in love with Anita as well. You know it is possible to love more than one person at the same time and I'm happy with that. I have been playing second best to Anita ever since we got together. But I don't mind, I know you wouldn't do the dirty on me. You're too nice a person to do that. And that's why I'm telling you to take Dawn to your bed. I promise I won't get jealous, honestly."

"I don't think that's a nice thing to do to you. You are my partner now. My wife in all but in name. It would be dishonouring you."

"Bullshit and poppy cock. I'm your mistress and we're living in sin, if that's how you want to look at it. God, Martin, you are a prude sometimes. I love you and you love me. But you still love Anita and are still married to her. So you are cheating on her, whether you like it or not. So what's so wrong with sharing yourself with Dawn as well?"

"Well, I don't think --- ---."

"Damn it, you oaf, you radiate more love than any man I've ever met and that girl needs some of that love. Can't you see that?"

I must admit I was totally out of my depth here. It appeared that Leanne wanted to share me with Dawn. I might be a prude but that just didn't seem right to me.

"Oh well, forget it!" said Leanne, "I suppose a leopard can't change his spots. Your trouble is you're too good a man. So let's get some life back into my friend here"

Leanne's wander into the land that I always considered fantasy had done a very good job of deflating the working parts she had intended to make use of. So she went back and started sucking me back to life. But I could tell she was annoyed with my attitude. As she started licking and sucking I attempted to placate her.

"Look, Leanne, I'm sure you would get jealous or something and it wouldn't be fair on you."

"That's what you honestly think?" she said.

"Yes, you might think it sounds alright but if it was to happen? I've lost one love; I don't want to lose another."

"Look, I'll put it a different way. You like our sex games, don't you?"

"You know I do!"

"Well, what are you going to do for fun when I can't do all this gymnastic stuff anymore because I'm too fat?"

"What the hell are you on about now? Why should you suddenly get faaaa? Oh Christ, you're not? Are you?

"Two months and counting. How are you going to handle being a father? You are happy, aren't you?"

"Of course I am. But I figured I was firing blanks. You know Anita and I tried for years. When we had the tests my count was very low."

"Well, I told you going to the gym was good for you. You aren't firing blanks anymore."

"Shit, this is brilliant. We'll have to convert one of the rooms into a nursery and -- --."

"There's plenty of time for all that. Now let's get back to Dawn.

"I still don't think its fair to you and besides she's twelve years younger than me. I'm almost old enough to be her father."

"The age thing is poppycock and I'll show what's fair, shall I?

With that Leanne jumped off the bed and walked out of the room. Bugger, had I really upset her? Was she going to leave me tied to this bed all night and sleep in her own room?"

A couple of minutes later the door opened and Leanne came in leading Dawn by the hand. She brought her over to the bed and Dawn was staring at me lying naked strapped to the bed.

Dawn was wearing a long nightgown and Leanne bent down and grabbed the hem of it and lifted it straight up over her head. Then the two naked women stood there side by side: Leanne, slim with her small but delightfully formed tits, and Dawn, a little heavier with those wonderful globes I'd admired when I first met her.

"Well, go on girl, he can't bite you, he's tied down. Show him what you can do" Leanne encouraged Dawn.

I didn't say a word. I had no intention of taking the blame if all this went "tits up". Dawn leaned over, kissed me on the lips and our tongues played patter-cake for a while, then she slowly moved down my body kissing as she went. As my pecker disappeared into Dawn's mouth, Leanne came over and tried to jam her tongue down my throat.

The rest of the night was a bit of a blur. I will forever remember the first time I saw those tits bouncing up and down as Dawn rode my cock; and her squeals when she cum have to be heard to be believed. To have two beautiful sexy women in bed with you is just about every man's dream. But I rapidly found out the downside is that it is about four times as tiring as having one.

After that first night Leanne, always the organiser, arranged a complicated rotation. It worked out that in every week; I had each of them alone for two nights and both of them for three nights. Dawn reduced her hours at Archers and started joining us at the gym. Her almost perfect body appeared to get even better.

Now I honestly found myself in a bit of a quandary. It had always been my philosophy that one man with one woman was the way things should be. I'd had enough of a problem understanding how I could fall in love with Leanne when I was still in love with Anita. But now I found I had fallen in love with Dawn as well. But whether I liked the idea or not I was in love with more than one woman. I was lucky neither tried to play off against the other. What would have happened if they were to fall-out was not something I wished to dwell on.

Leanne suddenly becoming pregnant had taken me by surprise but she informed me that when I told her how upset I'd been that Anita couldn't have children, Leanne had immediately come off of her birth control pills. She said she had been using them since she first discovered Doug was cheating on her years ago. She had been expecting the marriage to fail for years. My appearance on the scene was what she had been praying for.

In one of our quieter moments, Dawn told us that Kevin had gone over the top on the muscle building thing. He had started using steroids and other drugs that had changed his character. He had become very moody and distant from her, over the last year or so and the love she had felt for him had slowly ebbed away.

Graham caught her when she was feeling very low and depressed about it. She knew that all he wanted was sex. But she wanted someone to hold her and love her. It was a matter of any port in a storm.

Kevin had come across her and Graham by accident; they had picked the wrong pub that evening. Kevin had come into the other bar looking for the guy who supplied him with his illegal steroids and he had spotted them.


Well, I settled into this strange lifestyle quite easily. I'm not sure how many people knew exactly what was going on but I didn't really care. I had a great family that was soon going to get bigger.

It was about six or eight weeks after Leanne had told me she was with child. I'd been away on a business trip for a couple of days and as we sat down to dinner that evening I knew something was wrong. The girls had refused my offer to take them out for a meal and the pair of them were being very quiet.

"OK! You two." I said as I finished my desert. "What's going on?"

The two women looked at each other; I could see that they both wanted the other to speak. Then Dawn sighed and looked at me. I could see concern in her eyes.

"Please don't be angry with me? I didn't mean it to happen. It was a mistake!"

"I'm not angry. How can I be angry? I haven't got the faintest idea of what you're talking about. But I am likely to get out of my pram in a minute if neither of you tells me what's going on."

"I can get an abortion!"

The penny dropped; obviously Dawn had one up the chute as well.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you saying you're pregnant with someone else's child?

"No, it's your child." Dawn said with tears in her eyes.

"Then you get an abortion over my dead body".

"You don't mind then?"

"What the hell made you think I would mind that you are pregnant?"

"What will people think?"

"Who the hell cares what people think? We're a family here aren't we? Are either of you unhappy about it?

"No!" they both said in unison.

"You both know that Anita and I were looking forward to having lots of children. But that wasn't to be. Maybe that's why she -- --. Oh, you know, she wandered. I'm running a few years behind now. So both of you getting preggers is going to help me catch up a bit. I just hope that both of you are going to stay with me."

Both girls got up and came at me from either side. I think I got my answer.

Life went on; I must admit I got some strange looks at the local maternity department. And the registrar of births recognised me as well but besides referring to his records didn't actually say anything.

The local Rector, Rev. Allen was an old family friend. He had on occasions thrown a few poignant quotes from the Bible at me. But he was very good and didn't bat an eyelid when we asked him to christen both my daughters on the same day. He arranged a private christening so there wasn't very many of us in the church, just the Rector, the three of us and the eight god parents. Oh, and for some reason Father O'Brian was there. He was the local RC priest.

During the short service Rev. Allen kept on dropping in phrases in Latin. That confused me a little. In the COE we don't usually use Latin. But I assumed Rev. Allen was sneaking in some prayer for the parents living in sin. Every time he used one he would look at Father O'Brian apparently to make sure he had said it correctly.

Just as things came to a close, I heard one of the heavy church doors close. It made a hell of a bang in the quiet church but it appeared I was the only person who heard it.

It was to be some time before I discovered that my two daughters had an extra God parent each. I would never have thought that men of the cloth would be so devious. The Rector and Father O'Brian both take a close interest in the children nowadays but I think the pair of them have given up on me.

Well, my dreams of a football team had gone out of the window; I don't know though, girls play football nowadays.


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