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In the Darkness

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Weekend getaway holds adventure for hot couple.
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My husband and I always take a bit of time to ourselves to get out of town and go somewhere where no one knows us and we can cut loose and get out of our regular work and home personalities. In the past we've gone to such places as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas and even Reno, because of my husband's business traveling he always knows the best hotels to go have some fun and unwind.

This time we went back to Reno, though it wasn't exactly my favorite place because of its size it did seem to be a bit nicer because of some new hotels and additions and improvements to a few of the ones that were already there. This was to be a three-night stay and because of some business he had got done several weeks earlier most of our stay was to be "comped" by the "Peppermill". Our suite was perfect compared to the last time we stayed in Reno. The Peppermill is actually south of the main batch of hotels that are clumped together in the downtown area. Our room was on the north side of the hotel and when the curtains were open we could see through the floor-to-ceiling windows all the lights of the downtown area. It was a beautiful sight and the first night we were there we made wonderful love for at least a couple of hours in front of those windows with none of our room lights on. But, it was the second night that my husband really had something special in store for me.

After a day of skiing at Lake Tahoe and a beautifully romantic dinner at Adele's in Reno we went back to our hotel to sit at the bar and have some drinks. I was looking forward to hitting the roman tub in our room and soaking away the day of skiing. My husband said that he had something special planned for me that tonight and he hoped that our day of skiing and all the good "wining and dining" hadn't exhausted me too much? I must admit that I was pretty tired from all the fun, but there was a mischievous look in his eyes that told me with no uncertainty that I should take him up on his offer. I said yes and he told me that he was going to go up to our suite and get cleaned up. He asked to wait for thirty minutes before coming up to the room and he was very adamant that I knock five times slowly before entering. I was a bit put off by having to wait for half-a-frickin'-hour before going up, but he just grinned coyly and said, "I love you" as he turned and went up to the room.

Twenty minutes passed and I was sitting there at that bar with some fat, slob of a drunk oogling over me from across the bar. I was a bit surprised when I turned my head from looking at him and found myself face to face with a very attractive man who had sat down next to me. He asked if the drunk was bothering me and he told me that he could get rid of him if I'd like him to. I told him thank you and said that it was okay, I was only going to be there another five or ten minutes because my husband upstairs getting a surprise ready for me. He then had the bartender bring me another drink and we made small talk for the remainder of the time that I was at the bar. He was olive-complexioned with dark brown hair that was wavy and almost shoulder-length.

He wasn't what I would call suave and debonair but he was attractive in his business-casual suit and he gave off a pleasant "rough and tumble" vibe that was getting me more aroused than I had been already from trying to imagine what my husband was planning for me. Our small talk ended up going several minutes past my thirty-minute curfew and I almost had to tear myself from the now humidified leather barstool. It was hard to stop looking into his green eyes and I must admit that though I am a very happily married woman this very exotic man had me captivated for the fraction of time that we were at that bar. I did finally bid him "a due" and my mind was spinning from the drinks and thoughts of what my husband was up to and the eroticism of the man at the bar. Whatever exhaustion my body was experiencing from the day's activities were now gone and overwhelmed by adrenalin and an imagination gone wild.

Finally I got our suite and I almost forgot to knock as instructed. I did so and heard my husband's voice tell me to come in but to be careful. I entered to find the room completely dark. Even the downtown lights couldn't illuminate the room from the edges of the closed curtains. My husband then asked me to take three steps straight ahead and stand completely still. I was still in a pleasant euphoria and I think I giggled as I did what he said. I then felt him come up from behind me and press close to my body. I reached behind me to feel him and found that he was not only naked but also his penis was as hard as it could be and standing almost straight up from his toned body. He then asked if he could blindfold me just to insure that I would not see anything that he had worked so hard to plan and carry out. I accepted readily and felt myself growing more moist and anxious for whatever was to come next. That's when he gave me a set of rules that I had to abide by for the evening's festivities:

No giggling.

I wasn't allowed to say anything in a tone louder than a whisper and that was inclusive of moaning.

If at any time I wasn't comfortable with what he was doing I had permission to flatly say so and he would stop that activity.

Any requests that I had could only be said in the tone of a whisper and they would not necessarily be granted.

If at any time he wanted to change the rules or add to them it was his choice to do so and the rule or change had to abided by just as if he said at the beginning of the fun.

Lastly: if at any point I broke a rule ALL fun would stop, the lights would come on and nothing further would be done that evening. No matter how far the activities had gone!

Now I was soaking with anticipation as I enthusiastically agreed and almost fouled up right then and there as I nearly forgot to whisper. My light-headedness was now adding to my excitement and the mild euphoria I was experiencing on the way up to the room was growing slowly.

His hands reached around me and slowly began undoing the buttons on my blouse then he untucked its ends from my skirt. I could feel him drape it over one of his arms as he then undid my skirt and knelt behind me to lower it to my feet. He then asked me to take one step forward to step from my skirt. When I did so I heard him pick it up from the floor, shake it a bit then he left the room for a moment to put the clothing in the bedroom. I heard the closet door close then I heard him come back into the room. The coolness of the air on my skin had raised delicious goose bumps and every light touch made me tingle all over.

He was completely silent as he slowly touched me to make sure of where I was standing then he slowly removed my bra and panty's, again moving slowly and this time he lightly caressed my skin as he removed my final articles of cumbrance. It was obvious that he was making a purposeful effort to not let me feel his body, only his hands. When I humbly whispered a request to feel him again he denied me and said that I could touch him the next time I felt his body press to mine. This tease was incredible and the center of my pleasure spot was tingling and aching for attention by this point. I felt his fingertips gently scratch my goose pimpled skin and the edges of my breasts where they met my ribs.

Mild spasms and massive electric tingles shot through my body as he did this to me and I nearly exploded into an orgasm just standing there. His hands that massaged my breasts and their warmth was intoxicating me even further in the cool air of the room. No amount of alcohol ever made me feel this way and never before had any man ever made me feel this drunk from sensations. His hands then went flat and all I could feel were the soft palms of each of his hands very gently rubbing only the ends of my erect nipples. I was so on the verge of yelling for him to take me, but all I could think of was the last rule he gave me to abide by. I didn't want this to end.

His hands left my breasts then he took one of my hands in his own and asked me to carefully come with him. I could tell from the direction we went that we were headed for the bedroom and my mind began to imagine a relief from this intense torture of wonderful teasing. This was not yet to be the case. Since we had basically stayed the previous night out in the living room area of our suite I was not able to completely remember how the bedroom was arranged. My husband gently made sure that I did not stub a toe or trip over anything as he brought me to a particular spot, turned me around and had me sit down on the edge of what I discovered to be a metal folding chair. To say the least it was cold as hell on my ass and I nearly screamed when my skin touched it. I managed to keep my reaction to no more than a muted gasp and this was obviously ok with my husband. It was also obvious that he did that on purpose to test me. I heard him giggle a bit and I could imagine the smirk he gets on his face when he does something as a sort of sublime prank.

He then took my hands and brought them behind me. With my ass on the edge of the seat there was plenty of space for me to grasp the back edge of the seat, as he wanted me to. He then told me that under no circumstance could I remove my hands unless he told me to. This was another rule to be followed. I felt him carefully straddle me and place his still erect penis to my lips. He rubbed the head against my lips and was careful to take it away when my lips parted to receive him in my mouth. I wanted this so badly, but this was part of the tease and it was all his rules.

Though now it was obvious to me that there must've been a light of some sort in the room so he could see my lips part, I strained to catch a glimpse of any light at all but could not see any through my blindfold. He was now tracing the head of his erection all over my face and neck and then across my collarbone and down to my nipples that were still on fire from his touching me previously. My breathing this whole time was deep and at times when he touched me I caught myself holding my breath in anticipation of what I hoped he was about to do. But, each time he would pull away and change the pace of what was happening.

This was no different this time as he soon pulled away from me. His hands gently parted my knees, he spread them far apart which made my position on the chair a bit precarious. Still I was not about to complain as my body and mind were now writhing in a torturous but blissful pleasure. His hands kept my knees wide as all I could feel otherwise was his tongue diving deep into my soft and very wet folds. He plunged it deep into my opening then did a thorough exploration of all the folds, nooks and crannies before finding the niblet that was already on fire and causing much of my sweet discomfort.

His tongue flickered and teased, rubbed hard the caressed softly then at a speed I could only imagine a hummingbird's wings achieving he jutted over it softly and several times in just a few eternal moments he brought me to the edge of ecstasy only to pull me back without allowing me relief from my agony. I was now begging for relief in whispers that I'm sure bordered on being too loud. The frustration of his rules kept me at bay as I was now too far gone to want to chance him simply stopping the pleasure and torture of this night. I could hear him adjust his body position and he made it so that he crouched in a way that his knees were now keeping my legs spread and his hands were now free.

He continued to tease and pleasure my tiny pleasure spot with his tongue while one of his hands gently massaged my fleshy folds and he inserted a couple of fingers into me from the other hand. Instantly he was touching me inside like he had never touched me before. His motions weren't just random strokes in and out, but instead he was almost hunting for particular places inside of and each time he found one spot in particular he would gently work it, and me, into a fever like I've never experienced. Several times over I almost went over the edge and each time, as he had done previously, he stopped me completely crossing the line. I couldn't turn back and I couldn't say anything that would bring this to a sudden stop. I was at his mercy and he knew it.

Finally he stopped the teasing between my legs and I felt him pull away. He took my hands from their position behind me and had me stand up from the chair. I was exhausted and on fire with the sensations that he had inflicted on me. I couldn't imagine what he was up to next and I'm so happy about that.

I could soon feel the comforter on the bed brushing against my trembling legs. My husband turned me so that my back was to the bed and felt him maneuver to sit behind me on the bed. I heard him getting comfortable when he asked me to sit down on the bed and scoot up between his legs until I could lie against his chest and belly. I found this a bit puzzling, but since in the past it has always been a favorite activity of mine to lie against him and pleasure myself during those times when he is too tired to perform for me, I didn't question him and did as I was asked.

Sure enough, once I was comfortable against him I felt him begin tracing my favorite vibrating toy over my breasts. I relaxed and enjoyed the sensations for a bit until he asked me to take the toy and begin using it myself. I figured that finally, one way or another, I was going to get some relief. I took the toy and immediately plunged into my aching and dripping tunnel and began feverishly pleasuring myself. My breathing became very erratic once again as I was soon looking forward to an earth-shaking orgasm that I would not soon forget. Then he says to me, "Don't be shocked by what you're about to feel."

Before I could respond to what he just said I felt a soft palm over each of my nipples rubbing them as they had been when I originally came into the suite and was undressed. I inhaled loudly and found myself unknowing of how to react. My body was engulfed in the flames of the sensations that had been created within me. My head was suddenly spinning with passion and fear and confusion and as I felt one of the stranger's hands leave the breast that it was so softly caressing and gently trace downward I realized that this was the pair of hands that had been touching me earlier and not my husband's as I had assumed. Then the hand that left my breast found my dripping womanhood and as I felt a couple of fingers preparing to enter me I grabbed my blindfold and my husband quickly stopped me from removing it. "I love you, and you know that I won't let any harm come to you" he whispered softly in my ear, "just wait a bit longer and I'll take this off of you."

I was hesitant but now curiosity was added to my sexual frustration along with the reassurance that my husband will not allow anything bad to happen to me. I relaxed my grip on the blindfold and the stranger's fingers gently found their way inside me. They massaged me and soon found the spot that almost caused me to explode earlier. Again I realized that that was not my husband earlier that was down between my legs and this fact was further proven when I felt the stranger's face between my legs and suddenly creating sensations identical to those I felt before when I thought it was my husband's fingers, mouth and tongue bringing me such divine pleasures. I could feel the fires in my belly growing into an inferno and I knew that holding out in accordance with my husband's rules for much longer was not going to be possible. The skillful stranger then relaxed the efforts being made to keep me from going over the edge and this caused me to beg not only for relief but to see the person who my husband had put in his place to so thoroughly tear my senses to shreds with these excessive pleasures.

Finally he removed my blindfold and soon my eyes adjusted to the candle-lit room and between my legs lapping and tonguing my swollen folds was this beautiful woman whom I had never seen before. Her hair was dark and long and her skin was glowing like fire from all the candles in the room. She looked up at me and stopped her activity to quietly ask if I would like her to stop?

"God, no." was the only reply I could muster as my head fell back against my husband's chest. She then asked if I would mind if she enjoyed herself even more while she was pleasuring me? "Please do." Was as much as I could get out between breaths as all I wanted was for this to continue, I gave no real thought to what she actually meant.

From the bathroom stepped a man. This wasn't just any man; it was the gentleman that I met downstairs at the bar when I was waiting to come up to the room. He was naked and beautiful in the light of the candles. His green eyes were now ablaze and piercing in the warm light. He stared straight into my eyes as he stepped into full view. His body was as powerful and toned as I imagined it to be when I met him earlier. His erection was proud and powerful as he slowly positioned himself behind the woman who was again intensifying her efforts between my legs. Slowly he entered her and her moan reverberated across my now so sensitive flesh.

My body again covered in goose pimples and my husband was now massaging and kneading my breasts and my eyes were transfixed on this man who was now making love to me vicariously through this woman. Our stare never broke until finally my body could take no more and I crashed with complete abandon into the abyss of ecstasy. My body became like it was possessed as I shuttered then convulsed and thrashed with a series of explosions from within me that had never even dared to dream possible. The beautiful woman stayed pressed into my flesh as my own excitement along with the thrusts of this incredible man behind her sent her over the edge followed closely by a roar from her assailant as he let loose his own flood deep within her.

For a wonderful eternity contained within a few short minutes the three of us trembled and shook against eachother. I looked up at my husband who was the only one in the room who had not yet had his well-deserved reward. Sweetly he said "I love you" and I replied in kind adding a whispered "Thank you". The nameless couple stood and helped me up from the bed as gently as they could. They helped me to the roman tub that I had now completely forgotten about and helped me step into the hot and soothing water. Each of them sponged my body softly and the beautiful woman gave me the softest and most passionate kiss that I had ever had.

I felt myself slipping from consciousness and I looked to find my husband at the end of the tub just staring at me with a grin of complete contentment. The nameless couple then arose from pampering me and quietly left my side. Shortly after I heard the door to the suite close and I knew they were gone.

"What about yours?" I asked my man tenderly.

"Tomorrow." He said softly.

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Lars420Lars420over 1 year ago

Great story ! Hopefull to hear about " tomorrow " .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Well Done

Very well done story and hot as hell.

ImageImageover 19 years ago
Thank you for the link

I do appreciate a well defined and descriptive story. Imagery is everything and your words at the time of everyone's orgasm were quite lovely without the usual and tedious "Ooh baby oohs"

Nice... I may be sending you some of fantasies afterall. And some border on extreme and bizarre


Bandit1Bandit1over 19 years ago
Not bad at all

A very nice story with a smoothly flowing plotline.

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